Living Standard — Last Updated 28 February 2025
Reflected targets have these associated algorithms:
For a reflected target that is an element element, these are defined as follows:
Return element.
Let attribute be the result of running get an attribute by namespace and local name given null, the reflected content attribute name, and element.
If attribute is null, then return null.
Return attribute's value.
Set an attribute value given element, the reflected content attribute name, and value.
Remove an attribute by namespace and local name given null, the reflected content attribute name, and element.
For a reflected target that is an ElementInternals
object elementInternals, they are defined as follows:
Return elementInternals's target element.
If elementInternals's target element's internal content attribute map[the reflected content attribute name] does not exist, then return null.
Return elementInternals's target element's internal content attribute map[the reflected content attribute name].
Set elementInternals's target element's internal content attribute map[the reflected content attribute name] to value.
Remove elementInternals's target element's internal content attribute map[the reflected content attribute name].
This results in somewhat redundant data structures for ElementInternals
objects as their target element's internal content attribute map cannot be directly manipulated and as such reflection is only happening in a single direction. This approach was nevertheless chosen to make it less error-prone to define IDL attributes that are shared between reflected targets and benefit from common API semantics.
IDL attributes of type DOMString
or DOMString?
that reflect enumerated content attributes can be limited to only known values. Per the processing models below, those will cause the getters for such IDL attributes to only return keywords for those enumerated attributes, or the empty string or null.
If a reflected IDL attribute has the type DOMString
The getter steps are:
Let element be the result of running this's get the element.
Let contentAttributeValue be the result of running this's get the content attribute.
Let attributeDefinition be the attribute definition of element's content attribute whose namespace is null and local name is the reflected content attribute name.
If attributeDefinition indicates it is an enumerated attribute and the reflected IDL attribute is defined to be limited to only known values:
If contentAttributeValue does not correspond to any state of attributeDefinition (e.g., it is null and there is no missing value default), or if it is in a state of attributeDefinition with no associated keyword value, then return the empty string.
Return the canonical keyword for the state of attributeDefinition that contentAttributeValue corresponds to.
If contentAttributeValue is null, then return the empty string.
Return contentAttributeValue.
The setter steps are to run this's set the content attribute with the given value.
If a reflected IDL attribute has the type DOMString?
The getter steps are:
Let element be the result of running this's get the element.
Let contentAttributeValue be the result of running this's get the content attribute.
Let attributeDefinition be the attribute definition of element's content attribute whose namespace is null and local name is the reflected content attribute name.
If attributeDefinition indicates it is an enumerated attribute:
Assert: the reflected IDL attribute is limited to only known values.
Assert: contentAttributeValue corresponds to a state of attributeDefinition.
If contentAttributeValue corresponds to a state of attributeDefinition with no associated keyword value, then return null.
Return the canonical keyword for the state of attributeDefinition that contentAttributeValue corresponds to.
Return contentAttributeValue.
The setter steps are:
If the given value is null, then run this's delete the content attribute.
Otherwise, run this's set the content attribute with the given value.
If a reflected IDL attribute has the type USVString
The getter steps are:
Let element be the result of running this's get the element.
Let contentAttributeValue be the result of running this's get the content attribute.
Let attributeDefinition be the attribute definition of element's content attribute whose namespace is null and local name is the reflected content attribute name.
If attributeDefinition indicates it contains a URL:
If contentAttributeValue is null, then return the empty string.
Let urlString be the result of encoding-parsing-and-serializing a URL given contentAttributeValue, relative to element's node document.
If urlString is not failure, then return urlString.
Return contentAttributeValue, converted to a scalar value string.
The setter steps are to run this's set the content attribute with the given value.
If a reflected IDL attribute has the type boolean
The getter steps are:
Let contentAttributeValue be the result of running this's get the content attribute.
If contentAttributeValue is null, then return false.
Return true.
The setter steps are:
If the given value is false, then run this's delete the content attribute.
If the given value is true, then run this's set the content attribute with the empty string.
This corresponds to the rules for boolean content attributes.
If a reflected IDL attribute has the type long
, optionally limited to only non-negative numbers and optionally with a default value defaultValue:
The getter steps are:
Let contentAttributeValue be the result of running this's get the content attribute.
If contentAttributeValue is not null:
Let parsedValue be the result of integer parsing contentAttributeValue if the reflected IDL attribute is not limited to only non-negative numbers; otherwise the result of non-negative integer parsing contentAttributeValue.
If parsedValue is not an error and is within the long
range, then return parsedValue.
If the reflected IDL attribute has a default value, then return defaultValue.
If the reflected IDL attribute is limited to only non-negative numbers, then return −1.
Return 0.
The setter steps are:
If the reflected IDL attribute is limited to only non-negative numbers and the given value is negative, then throw an "IndexSizeError
" DOMException
Run this's set the content attribute with the given value converted to the shortest possible string representing the number as a valid integer.
If a reflected IDL attribute has the type unsigned long
, optionally limited to only positive numbers, limited to only positive numbers with fallback, or clamped to the range [clampedMin, clampedMax], and optionally with a default value defaultValue:
The getter steps are:
Let contentAttributeValue be the result of running this's get the content attribute.
Let minimum be 0.
If the reflected IDL attribute is limited to only positive numbers or limited to only positive numbers with fallback, then set minimum to 1.
If the reflected IDL attribute is clamped to the range, then set minimum to clampedMin.
Let maximum be 2147483647 if the reflected IDL attribute is not clamped to the range; otherwise clampedMax.
If contentAttributeValue is not null:
Let parsedValue be the result of non-negative integer parsing contentAttributeValue.
If parsedValue is not an error and is in the range minimum to maximum, inclusive, then return parsedValue.
If parsedValue is not an error and the reflected IDL attribute is clamped to the range:
If parsedValue is less than minimum, then return minimum.
Return maximum.
If the reflected IDL attribute has a default value, then return defaultValue.
Return minimum.
The setter steps are:
If the reflected IDL attribute is limited to only positive numbers and the given value is 0, then throw an "IndexSizeError
" DOMException
Let minimum be 0.
If the reflected IDL attribute is limited to only positive numbers or limited to only positive numbers with fallback, then set minimum to 1.
Let newValue be minimum.
If the reflected IDL attribute has a default value, then set newValue to defaultValue.
If the given value is in the range minimum to 2147483647, inclusive, then set newValue to it.
Run this's set the content attribute with newValue converted to the shortest possible string representing the number as a valid non-negative integer.
Clamped to the range has no effect on the setter steps.
If a reflected IDL attribute has the type double
, optionally limited to only positive numbers and optionally with a default value defaultValue:
The getter steps are:
Let contentAttributeValue be the result of running this's get the content attribute.
If contentAttributeValue is not null:
Let parsedValue be the result of floating-point number parsing contentAttributeValue.
If parsedValue is not an error and is greater than 0, then return parsedValue.
If parsedValue is not an error and the reflected IDL attribute is not limited to only positive numbers, then return parsedValue.
If the reflected IDL attribute has a default value, then return defaultValue.
Return 0.
The setter steps are:
If the reflected IDL attribute is limited to only positive numbers and the given value is not greater than 0, then return.
Run this's set the content attribute with the given value, converted to the best representation of the number as a floating-point number.
The values Infinity and Not-a-Number (NaN) values throw an exception on setting, as defined in Web IDL. [WEBIDL]
If a reflected IDL attribute has the type DOMTokenList
, then its getter steps are to return a DOMTokenList
object whose associated element is this and associated attribute's local name is the reflected content attribute name. Specification authors cannot use support ElementInternals
for IDL attributes of this type.
If a reflected IDL attribute has the type T?
, where T is either Element
or an interface that inherits from Element
, then with attr being the reflected content attribute name:
Its reflected target has an explicitly set attr-element, which is a weak reference to an element or null. 最初はnullである。
Its reflected target reflectedTarget has a get the attr-associated element algorithm, that runs these steps:
Let element be the result of running reflectedTarget's get the element.
Let contentAttributeValue be the result of running reflectedTarget's get the content attribute.
If reflectedTarget's explicitly set attr-element is not null:
If reflectedTarget's explicitly set attr-element is a descendant of any of element's shadow-including ancestors, then return reflectedTarget's explicitly set attr-element.
Return null.
Otherwise, if contentAttributeValue is not null, return the first element candidate, in tree order, that meets the following criteria:
candidate's ID is contentAttributeValue; and
candidate implements T.
If no such element exists, then return null.
Return null.
The getter steps are to return the result of running this's get the attr-associated element.
The setter steps are:
If the given value is null, then:
Set this's explicitly set attr-element to null.
Run this's delete the content attribute.
Run this's set the content attribute with the empty string.
Set this's explicitly set attr-element to a weak reference to the given value.
For element reflected targets only: the following attribute change steps, given element, localName, oldValue, value, and namespace, are used to synchronize between the content attribute and the IDL attribute:
If localName is not attr or namespace is not null, then return.
Set element's explicitly set attr-element to null.
Reflected IDL attributes of this type are strongly encouraged to have their identifier end in "Element
" for consistency.
If a reflected IDL attribute has the type FrozenArray<T>?
, where T is either Element
or an interface that inherits from Element
, then with attr being the reflected content attribute name:
Its reflected target has an explicitly set attr-elements, which is either a list of weak references to elements or null. 最初はnullである。
Its reflected target has a cached attr-associated elements, which is a list of elements. It is initially « ».
Its reflected target has a cached attr-associated elements object, which is a FrozenArray<T>?
. 最初はnullである。
Its reflected target reflectedTarget has a get the attr-associated elements algorithm, which runs these steps:
Let elements be an empty list.
Let element be the result of running reflectedTarget's get the element.
If reflectedTarget's explicitly set attr-elements is not null:
For each attrElement in reflectedTarget's explicitly set attr-elements:
If attrElement is not a descendant of any of element's shadow-including ancestors, then continue.
Append attrElement to elements.
Let contentAttributeValue be the result of running reflectedTarget's get the content attribute.
If contentAttributeValue is null, then return null.
Let tokens be contentAttributeValue, split on ASCII whitespace.
For each id of tokens:
Let candidate be the first element, in tree order, that meets the following criteria:
candidate's ID is id; and
candidate implements T.
If no such element exists, then continue.
Append candidate to elements.
Return elements.
The getter steps are:
Let elements be the result of running this's get the attr-associated elements.
If the contents of elements is equal to the contents of this's cached attr-associated elements, then return this's cached attr-associated elements object.
Let elementsAsFrozenArray be elements, converted to a FrozenArray<T>?
Set this's cached attr-associated elements to elements.
Set this's cached attr-associated elements object to elementsAsFrozenArray.
Return elementsAsFrozenArray.
This extra caching layer is necessary to preserve the invariant that element.reflectedElements === element.reflectedElements
The setter steps are:
If the given value is null:
Set this's explicitly set attr-elements to null.
Run this's delete the content attribute.
Run this's set the content attribute with the empty string.
Let elements be an empty list.
For each element in the given value:
Append a weak reference to element to elements.
Set this's explicitly set attr-elements to elements.
For element reflected targets only: the following attribute change steps, given element, localName, oldValue, value, and namespace, are used to synchronize between the content attribute and the IDL attribute:
If localName is not attr or namespace is not null, then return.
Set element's explicitly set attr-elements to null.
Reflected IDL attributes of this type are strongly encouraged to have their identifier end in "Elements
" for consistency.
Reflection is primarily about improving web developer ergonomics by giving them typed access to content attributes through reflected IDL attributes. The ultimate source of truth, which the web platform builds upon, is the content attributes themselves. That is, specification authors must not use the reflected IDL attribute getter or setter steps, but instead must use the content attribute presence and value. (Or an abstraction on top, such as the state of an enumerated attribute.)
Two important exceptions to this are reflected IDL attributes whose type is one of the following:
, where T is either Element
or an interface that inherits from Element
, where T is either Element
or an interface that inherits from Element
For those, specification authors must use the reflected target's get the attr-associated element and get the attr-associated elements, respectively. The content attribute presence and value must not be used as they cannot be fully synchronized with the reflected IDL attribute.
A reflected target's explicitly set attr-element, explicitly set attr-elements, cached attr-associated elements, and cached attr-associated elements object are to be treated as internal implementation details and not to be built upon.
Objects that implement the HTMLAllCollection
interface are legacy platform objects with an additional [[Call]] internal method described in the section below. They also have an [[IsHTMLDDA]] internal slot.
[Exposed =Window ,
LegacyUnenumerableNamedProperties ]
interface HTMLAllCollection {
readonly attribute unsigned long length ;
getter Element (unsigned long index );
getter (HTMLCollection or Element )? namedItem (DOMString name );
(HTMLCollection or Element )? item (optional DOMString nameOrIndex );
// Note: HTMLAllCollection objects have a custom [[Call]] internal method and an [[IsHTMLDDA]] internal slot.
The object's supported property indices are as defined for HTMLCollection
The supported property names consist of the non-empty values of all the id
attributes of all the elements represented by the collection, and the non-empty values of all the name
attributes of all the "all"-named elements represented by the collection, in tree order, ignoring later duplicates, with the id
of an element preceding its name
if it contributes both, they differ from each other, and neither is the duplicate of an earlier entry.
The length
getter steps are to return the number of nodes represented by the collection.
The indexed property getter must return the result of getting the "all"-indexed element from this given the passed index.
The namedItem(name)
method steps are to return the result of getting the "all"-named element(s) from this given name.
The item(nameOrIndex)
method steps are:
If nameOrIndex was not provided, return null.
Return the result of getting the "all"-indexed or named element(s) from this, given nameOrIndex.
The following elements are "all"-named elements: a
, button
, embed
, form
, frame
, frameset
, iframe
, img
, input
, map
, meta
, object
, select
, and textarea
To get the "all"-indexed element from an HTMLAllCollection
collection given an index index, return the indexth element in collection, or null if there is no such indexth element.
To get the "all"-named element(s) from an HTMLAllCollection
collection given a name name, perform the following steps:
If name is the empty string, return null.
Let subCollection be an HTMLCollection
object rooted at the same Document
as collection, whose filter matches only elements that are either:
"all"-named elements with a name
attribute equal to name, or,
elements with an ID equal to name.
If there is exactly one element in subCollection, then return that element.
Otherwise, if subCollection is empty, return null.
Otherwise, return subCollection.
To get the "all"-indexed or named element(s) from an HTMLAllCollection
collection given nameOrIndex:
If nameOrIndex, converted to a JavaScript String value, is an array index property name, return the result of getting the "all"-indexed element from collection given the number represented by nameOrIndex.
Return the result of getting the "all"-named element(s) from collection given nameOrIndex.
If argumentsList's size is zero, or if argumentsList[0] is undefined, return null.
Let nameOrIndex be the result of converting argumentsList[0] to a DOMString
Let result be the result of getting the "all"-indexed or named element(s) from this HTMLAllCollection
given nameOrIndex.
Return the result of converting result to an ECMAScript value.
The thisArgument is ignored, and thus code such as, null, "x")
will still search for elements. (
does not exist, since document.all
does not inherit from Function.prototype
Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
[Exposed =Window ]
interface HTMLFormControlsCollection : HTMLCollection {
// inherits length and item()
getter (RadioNodeList or Element )? namedItem (DOMString name ); // shadows inherited namedItem()
[Exposed =Window ]
interface RadioNodeList : NodeList {
attribute DOMString value ;
element = collection.item(index)
element = collection[index]
element = collection.namedItem(name)
Support in all current engines.
radioNodeList = collection.namedItem(name)
element = collection[name]
radioNodeList = collection[name]
radioNodeList.value = value
The object's supported property indices are as defined for HTMLCollection
The supported property names consist of the non-empty values of all the id
and name
attributes of all the elements represented by the collection, in tree order, ignoring later duplicates, with the id
of an element preceding its name
if it contributes both, they differ from each other, and neither is the duplicate of an earlier entry.
The namedItem(name)
method must act according to the following algorithm:
attribute or a name
attribute equal to name, then return that node and stop the
attribute or a name
attribute equal to name, then return null and stop the algorithm.RadioNodeList
object representing a live view of the HTMLFormControlsCollection
object, further filtered so that the only nodes in the RadioNodeList
object are those that have either an id
attribute or a name
attribute equal to name. The nodes in the RadioNodeList
object must be sorted in tree order.RadioNodeList
object.Members of the RadioNodeList
interface inherited from the NodeList
interface must behave as they would on a NodeList
Support in all current engines.
The value
IDL attribute on the RadioNodeList
object, on getting, must return the value returned by running the following steps:
Let element be the first element in tree order represented by the RadioNodeList
object that is an input
element whose type
attribute is in the Radio Button state and whose checkedness is true. Otherwise, let it be null.
If element is null, return the empty string.
If element is an element with no value
attribute, return the string "on
Otherwise, return the value of element's value
On setting, the value
IDL attribute must run the following steps:
If the new value is the string "on
": let element be the first element in tree order represented by the RadioNodeList
object that is an input
element whose type
attribute is in the Radio Button state and whose value
content attribute is either absent, or present and equal to the new value, if any. If no such element exists, then instead let element be null.
Otherwise: let element be the first element in tree order represented by the RadioNodeList
object that is an input
element whose type
attribute is in the Radio Button state and whose value
content attribute is present and equal to the new value, if any. If no such element exists, then instead let element be null.
If element is not null, then set its checkedness to true.
インターフェイスSupport in all current engines.
[Exposed =Window ]
interface HTMLOptionsCollection : HTMLCollection {
// inherits item(), namedItem()
[CEReactions ] attribute unsigned long length ; // shadows inherited length
[CEReactions ] setter undefined (unsigned long index , HTMLOptionElement ? option );
[CEReactions ] undefined add ((HTMLOptionElement or HTMLOptGroupElement ) element , optional (HTMLElement or long )? before = null );
[CEReactions ] undefined remove (long index );
attribute long selectedIndex ;
collection.length = value
element = collection.item(index)
element = collection[index]
collection[index] = element
element = collection.namedItem(name)
element = collection[name]
collection.add(element[, before])
" DOMException
collection.selectedIndex = index
The object's supported property indices are as defined for HTMLCollection
The length
getter steps are to return the number of nodes represented by the collection.
The length
setter steps are:
Let current be the number of nodes represented by the collection.
If the given value is greater than current, then:
If the given value is less than current, then:
Let n be current − value.
Remove the last n nodes in the collection from their parent nodes.
Setting length
never removes or adds any optgroup
elements, and never adds new children to existing optgroup
elements (though it can remove children from them).
The supported property names consist of the non-empty values of all the id
and name
attributes of all the elements represented by the collection, in tree order, ignoring later duplicates, with the id
of an element preceding its name
if it contributes both, they differ from each other, and neither is the duplicate of an earlier entry.
When the user agent is to set the value of a new indexed property or set the value of an existing indexed property for a given property index index to a new value value, it must run the following algorithm:
If value is null, invoke the steps for the remove
method with index as the argument, and return.
Let length be the number of nodes represented by the collection.
Let n be index minus length.
If n is greater than zero, then append a DocumentFragment
consisting of n-1 new option
elements with no attributes and no child nodes to the select
element on which the HTMLOptionsCollection
is rooted.
If n is greater than or equal to zero, append value to the select
element. Otherwise, replace the indexth element in the collection by value.
The add(element, before)
method must act according to the following algorithm:
If element is an ancestor of the select
element on which the HTMLOptionsCollection
is rooted, then throw a "HierarchyRequestError
" DOMException
If before is an element, but that element isn't a descendant of the select
element on which the HTMLOptionsCollection
is rooted, then throw a "NotFoundError
" DOMException
If element and before are the same element, then return.
If before is a node, then let reference be that node. Otherwise, if before is an integer, and there is a beforeth node in the collection, let reference be that node. Otherwise, let reference be null.
If reference is not null, let parent be the parent node of reference. Otherwise, let parent be the select
element on which the HTMLOptionsCollection
is rooted.
Pre-insert element into parent node before reference.
The remove(index)
method must act according to the following algorithm:
If the number of nodes represented by the collection is zero, return.
If index is not a number greater than or equal to 0 and less than the number of nodes represented by the collection, return.
Let element be the indexth element in the collection.
Remove element from its parent node.
The selectedIndex
IDL attribute must act like the identically named attribute on the select
element on which the HTMLOptionsCollection
is rooted
インターフェイスSupport in all current engines.
[Exposed =(Window ,Worker )]
interface DOMStringList {
readonly attribute unsigned long length ;
getter DOMString ? item (unsigned long index );
boolean contains (DOMString string );
Each DOMStringList
object has an associated list.
The DOMStringList
interface supports indexed properties. The supported property indices are the indices of this's associated list.
Support in all current engines.
The length
getter steps are to return this's associated list's size.
Support in all current engines.
The item(index)
method steps are to return the indexth item in this's associated list, or null if index plus one is greater than this's associated list's size.
Support in all current engines.
The contains(string)
method steps are to return true if this's associated list contains string, and false otherwise.