Living Standard — Last Updated 14 March 2025
URL予約としてURL about:legacy-compat
URLを予約としてURL about:html-kind
URLを予約としてURL about:srcdoc
If document is an iframe
document, then:
Assert: document's about base URL is non-null.
Return document's about base URL.
If document's URL matches about:blank
and document's about base URL is non-null, then return document's about base URL.
スキームが "about
と一致する理由は、 URLのクエリーがnullであることを保証するためである。これは、URLがabout:blank
とは異なり、 URLがnullでないクエリーを持つiframe
documentを作成できないためである。つまり、 about:srcdoc
に一致するすべてのURLのセットは、 フラグメントでのみ異なる。
Parsing a URL is the process of taking a string and obtaining the URL record that it represents. While this process is defined in URL, the HTML standard defines several wrappers to abstract base URLs and encodings. [URL]
Most new APIs are to use parse a URL. Older APIs and HTML elements might have reason to use encoding-parse a URL. When a custom base URL is needed or no base URL is desired, the URL parser can of course be used directly as well.
To parse a URL, given a string url, relative to a Document
object or environment settings object environment, run these steps. They return failure or a URL.
Let baseURL be environment's base URL, if environment is a Document
object; otherwise environment's API base URL.
Return the result of applying the URL parser to url, with baseURL.
To encoding-parse a URL, given a string url, relative to a Document
object or environment settings object environment, run these steps. They return failure or a URL.
Let encoding be UTF-8.
If environment is a Document
object, then set encoding to environment's character encoding.
Otherwise, if environment's relevant global object is a Window
object, set encoding to environment's relevant global object's associated Document
's character encoding.
Let baseURL be environment's base URL, if environment is a Document
object; otherwise environment's API base URL.
Return the result of applying the URL parser to url, with baseURL and encoding.
To encoding-parse-and-serialize a URL, given a string url, relative to a Document
object or environment settings object environment, run these steps. They return failure or a string.
Let url be the result of encoding-parsing a URL given url, relative to environment.
If url is failure, then return failure.
Return the result of applying the URL serializer to url.
When a document's document base URL changes, all elements in that document are affected by a base URL change.
The following are base URL change steps, which run when an element is affected by a base URL change (as defined by DOM):
If the URL identified by the hyperlink is being shown to the user, or if any data derived from that URL is affecting the display, then the href
attribute's value should be reparsed, relative to the element's node document and the UI updated appropriately.
For example, the CSS :link
pseudo-classes might have been affected.
If the hyperlink has a ping
attribute and its URL(s) are being shown to the user, then the ping
attribute's tokens should be reparsed, relative to the element's node document and the UI updated appropriately.
, blockquote
, ins
, or del
element with a cite
attributeIf the URL identified by the cite
attribute is being shown to the user, or if any data derived from that URL is affecting the display, then the cite
attribute's value should be reparsed, relative to the element's node document and the UI updated appropriately.
The element is not directly affected.
For instance, changing the base URL doesn't affect the image displayed by img
elements, although subsequent accesses of the src
IDL attribute from script will return a new absolute URL that might no longer correspond to the image being shown.
A response whose type is "basic
", "cors
", or "default
" is CORS-same-origin. [FETCH]
A response whose type is "opaque
" or "opaqueredirect
" is CORS-cross-origin.
A response's unsafe response is its internal response if it has one, and the response itself otherwise.
To create a potential-CORS request, given a url, destination, corsAttributeState, and an optional same-origin fallback flag, run these steps:
Let mode be "no-cors
" if corsAttributeState is No CORS, and "cors
" otherwise.
If same-origin fallback flag is set and mode is "no-cors
", set mode to "same-origin
Let credentialsMode be "include
If corsAttributeState is Anonymous, set credentialsMode to "same-origin
Return a new request whose URL is url, destination is destination, mode is mode, credentials mode is credentialsMode, and whose use-URL-credentials flag is set.
The Content-Type metadata of a resource must be obtained and interpreted in a manner consistent with the requirements of MIME Sniffing. [MIMESNIFF]
The computed MIME type of a resource must be found in a manner consistent with the requirements given in MIME Sniffing. [MIMESNIFF]
The rules for sniffing images specifically, the rules for distinguishing if a resource is text or binary, and the rules for sniffing audio and video specifically are also defined in MIME Sniffing. These rules return a MIME type as their result. [MIMESNIFF]
It is imperative that the rules in MIME Sniffing be followed exactly. When a user agent uses different heuristics for content type detection than the server expects, security problems can occur. For more details, see MIME Sniffing. [MIMESNIFF]
elementsThe algorithm for extracting a character encoding from a meta
element, given a string s, is as follows. It returns either a character encoding or nothing.
Let position be a pointer into s, initially pointing at the start of the string.
Loop: Find the first seven characters in s after position that are an ASCII case-insensitive match for the word "charset
". If no such match is found, return nothing.
Skip any ASCII whitespace that immediately follow the word "charset
" (there might not be any).
If the next character is not a U+003D EQUALS SIGN (=), then move position to point just before that next character, and jump back to the step labeled loop.
Skip any ASCII whitespace that immediately follow the equals sign (there might not be any).
Process the next character as follows:
This algorithm is distinct from those in the HTTP specifications (for example, HTTP doesn't allow the use of single quotes and requires supporting a backslash-escape mechanism that is not supported by this algorithm). While the algorithm is used in contexts that, historically, were related to HTTP, the syntax as supported by implementations diverged some time ago. [HTTP]
Support in all current engines.
キーワード | 状態 | 概要 |
anonymous | Anonymous | 要素に対するリクエストは、"cors "に設定されるリクエストのモードおよび"same-origin "に設定されるリクエストの資格情報モードを持つ。 |
(空文字列) | ||
use-credentials | Use Credentials | 要素に対するリクエストは、"cors "に設定されるリクエストのモードおよび"include "に設定されるリクエストの資格情報モードを持つ。 |
この属性の欠損値のデフォルトはNo CORS状態であり、無効値のデフォルトはAnonymous状態である。反映の目的のため、Anonymous状態の正規キーワードはanonymous
様々なフェッチの処理モデルにこの状態の影響は、Fetchで、およびReferrer Policyで、この仕様を通してより詳細に定義される。[FETCH] [REFERRERPOLICY]
` HTTPヘッダー。
Support in all current engines.
コンテンツ属性は、与えられたフェッチが処理されてもよいどうかを判断するためにContent Security Policyで使用することができる暗号ノンス("一度使用される数字")を表す。値はテキストである。[CSP]
要素の暗号ノンスに設定された値を返す。 セッターが使用されなかった場合、これはnonce
element.nonce = value
コンテンツ属性を空の文字列に設定するのと同様に、セレクターなどのコンテンツ属性をより簡単に読み取ることができるメカニズムによるnonce値の流出を防ぐことを意味する。この動作が導入されたissue #2369で詳細を確認されたい。
The following attribute change steps are used for the nonce
content attribute:
If element does not include HTMLOrSVGElement
, then return.
If localName is not nonce
or namespace is not null, then return.
If value is null, then set element's [[CryptographicNonce]] to the empty string.
Otherwise, set element's [[CryptographicNonce]] to value.
Whenever an element including HTMLOrSVGElement
becomes browsing-context connected, the user agent must execute the following steps on the element:
Let CSP list be element's shadow-including root's policy container's CSP list.
If CSP list contains a header-delivered Content Security Policy, and element has a nonce
content attribute whose value is not the empty string, then:
Let nonce be element's [[CryptographicNonce]].
Set an attribute value for element using "nonce
" and the empty string.
Set element's [[CryptographicNonce]] to nonce.
If element's [[CryptographicNonce]] were not restored it would be the empty string at this point.
The cloning steps for elements that include HTMLOrSVGElement
given node, copy, and subtree are to set copy's [[CryptographicNonce]] to node's [[CryptographicNonce]].
Support in all current engines.
キーワード | 状態 | 概要 |
lazy | Lazy | いくつかの条件が満たされるまでリソースのフェッチを延期するために使用される。 |
eager | Eager | リソースをすぐにフェッチするために使用される。デフォルト状態。 |
The will lazy load element steps, given an element element, are as follows:
If scripting is disabled for element, then return false.
This is an anti-tracking measure, because if a user agent supported lazy loading when scripting is disabled, it would still be possible for a site to track a user's approximate scroll position throughout a session, by strategically placing images in a page's markup such that a server can track how many images are requested and when.
If element's lazy loading attribute is in the Lazy state, then return true.
Each img
and iframe
element has associated lazy load resumption steps, initially null.
For img
and iframe
elements that will lazy load, these steps are run from the lazy load intersection observer's callback or when their lazy loading attribute is set to the Eager state. This causes the element to continue loading.
Each Document
has a lazy load intersection observer, initially set to null but can be set to an IntersectionObserver
To start intersection-observing a lazy loading element element, run these steps:
Let doc be element's node document.
If doc's lazy load intersection observer is null, set it to a new IntersectionObserver
instance, initialized as follows:
The intention is to use the original value of the IntersectionObserver
constructor. However, we're forced to use the JavaScript-exposed constructor in this specification, until Intersection Observer exposes low-level hooks for use in specifications. See bug w3c/IntersectionObserver#464 which tracks this. [INTERSECTIONOBSERVER]
The callback is these steps, with arguments entries and observer:
For each entry in entries using a method of iteration which does not trigger developer-modifiable array accessors or iteration hooks:
Let resumptionSteps be null.
If entry.isIntersecting
is true, then set resumptionSteps to
's lazy load resumption steps.
If resumptionSteps is null, then return.
Stop intersection-observing a lazy loading element for
's lazy load resumption steps to null.
Invoke resumptionSteps.
The intention is to use the original value of the isIntersecting
and target
getters. See w3c/IntersectionObserver#464. [INTERSECTIONOBSERVER]
The options is an IntersectionObserverInit
dictionary with the following dictionary members: «[ "scrollMargin
" → lazy load scroll margin ]»
This allows for fetching the image during scrolling, when it does not yet — but is about to — intersect the viewport.
The lazy load scroll margin suggestions imply dynamic changes to the value, but the IntersectionObserver
API does not support changing the scroll margin. See issue w3c/IntersectionObserver#428.
Call doc's lazy load intersection observer's observe
method with element as the argument.
The intention is to use the original value of the observe
method. See w3c/IntersectionObserver#464. [INTERSECTIONOBSERVER]
To stop intersection-observing a lazy loading element element, run these steps:
Let doc be element's node document.
Assert: doc's lazy load intersection observer is not null.
Call doc's lazy load intersection observer's unobserve
method with element as the argument.
The intention is to use the original value of the unobserve
method. See w3c/IntersectionObserver#464. [INTERSECTIONOBSERVER]
The lazy load scroll margin is an implementation-defined value, but with the following suggestions to consider:
Set a minimum value that most often results in the resources being loaded before they intersect the viewport under normal usage patterns for the given device.
The typical scrolling speed: increase the value for devices with faster typical scrolling speeds.
The current scrolling speed or momentum: the UA can attempt to predict where the scrolling will likely stop, and adjust the value accordingly.
The network quality: increase the value for slow or high-latency connections.
User preferences can influence the value.
It is important for privacy that the lazy load scroll margin not leak additional information. For example, the typical scrolling speed on the current device could be imprecise so as to not introduce a new fingerprinting vector.
可能なブロックキングトークン | 説明 |
"render " | 要素が潜在的にレンダリングブロックキングである。 |
The blocking tokens set for an element el are the result of the following steps:
Let value be the value of el's blocking attribute, or the empty string if no such attribute exists.
Set value to value, converted to ASCII lowercase.
Let rawTokens be the result of splitting value on ASCII whitespace.
Return a set containing the elements of rawTokens that are possible blocking tokens.
An element is potentially render-blocking if its blocking tokens set contains "render
", or if it is implicitly potentially render-blocking, which will be defined at the individual elements. By default, an element is not implicitly potentially render-blocking.
キーワード | 状態 | 概要 |
high | high | 同じ宛先を持つ他のリソースに対して、優先度の高いフェッチを通知する。 |
low | low | 同じ宛先を持つ他のリソースに対して、優先度の低いフェッチを通知する。 |
auto | auto | 同じ宛先を持つ他のリソースに対するフェッチの優先度の自動決定を通知する。 |