訳注: この文書はSuperseded Recommendationとして廃止された仕様です。この日本語訳は歴史的な意味しか持ちません。WHATWGによる最新のHTML仕様を参照ください。

WHATWG HTML日本語訳も参照することができます。

4.2 文書メタデータ

4.2.1 head要素

文書がiframe srcdoc文書であるか、タイトル情報がより上位プロトコルから利用可能な場合、1つより多くないtitle要素および1つより多くないbase要素である、0個以上のメタデータコンテンツ
グローバルaria-* 属性
interface HTMLHeadElement : HTMLElement {};



<!doctype html>
  <title>A document with a short head</title>


  <BASE HREF="http://www.example.com/">
  <TITLE>An application with a long head</TITLE>
  <LINK REL="STYLESHEET" HREF="default.css">
  <SCRIPT SRC="support.js"></SCRIPT>
  <META NAME="APPLICATION-NAME" CONTENT="Long headed application">


4.2.2 title要素

グローバルaria-* 属性
interface HTMLTitleElement : HTMLElement {
           attribute DOMString text;




title . text [ = value ]



The IDL attribute text must return a concatenation of the contents of all the Text nodes that are children of the title element (ignoring any other nodes such as comments or elements), in tree order. On setting, it must act the same way as the textContent IDL attribute.


  <title>Introduction to The Mating Rituals of Bees</title>
  <p>This companion guide to the highly successful
  <cite>Introduction to Medieval Bee-Keeping</cite> book is...


  <title>Dances used during bee mating rituals</title>
  <h1>The Dances</h1>


User agents should use the document's title when referring to the document in their user interface. When the contents of a title element are used in this way, the directionality of that title element should be used to set the directionality of the document's title in the user interface.

4.2.3 base要素

グローバルaria-* 属性
interface HTMLBaseElement : HTMLElement {
           attribute DOMString href;
           attribute DOMString target;






If there are multiple base elements with href attributes, all but the first are ignored.



If there are multiple base elements with target attributes, all but the first are ignored.

A base element that is the first base element with an href content attribute in a particular Document has a frozen base URL. The frozen base URL must be set, synchronously, whenever any of the following situations occur:

To set the frozen base URL, resolve the value of the element's href content attribute relative to the Document's fallback base URL; if this is successful, set the frozen base URL to the resulting absolute URL, otherwise, set the frozen base URL to the fallback base URL.

The href IDL attribute, on getting, must return the result of running the following algorithm:

  1. If the base element has no href content attribute, then return the document base URL and abort these steps.

  2. fallback base urlDocumentフォールバック基底URLにする。

  3. Let url be the value of the href attribute of the base element.

  4. Resolve url relative to fallback base url (thus, the base href attribute isn't affected by xml:base attributes or base elements).

  5. If the previous step was successful, return the resulting absolute URL and abort these steps.

  6. Otherwise, return the empty string.

The href IDL attribute, on setting, must set the href content attribute to the given new value.

The target IDL attribute must reflect the content attribute of the same name.


<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>This is an example for the &lt;base&gt; element</title>
        <base href="http://www.example.com/news/index.html">
        <p>Visit the <a href="archives.html">archives</a>.</p>


crossorigin — 要素がcrossorigin要求を処理する方法
rel — ハイパーリンクと宛先のリソースを含む文書の関係
media — 受け入れ可能なメディア
hreflang — リンクされたリソースの言語
type — 参照されるリソースタイプのヒント
sizes — アイコンのサイズ(rel="icon"に対する)
link (デフォルト - 設定しない)。
グローバルaria-* 属性
interface HTMLLinkElement : HTMLElement {
           attribute boolean disabled;
           attribute DOMString href;
           attribute DOMString crossOrigin;
           attribute DOMString rel;
           attribute DOMString rev;
  readonly attribute DOMTokenList relList;
           attribute DOMString media;
           attribute DOMString hreflang;
           attribute DOMString type;
  [PutForwards=value] readonly attribute DOMSettableTokenList sizes;
HTMLLinkElement implements LinkStyle;


リンクの宛先はhref属性によって与えられ、これは存在しなければならず、潜在的にスペースで囲まれた妥当な空でないURLを含まなければならない。If the href attribute is absent, then the element does not define a link.



(関係を)示されるリンクの種類はrel属性値によって与えられ、存在する場合、スペースで区切られたトークンの集合である値を持たなければならない。許可されたキーワードとその意味は、後の節で定義される。If the rel attribute is absent, has no keywords, or if none of the keywords used are allowed according to the definitions in this specification, then the element does not create any links.


link要素に対して作成された各リンクは別々に処理される。たとえば、rel="stylesheet"をもつ2つのlink要素が存在する場合、これらは個別の外部リソースとして数え、およびそれぞれが独立に独自の属性によって影響される。同様に、単一のlink要素が値next stylesheetを伴うrel属性を持つ場合、それはハイパーリンクnextキーワードへの)および外部リソースリンクstylesheetキーワードへの)の両方を作成し、それらはそれぞれに(mediaまたはtitleのような)他の属性の影響を受ける。


<link rel="author license" href="/about">




For external resources that are represented in the DOM (for example, style sheets), the DOM representation must be made available (modulo cross-origin restrictions) even if the resource is not applied. To obtain the resource, the user agent must run the following steps:

  1. If the href attribute's value is the empty string, then abort these steps.

  2. Resolve the URL given by the href attribute, relative to the element.

  3. If the previous step fails, then abort these steps.

  4. Do a potentially CORS-enabled fetch of the resulting absolute URL, with the mode being the current state of the element's crossorigin content attribute, the origin being the origin of the link element's Document, and the default origin behaviour set to taint.

    The resource obtained in this fashion can be either CORS-same-origin or CORS-cross-origin.

User agents may opt to only try to obtain such resources when they are needed, instead of pro-actively fetching all the external resources that are not applied.

The semantics of the protocol used (e.g. HTTP) must be followed when fetching external resources. (For example, redirects will be followed and 404 responses will cause the external resource to not be applied.)

Once the attempts to obtain the resource and its critical subresources are complete, the user agent must, if the loads were successful, queue a task to fire a simple event named load at the link element, or, if the resource or one of its critical subresources failed to completely load for any reason (e.g. DNS error, HTTP 404 response, a connection being prematurely closed, unsupported Content-Type), queue a task to fire a simple event named error at the link element. Non-network errors in processing the resource or its subresources (e.g. CSS parse errors, PNG decoding errors) are not failures for the purposes of this paragraph.

The task source for these tasks is the DOM manipulation task source.

The element must delay the load event of the element's document until all the attempts to obtain the resource and its critical subresources are complete. (Resources that the user agent has not yet attempted to obtain, e.g. because it is waiting for the resource to be needed, do not delay the load event.)

Interactive user agents may provide users with a means to follow the hyperlinks created using the link element, somewhere within their user interface. The exact interface is not defined by this specification, but it could include the following information (obtained from the element's attributes, again as defined below), in some form or another (possibly simplified), for each hyperlink created with each link element in the document:

User agents could also include other information, such as the type of the resource (as given by the type attribute).



If the link is a hyperlink then the media attribute is purely advisory, and describes for which media the document in question was designed.

However, if the link is an external resource link, then the media attribute is prescriptive. The user agent must apply the external resource when the media attribute's value matches the environment and the other relevant conditions apply, and must not apply it otherwise.

The external resource might have further restrictions defined within that limit its applicability. For example, a CSS style sheet might have some @media blocks. This specification does not override such further restrictions or requirements.




外部リソースへのリンクについて、それらがサポートしないリソースの再取得を回避できるように、type属性はユーザーエージェントへのヒントとして使用される。If the attribute is present, then the user agent must assume that the resource is of the given type (even if that is not a valid MIME type, e.g. the empty string). If the attribute is omitted, but the external resource link type has a default type defined, then the user agent must assume that the resource is of that type. If the UA does not support the given MIME type for the given link relationship, then the UA should not obtain the resource; if the UA does support the given MIME type for the given link relationship, then the UA should obtain the resource at the appropriate time as specified for the external resource link's particular type. If the attribute is omitted, and the external resource link type does not have a default type defined, but the user agent would obtain the resource if the type was known and supported, then the user agent should obtain the resource under the assumption that it will be supported.

User agents must not consider the type attribute authoritative — upon fetching the resource, user agents must not use the type attribute to determine its actual type. Only the actual type (as defined in the next paragraph) is used to determine whether to apply the resource, not the aforementioned assumed type.

The stylesheet link type defines rules for processing the resource's Content-Type metadata.

Once the user agent has established the type of the resource, the user agent must apply the resource if it is of a supported type and the other relevant conditions apply, and must ignore the resource otherwise.

If a document contains style sheet links labeled as follows:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="A" type="text/plain">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="B" type="text/css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="C">

...then a compliant UA that supported only CSS style sheets would fetch the B and C files, and skip the A file (since text/plain is not the MIME type for CSS style sheets).

For files B and C, it would then check the actual types returned by the server. For those that are sent as text/css, it would apply the styles, but for those labeled as text/plain, or any other type, it would not.

If one of the two files was returned without a Content-Type metadata, or with a syntactically incorrect type like Content-Type: "null", then the default type for stylesheet links would kick in. Since that default type is text/css, the style sheet would nonetheless be applied.




The activation behavior of link elements that create hyperlinks is to run the following steps:

  1. If the link element's Document is not fully active, then abort these steps.

  2. Follow the hyperlink created by the link element.

HTTP Link: headers, if supported, must be assumed to come before any links in the document, in the order that they were given in the HTTP message. These headers are to be processed according to the rules given in the relevant specifications. [HTTP] [WEBLINK]

Registration of relation types in HTTP Link: headers is distinct from HTML link types, and thus their semantics can be different from same-named HTML types.

The IDL attributes href, rel, rev, media, hreflang, type, and sizes each must reflect the respective content attributes of the same name.

The crossOrigin IDL attribute must reflect the crossorigin content attribute, limited to only known values.

The IDL attribute relList must reflect the rel content attribute.




<!-- a persistent style sheet -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="default.css">

<!-- the preferred alternate style sheet -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="green.css" title="Green styles">

<!-- some alternate style sheets -->
<link rel="alternate stylesheet" href="contrast.css" title="High contrast">
<link rel="alternate stylesheet" href="big.css" title="Big fonts">
<link rel="alternate stylesheet" href="wide.css" title="Wide screen">


<link rel=alternate href="/en/html" hreflang=en type=text/html title="English HTML">
<link rel=alternate href="/fr/html" hreflang=fr type=text/html title="French HTML">
<link rel=alternate href="/en/html/print" hreflang=en type=text/html media=print title="English HTML (for printing)">
<link rel=alternate href="/fr/html/print" hreflang=fr type=text/html media=print title="French HTML (for printing)">
<link rel=alternate href="/en/pdf" hreflang=en type=application/pdf title="English PDF">
<link rel=alternate href="/fr/pdf" hreflang=fr type=application/pdf title="French PDF">

4.2.5 meta要素

name — メタデータ名
http-equiv — プラグマディレクティブ
content — 要素の値
グローバルaria-* 属性
interface HTMLMetaElement : HTMLElement {
           attribute DOMString name;
           attribute DOMString httpEquiv;
           attribute DOMString content;










The name and content IDL attributes must reflect the respective content attributes of the same name. The IDL attribute httpEquiv must reflect the content attribute http-equiv. 標準メタデータ名


Names are case-insensitive, and must be compared in an ASCII case-insensitive manner.




User agents may use the application name in UI in preference to the page's title, since the title might include status messages and the like relevant to the status of the page at a particular moment in time instead of just being the name of the application.

To find the application name to use given an ordered list of languages (e.g. British English, American English, and English), user agents must run the following steps:

  1. Let languages be the list of languages.

  2. Let default language be the language of the Document's root element, if any, and if that language is not unknown.

  3. If there is a default language, and if it is not the same language as any of the languages is languages, append it to languages.

  4. Let winning language be the first language in languages for which there is a meta element in the Document that has its name attribute set to the value application-name and whose language is the language in question.

    If none of the languages have such a meta element, then abort these steps; there's no given application name.

  5. Return the value of the content attribute of the first meta element in the Document in tree order that has its name attribute set to the value application-name and whose language is winning language.








<meta name=generator content="Frontweaver 8.2">



  <title>Typefaces on UK motorways</title>
  <meta name="keywords" content="british,type face,font,fonts,highway,highways">


To obtain the list of keywords that the author has specified as applicable to the page, the user agent must run the following steps:

  1. Let keywords be an empty list.

  2. For each meta element with a name attribute and a content attribute and whose name attribute's value is keywords, run the following substeps:

    1. Split the value of the element's content attribute on commas.

    2. Add the resulting tokens, if any, to keywords.

  3. Remove any duplicates from keywords.

  4. Return keywords. This is the list of keywords that the author has specified as applicable to the page.

User agents should not use this information when there is insufficient confidence in the reliability of the value.

For instance, it would be reasonable for a content management system to use the keyword information of pages within the system to populate the index of a site-specific search engine, but a large-scale content aggregator that used this information would likely find that certain users would try to game its ranking mechanism through the use of inappropriate keywords. 他のメタデータ名

メタデータ名の定義済みセットに対する拡張は、WHATWG Wiki MetaExtensions pageに登録されているかもしれない。[WHATWGWIKI]

型の追加は、いつでもWHATWG Wiki MetaExtensions pageを編集することで誰もが自由にできる。これらの新しい名前は、次の情報を指定しなければならない:









広いレビューを受けており、欠陥が発見されたメタデータ名。既存のページはこのメタデータ名を使用しているが、新しいページでは避けるべきである。"brief description"(簡単な説明)と"specification"(仕様書)のエントリは、どちらかといえば著者が代わりに使用すべきものの詳細を提供するだろう。





Conformance checkers may use the information given on the WHATWG Wiki MetaExtensions page to establish if a value is allowed or not: values defined in this specification or marked as "proposed" or "ratified" must be accepted, whereas values marked as "discontinued" or not listed in either this specification or on the aforementioned page must be reported as invalid. Conformance checkers may cache this information (e.g. for performance reasons or to avoid the use of unreliable network connectivity).

When an author uses a new metadata name not defined by either this specification or the Wiki page, conformance checkers should offer to add the value to the Wiki, with the details described above, with the "proposed" status.

値がURLのようなメタデータ名は、提案または受け入れてはならない。リンクは、meta要素ではなく、link要素を用いて表現されなければならない。 プラグマディレクティブ


http-equiv属性は、列挙属性である。以下の表は、この属性に対して定義されたキーワードを列挙する。キーワードとともにその行の最初のセルに与えられた状態は、これらキーワードが対応する状態を与える。Some of the keywords are non-conforming, as noted in the last column.

状態 キーワード
Content Language content-language Non-conforming
エンコーディング宣言 content-type
デフォルトスタイル default-style
リフレッシュ refresh
Cookie setter set-cookie Non-conforming

When a meta element is inserted into the document, if its http-equiv attribute is present and represents one of the above states, then the user agent must run the algorithm appropriate for that state, as described in the following list:

Content language state (http-equiv="content-language")

This feature is non-conforming. Authors are encouraged to use the lang attribute instead.

This pragma sets the pragma-set default language. Until such a pragma is successfully processed, there is no pragma-set default language.

  1. If the meta element has no content attribute, then abort these steps.

  2. If the element's content attribute contains a "," (U+002C) character then abort these steps.

  3. Let input be the value of the element's content attribute.

  4. Let position point at the first character of input.

  5. Skip whitespace.

  6. Collect a sequence of characters that are not space characters

  7. Let candidate be the string that resulted from the previous step.

  8. If candidate is the empty string, abort these steps.

  9. Set the pragma-set default language to candidate.

This pragma is almost, but not quite, entirely unlike the HTTP Content-Language header of the same name. [HTTP]


エンコーディング宣言状態は、charset属性の設定の単なる代替形式である。これは文字エンコーディング宣言である。This state's user agent requirements are all handled by the parsing section of the specification.







  1. If the meta element has no content attribute, or if that attribute's value is the empty string, then abort these steps.

  2. Set the preferred style sheet set to the value of the element's content attribute. [CSSOM]



  1. If another meta element with an http-equiv attribute in the Refresh state has already been successfully processed (i.e. when it was inserted the user agent processed it and reached the last step of this list of steps), then abort these steps.

  2. If the meta element has no content attribute, or if that attribute's value is the empty string, then abort these steps.

  3. Let input be the value of the element's content attribute.

  4. Let position point at the first character of input.

  5. Skip whitespace.

  6. Collect a sequence of characters that are ASCII digits, and parse the resulting string using the rules for parsing non-negative integers. If the sequence of characters collected is the empty string, then no number will have been parsed; abort these steps. Otherwise, let time be the parsed number.

  7. Collect a sequence of characters that are ASCII digits and "." (U+002E) characters. Ignore any collected characters.

  8. Skip whitespace.

  9. Let url be the address of the current page.

  10. If the character in input pointed to by position is a ";" (U+003B) character or a "," (U+002C) character, then advance position to the next character. Otherwise, jump to the last step.

  11. Skip whitespace.

  12. If the character in input pointed to by position is a "U" (U+0055) character or a U+0075 LATIN SMALL LETTER U character (u), then advance position to the next character. Otherwise, jump to the last step.

  13. If the character in input pointed to by position is a "R" (U+0052) character or a U+0072 LATIN SMALL LETTER R character (r), then advance position to the next character. Otherwise, jump to the last step.

  14. If the character in input pointed to by position is s "L" (U+004C) character or a U+006C LATIN SMALL LETTER L character (l), then advance position to the next character. Otherwise, jump to the last step.

  15. Skip whitespace.

  16. If the character in input pointed to by position is a "=" (U+003D), then advance position to the next character. Otherwise, jump to the last step.

  17. Skip whitespace.

  18. If the character in input pointed to by position is either a "'" (U+0027) character or """ (U+0022) character, then let quote be that character, and advance position to the next character. Otherwise, let quote be the empty string.

  19. Let url be equal to the substring of input from the character at position to the end of the string.

  20. If quote is not the empty string, and there is a character in url equal to quote, then truncate url at that character, so that it and all subsequent characters are removed.

  21. Strip any trailing space characters from the end of url.

  22. Strip any "tab" (U+0009), "LF" (U+000A), and "CR" (U+000D) characters from url.

  23. Resolve the url value to an absolute URL, relative to the meta element. If this fails, abort these steps.

  24. Perform one or more of the following steps:

    In addition, the user agent may, as with anything, inform the user of any and all aspects of its operation, including the state of any timers, the destinations of any timed redirects, and so forth.




<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="300">


<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="20; URL=page4.html">
Cookie setter (http-equiv="set-cookie")

This pragma sets an HTTP cookie. [COOKIES]

It is non-conforming. Real HTTP headers should be used instead.

  1. If the meta element has no content attribute, or if that attribute's value is the empty string, then abort these steps.

  2. Obtain the storage mutex.

  3. Act as if receiving a set-cookie-string for the document's address via a "non-HTTP" API, consisting of the value of the element's content attribute encoded as UTF-8. [COOKIES] [RFC3629]

一度に文書で特定の状態をもつ複数のmeta要素が存在してはならない。 他のプラグマディレクティブ

プラグマディレクティブの定義済みセットに対する拡張は、WHATWG Wiki PragmaExtensions pageに登録されているかもしれない。[WHATWGWIKI]

そのような拡張は、Permanent Message Header Field Registryに登録されたHTTPヘッダーと同一の名前を使用しなければならず、HTTPヘッダーに対して説明されるものと同様に振る舞わなければならない。[IANAPERMHEADERS]


上記の条件を満たすプラグマディレクティブの追加は、いつでもWHATWG Wiki PragmaExtensions pageを編集することで誰もが自由にできる。そのような登録は以下の情報を指定しなければならない:






Conformance checkers must use the information given on the WHATWG Wiki PragmaExtensions page to establish if a value is allowed or not: values defined in this specification or listed on the aforementioned page must be accepted, whereas values not listed in either this specification or on the aforementioned page must be rejected as invalid. Conformance checkers may cache this information (e.g. for performance reasons or to avoid the use of unreliable network connectivity). 文書の文字エンコーディングを指定する




HTML文書がBOMで開始せず、かつそのエンコーディングContent-Typeメタデータによって明示的に与えられず、かつ文書がiframe srcdoc文書でない場合、使用される文字エンコーディングはASCII互換文字エンコーディングでなければならず、エンコーディングはcharset属性をもつmeta要素またはエンコーディング宣言状態http-equiv属性をもつmeta要素を用いて指定されなければならない。


文書がiframe srcdoc文書である場合、文書は文字エンコーディング宣言を持ってはならない。(この場合、文書の一部はiframeを含んでいるので、ソースはすでにデコードされている。)



Authoring tools should default to using UTF-8 for newly-created documents. [RFC3629]

0x20から0x7Eまでの範囲で一連のバイトがU+0020からU+007Eまでの範囲の文字を比較する以外の文字にデコードできるエンコーディングは、潜在的なセキュリティー脆弱性を表す。エンコーディングをサポートしない(またはエンコーディングを宣言するために使用されるラベルをサポートしない、または他のユーザーエージェントのようにラベル付けされないコンテンツのエンコーディングを宣言する同じメカニズムを使用しない)ユーザーエージェントは、結局はHTMLタグおよびJavaScriptとして技術的に温和なプレーンテキストの文脈で解釈することになるかもしれない。したがって、著者はこれらのエンコーディングを使用すべきではない。たとえば、ASCIIで"<script>"に対応するバイトのエンコーディングに適用すると、異なる文字列をデコードする可能性がある。Authors should not use such encodings, which are known to include JIS_C6226-1983, JIS_X0212-1990, HZ-GB-2312, JOHAB (Windows code page 1361), encodings based on ISO-2022, and encodings based on EBCDIC. さらに、著者は、CESU-8、UTF-7、BOCU-1およびSCSUエンコーディングを使用してはならない。これらのエンコーディングはウェブコンテンツへの使用に対して全く意図されていないため、このカテゴリに分類される。[RFC1345] [RFC1842] [RFC1468] [RFC2237] [RFC1554] [CP50220] [RFC1922] [RFC1557] [CESU8] [UTF7] [BOCU1] [SCSU]





<meta charset="utf-8">


4.2.6 style要素

media — 受け入れ可能なメディア
type — 埋め込みリソースタイプ
グローバルaria-* 属性
interface HTMLStyleElement : HTMLElement {
           attribute boolean disabled;
           attribute DOMString media;
           attribute DOMString type;
HTMLStyleElement implements LinkStyle;



When examining types to determine if they support the language, user agents must not ignore unknown MIME parameters — types with unknown parameters must be assumed to be unsupported. The charset parameter must be treated as an unknown parameter for the purpose of comparing MIME types here.

media属性は、スタイルが適用されるメディアを言う。値は妥当なメディアクエリでなければならない。The user agent must apply the styles when the media attribute's value matches the environment and the other relevant conditions apply, and must not apply them otherwise.

The styles might be further limited in scope, e.g. in CSS with the use of @media blocks. This specification does not override such further restrictions or requirements.





style         = no-c-start *( c-start no-c-end c-end no-c-start )
no-c-start    = < any string that doesn't contain a substring that matches c-start >
c-start       = "<!--"
no-c-end      = < any string that doesn't contain a substring that matches c-end >
c-end         = "-->"

All descendant elements must be processed, according to their semantics, before the style element itself is evaluated. For styling languages that consist of pure text (as opposed to XML), user agents must evaluate style elements by passing the concatenation of the contents of all the Text nodes that are children of the style element (not any other nodes such as comments or elements), in tree order, to the style system. For XML-based styling languages, user agents must pass all the child nodes of the style element to the style system.

All URLs found by the styling language's processor must be resolved, relative to the element (or as defined by the styling language), when the processor is invoked.

Once the attempts to obtain the style sheet's critical subresources, if any, are complete, or, if the style sheet has no critical subresources, once the style sheet has been parsed and processed, the user agent must, if the loads were successful or there were none, queue a task to fire a simple event named load at the style element, or, if one of the style sheet's critical subresources failed to completely load for any reason (e.g. DNS error, HTTP 404 response, a connection being prematurely closed, unsupported Content-Type), queue a task to fire a simple event named error at the style element. Non-network errors in processing the style sheet or its subresources (e.g. CSS parse errors, PNG decoding errors) are not failures for the purposes of this paragraph.

The task source for these tasks is the DOM manipulation task source.

The element must delay the load event of the element's document until all the attempts to obtain the style sheet's critical subresources, if any, are complete.


The media and type IDL attributes must reflect the respective content attributes of the same name.




<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en-US">
  <title>My favorite book</title>
   body { color: black; background: white; }
   em { font-style: normal; color: red; }
  <p>My <em>favorite</em> book of all time has <em>got</em> to be
  <cite>A Cat's Life</cite>. It is a book by P. Rahmel that talks
  about the <i lang="la">Felis Catus</i> in modern human society.</p>

4.2.7 スタイリング

linkおよびstyle要素は、文書をレンダリングする際に使用するユーザーエージェントに対してスタイル情報を供給できる。CSSおよびCSSOM仕様は、スタイル情報がユーザーエージェントによってどのように使用されるかおよびどの方法で使用されるかを指定する。[CSS] [CSSOM]


For style elements, if the user agent does not support the specified styling language, then the sheet attribute of the element's LinkStyle interface must return null. Similarly, link elements that do not represent external resource links that contribute to the styling processing model (i.e. that do not have a stylesheet keyword in their rel attribute), for which the link is an alternative stylesheet but whose title content attribute is absent or empty, or whose resource is CORS-cross-origin, must have their LinkStyle interface's sheet attribute return null.

Otherwise, the LinkStyle interface's sheet attribute must return null if the corresponding element is not in a Document, and otherwise must return a StyleSheet object with the following properties: [CSSOM]

The style sheet type

The style sheet type must be the same as the style's specified type. For style elements, this is the same as the type content attribute's value, or text/css if that is omitted. For link elements, this is the Content-Type metadata of the specified resource.

The style sheet location

For link elements, the location must be the result of resolving the URL given by the element's href content attribute, relative to the element, or the empty string if that fails. For style elements, there is no location.

The style sheet media

The media must be the same as the value of the element's media content attribute, or the empty string, if the attribute is omitted.

The style sheet title

The title must be the same as the value of the element's title content attribute, if the attribute is present and has a non-empty value. If the attribute is absent or its value is the empty string, then the style sheet does not have a title (it is the empty string). The title is used for defining alternative style sheet sets.

The style sheet alternate flag

For link elements, true if the link is an alternative stylesheet. In all other cases, false.

The same object must be returned each time.

The disabled IDL attribute on link and style elements must return false and do nothing on setting, if the sheet attribute of their LinkStyle interface is null. Otherwise, it must return the value of the StyleSheet interface's disabled attribute on getting, and forward the new value to that same attribute on setting.

The rules for handling alternative style sheets are defined in the CSS object model specification. [CSSOM]

Style sheets, whether added by a link element, a style element, an PI, an HTTP Link: header, or some other mechanism, have a style sheet ready flag, which is initially unset.

When a style sheet is ready to be applied, its style sheet ready flag must be set. If the style sheet referenced no other resources (e.g. it was an internal style sheet given by a style element with no @import rules), then the style rules must be synchronously made available to script; otherwise, the style rules must only be made available to script once the event loop reaches its "update the rendering" step.

A style sheet in the context of the Document of an HTML parser or XML parser is said to be a style sheet that is blocking scripts if the element was created by that Document's parser, and the element is either a style element or a link element that was an external resource link that contributes to the styling processing model when the element was created by the parser, and the element's style sheet was enabled when the element was created by the parser, and the element's style sheet ready flag is not yet set, and, the last time the event loop reached step 1, the element was in that Document, and the user agent hasn't given up on that particular style sheet yet. A user agent may give up on a style sheet at any time.

Giving up on a style sheet before the style sheet loads, if the style sheet eventually does still load, means that the script might end up operating with incorrect information. For example, if a style sheet sets the color of an element to green, but a script that inspects the resulting style is executed before the sheet is loaded, the script will find that the element is black (or whatever the default color is), and might thus make poor choices (e.g. deciding to use black as the color elsewhere on the page, instead of green). Implementors have to balance the likelihood of a script using incorrect information with the performance impact of doing nothing while waiting for a slow network request to finish.

A Document has a style sheet that is blocking scripts if there is either a style sheet that is blocking scripts in the context of that Document, or if that Document is in a browsing context that has a parent browsing context, and the active document of that parent browsing context itself has a style sheet that is blocking scripts.

A Document has no style sheet that is blocking scripts if it does not have a style sheet that is blocking scripts as defined in the previous paragraph.