訳注: この文書はHTML 5.1 Recommendationの日本語訳ではありません。代わりに最新のW3C HTML仕様を参照ください。

この日本語訳はメンテナンスされていません。この翻訳文書の代わりにWHATWG HTML日本語訳を参照することができます。







href属性とrel属性を同時に持つa要素、area要素に対しても同様に、リンクタイプの節における定義に従って、rel属性のキーワードが示す関係に見合ったリンクが作られなければならない。ただし、link要素と異なり、 rel属性を持たず、rel属性がハイパーリンクを生成すると定義される値も持たない、href属性を持つa要素やarea要素もまた、ハイパーリンクを作成しなければならない。このように暗黙の内に生成されるハイパーリンクは、リンク元の文書をhref属性によって示されるリソースと結びつけること以上の意味を持たない(リンクタイプを持たない)。




target属性が存在する場合、その値は妥当なブラウジングコンテキスト名かキーワードでなければならない。これは、使用されるブラウジングコンテキストの名前を表す。User agents use this name when following hyperlinks.







ハイパーリンクを作成するa要素、area要素に、hreflang属性が指定されている場合、この属性はリンク先リソースの言語を表す。これは単なる助言である。値は、妥当なBCP 47言語タグでなければならない。[BCP47] User agents must not consider this attribute authoritative — upon fetching the resource, user agents must use only language information associated with the resource to determine its language, not metadata included in the link to the resource.

type属性が存在する場合、この属性はリンク先のリソースのMIMEタイプを表す。これは単なる助言である。値は妥当なMIMEタイプでなければならない。User agents must not consider the type attribute authoritative — upon fetching the resource, user agents must not use metadata included in the link to the resource to determine its type.

When a user follows a hyperlink created by an element subject, the user agent must run the following steps:

  1. Let replace be false.

  2. Let source be the browsing context that contains the Document object with which subject in question is associated.

  3. If the user indicated a specific browsing context when following the hyperlink, or if the user agent is configured to follow hyperlinks by navigating a particular browsing context, then let target be that browsing context.

    Otherwise, if subject is an a or area element that has a target attribute, then let target be the browsing context that is chosen by applying the rules for choosing a browsing context given a browsing context name, using the value of the target attribute as the browsing context name. If these rules result in the creation of a new browsing context, set replace to true.

    Otherwise, if target is an a or area element with no target attribute, but the Document contains a base element with a target attribute, then let target be the browsing context that is chosen by applying the rules for choosing a browsing context given a browsing context name, using the value of the target attribute of the first such base element as the browsing context name. If these rules result in the creation of a new browsing context, set replace to true.

    Otherwise, let target be the browsing context that subject itself is in.

  4. Resolve the URL given by the href attribute of that element, relative to that element.

  5. If that is successful, let URL be the resulting absolute URL.

    Otherwise, if resolving the URL failed, the user agent may report the error to the user in a user-agent-specific manner, may queue a task to navigate the target browsing context to an error page to report the error, or may ignore the error and do nothing. In any case, the user agent must then abort these steps.

  6. In the case of server-side image maps, append the hyperlink suffix to URL.

  7. Queue a task to navigate the target browsing context to URL. If replace is true, the navigation must be performed with replacement enabled. The source browsing context must be source.

The task source for the tasks mentioned above is the DOM manipulation task source.

4.8.3 リソースのダウンロード


また、この属性は、ユーザーエージェントがファイルシステムにリソースを保存する際に用いるファイル名を値として持つことができる。この値はContent-Disposition HTTPヘッダーのfilenameパラメーターによって上書きされることがある。[RFC6266]

クロスオリジンの場合、ユーザーに悪意があるだろう挙動の警告を回避するために、download属性はContent-Disposition HTTPヘッダー(具体的にはattachmentディスポジションタイプ)と組み合わせる必要がある。(これは、重要な個人情報や機密情報の意図しないダウンロードからユーザーを保護するものである。)

When a user downloads a hyperlink created by an element, the user agent must run the following steps:

  1. Resolve the URL given by the href attribute of that element, relative to that element.

  2. If resolving the URL fails, the user agent may report the error to the user in a user-agent-specific manner, may navigate to an error page to report the error, or may ignore the error and do nothing. In either case, the user agent must abort these steps.

  3. Otherwise, let URL be the resulting absolute URL.

  4. In the case of server-side image maps, append the hyperlink suffix to URL.

  5. Return to whatever algorithm invoked these steps and continue these steps asynchronously.

  6. Fetch URL and handle the resulting resource as a download.

When a user agent is to handle a resource obtained from a fetch algorithm as a download, it should provide the user with a way to save the resource for later use, if a resource is successfully obtained; or otherwise should report any problems downloading the file to the user.

If the user agent needs a file name for a resource being handled as a download, it should select one using the following algorithm.

This algorithm is intended to mitigate security dangers involved in downloading files from untrusted sites, and user agents are strongly urged to follow it.

  1. Let filename be the void value.

  2. If the resource has a Content-Disposition header, that header specifies the attachment disposition type, and the header includes file name information, then let filename have the value specified by the header, and jump to the step labeled sanitize below. [RFC6266]

  3. Let interface origin be the origin of the Document in which the download or navigate action resulting in the download was initiated, if any.

  4. Let resource origin be the origin of the URL of the resource being downloaded, unless that URL's scheme component is data, in which case let resource origin be the same as the interface origin, if any.

  5. If there is no interface origin, then let trusted operation be true. Otherwise, let trusted operation be true if resource origin is the same origin as interface origin, and false otherwise.

  6. If trusted operation is true and the resource has a Content-Disposition header and that header includes file name information, then let filename have the value specified by the header, and jump to the step labeled sanitize below. [RFC6266]

  7. If the download was not initiated from a hyperlink created by an a or area element, or if the element of the hyperlink from which it was initiated did not have a download attribute when the download was initiated, or if there was such an attribute but its value when the download was initiated was the empty string, then jump to the step labeled no proposed file name.

  8. Let proposed filename have the value of the download attribute of the element of the hyperlink that initiated the download at the time the download was initiated.

  9. If trusted operation is true, let filename have the value of proposed filename, and jump to the step labeled sanitize below.

  10. If the resource has a Content-Disposition header and that header specifies the attachment disposition type, let filename have the value of proposed filename, and jump to the step labeled sanitize below. [RFC6266]

  11. No proposed file name: If trusted operation is true, or if the user indicated a preference for having the resource in question downloaded, let filename have a value derived from the URL of the resource in a user-agent-defined manner, and jump to the step labeled sanitize below.

  12. Act in a user-agent-defined manner to safeguard the user from a potentially hostile cross-origin download. If the download is not to be aborted, then let filename be set to the user's preferred file name or to a file name selected by the user agent, and jump to the step labeled sanitize below.

    If the algorithm reaches this step, then a download was begun from a different origin than the resource being downloaded, and the origin did not mark the file as suitable for downloading, and the download was not initiated by the user. This could be because a download attribute was used to trigger the download, or because the resource in question is not of a type that the user agent supports.

    This could be dangerous, because, for instance, a hostile server could be trying to get a user to unknowingly download private information and then re-upload it to the hostile server, by tricking the user into thinking the data is from the hostile server.

    Thus, it is in the user's interests that the user be somehow notified that the resource in question comes from quite a different source, and to prevent confusion, any suggested file name from the potentially hostile interface origin should be ignored.

  13. Sanitize: Optionally, allow the user to influence filename. For example, a user agent could prompt the user for a file name, potentially providing the value of filename as determined above as a default value.

  14. Adjust filename to be suitable for the local file system.

    For example, this could involve removing characters that are not legal in file names, or trimming leading and trailing whitespace.

  15. If the platform conventions do not in any way use extensions to determine the types of file on the file system, then return filename as the file name and abort these steps.

  16. Let claimed type be the type given by the resource's Content-Type metadata, if any is known. Let named type be the type given by filename's extension, if any is known. For the purposes of this step, a type is a mapping of a MIME type to an extension.

  17. If named type is consistent with the user's preferences (e.g. because the value of filename was determined by prompting the user), then return filename as the file name and abort these steps.

  18. If claimed type and named type are the same type (i.e. the type given by the resource's Content-Type metadata is consistent with the type given by filename's extension), then return filename as the file name and abort these steps.

  19. If the claimed type is known, then alter filename to add an extension corresponding to claimed type.

    Otherwise, if named type is known to be potentially dangerous (e.g. it will be treated by the platform conventions as a native executable, shell script, HTML application, or executable-macro-capable document) then optionally alter filename to add a known-safe extension (e.g. ".txt").

    This last step would make it impossible to download executables, which might not be desirable. As always, implementors are forced to balance security and usability in this matter.

  20. Return filename as the file name.

For the purposes of this algorithm, a file extension consists of any part of the file name that platform conventions dictate will be used for identifying the type of the file. For example, many operating systems use the part of the file name following the last dot (".") in the file name to determine the type of the file, and from that the manner in which the file is to be opened or executed.

User agents should ignore any directory or path information provided by the resource itself, its URL, and any download attribute, in deciding where to store the resulting file in the user's file system.

4.8.4 リンクタイプ



To determine which link types apply to a link, a, or area element, the element's rel attribute must be split on spaces. The resulting tokens are the link types that apply to that element.


Link types are always ASCII case-insensitive, and must be compared as such.


リンクタイプ 効果 概要
link aarea
alternate ハイパーリンク ハイパーリンク 現在の文書の代替表現を与える。
author ハイパーリンク ハイパーリンク 現在の文書または記事の著者へのリンクを与える。
bookmark 使用不可 ハイパーリンク 最も近い祖先セクションへのパーマリンクを与える。
help ハイパーリンク ハイパーリンク コンテキストに応じたヘルプへのリンクを提供する。
icon 外部リソース 使用不可 現在の文書を表現するアイコンを取り込む。
license ハイパーリンク ハイパーリンク 参照される文書で説明される著作権許諾で保護される現在の文書のメインコンテンツを示す。
next ハイパーリンク ハイパーリンク 現在の文書があるシリーズの一部であり、かつそのシリーズの次の文書が参照される文書であることを示す。
nofollow 使用不可 注釈 現在の文書の原作者や発行者が参照される文書を推奨しないことを示す。
noreferrer 使用不可 注釈 ユーザーがハイパーリンクをたどる際にユーザーエージェントがHTTP Refererヘッダーを送信しないよう要求する。
prefetch 外部リソース 外部リソース プリエンプティブにキャッシュすべき対象リソースを指定する。
prev ハイパーリンク ハイパーリンク 現在の文書があるシリーズの一部であり、かつそのシリーズの前の文書が参照される文書であることを示す。
search ハイパーリンク ハイパーリンク 現在の文書と関連する文書を通して検索に使用できるリソースへのリンクを与える。
stylesheet 外部リソース 使用不可 スタイルシートを取り込む。
tag 使用不可 ハイパーリンク 現在の文書に適用される(与えられたアドレスにより識別される)タグを与える。

Some of the types described below list synonyms for these values. These are to be handled as specified by user agents, but must not be used in documents. リンクタイプ"alternate"







The first link, a, or area element in the document (in tree order) with the alternate keyword used with the type attribute set to the value application/rss+xml or the value application/atom+xml must be treated as the default syndication feed for the purposes of feed autodiscovery.

The following link element gives the syndication feed for the current page:

<link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" href="data.xml">

The following extract offers various different syndication feeds:

<p>You can access the planets database using Atom feeds:</p>
 <li><a href="recently-visited-planets.xml" rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml">Recently Visited Planets</a></li>
 <li><a href="known-bad-planets.xml" rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml">Known Bad Planets</a></li>
 <li><a href="unexplored-planets.xml" rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml">Unexplored Planets</a></li>







<link rel=alternate type=application/pdf hreflang=fr href=manual-fr>





"参照される文書"には、著者のメールアドレスを指示するmailto: URLを用いることが可能である。多くの場合、この形態が用いられる。[MAILTO]

Synonyms: For historical reasons, user agents must also treat link, a, and area elements that have a rev attribute with the value "made" as having the author keyword specified as a link relationship.




  <h1>Example of permalinks</h1>
  <div id="a">
   <h2>First example</h2>
   <p><a href="a.html" rel="bookmark">This permalink applies to
   only the content from the first H2 to the second H2</a>. The DIV isn't
   exactly that section, but it roughly corresponds to it.</p>
  <h2>Second example</h2>
  <article id="b">
   <p><a href="b.html" rel="bookmark">This permalink applies to
   the outer ARTICLE element</a> (which could be, e.g., a blog post).</p>
   <article id="c">
    <p><a href="c.html" rel="bookmark">This permalink applies to
    the inner ARTICLE element</a> (which could be, e.g., a blog comment).</p>




 <p><label> Topic: <input name=topic> <a href="help/topic.html" rel="help">(Help)</a></label></p>


aareaの各要素について、ブラウザーはhelpキーワードがリンクに異なるカーソルを表示することがある。 リンクタイプ"icon"


The specified resource is an icon representing the page or site, and should be used by the user agent when representing the page in the user interface.

アイコンは、聴覚アイコン、視覚アイコン、または他の種類のアイコンかもしれない。If multiple icons are provided, the user agent must select the most appropriate icon according to the type, media, and sizes attributes. If there are multiple equally appropriate icons, user agents must use the last one declared in tree order at the time that the user agent collected the list of icons. If the user agent tries to use an icon but that icon is determined, upon closer examination, to in fact be inappropriate (e.g. because it uses an unsupported format), then the user agent must try the next-most-appropriate icon as determined by the attributes.

User agents are not required to update icons when the list of icons changes, but are encouraged to do so.

There is no default type for resources given by the icon keyword. However, for the purposes of determining the type of the resource, user agents must expect the resource to be an image.


存在する場合、この属性は、ASCII大文字・小文字不区別である一意なスペース区切りトークンの順不同の組である値を持たなければならない。値はそれぞれ、"any"に一致するASCII大文字・小文字不区別である文字列か、2つの妥当な非負整数からなる値のいずれかでなければならない。この数値は、先行する"0"(U+0030)文字を持たず、かつ1つのU+0078 LATIN SMALL LETTER XまたはU+0058 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER X文字により分離される。


CSSピクセルあたり2デバイスピクセルのデバイス画素密度(2×、192dpi)をもつディスプレイを意図する50 CSSピクセル幅であるアイコンは、100生ピクセルの幅を持つだろう。この機能は、異なるリソースが小さな高解像度アイコン対大きな低解像度のアイコン(たとえば50×50 2x 対100×100 1×)に対して使用されることを示すものをサポートしない。

To parse and process the attribute's value, the user agent must first split the attribute's value on spaces, and must then parse each resulting keyword to determine what it represents.


Other keywords must be further parsed as follows to determine what they represent:


In the absence of a link with the icon keyword, for Documents obtained over HTTP or HTTPS, user agents may instead attempt to fetch and use an icon with the absolute URL obtained by resolving the URL "/favicon.ico" against the document's address, as if the page had declared that icon using the icon keyword.


<html lang="en">
  <title>lsForums — Inbox</title>
  <link rel=icon href=favicon.png sizes="16x16" type="image/png">
  <link rel=icon href=windows.ico sizes="32x32 48x48" type="image/vnd.microsoft.icon">
  <link rel=icon href=mac.icns sizes="128x128 512x512 8192x8192 32768x32768">
  <link rel=icon href=iphone.png sizes="57x57" type="image/png">
  <link rel=icon href=gnome.svg sizes="any" type="image/svg+xml">
  <link rel=stylesheet href=lsforums.css>
  <script src=lsforums.js></script>
  <meta name=application-name content="lsForums">

歴史的な経緯により、iconキーワードは、"shortcut"キーワードが先行してもよい。"shortcut"キーワードが存在する場合、rel属性の全体の値は、(トークンと他の空白文字でないものの間に単一のU+0020 SPACE文字を伴う)文字列"shortcut icon"にASCII大文字・小文字不区別でマッチしなければならない。





<html lang="en">
  <title>Exampl Pictures: Kissat</title>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="/style/default">
   <a href="../">Return to photo index</a>
   <img src="/pix/39627052_fd8dcd98b5.jpg">
  <p>One of them has six toes!</p>
  <p><small>This photograph is <a rel="license" href="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php">MIT Licensed</a></small></p>
   <a href="/">Home</a> | <a href="../">Photo index</a>
   <p><small>© copyright 2009 Exampl Pictures. All Rights Reserved.</small></p>


Synonyms: For historical reasons, user agents must also treat the keyword "copyright" like the license keyword.





If a user agent follows a link defined by an a or area element that has the noreferrer keyword, the user agent must not include a Referer (sic) HTTP header (or equivalent for other protocols) in the request.

This keyword also causes the opener attribute to remain null if the hyperlink creates a new browsing context.











The appropriate times to obtain the resource are:

Quirk: If the document has been set to quirks mode, has the same origin as the URL of the external resource, and the Content-Type metadata of the external resource is not a supported style sheet type, the user agent must instead assume it to be text/css.

Once a resource has been obtained, if its Content-Type metadata is text/css, the user agent must run these steps:

  1. Let element be the link element that created the external resource link.

  2. If element has an associated CSS style sheet, remove the CSS style sheet in question.

  3. If element no longer creates an external resource link that contributes to the styling processing model, or if, since the resource in question was obtained, it has become appropriate to obtain it again (meaning this algorithm is about to be invoked again for a newly obtained resource), then abort these steps.

  4. Create a CSS style sheet with the following properties:




    The resulting absolute URL determined during the obtain algorithm.

    This is before any redirects get applied.

    owner node



    The media attribute of element.

    This is a reference to the (possibly absent at this time) attribute, rather than a copy of the attribute's current value. The CSSOM specification defines what happens when the attribute is dynamically set, changed, or removed.


    The title attribute of element.

    This is similarly a reference to the attribute, rather than a copy of the attribute's current value.

    alternate flag

    Set if the link is an alternative stylesheet; unset otherwise.

    origin-clean flag

    Set if the resource is CORS-same-origin; unset otherwise.

    parent CSS style sheet
    owner CSS rule


    disabled flag

    Left at its default value.

    CSS rules

    Left uninitialized.

    The CSS environment encoding is the result of running the following steps: [CSSSYNTAX]

    1. If the element has a charset attribute, get an encoding from that attribute's value. If that succeeds, return the resulting encoding and abort these steps. [ENCODING]

    2. Otherwise, return the document's character encoding. [DOM]





  <title>My Precious</title>
  <header><h1>My precious</h1> <p>Summer 2012</p></header>
  <p>Recently I managed to dispose of a red gem that had been
  bothering me. I now have a much nicer blue sapphire.</p>
  <p>The red gem had been found in a bauxite stone while I was digging
  out the office level, but nobody was willing to haul it away.  
  same red gem stayed there for literally years.</p>
   Tags: <a rel=tag href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gemstone">Gemstone</a>


  <title>Gem 4/4</title>
   <h1>801: Steinbock</h1>
   <p>The number 801 Gem 4/4 electro-diesel has an ibex and was rebuilt in 2002.</p>
   <h1>802: Murmeltier</h1>
    <img src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b0/Trains_de_la_Bernina_en_hiver_2.jpg"
         alt="The 802 was red with pantographs and tall vents on the side.">
    <figcaption>The 802 in the 1980s, above Lago Bianco.</figcaption>
   <p>The number 802 Gem 4/4 electro-diesel has a marmot and was rebuilt in 2003.</p>
  <p class="topic"><a rel=tag href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhaetian_Railway_Gem_4/4">Gem 4/4</a></p>








Synonyms: For historical reasons, user agents must also treat the keyword "previous" like the prev keyword.

あらかじめ定義されたリンクタイプ群に対する拡張は、microformats wikiのexisting-rel-valuesページにおいて登録してもよい。[MFREL]

microformats wikiのexisting-rel-valuesページには、いつでも、誰でも、自由に新たなリンクタイプを追加できる。拡張されたリンクタイプは以下の情報と共に定義されなければならない:
















広いレビューを受けており、欠陥が発見されたキーワード。既存のページはこのキーワードを使用しているが、新しいページでは避けるべきである。"brief description"(簡単な説明)と"specification"(仕様書)のエントリは、どちらかといえば著者が代わりに使用すべきものの詳細を提供するだろう。





Conformance checkers may use the information given on the microformats wiki existing-rel-values page to establish if a value is allowed or not: values defined in this specification or marked as "proposed" or "ratified" must be accepted when used on the elements for which they apply as described in the "Effect on..." field, whereas values marked as "discontinued" or values not containing a U+003A COLON character but not listed in either this specification or on the aforementioned page must be reported as invalid. The remaining values must be accepted as valid if they are absolute URLs containing US-ASCII characters only and rejected otherwise. Conformance checkers may cache this information (e.g. for performance reasons or to avoid the use of unreliable network connectivity).

Note: Even URL-valued link types are compared ASCII-case-insensitively. Validators might choose to warn about characters U+0041 (LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A) through U+005A (LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z) (inclusive) in the pre-case-folded form of link types that contain a colon.

When an author uses a new type not defined by either this specification or the Wiki page, conformance checkers should offer to add the value to the Wiki, with the details described above, with the "proposed" status.

状態"proposed"また"ratified"とともにmicroformats wikiのexisting-rel-valuesページで拡張として定義されるリンクタイプは、"効果"の定めるところに従って、linkaareaの各要素のrel属性とともに使用してもよい。[MFREL]

Select text and