1. 7 ウェブページの読み込み
    1. 7.1 サポートコンセプト
      1. 7.1.1 生成元
        1. サイト
        2. 同一生成元制限を緩和する
      2. 7.1.2 オリジンキーエージェントクラスター
      3. 7.1.3 生成元をまたいだオープナーポリシー
        1. ヘッダー
        2. Browsing context group switches due to opener policy
        3. Reporting
      4. 7.1.4 生成元をまたいだ埋め込みポリシー
        1. ヘッダー
        2. Embedder policy checks
      5. 7.1.5 サンドボックス
      6. 7.1.6 Policy containers

7 ウェブページの読み込み


7.1 サポートコンセプト

7.1.1 生成元


たとえば、bank.example.comでホストされるExample Bankのウェブサイトは、charity.example.orgでホストExample CharityのウェブサイトのDOMを検査しようとすると、"SecurityError" DOMException が発生する。





A tuple consisting of:

生成元は、たとえば複数のDocumentオブジェクト間で共有できる。さらに、生成元は一般に不変である。タプルの生成元ドメインのみ、およびdocument.domain APIを介してのみ変更できる。


  1. origin不透明な生成元である場合、nullを返す。

  2. originドメインがnullでない場合、originドメインを返す。

  3. originホストを返す。

The serialization of an origin is the string obtained by applying the following algorithm to the given origin origin:

  1. If origin is an opaque origin, then return "null".

  2. Otherwise, let result be origin's scheme.

  3. Append "://" to result.

  4. Append origin's host, serialized, to result.

  5. If origin's port is non-null, append a U+003A COLON character (:), and origin's port, serialized, to result.

  6. Return result.

("https", "xn--maraa-rta.example", null, null)の シリアライゼーションは"https://xn--maraa-rta.example"となる。

There used to also be a Unicode serialization of an origin. However, it was never widely adopted.

Two origins, A and B, are said to be same origin if the following algorithm returns true:

  1. If A and B are the same opaque origin, then return true.

  2. If A and B are both tuple origins and their schemes, hosts, and port are identical, then return true.

  3. falseを返す。

Two origins, A and B, are said to be same origin-domain if the following algorithm returns true:

  1. If A and B are the same opaque origin, then return true.

  2. If A and B are both tuple origins:

    1. If A and B's schemes are identical, and their domains are identical and non-null, then return true.

    2. Otherwise, if A and B are same origin and their domains are both null, return true.

  3. falseを返す。

ABsame originsame origin-domain
("https", "example.org", null, null)("https", "example.org", null, null)
("https", "example.org", 314, null)("https", "example.org", 420, null)
("https", "example.org", 314, "example.org")("https", "example.org", 420, "example.org")
("https", "example.org", null, null)("https", "example.org", null, "example.org")
("https", "example.org", null, "example.org")("http", "example.org", null, "example.org") サイト



To obtain a site, given an origin origin, run these steps:

  1. If origin is an opaque origin, then return origin.

  2. If origin's host's registrable domain is null, then return (origin's scheme, origin's host).

  3. Return (origin's scheme, origin's host's registrable domain).

Two sites, A and B, are said to be same site if the following algorithm returns true:

  1. If A and B are the same opaque origin, then return true.

  2. If A or B is an opaque origin, then return false.

  3. If A's and B's scheme values are different, then return false.

  4. If A's and B's host values are not equal, then return false.

  5. Return true.

The serialization of a site is the string obtained by applying the following algorithm to the given site site:

  1. If site is an opaque origin, then return "null".

  2. Let result be site[0].

  3. Append "://" to result.

  4. Append site[1], serialized, to result.

  5. Return result.

It needs to be clear from context that the serialized value is a site, not an origin, as there is not necessarily a syntactic difference between the two. For example, the origin ("https", "shop.example", null, null) and the site ("https", "shop.example") have the same serialization: "https://shop.example".

Two origins, A and B, are said to be schemelessly same site if the following algorithm returns true:

  1. If A and B are the same opaque origin, then return true.

  2. If A and B are both tuple origins, then:

    1. Let hostA be A's host, and let hostB be B's host.

    2. If hostA equals hostB and hostA's registrable domain is null, then return true.

    3. If hostA's registrable domain equals hostB's registrable domain and is non-null, then return true.

  3. falseを返す。

Two origins, A and B, are said to be same site if the following algorithm returns true:

  1. Let siteA be the result of obtaining a site given A.

  2. Let siteB be the result of obtaining a site given B.

  3. If siteA is same site with siteB, then return true.

  4. falseを返す。




ABschemelessly same sitesame site
("https", "example.com")("https", "sub.example.com")
("https", "example.com")("https", "sub.other.example.com")
("https", "example.com")("http", "non-secure.example.com")
("https", "r.wildlife.museum")("https", "sub.r.wildlife.museum")
("https", "r.wildlife.museum")("https", "sub.other.r.wildlife.museum")
("https", "r.wildlife.museum")("https", "other.wildlife.museum")
("https", "r.wildlife.museum")("https", "wildlife.museum")
("https", "wildlife.museum")("https", "wildlife.museum")
("https", "example.com")("https", "example.com.")

(ここではポートおよびドメインのコンポーネントは考慮されていないため、省略している。) 同一生成元制限を緩和する
document.domain [ = domain ]




document.domainセッターの使用を避ける。これは、同一生成元ポリシーが提供するセキュリティ保護を損なうものである。これは共有ホスティングを使用している場合に特に顕著である。たとえば、信頼できないサードパーティが同じIPアドレスだが異なるポートで HTTP サーバーをホストできる場合、document.domainセッターを使用した後に生成元を比較するときにポートが無視されるため、通常は同じホスト上の2つの異なるサイトを保護する同一生成元の保護が失敗する。



The domain getter steps are:

  1. Let effectiveDomain be this's origin's effective domain.

  2. If effectiveDomain is null, then return the empty string.

  3. Return effectiveDomain, serialized.

The domain setter steps are:

  1. If this's browsing context is null, then throw a "SecurityError" DOMException.

  2. If this's active sandboxing flag set has its sandboxed document.domain browsing context flag set, then throw a "SecurityError" DOMException.

  3. Let effectiveDomain be this's origin's effective domain.

  4. If effectiveDomain is null, then throw a "SecurityError" DOMException.

  5. If the given value is not a registrable domain suffix of and is not equal to effectiveDomain, then throw a "SecurityError" DOMException.

  6. If the surrounding agent's agent cluster's is origin-keyed is true, then return.

  7. Set this's origin's domain to the result of parsing the given value.

To determine if a scalar value string hostSuffixString is a registrable domain suffix of or is equal to a host originalHost:

  1. If hostSuffixString is the empty string, then return false.

  2. Let hostSuffix be the result of parsing hostSuffixString.

  3. If hostSuffix is failure, then return false.

  4. If hostSuffix does not equal originalHost, then:

    1. If hostSuffix or originalHost is not a domain, then return false.

      This excludes hosts that are IP addresses.

    2. If hostSuffix, prefixed by U+002E (.), does not match the end of originalHost, then return false.

    3. If any of the following are true:

      then return false. [URL]

    4. Assert: originalHost's public suffix, prefixed by U+002E (.), matches the end of hostSuffix.

  5. Return true.

hostSuffixStringoriginalHostOutcome of is a registrable domain suffix of or is equal to
"example.com"example.com.Trailing dot is significant.
"com"example.comAt the time of writing, com is a public suffix.
"compute.amazonaws.com"example.compute.amazonaws.comAt the time of writing, *.compute.amazonaws.com is a public suffix.
"amazonaws.com"test.amazonaws.comAt the time of writing, amazonaws.com is a registrable domain.

7.1.2 オリジンキーエージェントクラスター



セキュアなコンテキストで配信されたDocumentは、`Origin-Agent-Cluster` HTTPレスポンスヘッダーを使用して、オリジンキーエージェントクラスターに配置するように要求することができる。このヘッダーは構造化されたヘッダーであり、その値は真偽値でなければらない。[STRUCTURED-FIELDS]





The originAgentCluster getter steps are to return the surrounding agent's agent cluster's is origin-keyed.


同様に、エージェントクラスタークロスオリジン分離モードが"none"ではないDocumentは、自動的にオリジンキーが設定される。生成元をまたいだ分離を達成するために使用される`Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy`および `Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy`ヘッダーは、同じアドレス空間内のすべてのものがそこに存在することを保証することを目的としているため、`Origin-Agent-Cluster`ヘッダーは、リソースの割り当てに関する実装への追加のヒントとして有用であるかもしれない。しかし、それを追加しても、著者のコードに追加の目に見える影響はない。

7.1.3 生成元をまたいだオープナーポリシー










"same-origin-plus-COEP"は`Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy`ヘッダーで直接設定することはできないが、`Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy: same-origin`と`Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy` ヘッダー(値はクロスオリジン分離と互換)を一緒に設定した結果である。





  • 文書のコンテンツをフェッチする同一生成元リクエスト — Fetch Metadataフィルタリングによって緩和できる。[FETCHMETADATA]

  • 同一生成元フレーミング - X-Frame-OptionsまたはCSP frame-ancestorsによって緩和できる。

  • JavaScriptでアクセス可能なcookie - すべてのcookieがhttponlyであることを確認することで緩和できる。

  • 機密データへのlocalStorageアクセス。

  • サービスワーカーのインストール。

  • Cache APIの操作または機密データへのアクセス。[SW]

  • 機密情報を公開するpostMessageまたはBroadcastChannelメッセージング。

  • 同一生成元の文書に対してユーザーの操作を必要としない自動入力。

noopener-allow-popupsを使用する開発者は、機密性の高いアプリケーションが、localStorage、その他のクライアントサイドのストレージAPI、 BroadcastChannel、関連する同一生成元の通信メカニズムなど、他の同一生成元の文書にアクセスできるクライアントサイドの機能に依存しないようにする必要がある。また、サーバーサイドのエンドポイントが、応答コンテンツが同じオリジンのドキュメントに非ナビゲーションのリクエストに機密データを戻さないようにする必要もある。

An opener policy consists of:

To match opener policy values, given an opener policy value documentCOOP, an origin documentOrigin, an opener policy value responseCOOP, and an origin responseOrigin:

  1. If documentCOOP is "unsafe-none" and responseCOOP is "unsafe-none", then return true.

  2. If documentCOOP is "unsafe-none" or responseCOOP is "unsafe-none", then return false.

  3. If documentCOOP is responseCOOP and documentOrigin is same origin with responseOrigin, then return true.

  4. falseを返す。 ヘッダー


Support in all current engines.

Edge (Legacy)?Internet ExplorerNo
Firefox Android?Safari iOS?Chrome Android?WebView AndroidNoSamsung Internet?Opera AndroidNo

Document生成元をまたいだオープナーポリシーは `Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy`および`Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy-Report-Only` HTTPレスポンスヘッダーから派生する。このヘッダーは構造化されたヘッダーであり、その値はトークンでなければならない。[STRUCTURED-FIELDS]



To obtain an opener policy given a response response and an environment reservedEnvironment:

  1. Let policy be a new opener policy.

  2. If reservedEnvironment is a non-secure context, then return policy.

  3. Let parsedItem be the result of getting a structured field value given `Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy` and "item" from response's header list.

  4. If parsedItem is not null, then:

    1. If parsedItem[0] is "same-origin", then:

      1. Let coep be the result of obtaining a cross-origin embedder policy from response and reservedEnvironment.

      2. If coep's value is compatible with cross-origin isolation, then set policy's value to "same-origin-plus-COEP".

      3. Otherwise, set policy's value to "same-origin".

    2. If parsedItem[0] is "same-origin-allow-popups", then set policy's value to "same-origin-allow-popups".

    3. If parsedItem[0] is "noopener-allow-popups", then set policy's value to "noopener-allow-popups".

    4. If parsedItem[1]["report-to"] exists and it is a string, then set policy's reporting endpoint to parsedItem[1]["report-to"].

  5. Set parsedItem to the result of getting a structured field value given `Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy-Report-Only` and "item" from response's header list.

  6. If parsedItem is not null, then:

    1. If parsedItem[0] is "same-origin", then:

      1. Let coep be the result of obtaining a cross-origin embedder policy from response and reservedEnvironment.

      2. If coep's value is compatible with cross-origin isolation or coep's report-only value is compatible with cross-origin isolation, then set policy's report-only value to "same-origin-plus-COEP".

        Report only COOP also considers report-only COEP to assign the special "same-origin-plus-COEP" value. This allows developers more freedom in the order of deployment of COOP and COEP.

      3. Otherwise, set policy's report-only value to "same-origin".

    2. If parsedItem[0] is "same-origin-allow-popups", then set policy's report-only value to "same-origin-allow-popups".

    3. If parsedItem[1]["report-to"] exists and it is a string, then set policy's report-only reporting endpoint to parsedItem[1]["report-to"].

  7. Return policy. Browsing context group switches due to opener policy

To check if popup COOP values require a browsing context group switch, given two origins responseOrigin and activeDocumentNavigationOrigin, and two opener policy values responseCOOPValue and activeDocumentCOOPValue:

  1. responseCOOPValue is "noopener-allow-popups", then return true.

  2. If all of the following are true:

    then return false.

  3. If the result of matching activeDocumentCOOPValue, activeDocumentNavigationOrigin, responseCOOPValue, and responseOrigin is true, then return false.

  4. Return true.

To check if COOP values require a browsing context group switch, given a boolean isInitialAboutBlank, two origins responseOrigin and activeDocumentNavigationOrigin, and two opener policy values responseCOOPValue and activeDocumentCOOPValue:

  1. If isInitialAboutBlank is true, then return the result of checking if popup COOP values requires a browsing context group switch with responseOrigin, activeDocumentNavigationOrigin, responseCOOPValue, and activeDocumentCOOPValue.

  2. Here we are dealing with a non-popup navigation.

    If the result of matching activeDocumentCOOPValue, activeDocumentNavigationOrigin, responseCOOPValue, and responseOrigin is true, then return false.

  3. Return true.

To check if enforcing report-only COOP would require a browsing context group switch, given a boolean isInitialAboutBlank, two origins responseOrigin, activeDocumentNavigationOrigin, and two opener policies responseCOOP and activeDocumentCOOP:

  1. If the result of checking if COOP values require a browsing context group switch given isInitialAboutBlank, responseOrigin, activeDocumentNavigationOrigin, responseCOOP's report-only value and activeDocumentCOOPReportOnly's report-only value is false, then return false.

    Matching report-only policies allows a website to specify the same report-only opener policy on all its pages and not receive violation reports for navigations between these pages.

  2. If the result of checking if COOP values require a browsing context group switch given isInitialAboutBlank, responseOrigin, activeDocumentNavigationOrigin, responseCOOP's value and activeDocumentCOOPReportOnly's report-only value is true, then return true.

  3. If the result of checking if COOP values require a browsing context group switch given isInitialAboutBlank, responseOrigin, activeDocumentNavigationOrigin, responseCOOP's report-only value and activeDocumentCOOPReportOnly's value is true, then return true.

  4. falseを返す。

An opener policy enforcement result is a struct with the following items:

To enforce a response's opener policy, given a browsing context browsingContext, a URL responseURL, an origin responseOrigin, an opener policy responseCOOP, an opener policy enforcement result currentCOOPEnforcementResult, and a referrer referrer:

  1. Let newCOOPEnforcementResult be a new opener policy enforcement result with

    needs a browsing context group switch
    currentCOOPEnforcementResult's needs a browsing context group switch
    would need a browsing context group switch due to report-only
    currentCOOPEnforcementResult's would need a browsing context group switch due to report-only
    opener policy
    current context is navigation source
  2. Let isInitialAboutBlank be browsingContext's active document's is initial about:blank.

  3. If isInitialAboutBlank is true and browsingContext's initial URL is null, set browsingContext's initial URL to responseURL.

  4. If the result of checking if COOP values require a browsing context group switch given isInitialAboutBlank, currentCOOPEnforcementResult's opener policy's value, currentCOOPEnforcementResult's origin, responseCOOP's value, and responseOrigin is true, then:

    1. Set newCOOPEnforcementResult's needs a browsing context group switch to true.

    2. If browsingContext's group's browsing context set's size is greater than 1, then:

      1. Queue a violation report for browsing context group switch when navigating to a COOP response with responseCOOP, "enforce", responseURL, currentCOOPEnforcementResult's url, currentCOOPEnforcementResult's origin, responseOrigin, and referrer.

      2. Queue a violation report for browsing context group switch when navigating away from a COOP response with currentCOOPEnforcementResult's opener policy, "enforce", currentCOOPEnforcementResult's url, responseURL, currentCOOPEnforcementResult's origin, responseOrigin, and currentCOOPEnforcementResult's current context is navigation source.

  5. If the result of checking if enforcing report-only COOP would require a browsing context group switch given isInitialAboutBlank, responseOrigin, currentCOOPEnforcementResult's origin, responseCOOP, and currentCOOPEnforcementResult's opener policy, is true, then:

    1. Set newCOOPEnforcementResult's would need a browsing context group switch due to report-only to true.

    2. If browsingContext's group's browsing context set's size is greater than 1, then:

      1. Queue a violation report for browsing context group switch when navigating to a COOP response with responseCOOP, "reporting", responseURL, currentCOOPEnforcementResult's url, currentCOOPEnforcementResult's origin, responseOrigin, and referrer.

      2. Queue a violation report for browsing context group switch when navigating away from a COOP response with currentCOOPEnforcementResult's opener policy, "reporting", currentCOOPEnforcementResult's url, responseURL, currentCOOPEnforcementResult's origin, responseOrigin, and currentCOOPEnforcementResult's current context is navigation source.

  6. Return newCOOPEnforcementResult.

To obtain a browsing context to use for a navigation response, given navigation params navigationParams:

  1. Let browsingContext be navigationParams's navigable's active browsing context.

  2. If browsingContext is not a top-level browsing context, then return browsingContext.

  3. Let coopEnforcementResult be navigationParams's COOP enforcement result.

  4. Let swapGroup be coopEnforcementResult's needs a browsing context group switch.

  5. Let sourceOrigin be browsingContext's active document's origin.

  6. Let destinationOrigin be navigationParams's origin.

  7. If sourceOrigin is not same site with destinationOrigin:

    1. If either of sourceOrigin or destinationOrigin have a scheme that is not an HTTP(S) scheme and the user agent considers it necessary for sourceOrigin and destinationOrigin to be isolated from each other (for implementation-defined reasons), optionally set swapGroup to true.

      For example, if a user navigates from about:settings to https://example.com, the user agent could force a swap.

      Issue #10842 tracks settling on an interoperable behavior here, instead of letting this be optional.

    2. If navigationParams's user involvement is "browser UI", optionally set swapGroup to true.

      Issue #6356 tracks settling on an interoperable behavior here, instead of letting this be optional.

  8. If browsingContext's group's browsing context set's size is 1, optionally set swapGroup to true.

    Some implementations swap browsing context groups here for performance reasons.

    The check for other contexts that could script this one is not sufficient to prevent differences in behavior that could affect a web page. Even if there are currently no other contexts, the destination page could open a window, then if the user navigates back, the previous page could expect to be able to script the opened window. Doing a swap here would break that use case.

  9. If swapGroup is false, then:

    1. If coopEnforcementResult's would need a browsing context group switch due to report-only is true, set browsingContext's virtual browsing context group ID to a new unique identifier.

    2. Return browsingContext.

  10. Let newBrowsingContext be the first return value of creating a new top-level browsing context and document.

    In this case we are going to perform a browsing context group swap. browsingContext will not be used by the new Document that we are about to create. If it is not used by other Documents either (such as ones in the back/forward cache), then the user agent might destroy it at this point.

  11. Let navigationCOOP be navigationParams's cross-origin opener policy.

  12. If navigationCOOP's value is "same-origin-plus-COEP", then set newBrowsingContext's group's cross-origin isolation mode to either "logical" or "concrete". The choice of which is implementation-defined.

    It is difficult on some platforms to provide the security properties required by the cross-origin isolated capability. "concrete" grants access to it and "logical" does not.

  13. Let sandboxFlags be a clone of navigationParams's final sandboxing flag set.

  14. If sandboxFlags is not empty, then:

    1. Assert: navigationCOOP's value is "unsafe-none".

    2. Assert: newBrowsingContext's popup sandboxing flag set is empty.

    3. Set newBrowsingContext's popup sandboxing flag set to sandboxFlags.

  15. Return newBrowsingContext. Reporting

An accessor-accessed relationship is an enum that describes the relationship between two browsing contexts between which an access happened. It can take the following values:

accessor is opener

The accessor browsing context or one of its ancestors is the opener browsing context of the accessed browsing context's top-level browsing context.

accessor is openee

The accessed browsing context or one of its ancestors is the opener browsing context of the accessor browsing context's top-level browsing context.


There is no opener relationship between the accessor browsing context, the accessor browsing context, or any of their ancestors.

To check if an access between two browsing contexts should be reported, given two browsing contexts accessor and accessed, a JavaScript property name P, and an environment settings object environment:

  1. If P is not a cross-origin accessible window property name, then return.

  2. Assert: accessor's active document and accessed's active document are both fully active.

  3. Let accessorTopDocument be accessor's top-level browsing context's active document.

  4. Let accessorInclusiveAncestorOrigins be the list obtained by taking the origin of the active document of each of accessor's active document's inclusive ancestor navigables.

  5. Let accessedTopDocument be accessed's top-level browsing context's active document.

  6. Let accessedInclusiveAncestorOrigins be the list obtained by taking the origin of the active document of each of accessed's active document's inclusive ancestor navigables.

  7. If any of accessorInclusiveAncestorOrigins are not same origin with accessorTopDocument's origin, or if any of accessedInclusiveAncestorOrigins are not same origin with accessedTopDocument's origin, then return.

    This avoids leaking information about cross-origin iframes to a top level frame with opener policy reporting.

  8. If accessor's top-level browsing context's virtual browsing context group ID is accessed's top-level browsing context's virtual browsing context group ID, then return.

  9. Let accessorAccessedRelationship be a new accessor-accessed relationship with value none.

  10. If accessed's top-level browsing context's opener browsing context is accessor or is an ancestor of accessor, then set accessorAccessedRelationship to accessor is opener.

  11. If accessor's top-level browsing context's opener browsing context is accessed or is an ancestor of accessed, then set accessorAccessedRelationship to accessor is openee.

  12. Queue violation reports for accesses, given accessorAccessedRelationship, accessorTopDocument's opener policy, accessedTopDocument's opener policy, accessor's active document's URL, accessed's active document's URL, accessor's top-level browsing context's initial URL, accessed's top-level browsing context's initial URL, accessor's active document's origin, accessed's active document's origin, accessor's top-level browsing context's opener origin at creation, accessed's top-level browsing context's opener origin at creation, accessorTopDocument's referrer, accessedTopDocument's referrer, P, and environment.

To sanitize a URL to send in a report given a URL url:

  1. Let sanitizedURL be a copy of url.

  2. Set the username given sanitizedURL and the empty string.

  3. Set the password given sanitizedURL and the empty string.

  4. Return the serialization of sanitizedURL with exclude fragment set to true.

To queue a violation report for browsing context group switch when navigating to a COOP response given an opener policy coop, a string disposition, a URL coopURL, a URL previousResponseURL, two origins coopOrigin and previousResponseOrigin, and a referrer referrer:

  1. If coop's reporting endpoint is null, return.

  2. Let coopValue be coop's value.

  3. If disposition is "reporting", then set coopValue to coop's report-only value.

  4. Let serializedReferrer be an empty string.

  5. If referrer is a URL, set serializedReferrer to the serialization of referrer.

  6. Let body be a new object containing the following properties:

    previousResponseURLIf coopOrigin and previousResponseOrigin are same origin this is the sanitization of previousResponseURL, null otherwise.
  7. Queue body as "coop" for coop's reporting endpoint with coopURL.

To queue a violation report for browsing context group switch when navigating away from a COOP response given an opener policy coop, a string disposition, a URL coopURL, a URL nextResponseURL, two origins coopOrigin and nextResponseOrigin, and a boolean isCOOPResponseNavigationSource:

  1. If coop's reporting endpoint is null, return.

  2. Let coopValue be coop's value.

  3. If disposition is "reporting", then set coopValue to coop's report-only value.

  4. Let body be a new object containing the following properties:

    nextResponseURLIf coopOrigin and nextResponseOrigin are same origin or isCOOPResponseNavigationSource is true, this is the sanitization of nextResponseURL, null otherwise.
  5. Queue body as "coop" for coop's reporting endpoint with coopURL.

To queue violation reports for accesses, given an accessor-accessed relationship accessorAccessedRelationship, two opener policies accessorCOOP and accessedCOOP, four URLs accessorURL, accessedURL, accessorInitialURL, accessedInitialURL, four origins accessorOrigin, accessedOrigin, accessorCreatorOrigin and accessedCreatorOrigin, two referrers accessorReferrer and accessedReferrer, a string propertyName, and an environment settings object environment:

  1. If coop's reporting endpoint is null, return.

  2. Let coopValue be coop's value.

  3. If disposition is "reporting", then set coopValue to coop's report-only value.

  4. If accessorAccessedRelationship is accessor is opener:

    1. Queue a violation report for access to an opened window, given accessorCOOP, accessorURL, accessedURL, accessedInitialURL, accessorOrigin, accessedOrigin, accessedCreatorOrigin, propertyName, and environment.

    2. Queue a violation report for access from the opener, given accessedCOOP, accessedURL, accessorURL, accessedOrigin, accessorOrigin, propertyName, and accessedReferrer.

  5. Otherwise, if accessorAccessedRelationship is accessor is openee:

    1. Queue a violation report for access to the opener, given accessorCOOP, accessorURL, accessedURL, accessorOrigin, accessedOrigin, propertyName, accessorReferrer, and environment.

    2. Queue a violation report for access from an opened window, given accessedCOOP, accessedURL, accessorURL, accessorInitialURL, accessedOrigin, accessorOrigin, accessorCreatorOrigin, and propertyName.

  6. Otherwise:

    1. Queue a violation report for access to another window, given accessorCOOP, accessorURL, accessedURL, accessorOrigin, accessedOrigin, propertyName, and environment

    2. Queue a violation report for access from another window, given accessedCOOP, accessedURL, accessorURL, accessedOrigin, accessorOrigin, and propertyName.

To queue a violation report for access to the opener, given an opener policy coop, two URLs coopURL and openerURL, two origins coopOrigin and openerOrigin, a string propertyName, a referrer referrer, and an environment settings object environment:

  1. Let sourceFile, lineNumber and columnNumber be the relevant script URL and problematic position which triggered this report.

  2. Let serializedReferrer be an empty string.

  3. If referrer is a URL, set serializedReferrer to the serialization of referrer.

  4. Let body be a new object containing the following properties:

    effectivePolicycoop's report-only value
    openerURLIf coopOrigin and openerOrigin are same origin, this is the sanitization of openerURL, null otherwise.
  5. Queue body as "coop" for coop's reporting endpoint with coopURL and environment.

To queue a violation report for access to an opened window, given an opener policy coop, three URLs coopURL, openedWindowURL and initialWindowURL, three origins coopOrigin, openedWindowOrigin, and openerInitialOrigin, a string propertyName, and an environment settings object environment:

  1. Let sourceFile, lineNumber and columnNumber be the relevant script URL and problematic position which triggered this report.

  2. Let body be a new object containing the following properties:

    effectivePolicycoop's report-only value
    openedWindowURLIf coopOrigin and openedWindowOrigin are same origin, this is the sanitization of openedWindowURL, null otherwise.
    openedWindowInitialURLIf coopOrigin and openerInitialOrigin are same origin, this is the sanitization of initialWindowURL, null otherwise.
  3. Queue body as "coop" for coop's reporting endpoint with coopURL and environment.

To queue a violation report for access to another window, given an opener policy coop, two URLs coopURL and otherURL, two origins coopOrigin and otherOrigin, a string propertyName, and an environment settings object environment:

  1. Let sourceFile, lineNumber and columnNumber be the relevant script URL and problematic position which triggered this report.

  2. Let body be a new object containing the following properties:

    effectivePolicycoop's report-only value
    otherURLIf coopOrigin and otherOrigin are same origin, this is the sanitization of otherURL, null otherwise.
  3. Queue body as "coop" for coop's reporting endpoint with coopURL and environment.

To queue a violation report for access from the opener, given an opener policy coop, two URLs coopURL and openerURL, two origins coopOrigin and openerOrigin, a string propertyName, and a referrer referrer:

  1. If coop's reporting endpoint is null, return.

  2. Let serializedReferrer be an empty string.

  3. If referrer is a URL, set serializedReferrer to the serialization of referrer.

  4. Let body be a new object containing the following properties:

    effectivePolicycoop's report-only value
    openerURLIf coopOrigin and openerOrigin are same origin, this is the sanitization of openerURL, null otherwise.
  5. Queue body as "coop" for coop's reporting endpoint with coopURL.

To queue a violation report for access from an opened window, given an opener policy coop, three URLs coopURL, openedWindowURL and initialWindowURL, three origins coopOrigin, openedWindowOrigin, and openerInitialOrigin, and a string propertyName:

  1. If coop's reporting endpoint is null, return.

  2. Let body be a new object containing the following properties:

    propertycoop's report-only value
    openedWindowURLIf coopOrigin and openedWindowOrigin are same origin, this is the sanitization of openedWindowURL, null otherwise.
    openedWindowInitialURLIf coopOrigin and openerInitialOrigin are same origin, this is the sanitization of initialWindowURL, null otherwise.
  3. Queue body as "coop" for coop's reporting endpoint with coopURL.

To queue a violation report for access from another window, given an opener policy coop, two URLs coopURL and otherURL, two origins coopOrigin and otherOrigin, and a string propertyName:

  1. If coop's reporting endpoint is null, return.

  2. Let body be a new object containing the following properties:

    effectivePolicycoop's report-only value
    otherURLIf coopOrigin and otherOrigin are same origin, this is the sanitization of otherURL, null otherwise.
  3. Queue body as "coop" for coop's reporting endpoint with coopURL.

7.1.4 生成元をまたいだ埋め込みポリシー


Support in all current engines.

Edge (Legacy)?Internet ExplorerNo
Firefox Android?Safari iOS?Chrome Android?WebView Android86+Samsung Internet?Opera Android?







この値を使用する場合、生成元をまたいだno-CORSリソースをフェッチすると、クレデンシャルが省略される。代わりに、明示的な`Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy`ヘッダーは必要ない。クレデンシャルを使用して送信されるその他のリクエストには、CORSプロトコルまたは `Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy`ヘッダーを介したサーバーの明示的な権限が必要である。





"coep"報告タイプは、値が"coep"となる報告タイプである。これはReportingObserverから可視である。 ヘッダー

`Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy`および`Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy-Report-Only` HTTPレスポンスヘッダーフィールドは、サーバーが環境設定オブジェクト埋め込みポリシーを宣言することを可能にする。このヘッダーは構造化されたヘッダーであり、その値はトークンでなければならない。[STRUCTURED-FIELDS]



No header delivered"unsafe-none"
`require-corp, unknown-value`"unsafe-none"
`unknown-value, unknown-value`"unsafe-none"
`unknown-value, require-corp`"unsafe-none"
`require-corp, require-corp`"unsafe-none"


To obtain an embedder policy from a response response and an environment environment:

  1. Let policy be a new embedder policy.

  2. If environment is a non-secure context, then return policy.

  3. Let parsedItem be the result of getting a structured field value with `Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy` and "item" from response's header list.

  4. If parsedItem is non-null and parsedItem[0] is compatible with cross-origin isolation:

    1. Set policy's value to parsedItem[0].

    2. If parsedItem[1]["report-to"] exists, then set policy's endpoint to parsedItem[1]["report-to"].

  5. Set parsedItem to the result of getting a structured field value with `Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy-Report-Only` and "item" from response's header list.

  6. If parsedItem is non-null and parsedItem[0] is compatible with cross-origin isolation:

    1. Set policy's report only value to parsedItem[0].

    2. If parsedItem[1]["report-to"] exists, then set policy's endpoint to parsedItem[1]["report-to"].

  7. Return policy. Embedder policy checks

To check a navigation response's adherence to its embedder policy given a response response, a navigable navigable, and an embedder policy responsePolicy:

  1. If navigable is not a child navigable, then return true.

  2. Let parentPolicy be navigable's container document's policy container's embedder policy.

  3. If parentPolicy's report-only value is compatible with cross-origin isolation and responsePolicy's value is not, then queue a cross-origin embedder policy inheritance violation with response, "navigation", parentPolicy's report only reporting endpoint, "reporting", and navigable's container document's relevant settings object.

  4. If parentPolicy's value is not compatible with cross-origin isolation or responsePolicy's value is compatible with cross-origin isolation, then return true.

  5. Queue a cross-origin embedder policy inheritance violation with response, "navigation", parentPolicy's reporting endpoint, "enforce", and navigable's container document's relevant settings object.

  6. falseを返す。

To check a global object's embedder policy given a WorkerGlobalScope workerGlobalScope, an environment settings object owner, and a response response:

  1. If workerGlobalScope is not a DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope object, then return true.

  2. Let policy be workerGlobalScope's embedder policy.

  3. Let ownerPolicy be owner's policy container's embedder policy.

  4. If ownerPolicy's report-only value is compatible with cross-origin isolation and policy's value is not, then queue a cross-origin embedder policy inheritance violation with response, "worker initialization", ownerPolicy's report only reporting endpoint, "reporting", and owner.

  5. If ownerPolicy's value is not compatible with cross-origin isolation or policy's value is compatible with cross-origin isolation, then return true.

  6. Queue a cross-origin embedder policy inheritance violation with response, "worker initialization", ownerPolicy's reporting endpoint, "enforce", and owner.

  7. falseを返す。

To queue a cross-origin embedder policy inheritance violation given a response response, a string type, a string endpoint, a string disposition, and an environment settings object settings:

  1. Let serialized be the result of serializing a response URL for reporting with response.

  2. Let body be a new object containing the following properties:

  3. Queue body as the "coep" report type for endpoint on settings.

7.1.5 サンドボックス






このフラグは、コンテンツが新しい補助ブラウジングコンテキストを作成するのを防ぐ。 たとえば、target属性やwindow.open()メソッドを使用する。






ユーザーによるアクティブ化なしでサンドボックス化されたブラウジングコンテキストフラグと同様に、このフラグはトップレベルブラウジングコンテキストにのみ影響する。 設定されていない場合、他のブラウジングコンテキストが他のフラグによって保護されている可能性がある。



このフラグはまた、document.cookie IDL属性からの読み取りまたは書き込みをするスクリプトを防止しlocalStorageへのアクセスをブロックする。




このフラグはPointer Lock APIを無効にする。[POINTERLOCK]














このフラグはPresentation APIを無効にする。 [PRESENTATION]


This flag prevents content from initiating or instantiating downloads, whether through downloading hyperlinks or through navigation that gets handled as a download.



When the user agent is to parse a sandboxing directive, given a string input and a sandboxing flag set output, it must run the following steps:

  1. Split input on ASCII whitespace, to obtain tokens.

  2. outputを空にする。

  3. outputに次のフラグを追加する:

すべてのトップレベルブラウジングコンテキストは、ポップアップサンドボックス化 フラグセットを持ち、これはサンドボックス化フラグセットである。ブラウジングコンテキストが作成される場合、そのポップアップサンド化フラグセットは空でなければならない。It is populated by the rules for choosing a navigable and the obtain a browsing context to use for a navigation response algorithm.

すべてのiframe要素は、iframeサンドボックス化フラグセットを持ち、これはサンドボックス化フラグセットである。iframeサンドボックス化フラグセットのどのフラグが特定の時間にセットされるかは、iframe要素のsandbox 属性によって決定される。


Every CSP list cspList has CSP-derived sandboxing flags, which is a sandboxing flag set. It is the return value of the following algorithm:

  1. Let directives be an empty ordered set.

  2. For each policy in cspList:

    1. If policy's disposition is not "enforce", then continue.

    2. If policy's directive set contains a directive whose name is "sandbox", then append that directive to directives.

  3. If directives is empty, then return an empty sandboxing flag set.

  4. Let directive be directives[directives's size − 1].

  5. Return the result of parsing the sandboxing directive directive.

nullまたは要素embedderを指定して、ブラウジングコンテキストbrowsing context作成サンドボックスフラグを決定するには、次のサンドボックスフラグセットに存在するフラグの和集合を返す。

7.1.6 Policy containers

A policy container is a struct containing policies that apply to a Document, a WorkerGlobalScope, or a WorkletGlobalScope. It has the following items:

Move other policies into the policy container.

To clone a policy container given a policy container policyContainer:

  1. Let clone be a new policy container.

  2. For each policy in policyContainer's CSP list, append a copy of policy into clone's CSP list.

  3. Set clone's embedder policy to a copy of policyContainer's embedder policy.

  4. Set clone's referrer policy to policyContainer's referrer policy.

  5. Return clone.

To determine whether a URL url requires storing the policy container in history:

  1. If url's scheme is "blob", then return false.

  2. If url is local, then return true.

  3. falseを返す。

To create a policy container from a fetch response given a response response and an environment-or-null environment:

  1. If response's URL's scheme is "blob", then return a clone of response's URL's blob URL entry's environment's policy container.

  2. Let result be a new policy container.

  3. Set result's CSP list to the result of parsing a response's Content Security Policies given response.

  4. If environment is non-null, then set result's embedder policy to the result of obtaining an embedder policy given response and environment. Otherwise, set it to "unsafe-none".

  5. Set result's referrer policy to the result of parsing the `Referrer-Policy` header given response. [REFERRERPOLICY]

  6. Return result.

To determine navigation params policy container given a URL responseURL and four policy container-or-nulls historyPolicyContainer, initiatorPolicyContainer, parentPolicyContainer, and responsePolicyContainer:

  1. If historyPolicyContainer is not null, then:

    1. Assert: responseURL requires storing the policy container in history.

    2. Return a clone of historyPolicyContainer.

  2. If responseURL is about:srcdoc, then:

    1. Assert: parentPolicyContainer is not null.

    2. Return a clone of parentPolicyContainer.

  3. If responseURL is local and initiatorPolicyContainer is not null, then return a clone of initiatorPolicyContainer.

  4. If responsePolicyContainer is not null, then return responsePolicyContainer.

  5. Return a new policy container.

To initialize a worker global scope's policy container given a WorkerGlobalScope workerGlobalScope, a response response, and an environment environment:

  1. If workerGlobalScope's url is local but its scheme is not "blob":

    1. Assert: workerGlobalScope's owner set's size is 1.

    2. Set workerGlobalScope's policy container to a clone of workerGlobalScope's owner set[0]'s relevant settings object's policy container.

  2. Otherwise, set workerGlobalScope's policy container to the result of creating a policy container from a fetch response given response and environment.