Living Standard — Last Updated 28 March 2025
, WindowProxy
, and Location
, WindowProxy
, and Location
objectsAlthough typically objects cannot be accessed across origins, the web platform would not be true to itself if it did not have some legacy exceptions to that rule that the web depends upon.
This section uses the terminology and typographic conventions from the JavaScript specification. [JAVASCRIPT]
When perform a security check is invoked, with a platformObject, identifier, and type, run these steps:
If platformObject is not a Window
or Location
object, then return.
For each e of CrossOriginProperties(platformObject):
If SameValue(e.[[Property]], identifier) is true, then:
If type is "method
" and e has neither [[NeedsGet]] nor [[NeedsSet]], then return.
Otherwise, if type is "getter
" and e.[[NeedsGet]] is true, then return.
Otherwise, if type is "setter
" and e.[[NeedsSet]] is true, then return.
If IsPlatformObjectSameOrigin(platformObject) is false, then throw a "SecurityError
" DOMException
and Location
objects both have a [[CrossOriginPropertyDescriptorMap]] internal slot, whose value is initially an empty map.
The [[CrossOriginPropertyDescriptorMap]] internal slot contains a map with entries whose keys are (currentGlobal, objectGlobal, propertyKey)-tuples and values are property descriptors, as a memoization of what is visible to scripts when currentGlobal inspects a Window
or Location
object from objectGlobal. It is filled lazily by CrossOriginGetOwnPropertyHelper, which consults it on future lookups.
User agents should allow a value held in the map to be garbage collected along with its corresponding key when nothing holds a reference to any part of the value. That is, as long as garbage collection is not observable.
For example, with const href = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(crossOriginLocation, "href").set
the value and its corresponding key in the map cannot be garbage collected as that would be observable.
User agents may have an optimization whereby they remove key-value pairs from the map when document.domain
is set. This is not observable as document.domain
cannot revisit an earlier value.
For example, setting document.domain
to "
" on means user agents can remove all key-value pairs from the map where part of the key is, as that can never be part of the origin again and therefore the corresponding value could never be retrieved from the map.
If O is a Location
object, then return « { [[Property]]: "href
", [[NeedsGet]]: false, [[NeedsSet]]: true }, { [[Property]]: "replace
" } ».
Return « { [[Property]]: "window
", [[NeedsGet]]: true, [[NeedsSet]]: false }, { [[Property]]: "self
", [[NeedsGet]]: true, [[NeedsSet]]: false }, { [[Property]]: "location
", [[NeedsGet]]: true, [[NeedsSet]]: true }, { [[Property]]: "close
" }, { [[Property]]: "closed
", [[NeedsGet]]: true, [[NeedsSet]]: false }, { [[Property]]: "focus
" }, { [[Property]]: "blur
" }, { [[Property]]: "frames
", [[NeedsGet]]: true, [[NeedsSet]]: false }, { [[Property]]: "length
", [[NeedsGet]]: true, [[NeedsSet]]: false }, { [[Property]]: "top
", [[NeedsGet]]: true, [[NeedsSet]]: false }, { [[Property]]: "opener
", [[NeedsGet]]: true, [[NeedsSet]]: false }, { [[Property]]: "parent
", [[NeedsGet]]: true, [[NeedsSet]]: false }, { [[Property]]: "postMessage
" } ».
This abstract operation does not return a Completion Record.
Indexed properties do not need to be safelisted in this algorithm, as they are handled directly by the WindowProxy
A JavaScript property name P is a cross-origin accessible window property name if it is "window
", "self
", "location
", "close
", "closed
", "focus
", "blur
", "frames
", "length
", "top
", "opener
", "parent
", "postMessage
", or an array index property name.
If P is "then
", %Symbol.toStringTag%, %Symbol.hasInstance%, or %Symbol.isConcatSpreadable%, then return PropertyDescriptor{ [[Value]]: undefined, [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true }.
Throw a "SecurityError
" DOMException
Return true if the current settings object's origin is same origin-domain with O's relevant settings object's origin, and false otherwise.
This abstract operation does not return a Completion Record.
Here the current settings object roughly corresponds to the "caller", because this check occurs before the execution context for the getter/setter/method in question makes its way onto the JavaScript execution context stack. For example, in the code w.document
, this step is invoked before the document
getter is reached as part of the [[Get]] algorithm for the WindowProxy
If this abstract operation returns undefined and there is no custom behavior, the caller needs to throw a "SecurityError
" DOMException
. In practice this is handled by the caller calling CrossOriginPropertyFallback.
Let crossOriginKey be a tuple consisting of the current settings object, O's relevant settings object, and P.
For each e of CrossOriginProperties(O):
If SameValue(e.[[Property]], P) is true, then:
If the value of the [[CrossOriginPropertyDescriptorMap]] internal slot of O contains an entry whose key is crossOriginKey, then return that entry's value.
Let originalDesc be OrdinaryGetOwnProperty(O, P).
Let crossOriginDesc be undefined.
If e.[[NeedsGet]] and e.[[NeedsSet]] are absent, then:
Let value be originalDesc.[[Value]].
If IsCallable(value) is true, then set value to an anonymous built-in function, created in the current realm, that performs the same steps as the IDL operation P on object O.
Set crossOriginDesc to PropertyDescriptor{ [[Value]]: value, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Writable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true }.
Let crossOriginGet be undefined.
If e.[[NeedsGet]] is true, then set crossOriginGet to an anonymous built-in function, created in the current realm, that performs the same steps as the getter of the IDL attribute P on object O.
Let crossOriginSet be undefined.
If e.[[NeedsSet]] is true, then set crossOriginSet to an anonymous built-in function, created in the current realm, that performs the same steps as the setter of the IDL attribute P on object O.
Set crossOriginDesc to PropertyDescriptor{ [[Get]]: crossOriginGet, [[Set]]: crossOriginSet, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true }.
Create an entry in the value of the [[CrossOriginPropertyDescriptorMap]] internal slot of O with key crossOriginKey and value crossOriginDesc.
Return crossOriginDesc.
Return undefined.
This abstract operation does not return a Completion Record.
The reason that the property descriptors produced here are configurable is to preserve the invariants of the essential internal methods required by the JavaScript specification. In particular, since the value of the property can change as a consequence of navigation, it is required that the property be configurable. (However, see tc39/ecma262 issue #672 and references to it elsewhere in this specification for cases where we are not able to preserve these invariants, for compatibility with existing web content.) [JAVASCRIPT]
The reason the property descriptors are non-enumerable, despite this mismatching the same-origin behavior, is for compatibility with existing web content. See issue #3183 for details.
Let desc be ? O.[[GetOwnProperty]](P).
Assert: desc is not undefined.
If IsDataDescriptor(desc) is true, then return desc.[[Value]].
Assert: IsAccessorDescriptor(desc) is true.
Let getter be desc.[[Get]].
If getter is undefined, then throw a "SecurityError
" DOMException
Return ? Call(getter, Receiver).
Let desc be ? O.[[GetOwnProperty]](P).
Assert: desc is not undefined.
If desc.[[Set]] is present and its value is not undefined, then:
Perform ? Call(desc.[[Set]], Receiver, « V »).
Return true.
Throw a "SecurityError
" DOMException
Let keys be a new empty List.
For each e of CrossOriginProperties(O), append e.[[Property]] to keys.
Return the concatenation of keys and « "then
", %Symbol.toStringTag%, %Symbol.hasInstance%, %Symbol.isConcatSpreadable% ».
This abstract operation does not return a Completion Record.
オブジェクトSupport in all current engines.
[Global =Window ,
Exposed =Window ,
LegacyUnenumerableNamedProperties ]
interface Window : EventTarget {
// the current browsing context
[LegacyUnforgeable ] readonly attribute WindowProxy window ;
[Replaceable ] readonly attribute WindowProxy self ;
[LegacyUnforgeable ] readonly attribute Document document ;
attribute DOMString name ;
[PutForwards =href , LegacyUnforgeable ] readonly attribute Location location ;
readonly attribute History history ;
readonly attribute Navigation navigation ;
readonly attribute CustomElementRegistry customElements ;
[Replaceable ] readonly attribute BarProp locationbar ;
[Replaceable ] readonly attribute BarProp menubar ;
[Replaceable ] readonly attribute BarProp personalbar ;
[Replaceable ] readonly attribute BarProp scrollbars ;
[Replaceable ] readonly attribute BarProp statusbar ;
[Replaceable ] readonly attribute BarProp toolbar ;
attribute DOMString status ;
undefined close ();
readonly attribute boolean closed ;
undefined stop ();
undefined focus ();
undefined blur ();
// other browsing contexts
[Replaceable ] readonly attribute WindowProxy frames ;
[Replaceable ] readonly attribute unsigned long length ;
[LegacyUnforgeable ] readonly attribute WindowProxy ?top ;
attribute any opener ;
[Replaceable ] readonly attribute WindowProxy ?parent ;
readonly attribute Element ?frameElement ;
WindowProxy ?open (optional USVString url = "", optional DOMString target = "_blank", optional [LegacyNullToEmptyString ] DOMString features = "");
// Since this is the global object, the IDL named getter adds a NamedPropertiesObject exotic
// object on the prototype chain. Indeed, this does not make the global object an exotic object.
// Indexed access is taken care of by the WindowProxy exotic object.
getter object (DOMString name );
// the user agent
readonly attribute Navigator navigator ;
[Replaceable ] readonly attribute Navigator clientInformation ; // legacy alias of .navigator
readonly attribute boolean originAgentCluster ;
// user prompts
undefined alert ();
undefined alert (DOMString message );
boolean confirm (optional DOMString message = "");
DOMString ?prompt (optional DOMString message = "", optional DOMString default = "");
undefined print ();
undefined postMessage (any message , USVString targetOrigin , optional sequence <object > transfer = []);
undefined postMessage (any message , optional WindowPostMessageOptions options = {});
// also has obsolete members
Window includes GlobalEventHandlers ;
Window includes WindowEventHandlers ;
dictionary WindowPostMessageOptions : StructuredSerializeOptions {
USVString targetOrigin = "/";
Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
The Window
object has an associated Document
, which is a Document
object. It is set when the Window
object is created, and only ever changed during navigation from the initial about:blank
A Window
's browsing context is its associated Document
's browsing context. It is either null or a browsing context.
A Window
's navigable is the navigable whose active document is the Window
's associated Document
's, or null if there is no such navigable.
The window
, frames
, and self
getter steps are to return this's relevant realm.[[GlobalEnv]].[[GlobalThisValue]].
The document
getter steps are to return this's associated Document
The Document
object associated with a Window
object can change in exactly one case: when the navigate algorithm creates a new Document
object for the first page loaded in a browsing context. In that specific case, the Window
object of the initial about:blank
page is reused and gets a new Document
The defaultView
getter steps are:
If this's browsing context is null, then return null.
Return this's browsing context's WindowProxy
Support in all current engines.
For historical reasons, Window
objects must also have a writable, configurable, non-enumerable property named HTMLDocument
whose value is the Document
interface object.
window =[ url [, target [, features ] ] ])
Support in all current engines.
"ユーザーエージェントに、新しいウィンドウに最小限のウェブブラウザーユーザーインターフェイスを提供するように促す。 (すべてのBarProp
globalThis. open( "https://email.example/message/CAOOOkFcWW97r8yg=SsWg7GgCmp4suVX9o85y8BvNRqMjuc5PXg" , undefined , "noopener,popup" ); [ = value ]
Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
To get noopener for window open, given a Document
sourceDocument, an ordered map tokenizedFeatures, and a URL record-or-null url, perform the following steps. They return a boolean.
If url is not null and url's blob URL entry is not null:
Let blobOrigin be url's blob URL entry's environment's origin.
Let topLevelOrigin be sourceDocument's relevant settings object's top-level origin.
If blobOrigin is not same site with topLevelOrigin, then return true.
Let noopener be false.
If tokenizedFeatures["noopener
"] exists, then set noopener to the result of parsing tokenizedFeatures["noopener
"] as a boolean feature.
Return noopener.
The window open steps, given a string url, a string target, and a string features, are as follows:
If the event loop's termination nesting level is nonzero, then return null.
Let sourceDocument be the entry global object's associated Document
Let urlRecord be null.
If url is not the empty string, then:
Set urlRecord to the result of encoding-parsing a URL given url, relative to sourceDocument.
If urlRecord is failure, then throw a "SyntaxError
" DOMException
If target is the empty string, then set target to "_blank
Let tokenizedFeatures be the result of tokenizing features.
Let noreferrer be false.
If tokenizedFeatures["noreferrer
"] exists, then set noreferrer to the result of parsing tokenizedFeatures["noreferrer
"] as a boolean feature.
Let noopener be the result of getting noopener for window open with sourceDocument, tokenizedFeatures, and urlRecord.
Remove tokenizedFeatures["noopener
"] and tokenizedFeatures["noreferrer
Let referrerPolicy be the empty string.
If noreferrer is true, then set noopener to true and set referrerPolicy to "no-referrer
Let targetNavigable and windowType be the result of applying the rules for choosing a navigable given target, sourceDocument's node navigable, and noopener.
If there is a user agent that supports control-clicking a link to open it in a new tab, and the user control-clicks on an element whose onclick
handler uses the
API to open a page in an iframe
element, the user agent could override the selection of the target browsing context to instead target a new tab.
If targetNavigable is null, then return null.
If windowType is either "new and unrestricted
" or "new with no opener
", then:
Set targetNavigable's active browsing context's is popup to the result of checking if a popup window is requested, given tokenizedFeatures.
Set up browsing context features for targetNavigable's active browsing context given tokenizedFeatures. [CSSOMVIEW]
If urlRecord is null, then set urlRecord to a URL record representing about:blank
If urlRecord matches about:blank
, then perform the URL and history update steps given targetNavigable's active document and urlRecord.
This is necessary in case url is something like about:blank?foo
. If url is just plain about:blank
, this will do nothing.
Otherwise, navigate targetNavigable to urlRecord using sourceDocument, with referrerPolicy set to referrerPolicy and exceptionsEnabled set to true.
If urlRecord is not null, then navigate targetNavigable to urlRecord using sourceDocument, with referrerPolicy set to referrerPolicy and exceptionsEnabled set to true.
If noopener is false, then set targetNavigable's active browsing context's opener browsing context to sourceDocument's browsing context.
If noopener is true or windowType is "new with no opener
", then return null.
Return targetNavigable's active WindowProxy
The open(url, target, features)
method steps are to run the window open steps with url, target, and features.
The method provides a mechanism for navigating an existing browsing context or opening and navigating an auxiliary browsing context.
To tokenize the features argument:
Let tokenizedFeatures be a new ordered map.
Let position point at the first code point of features.
While position is not past the end of features:
Let name be the empty string.
Let value be the empty string.
Collect a sequence of code points that are feature separators from features given position. This skips past leading separators before the name.
Collect a sequence of code points that are not feature separators from features given position. Set name to the collected characters, converted to ASCII lowercase.
Set name to the result of normalizing the feature name name.
While position is not past the end of features and the code point at position in features is not U+003D (=):
If the code point at position in features is U+002C (,), or if it is not a feature separator, then break.
Advance position by 1.
This skips to the first U+003D (=) but does not skip past a U+002C (,) or a non-separator.
If the code point at position in features is a feature separator:
While position is not past the end of features and the code point at position in features is a feature separator:
If the code point at position in features is U+002C (,), then break.
Advance position by 1.
This skips to the first non-separator but does not skip past a U+002C (,).
Collect a sequence of code points that are not feature separators code points from features given position. Set value to the collected code points, converted to ASCII lowercase.
If name is not the empty string, then set tokenizedFeatures[name] to value.
Return tokenizedFeatures.
To check if a window feature is set, given tokenizedFeatures, featureName, and defaultValue:
If tokenizedFeatures[featureName] exists, then return the result of parsing tokenizedFeatures[featureName] as a boolean feature.
Return defaultValue.
To check if a popup window is requested, given tokenizedFeatures:
If tokenizedFeatures is empty, then return false.
If tokenizedFeatures["popup
"] exists, then return the result of parsing tokenizedFeatures["popup
"] as a boolean feature.
Let location be the result of checking if a window feature is set, given tokenizedFeatures, "location
", and false.
Let toolbar be the result of checking if a window feature is set, given tokenizedFeatures, "toolbar
", and false.
If location and toolbar are both false, then return true.
Let menubar be the result of checking if a window feature is set, given tokenizedFeatures, "menubar
", and false.
If menubar is false, then return true.
Let resizable be the result of checking if a window feature is set, given tokenizedFeatures, "resizable
", and true.
If resizable is false, then return true.
Let scrollbars be the result of checking if a window feature is set, given tokenizedFeatures, "scrollbars
", and false.
If scrollbars is false, then return true.
Let status be the result of checking if a window feature is set, given tokenizedFeatures, "status
", and false.
If status is false, then return true.
A code point is a feature separator if it is ASCII whitespace, U+003D (=), or U+002C (,).
For legacy reasons, there are some aliases of some feature names. To normalize a feature name name, switch on name:
".To parse a boolean feature given a string value:
If value is the empty string, then return true.
If value is "yes
", then return true.
If value is "true
", then return true.
Let parsed be the result of parsing value as an integer.
If parsed is an error, then set it to 0.
Return false if parsed is 0, and true otherwise.
The name
getter steps are:
Return this's navigable's target name.
The name
setter steps are:
Set this's navigable's active session history entry's document state's navigable target name to the given value.
The name gets reset when the navigable is navigated to another origin.
The close()
method steps are:
If thisTraversable is not a top-level traversable, then return.
If thisTraversable's is closing is true, then return.
Let browsingContext be thisTraversable's active browsing context.
Let sourceSnapshotParams be the result of snapshotting source snapshot params given thisTraversable's active document.
If all the following are true:
thisTraversable is script-closable;
the incumbent global object's browsing context is familiar with browsingContext; and
the incumbent global object's navigable is allowed by sandboxing to navigate thisTraversable, given sourceSnapshotParams,
Set thisTraversable's is closing to true.
Queue a task on the DOM manipulation task source to definitely close thisTraversable.
A navigable is script-closable if its active browsing context is an auxiliary browsing context that was created by a script (as opposed to by an action of the user), or if it is a top-level traversable whose session history entries's size is 1.
The closed
getter steps are to return true if this's browsing context is null or its is closing is true; otherwise false.
The stop()
method steps are:
Support in all current engines.
The length
getter steps are to return this's associated Document
's document-tree child navigables's size.
Indexed access to document-tree child navigables is defined through the [[GetOwnProperty]] internal method of the WindowProxy
The document-tree child navigable target name property set of a Window
object window is the return value of running these steps:
Let children be the document-tree child navigables of window's associated Document
Let firstNamedChildren be an empty ordered set.
For each navigable of children:
Let name be navigable's target name.
If name is the empty string, then continue.
If firstNamedChildren contains a navigable whose target name is name, then continue.
Append navigable to firstNamedChildren.
Let names be an empty ordered set.
For each navigable of firstNamedChildren:
Let name be navigable's target name.
If navigable's active document's origin is same origin with window's relevant settings object's origin, then append name to names.
Return names.
The two seperate iterations mean that in the following example, hosted on
, assuming https://elsewhere.example/
to "spices
", evaluating window.spices
after everything has loaded will yield undefined:
< iframe src = ></ iframe >
< iframe name = spices ></ iframe >
The Window
object supports named properties. The supported property names of a Window
object window at any moment consist of the following, in tree order according to the element that contributed them, ignoring later duplicates:
window's document-tree child navigable target name property set;
the value of the name
content attribute for all embed
, form
, img
, and object
elements that have a non-empty name
content attribute and are in a document tree with window's associated Document
as their root; and
the value of the id
content attribute for all HTML elements that have a non-empty id
content attribute and are in a document tree with window's associated Document
as their root.
To determine the value of a named property name in a Window
object window, the user agent must return the value obtained using the following steps:
Let objects be the list of named objects of window with the name name.
There will be at least one such object, since the algorithm would otherwise not have been invoked by Web IDL.
If objects contains a navigable, then:
Let container be the first navigable container in window's associated Document
's descendants whose content navigable is in objects.
Return container's content navigable's active WindowProxy
Otherwise, if objects has only one element, return that element.
Otherwise, return an HTMLCollection
rooted at window's associated Document
, whose filter matches only named objects of window with the name name. (By definition, these will all be elements.)
Named objects of Window
object window with the name name, for the purposes of the above algorithm, consist of the following:
document-tree child navigables of window's associated Document
whose target name is name;
, form
, img
, or object
elements that have a name
content attribute whose value is name and are in a document tree with window's associated Document
as their root; and
HTML elements that have an id
content attribute whose value is name and are in a document tree with window's associated Document
as their root.
Since the Window
interface has the [Global]
extended attribute, its named properties follow the rules for named properties objects rather than legacy platform objects.
Support in all current engines.
window.opener [ = value ]
Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
The top
getter steps are:
Return this's navigable's top-level traversable's active WindowProxy
The opener
getter steps are:
Let current be this's browsing context.
If current is null, then return null.
If current's opener browsing context is null, then return null.
Return current's opener browsing context's WindowProxy
The opener
setter steps are:
If the given value is null and this's browsing context is non-null, then set this's browsing context's opener browsing context to null.
If the given value is non-null, then perform ? DefinePropertyOrThrow(this, "opener
", { [[Value]]: the given value, [[Writable]]: true, [[Enumerable]]: true, [[Configurable]]: true }).
Setting window.opener
to null clears the opener browsing context reference. In practice, this prevents future scripts from accessing their opener browsing context's Window
By default, scripts can access their opener browsing context's Window
object through the window.opener
getter. E.g., a script can set window.opener.location
, causing the opener browsing context to navigate.
The parent
getter steps are:
If navigable is null, then return null.
If navigable's parent is not null, then set navigable to navigable's parent.
Return navigable's active WindowProxy
The frameElement
getter steps are:
Let current be this's node navigable.
If current is null, then return null.
Let container be current's container.
If container is null, then return null.
If container's node document's origin is not same origin-domain with the current settings object's origin, then return null.
Return container.
An example of when these properties can return null is as follows:
<!DOCTYPE html>
< iframe ></ iframe >
< script >
"use strict" ;
const element = document. querySelector( "iframe" );
const iframeWindow = element. contentWindow;
element. remove();
console. assert( iframeWindow. top === null );
console. assert( iframeWindow. parent === null );
console. assert( iframeWindow. frameElement === null );
</ script >
Here the browsing context corresponding to iframeWindow
was nulled out when element
was removed from the document.
Support in all current engines.
[Exposed =Window ]
interface BarProp {
readonly attribute boolean visible ;
Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
The visible
getter steps are:
Let browsingContext be this's relevant global object's browsing context.
If browsingContext is null, then return true.
Return the negation of browsingContext's top-level browsing context's is popup.
The following BarProp
objects must exist for each Window
objectThe locationbar
attribute must return the location bar BarProp
The menubar
attribute must return the menu bar BarProp
The personalbar
attribute must return the personal bar BarProp
The scrollbars
attribute must return the scrollbar BarProp
The statusbar
attribute must return the status bar BarProp
The toolbar
attribute must return the toolbar BarProp
For historical reasons, the status
attribute on the Window
object must, on getting, return the last string it was set to, and on setting, must set itself to the new value. When the Window
object is created, the attribute must be set to the empty string. It does not do anything else.
objectsTo set up a window environment settings object, given a URL creationURL, a JavaScript execution context execution context, null or an environment reservedEnvironment, a URL topLevelCreationURL, and an origin topLevelOrigin, run these steps:
Let realm be the value of execution context's Realm component.
Let window be realm's global object.
Let settings object be a new environment settings object whose algorithms are defined as follows:
Return execution context.
Return the module map of window's associated Document
Return the current base URL of window's associated Document
Return the origin of window's associated Document
Return the policy container of window's associated Document
Return true if both of the following hold, and false otherwise:
realm's agent cluster's cross-origin-isolation mode is "concrete
", and
window's associated Document
is allowed to use the "cross-origin-isolated
" feature.
Return window's associated Document
's load timing info's navigation start time.
If reservedEnvironment is non-null, then:
Set settings object's id to reservedEnvironment's id, target browsing context to reservedEnvironment's target browsing context, and active service worker to reservedEnvironment's active service worker.
Set reservedEnvironment's id to the empty string.
The identity of the reserved environment is considered to be fully transferred to the created environment settings object. The reserved environment is not searchable by the environment’s id from this point on.
Otherwise, set settings object's id to a new unique opaque string, settings object's target browsing context to null, and settings object's active service worker to null.
Set settings object's creation URL to creationURL, settings object's top-level creation URL to topLevelCreationURL, and settings object's top-level origin to topLevelOrigin.
Set realm's [[HostDefined]] field to settings object.
オブジェクトを持つ。ブラウジングコンテキストがナビゲートされるとき、ブラウジングコンテキストの関連付けられ WindowProxy
The WindowProxy
exotic object must use the ordinary internal methods except where it is explicitly specified otherwise below.
There is no WindowProxy
interface object.
Every WindowProxy
object has a [[Window]] internal slot representing the wrapped Window
Although WindowProxy
is named as a "proxy", it does not do polymorphic dispatch on its target's internal methods as a real proxy would, due to a desire to reuse machinery between WindowProxy
and Location
objects. As long as the Window
object remains an ordinary object this is unobservable and can be implemented either way.
Let W be the value of the [[Window]] internal slot of this.
If IsPlatformObjectSameOrigin(W) is true, then return ! OrdinaryGetPrototypeOf(W).
Return null.
Return ! SetImmutablePrototype(this, V).
Return true.
Let W be the value of the [[Window]] internal slot of this.
If P is an array index property name, then:
Let index be ! ToUint32(P).
Let children be the document-tree child navigables of W's associated Document
Let value be undefined.
If index is less than children's size, then:
Sort children in ascending order, with navigableA being less than navigableB if navigableA's container was inserted into W's associated Document
earlier than navigableB's container was.
Set value to children[index]'s active WindowProxy
If value is undefined, then:
If IsPlatformObjectSameOrigin(W) is true, then return undefined.
Throw a "SecurityError
" DOMException
Return PropertyDescriptor{ [[Value]]: value, [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]: true, [[Configurable]]: true }.
If IsPlatformObjectSameOrigin(W) is true, then return ! OrdinaryGetOwnProperty(W, P).
This is a willful violation of the JavaScript specification's invariants of the essential internal methods to maintain compatibility with existing web content. See tc39/ecma262 issue #672 for more information. [JAVASCRIPT]
Let property be CrossOriginGetOwnPropertyHelper(W, P).
If property is not undefined, then return property.
If property is undefined and P is in W's document-tree child navigable target name property set, then:
Let value be the active WindowProxy
of the named object of W with the name P.
Return PropertyDescriptor{ [[Value]]: value, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Writable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true }.
The reason the property descriptors are non-enumerable, despite this mismatching the same-origin behavior, is for compatibility with existing web content. See issue #3183 for details.
Return ? CrossOriginPropertyFallback(P).
Let W be the value of the [[Window]] internal slot of this.
If IsPlatformObjectSameOrigin(W) is true, then:
If P is an array index property name, return false.
Return ? OrdinaryDefineOwnProperty(W, P, Desc).
This is a willful violation of the JavaScript specification's invariants of the essential internal methods to maintain compatibility with existing web content. See tc39/ecma262 issue #672 for more information. [JAVASCRIPT]
Throw a "SecurityError
" DOMException
Let W be the value of the [[Window]] internal slot of this.
Check if an access between two browsing contexts should be reported, given the current global object's browsing context, W's browsing context, P, and the current settings object.
If IsPlatformObjectSameOrigin(W) is true, then return ? OrdinaryGet(this, P, Receiver).
Return ? CrossOriginGet(this, P, Receiver).
this is passed rather than W as OrdinaryGet and CrossOriginGet will invoke the [[GetOwnProperty]] internal method.
Let W be the value of the [[Window]] internal slot of this.
Check if an access between two browsing contexts should be reported, given the current global object's browsing context, W's browsing context, P, and the current settings object.
If IsPlatformObjectSameOrigin(W) is true, then:
If P is an array index property name, then return false.
Return ? OrdinarySet(W, P, V, Receiver).
Return ? CrossOriginSet(this, P, V, Receiver).
this is passed rather than W as CrossOriginSet will invoke the [[GetOwnProperty]] internal method.
Let W be the value of the [[Window]] internal slot of this.
If IsPlatformObjectSameOrigin(W) is true, then:
If P is an array index property name, then:
Let desc be ! this.[[GetOwnProperty]](P).
If desc is undefined, then return true.
Return ? OrdinaryDelete(W, P).
Throw a "SecurityError
" DOMException
Let W be the value of the [[Window]] internal slot of this.
Let maxProperties be W's associated Document
's document-tree child navigables's size.
Let keys be the range 0 to maxProperties, exclusive.
If IsPlatformObjectSameOrigin(W) is true, then return the concatenation of keys and OrdinaryOwnPropertyKeys(W).
Return the concatenation of keys and ! CrossOriginOwnPropertyKeys(W).
インターフェイスSupport in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
The Location
exotic object is defined through a mishmash of IDL, invocation of JavaScript internal methods post-creation, and overridden JavaScript internal methods. Coupled with its scary security policy, please take extra care while implementing this excrescence.
To create a Location
object, run these steps:
Let location be a new Location
platform object.
Let valueOf be location's relevant realm.[[Intrinsics]].[[%Object.prototype.valueOf%]].
Perform ! location.[[DefineOwnProperty]]("valueOf
", { [[Value]]: valueOf, [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: false }).
Perform ! location.[[DefineOwnProperty]](%Symbol.toPrimitive%, { [[Value]]: undefined, [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: false }).
Set the value of the [[DefaultProperties]] internal slot of location to location.[[OwnPropertyKeys]]().
Return location.
The addition of valueOf
and %Symbol.toPrimitive% own data properties, as well as the fact that all of Location
's IDL attributes are marked [LegacyUnforgeable]
, is required by legacy code that consulted the Location
interface, or stringified it, to determine the document URL, and then used it in a security-sensitive way. In particular, the valueOf
, %Symbol.toPrimitive%, and [LegacyUnforgeable]
stringifier mitigations ensure that code such as foo[location] = bar
or location + ""
cannot be misdirected.
document.location [ = value ]
window.location [ = value ]
The Document
object's location
getter steps are to return this's relevant global object's Location
object, if this is fully active, and null otherwise.
The Window
object's location
getter steps are to return this's Location
objects provide a representation of the URL of their associated Document
, as well as methods for navigating and reloading the associated navigable.
[Exposed =Window ]
interface Location { // but see also additional creation steps and overridden internal methods
[LegacyUnforgeable ] stringifier attribute USVString href ;
[LegacyUnforgeable ] readonly attribute USVString origin ;
[LegacyUnforgeable ] attribute USVString protocol ;
[LegacyUnforgeable ] attribute USVString host ;
[LegacyUnforgeable ] attribute USVString hostname ;
[LegacyUnforgeable ] attribute USVString port ;
[LegacyUnforgeable ] attribute USVString pathname ;
[LegacyUnforgeable ] attribute USVString search ;
[LegacyUnforgeable ] attribute USVString hash ;
[LegacyUnforgeable ] undefined assign (USVString url );
[LegacyUnforgeable ] undefined replace (USVString url );
[LegacyUnforgeable ] undefined reload ();
[LegacyUnforgeable , SameObject ] readonly attribute DOMStringList ancestorOrigins ;
Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
祖先ナビゲート可能のアクティブな文書の生成元を列挙する DOMStringList
A Location
object has an associated relevant Document
, which is its relevant global object's browsing context's active document, if this Location
object's relevant global object's browsing context is non-null, and null otherwise.
A Location
object has an associated url, which is this Location
object's relevant Document
's URL, if this Location
object's relevant Document
is non-null, and about:blank
A Location
object has an associated ancestor origins list. When a Location
object is created, its ancestor origins list must be set to a DOMStringList
object whose associated list is the list of strings that the following steps would produce:
Let output be a new list of strings.
Let current be the Location
object's relevant Document
While current's container document is non-null:
Set current to current's container document.
Append the serialization of current's origin to output.
Return output.
To Location
-object navigate a Location
object location to a URL url, optionally given a NavigationHistoryBehavior
historyHandling (default "auto
Let navigable be location's relevant global object's navigable.
Let sourceDocument be the incumbent global object's associated Document
If location's relevant Document
is not yet completely loaded, and the incumbent global object does not have transient activation, then set historyHandling to "replace
Navigate navigable to url using sourceDocument, with exceptionsEnabled set to true and historyHandling set to historyHandling.
The href
getter steps are:
If this's relevant Document
is non-null and its origin is not same origin-domain with the entry settings object's origin, then throw a "SecurityError
" DOMException
Return this's url, serialized.
The href
setter steps are:
If this's relevant Document
is null, then return.
Let url be the result of encoding-parsing a URL given the given value, relative to the entry settings object.
If url is failure, then throw a "SyntaxError
" DOMException
-object navigate this to url.
The href
setter intentionally has no security check.
The origin
getter steps are:
If this's relevant Document
is non-null and its origin is not same origin-domain with the entry settings object's origin, then throw a "SecurityError
" DOMException
Return the serialization of this's url's origin.
The protocol
getter steps are:
If this's relevant Document
is non-null and its origin is not same origin-domain with the entry settings object's origin, then throw a "SecurityError
" DOMException
The protocol
setter steps are:
If this's relevant Document
is null, then return.
If this's relevant Document
's origin is not same origin-domain with the entry settings object's origin, then throw a "SecurityError
" DOMException
Let possibleFailure be the result of basic URL parsing the given value, followed by ":
", with copyURL as url and scheme start state as state override.
Because the URL parser ignores multiple consecutive colons, providing a value of "https:
" (or even "https::::
") is the same as providing a value of "https
If possibleFailure is failure, then throw a "SyntaxError
" DOMException
If copyURL's scheme is not an HTTP(S) scheme, then terminate these steps.
-object navigate this to copyURL.
The host
getter steps are:
If this's relevant Document
is non-null and its origin is not same origin-domain with the entry settings object's origin, then throw a "SecurityError
" DOMException
If url's host is null, return the empty string.
If url's port is null, return url's host, serialized.
Return url's host, serialized, followed by ":
" and url's port, serialized.
The host
setter steps are:
If this's relevant Document
is null, then return.
If this's relevant Document
's origin is not same origin-domain with the entry settings object's origin, then throw a "SecurityError
" DOMException
If copyURL has an opaque path, then return.
Basic URL parse the given value, with copyURL as url and host state as state override.
-object navigate this to copyURL.
The hostname
getter steps are:
If this's relevant Document
is non-null and its origin is not same origin-domain with the entry settings object's origin, then throw a "SecurityError
" DOMException
Return this's url's host, serialized.
The hostname
setter steps are:
If this's relevant Document
is null, then return.
If this's relevant Document
's origin is not same origin-domain with the entry settings object's origin, then throw a "SecurityError
" DOMException
If copyURL has an opaque path, then return.
Basic URL parse the given value, with copyURL as url and hostname state as state override.
-object navigate this to copyURL.
The port
getter steps are:
If this's relevant Document
is non-null and its origin is not same origin-domain with the entry settings object's origin, then throw a "SecurityError
" DOMException
Return this's url's port, serialized.
The port
setter steps are:
If this's relevant Document
is null, then return.
If this's relevant Document
's origin is not same origin-domain with the entry settings object's origin, then throw a "SecurityError
" DOMException
If copyURL cannot have a username/password/port, then return.
If the given value is the empty string, then set copyURL's port to null.
Otherwise, basic URL parse the given value, with copyURL as url and port state as state override.
-object navigate this to copyURL.
The pathname
getter steps are:
If this's relevant Document
is non-null and its origin is not same origin-domain with the entry settings object's origin, then throw a "SecurityError
" DOMException
Return the result of URL path serializing this Location
object's url.
The pathname
setter steps are:
If this's relevant Document
is null, then return.
If this's relevant Document
's origin is not same origin-domain with the entry settings object's origin, then throw a "SecurityError
" DOMException
If copyURL has an opaque path, then return.
Set copyURL's path to the empty list.
Basic URL parse the given value, with copyURL as url and path start state as state override.
-object navigate this to copyURL.
The search
getter steps are:
If this's relevant Document
is non-null and its origin is not same origin-domain with the entry settings object's origin, then throw a "SecurityError
" DOMException
If this's url's query is either null or the empty string, return the empty string.
The search
setter steps are:
If this's relevant Document
is null, then return.
If this's relevant Document
's origin is not same origin-domain with the entry settings object's origin, then throw a "SecurityError
" DOMException
If the given value is the empty string, set copyURL's query to null.
Let input be the given value with a single leading "?
" removed, if any.
Set copyURL's query to the empty string.
Basic URL parse input, with null, the relevant Document
's document's character encoding, copyURL as url, and query state as state override.
-object navigate this to copyURL.
The hash
getter steps are:
If this's relevant Document
is non-null and its origin is not same origin-domain with the entry settings object's origin, then throw a "SecurityError
" DOMException
If this's url's fragment is either null or the empty string, return the empty string.
The hash
setter steps are:
If this's relevant Document
is null, then return.
If this's relevant Document
's origin is not same origin-domain with the entry settings object's origin, then throw a "SecurityError
" DOMException
Let input be the given value with a single leading "#
" removed, if any.
Set copyURL's fragment to the empty string.
Basic URL parse input, with copyURL as url and fragment state as state override.
If copyURL's fragment is this's url's fragment, then return.
This bailout is necessary for compatibility with deployed content, which redundantly sets location.hash
on scroll. It does not apply to other mechanisms of fragment navigation, such as the location.href
setter or location.assign()
-object navigate this to copyURL.
Unlike the equivalent API for the a
and area
elements, the hash
setter does not special case the empty string, to remain compatible with deployed scripts.
The assign(url)
method steps are:
If this's relevant Document
is null, then return.
If this's relevant Document
's origin is not same origin-domain with the entry settings object's origin, then throw a "SecurityError
" DOMException
Let urlRecord be the result of encoding-parsing a URL given url, relative to the entry settings object.
If urlRecord is failure, then throw a "SyntaxError
" DOMException
-object navigate this to urlRecord.
The replace(url)
method steps are:
If this's relevant Document
is null, then return.
Let urlRecord be the result of encoding-parsing a URL given url, relative to the entry settings object.
If urlRecord is failure, then throw a "SyntaxError
" DOMException
-object navigate this to urlRecord given "replace
The replace()
method intentionally has no security check.
The reload()
method steps are:
Let document be this's relevant Document
If document is null, then return.
If document's origin is not same origin-domain with the entry settings object's origin, then throw a "SecurityError
" DOMException
Reload document's node navigable.
The ancestorOrigins
getter steps are:
If this's relevant Document
is null, then return an empty list.
If this's relevant Document
's origin is not same origin-domain with the entry settings object's origin, then throw a "SecurityError
" DOMException
Otherwise, return this's ancestor origins list.
The details of how the ancestorOrigins
attribute works are still controversial and might change. See issue #1918 for more information.
As explained earlier, the Location
exotic object requires additional logic beyond IDL for security purposes. The Location
object must use the ordinary internal methods except where it is explicitly specified otherwise below.
Also, every Location
object has a [[DefaultProperties]] internal slot representing its own properties at time of its creation.
If IsPlatformObjectSameOrigin(this) is true, then return ! OrdinaryGetPrototypeOf(this).
Return null.
Return ! SetImmutablePrototype(this, V).
Return true.
If IsPlatformObjectSameOrigin(this) is true, then:
Let desc be OrdinaryGetOwnProperty(this, P).
If the value of the [[DefaultProperties]] internal slot of this contains P, then set desc.[[Configurable]] to true.
Return desc.
Let property be CrossOriginGetOwnPropertyHelper(this, P).
If property is not undefined, then return property.
Return ? CrossOriginPropertyFallback(P).
If IsPlatformObjectSameOrigin(this) is true, then:
If the value of the [[DefaultProperties]] internal slot of this contains P, then return false.
Return ? OrdinaryDefineOwnProperty(this, P, Desc).
Throw a "SecurityError
" DOMException
If IsPlatformObjectSameOrigin(this) is true, then return ? OrdinaryGet(this, P, Receiver).
Return ? CrossOriginGet(this, P, Receiver).
If IsPlatformObjectSameOrigin(this) is true, then return ? OrdinarySet(this, P, V, Receiver).
Return ? CrossOriginSet(this, P, V, Receiver).
If IsPlatformObjectSameOrigin(this) is true, then return ? OrdinaryDelete(this, P).
Throw a "SecurityError
" DOMException
If IsPlatformObjectSameOrigin(this) is true, then return OrdinaryOwnPropertyKeys(this).
Return CrossOriginOwnPropertyKeys(this).
インターフェイスSupport in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
enum ScrollRestoration { " auto " , " manual " };
[Exposed =Window ]
interface History {
readonly attribute unsigned long length ;
attribute ScrollRestoration scrollRestoration ;
readonly attribute any state ;
undefined go (optional long delta = 0);
undefined back ();
undefined forward ();
undefined pushState (any data , DOMString unused , optional USVString ? url = null );
undefined replaceState (any data , DOMString unused , optional USVString ? url = null );
Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
history.scrollRestoration = value
Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
history.pushState(data, "")
Support in all current engines.
history.pushState(data, "", url)
クラシック履歴API状態をデータのシリアル化に設定し、 URLをurlに設定して、セッション履歴に新しいエントリーを追加する。
" DOMException
history.replaceState(data, "")
Support in all current engines.
アクティブセッション履歴エントリーのクラシック履歴API状態を、 データの構造化クローンに更新する。
history.replaceState(data, "", url)
アクティブなセッション履歴エントリーのクラシック履歴API状態を データの構造化クローンに更新し、そのURLをurlに更新する。
" DOMException
A Document
has a history object, a History
The history
getter steps are to return this's associated Document
's history object.
Each History
object has state, initially null.
Each History
object has a length, a non-negative integer, initially 0.
Each History
object has an index, a non-negative integer, initially 0.
Although the index is not directly exposed, it can be inferred from changes to the length during synchronous navigations. In fact, that is what it's used for.
The length
getter steps are:
If this's relevant global object's associated Document
is not fully active, then throw a "SecurityError
" DOMException
The scrollRestoration
getter steps are:
If this's relevant global object's associated Document
is not fully active, then throw a "SecurityError
" DOMException
Return this's node navigable's active session history entry's scroll restoration mode.
The scrollRestoration
setter steps are:
If this's relevant global object's associated Document
is not fully active, then throw a "SecurityError
" DOMException
Set this's node navigable's active session history entry's scroll restoration mode to the given value.
The state
getter steps are:
If this's relevant global object's associated Document
is not fully active, then throw a "SecurityError
" DOMException
The go(delta)
method steps are to delta traverse this given delta.
The back()
method steps are to delta traverse this given −1.
The forward()
method steps are to delta traverse this given +1.
To delta traverse a History
object history given an integer delta:
Let document be history's relevant global object's associated Document
If document is not fully active, then throw a "SecurityError
" DOMException
If delta is 0, then reload document's node navigable, and return.
Traverse the history by a delta given document's node navigable's traversable navigable, delta, and with sourceDocument set to document.
The pushState(data, unused, url)
method steps are to run the shared history push/replace state steps given this, data, url, and "push
The replaceState(data, unused, url)
method steps are to run the shared history push/replace state steps given this, data, url, and "replace
The shared history push/replace state steps, given a History
history, a value data, a scalar value string-or-null url, and a history handling behavior historyHandling, are:
Let document be history's associated Document
If document is not fully active, then throw a "SecurityError
" DOMException
Optionally, return. (For example, the user agent might disallow calls to these methods that are invoked on a timer, or from event listeners that are not triggered in response to a clear user action, or that are invoked in rapid succession.)
Let serializedData be StructuredSerializeForStorage(data). 例外を再度投げる。
Let newURL be document's URL.
If url is not null or the empty string, then:
Set newURL to the result of encoding-parsing a URL given url, relative to the relevant settings object of history.
If newURL is failure, then throw a "SecurityError
" DOMException
If document cannot have its URL rewritten to newURL, then throw a "SecurityError
" DOMException
The special case for the empty string here is historical, and leads to different resulting URLs when comparing code such as location.href = ""
(which performs URL parsing on the empty string) versus history.pushState(null, "", "")
(which bypasses it).
Let navigation be history's relevant global object's navigation API.
Let continue be the result of firing a push/replace/reload navigate
event at navigation with navigationType set to historyHandling, isSameDocument set to true, destinationURL set to newURL, and classicHistoryAPIState set to serializedData.
If continue is false, then return.
Run the URL and history update steps given document and newURL, with serializedData set to serializedData and historyHandling set to historyHandling.
User agents may limit the number of state objects added to the session history per page. If a page hits the implementation-defined limit, user agents must remove the entry immediately after the first entry for that Document
object in the session history after having added the new entry. (Thus the state history acts as a FIFO buffer for eviction, but as a LIFO buffer for navigation.)
A Document
document can have its URL rewritten to a URL targetURL if the following algorithm returns true:
Let documentURL be document's URL.
If targetURL and documentURL differ in their scheme, username, password, host, or port components, then return false.
If targetURL's scheme is an HTTP(S) scheme, then return true.
Differences in path, query, and fragment are allowed for http:
and https:
If targetURL's scheme is "file
", then:
If targetURL and documentURL differ in their path component, then return false.
Return true.
Differences in query and fragment are allowed for file:
If targetURL and documentURL differ in their path component or query components, then return false.
Only differences in fragment are allowed for other types of URLs.
Return true.
document's URL | targetURL | can have its URL rewritten |
---|---|---| | | ✅ | | | ✅ | | | ✅ | | | ❌ | | | ❌ |
file:///path/to/x | file:///path/to/x#hash | ✅ |
file:///path/to/x | file:///path/to/x?search | ✅ |
file:///path/to/x | file:///path/to/y | ❌ |
about:blank | about:blank#hash | ✅ |
about:blank | about:blank?search | ❌ |
about:blank | about:srcdoc | ❌ |
data:text/html,foo | data:text/html,foo#hash | ✅ |
data:text/html,foo | data:text/html,foo?search | ❌ |
data:text/html,foo | data:text/html,bar | ❌ |
data:text/html,foo | data:bar | ❌ |
blob: | blob: | ✅ |
blob: | blob: | ❌ |
blob: | blob: | ❌ |
blob: | blob:path | ❌ |
<!-- this is -->
< html lang = "en" >
< title > Line Game - 5</ title >
< p > You are at coordinate 5 on the line.</ p >
< p >
< a href = "?x=6" > Advance to 6</ a > or
< a href = "?x=4" > retreat to 4</ a > ?
</ p >
<!-- this starts off as -->
< html lang = "en" >
< title > Line Game - 5</ title >
< p > You are at coordinate < span id = "coord" > 5</ span > on the line.</ p >
< p >
< a href = "?x=6" onclick = "go(1); return false;" > Advance to 6</ a > or
< a href = "?x=4" onclick = "go(-1); return false;" > retreat to 4</ a > ?
</ p >
< script >
var currentPage = 5 ; // prefilled by server
function go( d) {
setupPage( currentPage + d);
history. pushState( currentPage, "" , '?x=' + currentPage);
onpopstate = function ( event) {
setupPage( event. state);
function setupPage( page) {
currentPage = page;
document. title = 'Line Game - ' + currentPage;
document. getElementById( 'coord' ). textContent = currentPage;
document. links[ 0 ]. href = '?x=' + ( currentPage+ 1 );
document. links[ 0 ]. textContent = 'Advance to ' + ( currentPage+ 1 );
document. links[ 1 ]. href = '?x=' + ( currentPage- 1 );
document. links[ 1 ]. textContent = 'retreat to ' + ( currentPage- 1 );
</ script >
< head >
< script >
if ( 'scrollRestoration' in history)
history. scrollRestoration = 'manual' ;
</ script >
</ head >
const ol = document. createElement( "ol" );
ol. start = 0 ; // so that the list items' ordinal values match up with the entry indices
for ( const entry of navigation. entries()) {
const li = document. createElement( "li" );
if ( entry. index < navigation. currentEntry. index) {
li. className = "backward" ;
} else if ( entry. index > navigation. currentEntry. index) {
li. className = "forward" ;
} else {
li. className = "current" ;
li. textContent = entry. url;
ol. append( li);
内で使用されている場合の親ナビゲート可能のナビゲーションの影響を受けないことに注意する。さらに、同一生成元セッション履歴エントリーを表す NavigationHistoryEntry
< button onclick = "navigation.reload()" > Reload</ button >
< input type = "url" id = "navigationURL" >
< button onclick = "navigation.navigate(navigationURL.value)" > Navigate</ button >
< button id = "backButton" onclick = "navigation.back()" > Back</ button >
< button id = "forwardButton" onclick = "navigation.forward()" > Forward</ button >
< select id = "traversalDestinations" ></ select >
< button id = "goButton" onclick = "navigation.traverseTo(traversalDestinations.value)" > Traverse To</ button >
< script >
backButton. disabled = ! navigation. canGoBack;
forwardButton. disabled = ! navigation. canGoForward;
for ( const entry of navigation. entries()) {
traversalDestinations. append( new Option( entry. url, entry. key));
</ script >
navigation. onnavigate = event => {
console. log( event. navigationType); // "push", "replace", "reload", or "traverse"
console. log( event. destination. url);
console. log( event. userInitiated);
// ... and other useful properties
ほとんどの場合、イベントの cancelable
navigation. onnavigate = event => {
if ( event. cancelable && isDisallowedURL( event. destination. url)) {
alert( `Please don't go to ${ event. destination. url} !` );
event. preventDefault();
navigation. addEventListener( "navigate" , e => {
// Some navigations, e.g. cross-origin navigations, we cannot intercept.
// Let the browser handle those normally.
if ( ! e. canIntercept) {
return ;
// Similarly, don't intercept fragment navigations or downloads.
if ( e. hashChange || e. downloadRequest !== null ) {
return ;
const url = new URL( event. destination. url);
if ( url. pathname. startsWith( "/articles/" )) {
e. intercept({
async handler() {
// The URL has already changed, so show a placeholder while
// fetching the new content, such as a spinner or loading page.
// Fetch the new content and display when ready.
const articleContent = await getArticleContent( url. pathname, { signal: e. signal });
renderArticlePage( articleContent);
const { committed, finished } = await navigation. navigate( "/articles/the-navigation-api-is-cool" );
// The committed promise will fulfill once the URL has changed, which happens
// immediately (as long as the NavigateEvent wasn't canceled).
await committed;
// The finished promise will fulfill once the Promise returned by handler() has
// fulfilled, which happens once the article is downloaded and rendered. (Or,
// it will reject, if handler() fails along the way).
await finished;
インターフェイス[Exposed =Window ]
interface Navigation : EventTarget {
sequence <NavigationHistoryEntry > entries ();
readonly attribute NavigationHistoryEntry ? currentEntry ;
undefined updateCurrentEntry (NavigationUpdateCurrentEntryOptions options );
readonly attribute NavigationTransition ? transition ;
readonly attribute NavigationActivation ? activation ;
readonly attribute boolean canGoBack ;
readonly attribute boolean canGoForward ;
NavigationResult navigate (USVString url , optional NavigationNavigateOptions options = {});
NavigationResult reload (optional NavigationReloadOptions options = {});
NavigationResult traverseTo (DOMString key , optional NavigationOptions options = {});
NavigationResult back (optional NavigationOptions options = {});
NavigationResult forward (optional NavigationOptions options = {});
attribute EventHandler onnavigate ;
attribute EventHandler onnavigatesuccess ;
attribute EventHandler onnavigateerror ;
attribute EventHandler oncurrententrychange ;
dictionary NavigationUpdateCurrentEntryOptions {
required any state ;
dictionary NavigationOptions {
any info ;
dictionary NavigationNavigateOptions : NavigationOptions {
any state ;
NavigationHistoryBehavior history = "auto";
dictionary NavigationReloadOptions : NavigationOptions {
any state ;
dictionary NavigationResult {
Promise <NavigationHistoryEntry > committed ;
Promise <NavigationHistoryEntry > finished ;
enum NavigationHistoryBehavior {
" auto " ,
" push " ,
" replace "
Each Window
has an associated navigation API, which is a Navigation
object. Upon creation of the Window
object, its navigation API must be set to a new Navigation
object created in the Window
object's relevant realm.
The navigation
getter steps are to return this's navigation API.
The following are the event handlers (and their corresponding event handler event types) that must be supported, as event handler IDL attributes, by all objects implementing the Navigation
イベントハンドラー | イベントハンドラーイベント型 |
onnavigate | navigate |
onnavigatesuccess | navigatesuccess |
onnavigateerror | navigateerror |
oncurrententrychange | currententrychange |
Each Navigation
has an associated entry list, a list of NavigationHistoryEntry
objects, initially empty.
Each Navigation
has an associated current entry index, an integer, initially −1.
The current entry of a Navigation
navigation is the result of running the following steps:
If navigation has entries and events disabled, then return null.
Assert: navigation's current entry index is not −1.
Return navigation's entry list[navigation's current entry index].
A Navigation
navigation has entries and events disabled if the following steps return true:
Let document be navigation's relevant global object's associated Document
If document is not fully active, then return true.
If document's is initial about:blank
is true, then return true.
To get the navigation API entry index of a session history entry she within a Navigation
For each nhe of navigation's entry list:
If nhe's session history entry is equal to she, then return index.
Increment index by 1.
Return −1.
enum NavigationType {
" push " ,
" replace " ,
" reload " ,
" traverse "
"The value space of the NavigationType
enumeration is a superset of the value space of the specification-internal history handling behavior type. Several parts of this standard make use of this overlap, by passing in a history handling behavior to an algorithm that expects a NavigationType
To initialize the navigation API entries for a new document given a Navigation
navigation, a list of session history entries newSHEs, and a session history entry initialSHE:
Assert: navigation's entry list is empty.
Assert: navigation's current entry index is −1.
If navigation has entries and events disabled, then return.
For each newSHE of newSHEs:
Let newNHE be a new NavigationHistoryEntry
created in the relevant realm of navigation.
Set newNHE's session history entry to newSHE.
Append newNHE to navigation's entry list.
newSHEs will have originally come from getting session history entries for the navigation API, and thus each newSHE will be contiguous same origin with initialSHE.
Set navigation's current entry index to the result of getting the navigation API entry index of initialSHE within navigation.
To update the navigation API entries for reactivation given a Navigation
navigation, a list of session history entries newSHEs, and a session history entry reactivatedSHE:
If navigation has entries and events disabled, then return.
Let newNHEs be a new empty list.
Let oldNHEs be a clone of navigation's entry list.
For each newSHE of newSHEs:
Let newNHE be null.
If oldNHEs contains a NavigationHistoryEntry
matchingOldNHE whose session history entry is newSHE, then:
Set newNHE to matchingOldNHE.
Remove matchingOldNHE from oldNHEs.
Set newNHE to a new NavigationHistoryEntry
created in the relevant realm of navigation.
Set newNHE's session history entry to newSHE.
Append newNHE to newNHEs.
newSHEs will have originally come from getting session history entries for the navigation API, and thus each newSHE will be contiguous same origin with reactivatedSHE.
By the end of this loop, all NavigationHistoryEntry
s that remain in oldNHEs represent session history entries which have been disposed while the Document
was in bfcache.
Set navigation's entry list to newNHEs.
Set navigation's current entry index to the result of getting the navigation API entry index of reactivatedSHE within navigation.
Queue a global task on the navigation and traversal task source given navigation's relevant global object to run the following steps:
For each disposedNHE of oldNHEs:
Fire an event named dispose
at disposedNHE.
We delay these steps by a task to ensure that dispose
events will fire after the pageshow
event. This ensures that pageshow
is the first event a page receives upon reactivation.
(However, the rest of this algorithm runs before the pageshow
event fires. This ensures that navigation.entries()
and navigation.currentEntry
will have correctly-updated values during any pageshow
event handlers.)
To update the navigation API entries for a same-document navigation given a Navigation
navigation, a session history entry destinationSHE, and a NavigationType
If navigation has entries and events disabled, then return.
Let oldCurrentNHE be the current entry of navigation.
Let disposedNHEs be a new empty list.
If navigationType is "traverse
", then:
Set navigation's current entry index to the result of getting the navigation API entry index of destinationSHE within navigation.
Assert: navigation's current entry index is not −1.
This algorithm is only called for same-document traversals. Cross-document traversals will instead call either initialize the navigation API entries for a new document or update the navigation API entries for reactivation.
Otherwise, if navigationType is "push
", then:
Set navigation's current entry index to navigation's current entry index + 1.
Let i be navigation's current entry index.
While i < navigation's entry list's size:
Append navigation's entry list[i] to disposedNHEs.
Set i to i + 1.
Remove all items in disposedNHEs from navigation's entry list.
Otherwise, if navigationType is "replace
", then:
Append oldCurrentNHE to disposedNHEs.
If navigationType is "push
" or "replace
", then:
Let newNHE be a new NavigationHistoryEntry
created in the relevant realm of navigation.
Set newNHE's session history entry to destinationSHE.
Set navigation's entry list[navigation's current entry index] to newNHE.
If navigation's ongoing API method tracker is non-null, then notify about the committed-to entry given navigation's ongoing API method tracker and the current entry of navigation.
It is important to do this before firing the dispose
or currententrychange
events, since event handlers could start another navigation, or otherwise change the value of navigation's ongoing API method tracker.
Prepare to run script given navigation's relevant settings object.
See the discussion for other navigation API events to understand why we do this.
Fire an event named currententrychange
at navigation using NavigationCurrentEntryChangeEvent
, with its navigationType
attribute initialized to navigationType and its from
initialized to oldCurrentNHE.
For each disposedNHE of disposedNHEs:
Fire an event named dispose
at disposedNHE.
Clean up after running script given navigation's relevant settings object.
In implementations, same-document navigations can cause session history entries to be disposed by falling off the back of the session history entry list. This is not yet handled by the above algorithm (or by any other part of this standard). See issue #8620 to track progress on defining the correct behavior in such cases.
インターフェイス[Exposed =Window ]
interface NavigationHistoryEntry : EventTarget {
readonly attribute USVString ? url ;
readonly attribute DOMString key ;
readonly attribute DOMString id ;
readonly attribute long long index ;
readonly attribute boolean sameDocument ;
any getState ();
attribute EventHandler ondispose ;
に対応している場合(つまり、 sameDocument
"ナビゲーションのためにこの値を置き換える他の NavigationHistoryEntry
一般に、状態値がプリミティブentry.getState() !== entry.getState()
この状態は、従来の履歴API history.state
Each NavigationHistoryEntry
has an associated session history entry, which is a session history entry.
The key of a NavigationHistoryEntry
nhe is given by the return value of the following algorithm:
If nhe's relevant global object's associated Document
is not fully active, then return the empty string.
Return nhe's session history entry's navigation API key.
The ID of a NavigationHistoryEntry
nhe is given by the return value of the following algorithm:
If nhe's relevant global object's associated Document
is not fully active, then return the empty string.
Return nhe's session history entry's navigation API ID.
The index of a NavigationHistoryEntry
nhe is given by the return value of the following algorithm:
If nhe's relevant global object's associated Document
is not fully active, then return −1.
Return the result of getting the navigation API entry index of this's session history entry within this's relevant global object's navigation API.
The url
getter steps are:
Let document be this's relevant global object's associated Document
If document is not fully active, then return the empty string.
Let she be this's session history entry.
If she's document does not equal document, and she's document state's request referrer policy is "no-referrer
" or "origin
", then return null.
Return she's URL, serialized.
The key
getter steps are to return this's key.
The id
getter steps are to return this's ID.
The index
getter steps are to return this's index.
The sameDocument
getter steps are:
Let document be this's relevant global object's associated Document
If document is not fully active, then return false.
Return true if this's session history entry's document equals document, and false otherwise.
The getState()
method steps are:
If this's relevant global object's associated Document
is not fully active, then return undefined.
Return StructuredDeserialize(this's session history entry's navigation API state). 例外を再度投げる。
This can in theory throw an exception, if attempting to deserialize a large ArrayBuffer
when not enough memory is available.
The following are the event handlers (and their corresponding event handler event types) that must be supported, as event handler IDL attributes, by all objects implementing the NavigationHistoryEntry
イベントハンドラー | イベントハンドラーイベント型 |
ondispose | dispose |
entries = navigation.entries()
navigation.updateCurrentEntry({ state })
または navigation.reload()
を使用する。これにより、 navigate
The entries()
method steps are:
If this has entries and events disabled, then return the empty list.
Return this's entry list.
Recall that because of Web IDL's sequence type conversion rules, this will create a new JavaScript array object on each call. That is, navigation.entries() !== navigation.entries()
The currentEntry
getter steps are to return the current entry of this.
The updateCurrentEntry(options)
method steps are:
Let current be the current entry of this.
If current is null, then throw an "InvalidStateError
" DOMException
Let serializedState be StructuredSerializeForStorage(options["state
"]), rethrowing any exceptions.
Set current's session history entry's navigation API state to serializedState.
Fire an event named currententrychange
at this using NavigationCurrentEntryChangeEvent
, with its navigationType
attribute initialized to null and its from
initialized to current.
The canGoBack
getter steps are:
If this has entries and events disabled, then return false.
Assert: this's current entry index is not −1.
If this's current entry index is 0, then return false.
Return true.
The canGoForward
getter steps are:
If this has entries and events disabled, then return false.
Assert: this's current entry index is not −1.
If this's current entry index is equal to this's entry list's size − 1, then return false.
Return true.
{ committed, finished } = navigation.navigate(url)
{ committed, finished } = navigation.navigate(url, options)
Navigates the current page to the given url. options can contain the following values:
can be set to "replace
" to replace the current session history entry, instead of pushing a new one.
can be set to any value; it will populate the info
property of the corresponding NavigateEvent
can be set to any serializable value; it will populate the state retrieved by navigation.currentEntry.getState()
once the navigation completes, for same-document navigations. (It will be ignored for navigations that end up cross-document.)
By default this will perform a full navigation (i.e., a cross-document navigation, unless the given URL differs only in a fragment from the current one). The navigateEvent.intercept()
method can be used to convert it into a same-document navigation.
The returned promises will behave as follows:
For navigations that get aborted, both promises will reject with an "AbortError
" DOMException
For same-document navigations created by using the navigateEvent.intercept()
method, committed
will fulfill immediately, and finished
will fulfill or reject according to any promsies returned by handlers passed to intercept()
For other same-document navigations (e.g., non-intercepted fragment navigations), both promises will fulfill immediately.
For cross-document navigations, or navigations that result in 204 or 205 statuses or `Content-Disposition: attachment
` header fields from the server (and thus do not actually navigate), both promises will never settle.
In all cases, when the returned promises fulfill, it will be with the NavigationHistoryEntry
that was navigated to.
{ committed, finished } = navigation.reload(options)
Reloads the current page. options can contain info
and state
, which behave as described above.
The default behavior of performing a from-network-or-cache reload of the current page can be overriden by the using the navigateEvent.intercept()
method. Doing so will mean this call only updates state or passes along the appropriate info
, plus performing whater actions the navigate
event handlers see fit to carry out.
The returned promises will behave as follows:
If the reload is intercepted by using the navigateEvent.intercept()
method, committed
will fulfill immediately, and finished
will fulfill or reject according to any promsies returned by handlers passed to intercept()
Otherwise, both promises will never settle.
{ committed, finished } = navigation.traverseTo(key)
{ committed, finished } = navigation.traverseTo(key, { info })
Traverses to the closest session history entry that matches the NavigationHistoryEntry
with the given key. info
can be set to any value; it will populate the info
property of the corresponding NavigateEvent
If a traversal to that session history entry is already in progress, then this will return the promises for that original traversal, and info
will be ignored.
The returned promises will behave as follows:
If there is no NavigationHistoryEntry
in navigation.entries()
whose key
matches key, both promises will reject with an "InvalidStateError
" DOMException
For same-document traversals intercepted by the navigateEvent.intercept()
method, committed
will fulfill as soon as the traversal is processed and navigation.currentEntry
is updated, and finished
will fulfill or reject according to any promsies returned by the handlers passed to intercept()
For non-intercepted same-document travesals, both promises will fulfill as soon as the traversal is processed and navigation.currentEntry
is updated.
For cross-document traversals, including attempted cross-document traversals that end up resulting in a 204 or 205 statuses or `Content-Disposition: attachment
` header fields from the server (and thus do not actually traverse), both promises will never settle.
{ committed, finished } = navigation.back(key)
{ committed, finished } = navigation.back(key, { info })
Traverses to the closest previous session history entry which results in this navigable traversing, i.e., which corresponds to a different NavigationHistoryEntry
and thus will cause navigation.currentEntry
to change. info
can be set to any value; it will populate the info
property of the corresponding NavigateEvent
If a traversal to that session history entry is already in progress, then this will return the promises for that original traversal, and info
will be ignored.
The returned promises behave equivalently to those returned by traverseTo()
{ committed, finished } = navigation.forward(key)
{ committed, finished } = navigation.forward(key, { info })
Traverses to the closest forward session history entry which results in this navigable traversing, i.e., which corresponds to a different NavigationHistoryEntry
and thus will cause navigation.currentEntry
to change. info
can be set to any value; it will populate the info
property of the corresponding NavigateEvent
If a traversal to that session history entry is already in progress, then this will return the promises for that original traversal, and info
will be ignored.
The returned promises behave equivalently to those returned by traverseTo()
The navigate(url, options)
method steps are:
Let urlRecord be the result of parsing a URL given url, relative to this's relevant settings object.
If urlRecord is failure, then return an early error result for a "SyntaxError
" DOMException
Let document be this's relevant global object's associated Document
If options["history
"] is "push
", and the navigation must be a replace given urlRecord and document, then return an early error result for a "NotSupportedError
" DOMException
Let state be options["state
"], if it exists; otherwise, undefined.
Let serializedState be StructuredSerializeForStorage(state). If this throws an exception, then return an early error result for that exception.
It is important to perform this step early, since serialization can invoke web developer code, which in turn might change various things we check in later steps.
If document is not fully active, then return an early error result for an "InvalidStateError
" DOMException
If document's unload counter is greater than 0, then return an early error result for an "InvalidStateError
" DOMException
Let info be options["info
"], if it exists; otherwise, undefined.
Let apiMethodTracker be the result of maybe setting the upcoming non-traverse API method tracker for this given info and serializedState.
Navigate document's node navigable to urlRecord using document, with historyHandling set to options["history
"] and navigationAPIState set to serializedState.
Unlike location.assign()
and friends, which are exposed across origin-domain boundaries, navigation.navigate()
can only be accessed by code with direct synchronous access to the window.navigation
property. Thus, we avoid the complications about attributing the source document of the navigation, and we don't need to deal with the allowed by sandboxing to navigate check and its acccompanying exceptionsEnabled flag. We just treat all navigations as if they come from the Document
corresponding to this Navigation
object itself (i.e., document).
If this's upcoming non-traverse API method tracker is apiMethodTracker, then:
If the upcoming non-traverse API method tracker is still apiMethodTracker, this means that the navigate algorithm bailed out before ever getting to the inner navigate
event firing algorithm which would promote that upcoming API method tracker to ongoing.
Set this's upcoming non-traverse API method tracker to null.
Return an early error result for an "AbortError
" DOMException
Return a navigation API method tracker-derived result for apiMethodTracker.
The reload(options)
method steps are:
Let document be this's relevant global object's associated Document
Let serializedState be StructuredSerializeForStorage(undefined).
If options["state
"] exists, then set serializedState to StructuredSerializeForStorage(options["state
"]). If this throws an exception, then return an early error result for that exception.
It is important to perform this step early, since serialization can invoke web developer code, which in turn might change various things we check in later steps.
Let current be the current entry of this.
If current is not null, then set serializedState to current's session history entry's navigation API state.
If document is not fully active, then return an early error result for an "InvalidStateError
" DOMException
If document's unload counter is greater than 0, then return an early error result for an "InvalidStateError
" DOMException
Let info be options["info
"], if it exists; otherwise, undefined.
Let apiMethodTracker be the result of maybe setting the upcoming non-traverse API method tracker for this given info and serializedState.
Reload document's node navigable with navigationAPIState set to serializedState.
Return a navigation API method tracker-derived result for apiMethodTracker.
The traverseTo(key, options)
method steps are:
If this's current entry index is −1, then return an early error result for an "InvalidStateError
" DOMException
If this's entry list does not contain a NavigationHistoryEntry
whose session history entry's navigation API key equals key, then return an early error result for an "InvalidStateError
" DOMException
Return the result of performing a navigation API traversal given this, key, and options.
The back(options)
method steps are:
If this's current entry index is −1 or 0, then return an early error result for an "InvalidStateError
" DOMException
Let key be this's entry list[this's current entry index − 1]'s session history entry's navigation API key.
Return the result of performing a navigation API traversal given this, key, and options.
The forward(options)
method steps are:
If this's current entry index is −1 or is equal to this's entry list's size − 1, then return an early error result for an "InvalidStateError
" DOMException
Let key be this's entry list[this's current entry index + 1]'s session history entry's navigation API key.
Return the result of performing a navigation API traversal given this, key, and options.
To perform a navigation API traversal given a Navigation
navigation, a string key, and a NavigationOptions
Let document be navigation's relevant global object's associated Document
If document is not fully active, then return an early error result for an "InvalidStateError
" DOMException
If document's unload counter is greater than 0, then return an early error result for an "InvalidStateError
" DOMException
Let current be the current entry of navigation.
If key equals current's session history entry's navigation API key, then return «[ "committed
" → a promise resolved with current, "finished
" → a promise resolved with current ]».
If navigation's upcoming traverse API method trackers[key] exists, then return a navigation API method tracker-derived result for navigation's upcoming traverse API method trackers[key].
Let info be options["info
"], if it exists; otherwise, undefined.
Let apiMethodTracker be the result of adding an upcoming traverse API method tracker for navigation given key and info.
Let navigable be document's node navigable.
Let traversable be navigable's traversable navigable.
Let sourceSnapshotParams be the result of snapshotting source snapshot params given document.
Append the following session history traversal steps to traversable:
Let navigableSHEs be the result of getting session history entries given navigable.
Let targetSHE be the session history entry in navigableSHEs whose navigation API key is key. If no such entry exists, then:
Queue a global task on the navigation and traversal task source given navigation's relevant global object to reject the finished promise for apiMethodTracker with an "InvalidStateError
" DOMException
Abort these steps.
This path is taken if navigation's entry list was outdated compared to navigableSHEs, which can occur for brief periods while all the relevant threads and processes are being synchronized in reaction to a history change.
If targetSHE is navigable's active session history entry, then abort these steps.
This can occur if a previously queued traversal already took us to this session history entry. In that case the previous traversal will have dealt with apiMethodTracker already.
Let result be the result of applying the traverse history step given by targetSHE's step to traversable, given sourceSnapshotParams, navigable, and "none
If result is "canceled-by-beforeunload
", then queue a global task on the navigation and traversal task source given navigation's relevant global object to reject the finished promise for apiMethodTracker with a new "AbortError
" DOMException
created in navigation's relevant realm.
If result is "initiator-disallowed
", then queue a global task on the navigation and traversal task source given navigation's relevant global object to reject the finished promise for apiMethodTracker with a new "SecurityError
" DOMException
created in navigation's relevant realm.
When result is "canceled-by-beforeunload
" or "initiator-disallowed
", the navigate
event was never fired, aborting the ongoing navigation would not be correct; it would result in a navigateerror
event without a preceding navigate
In the "canceled-by-navigate
" case, navigate
is fired, but the inner navigate
event firing algorithm will take care of aborting the ongoing navigation.
Return a navigation API method tracker-derived result for apiMethodTracker.
An early error result for an exception e is a NavigationResult
dictionary instance given by «[ "committed
" → a promise rejected with e, "finished
" → a promise rejected with e ]».
A navigation API method tracker-derived result for a navigation API method tracker is a NavigationResult
dictionary instance given by «[ "committed
" → apiMethodTracker's committed promise, "finished
" → apiMethodTracker's finished promise ]».
During any given navigation (in the broad sense of the word), the Navigation
object needs to keep track of the following:
状態 | Duration | Explanation |
The NavigateEvent | For the duration of event firing | So that if the navigation is canceled while the event is firing, we can cancel the event |
The event's abort controller | Until all promises returned from handlers passed to intercept() have settled | So that if the navigation is canceled, we can signal abort |
Whether a new element was focused | Until all promises returned from handlers passed to intercept() have settled | So that if one was, focus is not reset |
The NavigationHistoryEntry being navigated to | From when it is determined, until all promises returned from handlers passed to intercept() have settled | So that we know what to resolve any committed and finished promises with |
Any finished promise that was returned | Until all promises returned from handlers passed to intercept() have settled | So that we can resolve or reject it appropriately |
状態 | Duration | Explanation |
Any state | For the duration of event firing | So that we can update the current entry's navigation API state if the event finishes firing without being canceled |
状態 | Duration | Explanation |
Any info | Until the task is queued to fire the navigate event | So that we can use it to fire the navigate after the trip through the session history traversal queue. |
Any committed promise that was returned | Until the session history is updated (inside that same task) | So that we can resolve or reject it appropriately |
Whether intercept() was called | Until the session history is updated (inside that same task) | So that we can suppress the normal scroll restoration logic in favor of the behavior given by the scroll option |
We also cannot assume there is only a single navigation requested at any given time, due to web developer code such as:
const p1 = navigation. navigate( url1). finished;
const p2 = navigation. navigate( url2). finished;
That is, in this scenario, we need to ensure that while navigating to url2
, we still have the promise p1
around so that we can reject it. We can't just get rid of any ongoing navigation promises the moment the second call to navigate()
We end up accomplishing all this by associating the following with each Navigation
Ongoing navigate
event, a NavigateEvent
or null, initially null.
Focus changed during ongoing navigation, a boolean, initially false.
Suppress normal scroll restoration during ongoing navigation, a boolean, initially false.
Ongoing API method tracker, a navigation API method tracker or null, initially null.
Upcoming non-traverse API method tracker, a navigation API method tracker or null, initially null.
Upcoming traverse API method trackers, an ordered map from strings to navigation API method trackers, initially empty.
The state here that is not stored in navigation API method trackers is state which needs to be tracked even for navigations that are not initiated via navigation API methods.
A navigation API method tracker is a struct with the following items:
A navigation object, a Navigation
A key, a string or null
An info, a JavaScript value
A serialized state, a serialized state or null
A committed-to entry, a NavigationHistoryEntry
or null
A committed promise, a promise
A finished promise, a promise
All this state is then managed via the following algorithms.
To maybe set the upcoming non-traverse API method tracker given a Navigation
navigation, a JavaScript value info, and a serialized state-or-null serializedState:
Let committedPromise and finishedPromise be new promises created in navigation's relevant realm.
Mark as handled finishedPromise.
Let apiMethodTracker be a new navigation API method tracker with:
Assert: navigation's upcoming non-traverse API method tracker is null.
If navigation does not have entries and events disabled, then set navigation's upcoming non-traverse API method tracker to apiMethodTracker.
If navigation has entries and events disabled, then committedPromise and finishedPromise will never fulfill (since we never create a NavigationHistoryEntry
object for such Document
s, and so we have nothing to resolve them with); there is no NavigationHistoryEntry
to apply serializedState to; and there is no navigate
event to include info with. So, we don't need to track this API method call after all.
Return apiMethodTracker.
To add an upcoming traverse API method tracker given a Navigation
navigation, a string destinationKey, and a JavaScript value info:
Let committedPromise and finishedPromise be new promises created in navigation's relevant realm.
Mark as handled finishedPromise.
See the previous discussion about why this is done.
Let apiMethodTracker be a new navigation API method tracker with:
Set navigation's upcoming traverse API method trackers[destinationKey] to apiMethodTracker.
Return apiMethodTracker.
To promote an upcoming API method tracker to ongoing given a Navigation
navigation and a string-or-null destinationKey:
Assert: navigation's ongoing API method tracker is null.
If destinationKey is not null, then:
Assert: navigation's upcoming non-traverse API method tracker is null.
If navigation's upcoming traverse API method trackers[destinationKey] exists, then:
Set navigation's ongoing API method tracker to navigation's upcoming traverse API method trackers[destinationKey].
Remove navigation's upcoming traverse API method trackers[destinationKey].
Set navigation's ongoing API method tracker to navigation's upcoming non-traverse API method tracker.
Set navigation's upcoming non-traverse API method tracker to null.
To clean up a navigation API method tracker apiMethodTracker:
Let navigation be apiMethodTracker's navigation object.
If navigation's ongoing API method tracker is apiMethodTracker, then set navigation's ongoing API method tracker to null.
Let key be apiMethodTracker's key.
Assert: key is not null.
Assert: navigation's upcoming traverse API method trackers[key] exists.
Remove navigation's upcoming traverse API method trackers[key].
To notify about the committed-to entry given a navigation API method tracker apiMethodTracker and a NavigationHistoryEntry
Set apiMethodTracker's committed-to entry to nhe.
If apiMethodTracker's serialized state is not null, then set nhe's session history entry's navigation API state to apiMethodTracker's serialized state.
If it's null, then we're traversing to nhe via navigation.traverseTo()
, which does not allow changing the state.
At this point, apiMethodTracker's serialized state is no longer needed. Implementations might want to clear it out to avoid keeping it alive for the lifetime of the navigation API method tracker.
Resolve apiMethodTracker's committed promise with nhe.
At this point, apiMethodTracker's committed promise is only needed in cases where it has not yet been returned to author code. Implementations might want to clear it out to avoid keeping it alive for the lifetime of the navigation API method tracker.
To resolve the finished promise for a navigation API method tracker apiMethodTracker:
Assert: apiMethodTracker's committed-to entry is not null.
Resolve apiMethodTracker's finished promise with its committed-to entry.
Clean up apiMethodTracker.
To reject the finished promise for a navigation API method tracker apiMethodTracker with a JavaScript value exception:
Reject apiMethodTracker's committed promise with exception.
This will do nothing if apiMethodTracker's committed promise was previously resolved via notify about the committed-to entry.
Reject apiMethodTracker's finished promise with exception.
Clean up apiMethodTracker.
To abort the ongoing navigation given a Navigation
navigation and an optional DOMException
Let event be navigation's ongoing navigate
Assert: event is not null.
Set navigation's focus changed during ongoing navigation to false.
Set navigation's suppress normal scroll restoration during ongoing navigation to false.
If error was not given, then let error be a new "AbortError
" DOMException
created in navigation's relevant realm.
If event's dispatch flag is set, then set event's canceled flag to true.
Signal abort on event's abort controller given error.
Set navigation's ongoing navigate
event to null.
Let errorInfo be the result of extracting error information from error.
For example, if this algorithm is reached because of a call to window.stop()
, these properties would probably end up initialized based on the line of script that called window.stop()
. But if it's because the user clicked the stop button, these properties would probably end up with default values like the empty string or 0.
Fire an event named navigateerror
at navigation using ErrorEvent
, with additional attributes initialized according to errorInfo.
If navigation's ongoing API method tracker is non-null, then reject the finished promise for apiMethodTracker with error.
If navigation's transition is not null, then:
Reject navigation's transition's finished promise with error.
Set navigation's transition to null.
To inform the navigation API about aborting navigation in a navigable navigable:
If this algorithm is running on navigable's active window's relevant agent's event loop, then continue on to the following steps. Otherwise, queue a global task on the navigation and traversal task source given navigable's active window to run the following steps.
Let navigation be navigable's active window's navigation API.
If navigation's ongoing navigate
event is null, then return.
Abort the ongoing navigation given navigation.
To inform the navigation API about child navigable destruction given a navigable navigable:
Inform the navigation API about aborting navigation in navigable.
Let navigation be navigable's active window's navigation API.
Let traversalAPIMethodTrackers be a clone of navigation's upcoming traverse API method trackers.
For each apiMethodTracker of traversalAPIMethodTrackers: reject the finished promise for apiMethodTracker with a new "AbortError
" DOMException
created in navigation's relevant realm.
The ongoing navigation concept is most-directly exposed to web developers through the navigation.transition
property, which is an instance of the NavigationTransition
[Exposed =Window ]
interface NavigationTransition {
readonly attribute NavigationType navigationType ;
readonly attribute NavigationHistoryEntry from ;
readonly attribute Promise <undefined > finished ;
(および location.href
"、または "traverse
が発火すると同時に実行されるプロミス、または navigateerror
Each Navigation
has a transition, which is a NavigationTransition
or null, initially null.
The transition
getter steps are to return this's transition.
Each NavigationTransition
has an associated navigation type, which is a NavigationType
Each NavigationTransition
has an associated from entry, which is a NavigationHistoryEntry
Each NavigationTransition
has an associated finished promise, which is a promise.
ゲッターステップは、thisのnavigation entryを返す。
The from
getter steps are to return this's from entry.
The finished
getter steps are to return this's finished promise.
インターフェイス[Exposed =Window ]
interface NavigationActivation {
readonly attribute NavigationHistoryEntry ? from ;
readonly attribute NavigationHistoryEntry entry ;
readonly attribute NavigationType navigationType ;
を表す NavigationHistoryEntry
がこの文書と同一生成元ではなかった場合、またはinitial about:blank
"、または "traverse
old entry、nullまたはNavigationHistoryEntry
new entry、nullまたはNavigationHistoryEntry
navigation type、NavigationType
ゲッターステップは、thisのold entryを返す。
ゲッターステップは、thisのnew entryを返す。
ゲッターステップは、thisのnavigation entryを返す。
インターフェイス[Exposed =Window ]
interface NavigateEvent : Event {
constructor (DOMString type , NavigateEventInit eventInitDict );
readonly attribute NavigationType navigationType ;
readonly attribute NavigationDestination destination ;
readonly attribute boolean canIntercept ;
readonly attribute boolean userInitiated ;
readonly attribute boolean hashChange ;
readonly attribute AbortSignal signal ;
readonly attribute FormData
? formData ;
readonly attribute DOMString ? downloadRequest ;
readonly attribute any info ;
readonly attribute boolean hasUAVisualTransition ;
readonly attribute Element ? sourceElement ;
undefined intercept (optional NavigationInterceptOptions options = {});
undefined scroll ();
dictionary NavigateEventInit : EventInit {
NavigationType navigationType = "push";
required NavigationDestination destination ;
boolean canIntercept = false ;
boolean userInitiated = false ;
boolean hashChange = false ;
required AbortSignal signal ;
FormData ? formData = null ;
DOMString ? downloadRequest = null ;
any info ;
boolean hasUAVisualTransition = false ;
Element ? sourceElement = null ;
dictionary NavigationInterceptOptions {
NavigationInterceptHandler handler ;
NavigationFocusReset focusReset ;
NavigationScrollBehavior scroll ;
enum NavigationFocusReset {
" after-transition " ,
" manual "
enum NavigationScrollBehavior {
" after-transition " ,
" manual "
callback NavigationInterceptHandler = Promise <undefined > ();
One of "push
", "replace
", "reload
", or "traverse
", indicating what type of navigation this is.
A NavigationDestination
representing the destination of the navigation.
True if intercept()
can be called to intercept this navigation and convert it into a same-document navigation, replacing its usual behavior; false otherwise.
Generally speaking, this will be true whenever the current Document
can have its URL rewritten to the destination URL, except for in the case of cross-document "traverse
" navigations, where it will always be false.
True if this navigation was due to a user clicking on an a
element, submitting a form
element, or using the browser UI to navigate; false otherwise.
True for a fragment navigation; false otherwise.
An AbortSignal
which will become aborted if the navigation gets canceled, e.g., by the user pressing their browser's "Stop" button, or by another navigation interrupting this one.
The expected pattern is for developers to pass this along to any async operations, such as fetch()
, which they perform as part of handling this navigation.
The FormData
representing the submitted form entries for this navigation, if this navigation is a "push
" or "replace
" navigation representing a POST form submission; null otherwise.
(Notably, this will be null even for "reload
" or "traverse
" navigations that are revisiting a session history entry that was originally created from a form submission.)
Represents whether or not this navigation was requested to be a download, by using an a
or area
element's download
If a download was not requested, then this property is null.
If a download was requested, returns the filename that was supplied as the download
attribute's value. (This could be the empty string.)
Note that a download being requested does not always mean that a download will happen: for example, a download might be blocked by browser security policies, or end up being treated as a "push
" navigation for unspecified reasons.
Similarly, a navigation might end up being a download even if it was not requested to be one, due to the destination server responding with a `Content-Disposition: attachment
` header.
Finally, note that the navigate
event will not fire at all for downloads initiated using browser UI affordances, e.g., those created by right-clicking and choosing to save the target of a link.
An arbitrary JavaScript value passed via one of the navigation API methods which initiated this navigation, or undefined if the navigation was initiated by the user or by a different API.
Returns the Element
responsible for this navigation. This can be an a
or area
element, a submit button, or a submitted form
event.intercept({ handler, focusReset, scroll })
Intercepts this navigation, preventing its normal handling and instead converting it into a same-document navigation of the same type to the destination URL.
The handler
option can be a function that returns a promise. The handler function will run after the navigate
event has finished firing, and the navigation.currentEntry
property has been synchronously updated. This returned promise is used to signal the duration, and success or failure, of the navigation. After it settles, the browser signals to the user (e.g., via a loading spinner UI, or assistive technology) that the navigation is finished. Additionally, it fires navigatesuccess
or navigateerror
events as appropriate, which other parts of the web application can respond to.
By default, using this method will cause focus to reset when any handlers' returned promises settle. Focus will be reset to the first element with the autofocus
attribute set, or the body element if the attribute isn't present. The focusReset
option can be set to "manual
" to avoid this behavior.
By default, using this method will delay the browser's scroll restoration logic for "traverse
" or "reload
" navigations, or its scroll-reset/scroll-to-a-fragment logic for "push
" or "replace
" navigations, until any handlers' returned promises settle. The scroll
option can be set to "manual
" to turn off any browser-driven scroll behavior entirely for this navigation, or scroll()
can be called before the promise settles to trigger this behavior early.
This method will throw a "SecurityError
" DOMException
if canIntercept
is false, or if isTrusted
is false. It will throw an "InvalidStateError
" DOMException
if not called synchronously, during event dispatch.
For "traverse
" or "reload
" navigations, restores the scroll position using the browser's usual scroll restoration logic.
For "push
" or "replace
" navigations, either resets the scroll position to the top of the document or scrolls to the fragment specified by destination.url
if there is one.
If called more than once, or called after automatic post-transition scroll processing has happened due to the scroll
option being left as "after-transition
", or called before the navigation has committed, this method will throw an "InvalidStateError
" DOMException
Each NavigateEvent
has an interception state, which is either "none
", "intercepted
", "committed
", "scrolled
", or "finished
", initially "none
Each NavigateEvent
has a navigation handler list, a list of NavigationInterceptHandler
callbacks, initially empty.
Each NavigateEvent
has a focus reset behavior, a NavigationFocusReset
-or-null, initially null.
Each NavigateEvent
has a scroll behavior, a NavigationScrollBehavior
-or-null, initially null.
Each NavigateEvent
has an abort controller, an AbortController
-or-null, initially null.
Each NavigateEvent
has a classic history API state, a serialized state or null. It is only used in some cases where the event's navigationType
is "push
" or "replace
", and is set appropriately when the event is fired.
The navigationType
, destination
, canIntercept
, userInitiated
, hashChange
, signal
, formData
, downloadRequest
, info
, hasUAVisualTransition
, and sourceElement
attributes must return the values they are initialized to.
The intercept(options)
method steps are:
Perform shared checks given this.
If this's canIntercept
attribute was initialized to false, then throw a "SecurityError
" DOMException
If this's dispatch flag is unset, then throw an "InvalidStateError
" DOMException
Assert: this's interception state is either "none
" or "intercepted
Set this's interception state to "intercepted
If options["handler
"] exists, then append it to this's navigation handler list.
If options["focusReset
"] exists, then:
If this's focus reset behavior is not null, and it is not equal to options["focusReset
"], then the user agent may report a warning to the console indicating that the focusReset
option for a previous call to intercept()
was overridden by this new value, and the previous value will be ignored.
Set this's focus reset behavior to options["focusReset
If options["scroll
"] exists, then:
If this's scroll behavior is not null, and it is not equal to options["scroll
"], then the user agent may report a warning to the console indicating that the scroll
option for a previous call to intercept()
was overridden by this new value, and the previous value will be ignored.
Set this's scroll behavior to options["scroll
The scroll()
method steps are:
Perform shared checks given this.
If this's interception state is not "committed
", then throw an "InvalidStateError
" DOMException
Process scroll behavior given this.
To perform shared checks for a NavigateEvent
If event's relevant global object's associated Document
is not fully active, then throw an "InvalidStateError
" DOMException
If event's isTrusted
attribute was initialized to false, then throw a "SecurityError
" DOMException
If event's canceled flag is set, then throw an "InvalidStateError
" DOMException
interface[Exposed =Window ]
interface NavigationDestination {
readonly attribute USVString url ;
readonly attribute DOMString key ;
readonly attribute DOMString id ;
readonly attribute long long index ;
readonly attribute boolean sameDocument ;
any getState ();
The URL being navigated to.
The value of the key
property of the destination NavigationHistoryEntry
, if this is a "traverse
" navigation, or the empty string otherwise.
The value of the id
property of the destination NavigationHistoryEntry
, if this is a "traverse
" navigation, or the empty string otherwise.
The value of the index
property of the destination NavigationHistoryEntry
, if this is a "traverse
" navigation, or −1 otherwise.
Indicates whether or not this navigation is to the same Document
as the current one, or not. This will be true, for example, in the case of fragment navigations or history.pushState()
Note that this property indicates the original nature of the navigation. If a cross-document navigation is converted into a same-document navigation using navigateEvent.intercept()
, that will not change the value of this property.
For "traverse
" navigations, returns the deserialization of the state stored in the destination session history entry.
For "push
" or "replace
" navigations, returns the deserialization of the state passed to navigation.navigate()
, if the navigation was initiated by that method, or undefined it if it wasn't.
For "reload
" navigations, returns the deserialization of the state passed to navigation.reload()
, if the reload was initiated by that method, or undefined it if it wasn't.
Each NavigationDestination
has a URL, which is a URL.
Each NavigationDestination
has an entry, which is a NavigationHistoryEntry
or null.
It will be non-null if and only if the NavigationDestination
corresponds to a "traverse
" navigation.
Each NavigationDestination
has a state, which is a serialized state.
Each NavigationDestination
has an is same document, which is a boolean.
The url
getter steps are to return this's URL, serialized.
The key
getter steps are:
The id
getter steps are:
The index
getter steps are:
The sameDocument
getter steps are to return this's is same document.
The getState()
method steps are to return StructuredDeserialize(this's state).
Other parts of the standard fire the navigate
event, through a series of wrapper algorithms given in this section.
To fire a traverse navigate
event at a Navigation
navigation given a session history entry destinationSHE and an optional user navigation involvement userInvolvement (default "none
Let event be the result of creating an event given NavigateEvent
, in navigation's relevant realm.
Set event's classic history API state to null.
Let destination be a new NavigationDestination
created in navigation's relevant realm.
Let destinationNHE be the NavigationHistoryEntry
in navigation's entry list whose session history entry is destinationSHE, or null if no such NavigationHistoryEntry
If destinationNHE is non-null, then:
Set destination's entry to destinationNHE.
Set destination's state to destinationSHE's navigation API state.
Set destination's entry to null.
Set destination's state to StructuredSerializeForStorage(null).
Set destination's is same document to true if destinationSHE's document is equal to navigation's relevant global object's associated Document
; otherwise false.
Return the result of performing the inner navigate
event firing algorithm given navigation, "traverse
", event, destination, userInvolvement, null, null, and null.
To fire a push/replace/reload navigate
event at a Navigation
navigation given a NavigationType
navigationType, a URL destinationURL, a boolean isSameDocument, an optional user navigation involvement userInvolvement (default "none
"), an optional Element
-or-null sourceElement (default null), an optional entry list-or-null formDataEntryList (default null), an optional serialized state navigationAPIState (default StructuredSerializeForStorage(null)), and an optional serialized state-or-null classicHistoryAPIState (default null):
Let event be the result of creating an event given NavigateEvent
, in navigation's relevant realm.
Set event's classic history API state to classicHistoryAPIState.
Let destination be a new NavigationDestination
created in navigation's relevant realm.
Set destination's URL to destinationURL.
Set destination's entry to null.
Set destination's state to navigationAPIState.
Set destination's is same document to isSameDocument.
Return the result of performing the inner navigate
event firing algorithm given navigation, navigationType, event, destination, userInvolvement, sourceElement, formDataEntryList, and null.
To fire a download request navigate
event at a Navigation
navigation given a URL destinationURL, a user navigation involvement userInvolvement, an Element
-or-null sourceElement, and a string filename:
Let event be the result of creating an event given NavigateEvent
, in navigation's relevant realm.
Set event's classic history API state to null.
Let destination be a new NavigationDestination
created in navigation's relevant realm.
Set destination's URL to destinationURL.
Set destination's entry to null.
Set destination's state to StructuredSerializeForStorage(null).
Set destination's is same document to false.
Return the result of performing the inner navigate
event firing algorithm given navigation, "push
", event, destination, userInvolvement, sourceElement, null, and filename.
The inner navigate
event firing algorithm consists of the following steps, given a Navigation
navigation, a NavigationType
navigationType, a NavigateEvent
event, a NavigationDestination
destination, a user navigation involvement userInvolvement, an Element
-or-null sourceElement, an entry list-or-null formDataEntryList, and a string-or-null downloadRequestFilename:
If navigation has entries and events disabled, then:
Assert: navigation's ongoing API method tracker is null.
Assert: navigation's upcoming non-traverse API method tracker is null.
Assert: navigation's upcoming traverse API method trackers is empty.
Return true.
These assertions holds because traverseTo()
, back()
, and forward()
will immediately fail when entries and events are disabled (since there are no entries to traverse to), and if our starting point is instead navigate()
or reload()
, then we avoided setting the upcoming non-traverse API method tracker in the first place.
Let destinationKey be null.
If destination's entry is non-null, then set destinationKey to destination's entry's key.
Assert: destinationKey is not the empty string.
Promote an upcoming API method tracker to ongoing given navigation and destinationKey.
Let apiMethodTracker be navigation's ongoing API method tracker.
Let navigable be navigation's relevant global object's navigable.
Let document be navigation's relevant global object's associated Document
If document can have its URL rewritten to destination's URL, and either destination's is same document is true or navigationType is not "traverse
", then initialize event's canIntercept
to true. Otherwise, initialize it to false.
If either:
navigationType is not "traverse
"; or
traverseCanBeCanceled is true,
then initialize event's cancelable
to true. Otherwise, initialize it to false.
Initialize event's navigationType
to navigationType.
Initialize event's destination
to destination.
Initialize event's downloadRequest
to downloadRequestFilename.
If apiMethodTracker is not null, then initialize event's info
to apiMethodTracker's info. Otherwise, initialize it to undefined.
At this point apiMethodTracker's info is no longer needed and can be nulled out instead of keeping it alive for the lifetime of the navigation API method tracker.
Initialize event's hasUAVisualTransition
to true if a visual transition, to display a cached rendered state of the document's latest entry, was done by the user agent. Otherwise, initialize it to false.
Initialize event's sourceElement
to sourceElement.
Set event's abort controller to a new AbortController
created in navigation's relevant realm.
Initialize event's signal
to event's abort controller's signal.
Let currentURL be document's URL.
If all of the following are true:
event's classic history API state is null;
destination's is same document is true;
destination's URL equals currentURL with exclude fragments set to true; and
destination's URL's fragment is not identical to currentURL's fragment,
then initialize event's hashChange
to true. Otherwise, initialize it to false.
The first condition here means that hashChange
will be true for fragment navigations, but false for cases like history.pushState(undefined, "", "#fragment")
If userInvolvement is not "none
", then initialize event's userInitiated
to true. Otherwise, initialize it to false.
If formDataEntryList is not null, then initialize event's formData
to a new FormData
created in navigation's relevant realm, associated to formDataEntryList. Otherwise, initialize it to null.
Assert: navigation's ongoing navigate
event is null.
Set navigation's ongoing navigate
event to event.
Set navigation's focus changed during ongoing navigation to false.
Set navigation's suppress normal scroll restoration during ongoing navigation to false.
Let dispatchResult be the result of dispatching event at navigation.
If dispatchResult is false:
If navigationType is "traverse
", then consume history-action user activation given navigation's relevant global object.
If event's abort controller's signal is not aborted, then abort the ongoing navigation given navigation.
Let endResultIsSameDocument be true if event's interception state is not "none
" or event's destination
's is same document is true.
Prepare to run script given navigation's relevant settings object.
If event's interception state is not "none
Set event's interception state to "committed
Let fromNHE be the current entry of navigation.
Assert: fromNHE is not null.
Set navigation's transition to a new NavigationTransition
created in navigation's relevant realm, whose navigation type is navigationType, whose from entry is fromNHE, and whose finished promise is a new promise created in navigation's relevant realm.
Mark as handled navigation's transition's finished promise.
See the discussion about other finished promises to understand why this is done.
If navigationType is "traverse
", then set navigation's suppress normal scroll restoration during ongoing navigation to true.
If event's scroll behavior was set to "after-transition
", then scroll restoration will happen as part of finishing the relevant NavigateEvent
. Otherwise, there will be no scroll restoration. That is, no navigation which is intercepted by intercept()
goes through the normal scroll restoration process; scroll restoration for such navigations is either done manually, by the web developer, or is done after the transition.
If navigationType is "push
" or "replace
", then run the URL and history update steps given document and event's destination
's URL, with serializedData set to event's classic history API state and historyHandling set to navigationType.
Otherwise, if navigationType is "reload
", then update the navigation API entries for a same-document navigation given navigation, navigable's active session history entry, and "reload
If navigationType is "traverse
", then this event firing is happening as part of the traversal process, and that process will take care of performing the appropriate session history entry updates.
If endResultIsSameDocument is true:
Let promisesList be an empty list.
For each handler of event's navigation handler list:
If promisesList's size is 0, then set promisesList to « a promise resolved with undefined ».
There is a subtle timing difference between how waiting for all schedules its success and failure steps when given zero promises versus ≥1 promises. For most uses of waiting for all, this does not matter. However, with this API, there are so many events and promise handlers which could fire around the same time that the difference is pretty easily observable: it can cause the event/promise handler sequence to vary. (Some of the events and promises involved include: navigatesuccess
/ navigateerror
, currententrychange
, dispose
, apiMethodTracker's promises, and the navigation.transition.finished
Wait for all of promisesList, with the following success steps:
If event's relevant global object is not fully active, then abort these steps.
If event's abort controller's signal is aborted, then abort these steps.
Assert: event equals navigation's ongoing navigate
Set navigation's ongoing navigate
event to null.
Finish event given true.
Fire an event named navigatesuccess
at navigation.
If apiMethodTracker is non-null, then resolve the finished promise for apiMethodTracker.
If navigation's transition is not null, then resolve navigation's transition's finished promise with undefined.
Set navigation's transition to null.
and the following failure steps given reason rejectionReason:
If event's relevant global object is not fully active, then abort these steps.
If event's abort controller's signal is aborted, then abort these steps.
Assert: event equals navigation's ongoing navigate
Set navigation's ongoing navigate
event to null.
Finish event given false.
Let errorInfo be the result of extracting error information from rejectionReason.
Fire an event named navigateerror
at navigation using ErrorEvent
, with additional attributes initialized according to errorInfo.
If apiMethodTracker is non-null, then reject the finished promise for apiMethodTracker with rejectionReason.
If navigation's transition is not null, then reject navigation's transition's finished promise with rejectionReason.
Set navigation's transition to null.
Otherwise, if apiMethodTracker is non-null, then clean up apiMethodTracker.
Clean up after running script given navigation's relevant settings object.
Per the previous note, this stops suppressing any potential promise handler microtasks, causing them to run at this point or later.
If event's interception state is "none
", then return true.
By calling navigateEvent.intercept()
, web developers can suppress the normal scroll and focus behavior for same-document navigations, instead invoking cross-document navigation-like behavior at a later time. The algorithms in this section are called at those appropriate later points.
To finish a NavigateEvent
event, given a boolean didFulfill:
Assert: event's interception state is not "intercepted
" or "finished
If event's interception state is "none
", then return.
Potentially reset the focus given event.
If didFulfill is true, then potentially process scroll behavior given event.
Set event's interception state to "finished
To potentially reset the focus given a NavigateEvent
Assert: event's interception state is "committed
" or "scrolled
Let navigation be event's relevant global object's navigation API.
Let focusChanged be navigation's focus changed during ongoing navigation.
Set navigation's focus changed during ongoing navigation to false.
If focusChanged is true, then return.
If event's focus reset behavior is "manual
", then return.
If it was left as null, then we treat that as "after-transition
", and continue onward.
Let document be event's relevant global object's associated Document
Let focusTarget be the autofocus delegate for document.
If focusTarget is null, then set focusTarget to document's body element.
If focusTarget is null, then set focusTarget to document's document element.
Run the focusing steps for focusTarget, with document's viewport as the fallback target.
Move the sequential focus navigation starting point to focusTarget.
To potentially process scroll behavior given a NavigateEvent
Assert: event's interception state is "committed
" or "scrolled
If event's interception state is "scrolled
", then return.
If event's scroll behavior is "manual
", then return.
If it was left as null, then we treat that as "after-transition
", and continue onward.
Process scroll behavior given event.
To process scroll behavior given a NavigateEvent
Assert: event's interception state is "committed
Set event's interception state to "scrolled
If event's navigationType
was initialized to "traverse
" or "reload
", then restore scroll position data given event's relevant global object's navigable's active session history entry.
Let document be event's relevant global object's associated Document
If document's indicated part is null, then scroll to the beginning of the document given document. [CSSOMVIEW]
Otherwise, scroll to the fragment given document.
インターフェイス[Exposed =Window ]
interface NavigationCurrentEntryChangeEvent : Event {
constructor (DOMString type , NavigationCurrentEntryChangeEventInit eventInitDict );
readonly attribute NavigationType ? navigationType ;
readonly attribute NavigationHistoryEntry from ;
dictionary NavigationCurrentEntryChangeEventInit : EventInit {
NavigationType ? navigationType = null ;
required NavigationHistoryEntry from ;
The navigationType
and from
attributes must return the values they were initialized to.
インターフェイスSupport in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
[Exposed =Window ]
interface PopStateEvent : Event {
constructor (DOMString type , optional PopStateEventInit eventInitDict = {});
readonly attribute any state ;
readonly attribute boolean hasUAVisualTransition ;
dictionary PopStateEventInit : EventInit {
any state = null ;
boolean hasUAVisualTransition = false ;
Support in all current engines.
The state
attribute must return the value it was initialized to. It represents the context information for the event, or null, if the state represented is the initial state of the Document
The hasUAVisualTransition
attribute must return the value it was initialized to.
Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
[Exposed =Window ]
interface HashChangeEvent : Event {
constructor (DOMString type , optional HashChangeEventInit eventInitDict = {});
readonly attribute USVString oldURL ;
readonly attribute USVString newURL ;
dictionary HashChangeEventInit : EventInit {
USVString oldURL = "";
USVString newURL = "";
Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
The oldURL
attribute must return the value it was initialized to. It represents context information for the event, specifically the URL of the session history entry that was traversed from.
The newURL
attribute must return the value it was initialized to. It represents context information for the event, specifically the URL of the session history entry that was traversed to.
インターフェイス[Exposed =Window ]
interface PageSwapEvent : Event {
constructor (DOMString type , optional PageSwapEventInit eventInitDict = {});
readonly attribute NavigationActivation
? activation ;
readonly attribute ViewTransition
? viewTransition ;
dictionary PageSwapEventInit : EventInit {
NavigationActivation ? activation = null ;
? viewTransition = null ;
The activation
and viewTransition
attributes must return the values they were initialized to.
インターフェイス[Exposed =Window ]
interface PageRevealEvent : Event {
constructor (DOMString type , optional PageRevealEventInit eventInitDict = {});
readonly attribute ViewTransition
? viewTransition ;
dictionary PageRevealEventInit : EventInit {
? viewTransition = null ;
イベントが発火したときに遷移がアクティブである場合、インバウンドの文書間の参照の遷移を表す ViewTransition
The viewTransition
attribute must return the value it was initialized to.
Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
[Exposed =Window ]
interface PageTransitionEvent : Event {
constructor (DOMString type , optional PageTransitionEventInit eventInitDict = {});
readonly attribute boolean persisted ;
dictionary PageTransitionEventInit : EventInit {
boolean persisted = false ;
Support in all current engines.
The persisted
attribute must return the value it was initialized to. It represents the context information for the event.
To fire a page transition event named eventName at a Window
window with a boolean persisted, fire an event named eventName at window, using PageTransitionEvent
, with the persisted
attribute initialized to persisted, the cancelable
attribute initialized to true, the bubbles
attribute initialized to true, and legacy target override flag set.
The values for cancelable
and bubbles
don't make any sense, since canceling the event does nothing and it's not possible to bubble past the Window
object. They are set to true for historical reasons.
インターフェイスSupport in all current engines.
[Exposed =Window ]
interface BeforeUnloadEvent : Event {
attribute DOMString returnValue ;
The returnValue
attribute controls the process of checking if unloading is canceled. When the event is created, the attribute must be set to the empty string. On getting, it must return the last value it was set to. On setting, the attribute must be set to the new value.
This attribute is a DOMString
only for historical reasons. Any value besides the empty string will be treated as a request to ask the user for confirmation.
interface[Exposed =Window ]
interface NotRestoredReasonDetails {
readonly attribute DOMString reason ;
[Default ] object toJSON ();
[Exposed =Window ]
interface NotRestoredReasons {
readonly attribute USVString ? src ;
readonly attribute DOMString ? id ;
readonly attribute DOMString ? name ;
readonly attribute USVString ? url ;
readonly attribute FrozenArray <NotRestoredReasonDetails >? reasons ;
readonly attribute FrozenArray <NotRestoredReasons >? children ;
[Default ] object toJSON ();
Returns a string that explains the reason that prevented the document from being served from back/forward cache. See the definition of bfcache blocking details for the possible string values.
Returns the src
attribute of the document's node navigable's container if it is an iframe
element. This can be null if not set or if it is not an iframe
Returns the id
attribute of the document's node navigable's container if it is an iframe
element. This can be null if not set or if it is not an iframe
Returns the name
attribute of the document's node navigable's container if it is an iframe
element. This can be null if not set or if it is not an iframe
Returns the document's URL, or null if the document is in a cross-origin iframe
. This is reported in addition to src
because it is possible iframe
navigated since the original src
was set.
Returns an array of NotRestoredReasonDetails
for the document. This is null if the document is in a cross-origin iframe
Returns an array of NotRestoredReasons
that are for the document’s children. This is null if the document is in a cross-origin iframe
A NotRestoredReasonDetails
object has a backing struct, a not restored reason details or null, initially null.
The reason
getter steps are to return this's backing struct's reason.
To create a NotRestoredReasonDetails
object given a not restored reason details backingStruct and a realm realm:
Let notRestoredReasonDetails be a new NotRestoredReasonDetails
object created in realm.
Set notRestoredReasonDetails's backing struct to backingStruct.
Return notRestoredReasonDetails.
A not restored reason details is a struct with the following items:
reason, a string, initially empty.
The reason is a string that represents the reason that prevented the page from being restored from back/forward cache. The string is one of the following:
was still ongoing and was canceled, so the page was not in a state that could be stored in the back/forward cache.navigation-failure
errored, so storing the resulting error document in the back/forward cache was prevented.parser-aborted
never finished its initial HTML parsing, so storing the unfinished document in the back/forward cache was prevented.websocket
connection was shut down, so the page was not in a state that could be stored in the back/forward cache. [WEBSOCKETS]lock
has children that are in a cross-origin iframe
, and they prevented back/forward cache; or this Document
could not be back/forward cached for user agent-specific reasons, and the user agent has chosen not to use one of the more specific reasons from the list of user-agent specific blocking reasons.In addition to the list above, a user agent might choose to expose a reason that prevented the page from being restored from back/forward cache for user-agent specific blocking reasons. These are one of the following strings:
requested audio capture permission by using Media Capture and Streams's getUserMedia()
with audio. [MEDIASTREAM]background-work
requested background work by calling SyncManager
's register()
method, PeriodicSyncManager
's register()
method, or BackgroundFetchManager
's fetch()
connection on the page received a message and message
event was fired.idbversionchangeevent
had a pending IDBVersionChangeEvent
while unloading. [INDEXEDDB]idledetector
had an active IdleDetector
while unloading.keyboardlock
's lock()
method was called.mediastream
was in the live state upon unloading. [MEDIASTREAM]midi
requested a MIDI permission by calling navigator.requestMIDIAccess()
was not in a state that could be stored in back/forward cache.navigation-canceled
and the page was not in a state to be stored in back/forward cache.non-trivial-browsing-context-group
had more than one top-level browsing context.otpcredential
created an OTPCredential
had outstanding network requests and was not in a state that could be stored in back/forward cache.paymentrequest
had an active PaymentRequest
while unloading. [PAYMENTREQUEST]pictureinpicturewindow
had an active PictureInPictureWindow
while unloading. [PICTUREINPICTURE]plugins
contained plugins.request-method-not-get
was created from an HTTP request whose method was not `GET
`. [FETCH]response-auth-required
was created from an HTTP response that required HTTP authentication.response-cache-control-no-store
was created from an HTTP response whose `Cache-Control
` header included the "no-store
" token. [HTTP]response-cache-control-no-cache
was created from an HTTP response whose `Cache-Control
` header included the "no-cache
" token. [HTTP]response-keep-alive
was created from an HTTP response that contained a `Keep-Alive
` header.response-scheme-not-http-or-https
was created from a response whose URL's scheme was not an HTTP(S) scheme. [FETCH]response-status-not-ok
was created from an HTTP response whose status was not an ok status. [FETCH]rtc
or RTCDataChannel
was shut down, so the page was not in a state that could be stored in the back/forward cache. [WEBRTC]sensors
requested sensor access.serviceworker-added
's service worker client started to be controlled by a ServiceWorker
while the page was in back/forward cache. [SW]serviceworker-claimed
's service worker client's active service worker was claimed while the page was in back/forward cache. [SW]serviceworker-postmessage
's service worker client's active service worker received a message while the page was in back/forward cache. [SW]serviceworker-version-activated
's service worker client's active service worker's version was activated while the page was in back/forward cache. [SW]serviceworker-unregistered
's service worker client's active service worker's service worker registration was unregistered while the page was in back/forward cache. [SW]sharedworker
was in the owner set of a SharedWorkerGlobalScope
had an active SmartCardConnection
while unloading.speechrecognition
had an active SpeechRecognition
while unloading.storageaccess
requested storage access permission by using the Storage Access API.unload-listener
registered an event listener for the unload
requested video capture permission by using Media Capture and Streams's getUserMedia()
with video. [MEDIASTREAM]webhid
called the WebHID API's requestDevice()
used the Web Share API's navigator.share()
connection was shut down, so the page was not in a state that could be stored in the back/forward cache. [WEBTRANSPORT]webxrdevice
created a XRSystem
.A NotRestoredReasons
object has a backing struct, a not restored reasons or null, initially null.
A NotRestoredReasons
object has a reasons array, a FrozenArray<
or null, initially null.NotRestoredReasonDetails
A NotRestoredReasons
object has a children array, a FrozenArray<NotRestoredReasons>
or null, initially null.
The src
getter steps are to return this's backing struct's src.
The id
getter steps are to return this's backing struct's id.
The name
getter steps are to return this's backing struct's name.
The url
getter steps are:
If this's backing struct's URL is null, then return null.
Return this's backing struct's URL, serialized.
The reasons
getter steps are to return this's reasons array.
The children
getter steps are to return this's children array.
To create a NotRestoredReasons
object given a not restored reasons backingStruct and a realm realm:
Let notRestoredReasons be a new NotRestoredReasons
object created in realm.
Set notRestoredReasons's backing struct to backingStruct.
If backingStruct's reasons is null, set notRestoredReasons's reasons array to null.
Let reasonsArray be an empty list.
For each reason of backingStruct's reasons:
Create a NotRestoredReasonDetails
object given reason and realm, and append it to reasonsArray.
Set notRestoredReasons's reasons array to the result of creating a frozen array given reasonsArray.
If backingStruct's children is null, set notRestoredReasons's children array to null.
Let childrenArray be an empty list.
For each child of backingStruct's children:
Create a NotRestoredReasons
object given child and realm and append it to childrenArray.
Set notRestoredReasons's children array to the result of creating a frozen array given childrenArray.
Return notRestoredReasons.
A not restored reasons is a struct with the following items:
src, a scalar value string or null, initially null.
id, a string or null, initially null.
name, a string or null, initially null.
url, a URL or null, initially null.
reasons, null or a list of not restored reason details, initially null.
children, null or a list of not restored reasons, initially null.
A Document
's not restored reasons is its node navigable's active session history entry's document state's not restored reasons, if Document
's node navigable is a top-level traversable; otherwise null.