1. 4.13 カスタム要素
      1. 4.13.1 導入
        1. 自律カスタム要素の作成
        2. フォームに関連付けられたカスタム要素の作成
        3. デフォルトでアクセシブルなロール、ステート、およびプロパティをもつカスタム要素を作成する
        4. カスタマイズされた組み込み要素の作成
        5. 自律カスタム要素の欠点
        6. 作成後の要素のアップグレード
        7. カスタム要素の状態の公開
      2. 4.13.2 カスタム要素のコンストラクターと反応の要件
        1. Preserving custom element state when moved
      3. 4.13.3 コアコンセプト
      4. 4.13.4 CustomElementRegistryインターフェイス
      5. 4.13.5 Upgrades
      6. 4.13.6 カスタム要素応答
      7. 4.13.7 要素内部
        1. ElementInternalsインターフェイス
        2. シャドウルートアクセス
        3. フォームに関連付けられたカスタム要素
        4. アクセシビリティセマンティックス
        5. カスタム状態疑似クラス

4.13 カスタム要素


Support in all current engines.

Edge (Legacy)?Internet ExplorerNo
Firefox Android?Safari iOS?Chrome Android?WebView Android?Samsung Internet?Opera Android?

4.13.1 導入



カスタム要素は、(カスタム要素の定義のような)低レベルの著者に公開される拡張ポイントの言葉で、(HTMLの要素のような)既存のプラットフォームの機能を説明することによって、"プラットフォームを合理的に説明し"ようとするより大きな活動の一部である。現在、カスタム要素の能力には、機能的にも意味的にも多くの制限があり、HTMLの既存の要素の振る舞いを完全に説明することを妨げているが、我々は時が経つにつれこの隔たりが縮小することを望む。 自律カスタム要素の作成



<flag-icon country="nl"></flag-icon>


class FlagIcon extends HTMLElement {
  constructor() {
    this._countryCode = null;

  static observedAttributes = ["country"];

  attributeChangedCallback(name, oldValue, newValue) {
    // name will always be "country" due to observedAttributes
    this._countryCode = newValue;
  connectedCallback() {

  get country() {
    return this._countryCode;
  set country(v) {
    this.setAttribute("country", v);

  _updateRendering() {
    // Left as an exercise for the reader. But, you'll probably want to
    // check this.ownerDocument.defaultView to see if we've been
    // inserted into a document with a browsing context, and avoid
    // doing any work if not.


customElements.define("flag-icon", FlagIcon);


DOM APIを使用してflag-icon要素を作成することもできる:

const flagIcon = document.createElement("flag-icon")
flagIcon.country = "jp"


const flagIcon = new FlagIcon()
flagIcon.country = "jp"
document.body.appendChild(flagIcon) フォームに関連付けられたカスタム要素の作成



class MyCheckbox extends HTMLElement {
  static formAssociated = true;
  static observedAttributes = ['checked'];

  constructor() {
    this._internals = this.attachInternals();
    this.addEventListener('click', this._onClick.bind(this));

  get form() { return this._internals.form; }
  get name() { return this.getAttribute('name'); }
  get type() { return this.localName; }

  get checked() { return this.hasAttribute('checked'); }
  set checked(flag) { this.toggleAttribute('checked', Boolean(flag)); }

  attributeChangedCallback(name, oldValue, newValue) {
    // name will always be "checked" due to observedAttributes
    this._internals.setFormValue(this.checked ? 'on' : null);

  _onClick(event) {
    this.checked = !this.checked;
customElements.define('my-checkbox', MyCheckbox);

カスタム要素my-checkboxは、組み込みのフォームに関連付けられた要素のように使うことができる。たとえば、formまたはlabel の中に置くことでmy-checkbox要素が関連付けられ、formを送信することでmy-checkbox実装で提供されるデータが送信される。

<form action="..." method="...">
  <label><my-checkbox name="agreed"></my-checkbox> I read the agreement.</label>
  <input type="submit">
</form> デフォルトでアクセシブルなロール、ステート、およびプロパティをもつカスタム要素を作成する


ElementInternalsの適切なプロパティを使用することにより、カスタム要素はデフォルトのアクセシビリティセマンティックスを持つことができる。 次のコードは、前のセクションのフォームに関連付けられたチェックボックスを拡張して、アクセシビリティ技術から見たデフォルトのロールおよびチェック状態を適切に設定する:

class MyCheckbox extends HTMLElement {
  static formAssociated = true;
  static observedAttributes = ['checked'];

  constructor() {
    this._internals = this.attachInternals();
    this.addEventListener('click', this._onClick.bind(this));

    this._internals.role = 'checkbox';
    this._internals.ariaChecked = 'false';

  get form() { return this._internals.form; }
  get name() { return this.getAttribute('name'); }
  get type() { return this.localName; }

  get checked() { return this.hasAttribute('checked'); }
  set checked(flag) { this.toggleAttribute('checked', Boolean(flag)); }

  attributeChangedCallback(name, oldValue, newValue) {
    // name will always be "checked" due to observedAttributes
    this._internals.setFormValue(this.checked ? 'on' : null);
    this._internals.ariaChecked = this.checked;

  _onClick(event) {
    this.checked = !this.checked;
customElements.define('my-checkbox', MyCheckbox);


<!-- This markup is non-conforming -->
<input type="checkbox" checked role="button" aria-checked="false">
<!-- This markup is probably not what the custom element author intended -->
<my-checkbox role="button" checked aria-checked="false">

カスタム要素の著者は、アクセシビリティセマンティックスのどの側面が強いネイティヴセマンティックスであるかを説明することが勧められる。つまり、カスタム要素のユーザーによって上書きされるべきではない。この例では、my-checkbox要素の著者は、そのroleおよびaria-checked値は強いネイティヴセマンティックスであるため、上記のようなコードを勧めないと述べている。 カスタマイズされた組み込み要素の作成





class PlasticButton extends HTMLButtonElement {
  constructor() {

    this.addEventListener("click", () => {
      // Draw some fancy animation effects!

When defining our custom element, we have to also specify the extends option:

customElements.define("plastic-button", PlasticButton, { extends: "button" });



<button is="plastic-button">Click Me!</button>

カスタマイズされた組み込み要素自律カスタム要素として使用しようとするとうまくいかない。つまり、<plastic-button>Click me?</plastic-button>は特別な動作をしないHTMLElementを作成するだけである。


const plasticButton = document.createElement("button", { is: "plastic-button" });
plasticButton.textContent = "Click me!";


const plasticButton2 = new PlasticButton();
console.log(plasticButton2.localName);  // will output "button"
console.assert(plasticButton2 instanceof PlasticButton);
console.assert(plasticButton2 instanceof HTMLButtonElement);


console.log(plasticButton.outerHTML); // will output '<button is="plastic-button"></button>'



この要件の1つの理由は将来の互換性である。もしカスタマイズされた組み込み要素が、たとえばcomboboxのような、現在不明の要素を拡張したものが定義されたなら、派生したカスタマイズされた組み込み要素のコンシューマーが、ユーザーエージェント提供の動作に興味を持たない基本要素に依存するようになるため、これはこの仕様が将来combobox要素を定義することを妨げるかもしれない。 自律カスタム要素の欠点





class TacoButton extends HTMLElement {
  static observedAttributes = ["disabled"];

  constructor() {
    this._internals = this.attachInternals();
    this._internals.role = "button";

    this.addEventListener("keydown", e => {
      if (e.code === "Enter" || e.code === "Space") {
        this.dispatchEvent(new PointerEvent("click", {
          bubbles: true,
          cancelable: true

    this.addEventListener("click", e => {
      if (this.disabled) {

    this._observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
      this._internals.ariaLabel = this.textContent;

  connectedCallback() {
    this.setAttribute("tabindex", "0");

    this._observer.observe(this, {
      childList: true,
      characterData: true,
      subtree: true

  disconnectedCallback() {

  get disabled() {
    return this.hasAttribute("disabled");
  set disabled(flag) {
    this.toggleAttribute("disabled", Boolean(flag));

  attributeChangedCallback(name, oldValue, newValue) {
    // name will always be "disabled" due to observedAttributes
    if (this.disabled) {
      this._internals.ariaDisabled = "true";
    } else {
      this.setAttribute("tabindex", "0");
      this._internals.ariaDisabled = "false";

このかなり複雑な要素定義であっても、要素はカスタマーに使用する喜びとはならない。その要素は、自身の意志のtabindex属性を継続的に"発芽"し、tabindex="0"フォーカス機能の動作の選択は、現在のプラットフォームのbutton動作と一致しなくてもよい 。これは、(通常、コンシューマーがデフォルトの動作を上書きできるように予約されているにもかかわらず)そのためにtabindex属性の使用を強制する、現時点では、カスタム要素のデフォルトのフォーカス動作を指定する方法がないためである。

対照的に、前節で示したように、単一のカスタマイズされた組み込み要素は、button要素のセマンティックスと動作を自動的に継承する。これらの動作を手動で実装する必要はない。一般に、HTMLの既存要素の上に構築される重要な動作やセマンティックスを持つ要素については、カスタマイズされた組み込み要素の開発、保守、および消費が容易になる。 作成後の要素のアップグレード


要素定義はいつでも発生する可能性があるため、非カスタム要素が作成され、適切な定義を登録した後でカスタム要素にすることができる。 このプロセスを、通常の要素からカスタム要素に要素を"アップグレードする"と呼ぶ。


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>Image viewer example</title>

<img-viewer filter="Kelvin">
  <img src="images/tree.jpg" alt="A beautiful tree towering over an empty savannah">

<script src="js/elements/img-viewer.js" async></script>

ここでのimg-viewer要素の定義は、マークアップで<img-viewer>タグの後に配置された、async属性でマークされたscript要素を用いて読み込まれる。 スクリプトの読み込み中、img-viewer要素は、spanと同様に未定義の要素として扱われる。 スクリプトが読み込まれると、img-viewer要素が定義され、ページ上の既存のimg-viewer要素は、カスタム要素の定義が適用してアップグレードされる(これはおそらく、文字列"Kelvin"によって識別される画像フィルターの適用し、画像の視覚的外観を向上させることが含まれる )。


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>Upgrade edge-cases example</title>


  "use strict";

  const inDocument = document.querySelector("example-element");
  const outOfDocument = document.createElement("example-element");

  // Before the element definition, both are HTMLElement:
  console.assert(inDocument instanceof HTMLElement);
  console.assert(outOfDocument instanceof HTMLElement);

  class ExampleElement extends HTMLElement {}
  customElements.define("example-element", ExampleElement);

  // After element definition, the in-document element was upgraded:
  console.assert(inDocument instanceof ExampleElement);
  console.assert(!(outOfDocument instanceof ExampleElement));


  // Now that we've moved the element into the document, it too was upgraded:
  console.assert(outOfDocument instanceof ExampleElement);
</script> カスタム要素の状態の公開





class LabeledCheckbox extends HTMLElement {
  constructor() {
    this._internals = this.attachInternals();
    this.addEventListener('click', this._onClick.bind(this));

    const shadowRoot = this.attachShadow({mode: 'closed'});
    shadowRoot.innerHTML =
       :host::before {
         content: '[ ]';
         white-space: pre;
         font-family: monospace;
       :host(:state(checked))::before { content: '[x]' }

  get checked() { return this._internals.states.has('checked'); }

  set checked(flag) {
    if (flag)

  _onClick(event) {
    this.checked = !this.checked;

customElements.define('labeled-checkbox', LabeledCheckbox);

labeled-checkbox { border: dashed red; }
labeled-checkbox:state(checked) { border: solid; }

<labeled-checkbox>You need to check this</labeled-checkbox>


class QuestionBox extends HTMLElement {
  constructor() {
    const shadowRoot = this.attachShadow({mode: 'closed'});
    shadowRoot.innerHTML =
       <labeled-checkbox part='checkbox'>Yes</labeled-checkbox>`;
customElements.define('question-box', QuestionBox);

question-box::part(checkbox) { color: red; }
question-box::part(checkbox):state(checked) { color: green; }


4.13.2 カスタム要素のコンストラクターと反応の要件


これらの要件のいくつかは、要素の作成中に直接的または間接的のいずれかでチェックされ、それらに従わないと、パーサーまたはDOM APIによってインスタンス化できないカスタム要素をもたらす。これは、たとえコンストラクターによって開始されたマイクロタスク内で作業が行われるとしても当てはまる。マイクロタスクのチェックポイントは、作成直後に発生する可能性があるためである。



class CParent extends HTMLElement {
  connectedCallback() {
customElements.define("c-parent", CParent);

class CChild extends HTMLElement {
  connectedCallback() {
    console.log("CChild connectedCallback: isConnected =", this.isConnected);
customElements.define("c-child", CChild);

const parent = new CParent(),
      child = new CChild();

// Logs:
// CChild connectedCallback: isConnected = false Preserving custom element state when moved


When manipulating the DOM tree, an element can be moved in the tree while connected. This applies to custom elements as well. By default, the "disconnectedCallback" and "connectedCallback" would be called on the element, one after the other. This is done to maintain compatibility with existing custom elements that predate the moveBefore() method. This means that by default, custom elements reset their state as if they were removed and re-inserted. In the example above, the impact would be that the observer would be disconnected and re-connected, and the tab index would be reset.

To opt in to a state-preserving behavior while moving, the author can implement a "connectedMoveCallback". The existence of this callback, even if empty, would supercede the default behavior of calling "disconnectedCallback" and "connectedCallback". "connectedMoveCallback" can also be an appropriate place to execute logic that depends on the element's ancestors. たとえば:

class TacoButton extends HTMLElement {
  static observedAttributes = ["disabled"];

  constructor() {
    this._internals = this.attachInternals();
    this._internals.role = "button";

    this._observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
      this._internals.ariaLabel = this.textContent;

  _notifyMain() {
    if (this.parentElement.tagName === "MAIN") {
      // Execute logic that depends on ancestors.

  connectedCallback() {
    this.setAttribute("tabindex", "0");

    this._observer.observe(this, {
      childList: true,
      characterData: true,
      subtree: true


  disconnectedCallback() {

  // Implementing this function would avoid resetting the tab index or re-registering the
  // mutation observer when this element is moved inside the DOM without being disconnected.
  connectedMoveCallback() {
    // The parent can change during a state-preserving move.

4.13.3 コアコンセプト




Edge (Legacy)?Internet ExplorerNo
Firefox Android?Safari iOS?Chrome Android?WebView Android?Samsung Internet?Opera Android?
  1. An autonomous custom element, which is defined with no extends option. These types of custom elements have a local name equal to their defined name.

  2. A customized built-in element, which is defined with an extends option. These types of custom elements have a local name equal to the value passed in their extends option, and their defined name is used as the value of the is attribute, which therefore must be a valid custom element name.



formフォームに関連付けられたカスタム要素の場合 — 要素をform要素に関連付ける
disabledフォームに関連付けられたカスタム要素の場合 — フォームコントロールが無効かどうか
readonlyフォームに関連付けられたカスタム要素の場合 — willValidateに影響し、カスタム要素の著者によって追加されたすべての動作
nameフォームに関連付けられたカスタム要素の場合 — フォームの送信およびform.elementsに使用する要素の名前
フォームに関連付けられたカスタム要素の場合:著者向け 実装者向け








フォームに関連付けられたカスタム要素リセットアルゴリズムは、要素、コールバック名"formResetCallback"、および« »を使用してカスタム要素のコールバックリアクションをエンキューする。




A custom element definition describes a custom element and consists of:

A name
A valid custom element name
A local name
A local name
A constructor
A Web IDL CustomElementConstructor callback function type value wrapping the custom element constructor
A list of observed attributes
A sequence<DOMString>
A collection of lifecycle callbacks
A map, whose keys are the strings "connectedCallback", "disconnectedCallback", "adoptedCallback", "connectedMoveCallback", "attributeChangedCallback", "formAssociatedCallback", "formDisabledCallback", "formResetCallback", and "formStateRestoreCallback". The corresponding values are either a Web IDL Function callback function type value, or null. By default the value of each entry is null.
A construction stack
A list, initially empty, that is manipulated by the upgrade an element algorithm and the HTML element constructors. Each entry in the list will be either an element or an already constructed marker.
A form-associated boolean
If this is true, user agent treats elements associated to this custom element definition as form-associated custom elements.
A disable internals boolean
Controls attachInternals().
A disable shadow boolean
Controls attachShadow().

To look up a custom element definition, given a document, namespace, localName, and is, perform the following steps. They will return either a custom element definition or null:

  1. If namespace is not the HTML namespace, then return null.

  2. If document's browsing context is null, then return null.

  3. Let registry be document's relevant global object's custom element registry.

  4. If registry's custom element definition set contains an item with name and local name both equal to localName, then return that item.

  5. If registry's custom element definition set contains an item with name equal to is and local name equal to localName, then return that item.

  6. Return null.

4.13.4 CustomElementRegistryインターフェイス


Support in all current engines.

Edge (Legacy)?Internet ExplorerNo
Firefox Android?Safari iOS?Chrome Android?WebView Android?Samsung Internet?Opera Android?

Each Window object has an associated custom element registry (a CustomElementRegistry object). It is set to a new CustomElementRegistry object when the Window object is created.

カスタム要素コンストラクターHTMLElementインターフェイスを継承しており、Windowオブジェクトごとに正確に1 つのHTMLElementインターフェイスが存在するため、カスタム要素レジストリはDocument オブジェクトの代わりに、Windowオブジェクトに関連付けられる。


Support in all current engines.

Edge (Legacy)?Internet ExplorerNo
Firefox Android?Safari iOS?Chrome Android?WebView Android?Samsung Internet?Opera Android?

The customElements attribute of the Window interface must return the CustomElementRegistry object for that Window object.

interface CustomElementRegistry {
  [CEReactions] undefined define(DOMString name, CustomElementConstructor constructor, optional ElementDefinitionOptions options = {});
  (CustomElementConstructor or undefined) get(DOMString name);
  DOMString? getName(CustomElementConstructor constructor);
  Promise<CustomElementConstructor> whenDefined(DOMString name);
  [CEReactions] undefined upgrade(Node root);

callback CustomElementConstructor = HTMLElement ();

dictionary ElementDefinitionOptions {
  DOMString extends;

Every CustomElementRegistry has a custom element definition set, a set of custom element definitions, initially « ». Lookup of items in this set uses their name, local name, or constructor.

Every CustomElementRegistry also has an element definition is running boolean which is used to prevent reentrant invocations of element definition. 最初はfalseである。

Every CustomElementRegistry also has a when-defined promise map, a map of valid custom element names to promises. It is used to implement the whenDefined() method.

window.customElements.define(name, constructor)


Support in all current engines.

Edge (Legacy)?Internet ExplorerNo
Firefox Android?Safari iOS?Chrome Android?WebView Android?Samsung Internet?Opera Android?
window.customElements.define(name, constructor, { extends: baseLocalName })
指定された名前を指定されたコンストラクターに、提供されたbaseLocalNameで識別される要素タイプカスタマイズされた組み込み要素としてマッピングする、新しいカスタム要素を定義する。カスタム要素または不明な要素を拡張しようとすると、"NotSupportedError" DOMExceptionが投げられる。


Support in all current engines.

Edge (Legacy)?Internet ExplorerNo
Firefox Android?Safari iOS?Chrome Android?WebView Android?Samsung Internet?Opera Android?


Support in all current engines.

Edge (Legacy)?Internet ExplorerNo
Firefox Android?Safari iOS?Chrome Android?WebView Android?Samsung Internet?Opera Android?
カスタム要素が指定された名前で定義されたときにカスタム要素のコンストラクターで満たされるプロミスを返す。 (そのようなカスタム要素がすでに定義されている場合、返されたプロミスはすぐに満たされる。)妥当なカスタム要素名が指定されない場合、 "SyntaxError" DOMExceptionで拒否されたプロミスを返す。


Support in all current engines.

Edge (Legacy)?Internet ExplorerNo
Firefox Android?Safari iOS?Chrome Android?WebView Android?Samsung Internet?Opera Android?

Element definition is a process of adding a custom element definition to the CustomElementRegistry. This is accomplished by the define() method. The define(name, constructor, options) method steps are:

  1. If IsConstructor(constructor) is false, then throw a TypeError.

  2. If name is not a valid custom element name, then throw a "SyntaxError" DOMException.

  3. If this's custom element definition set contains an item with name name, then throw a "NotSupportedError" DOMException.

  4. If this's custom element definition set contains an item with constructor constructor, then throw a "NotSupportedError" DOMException.

  5. Let localName be name.

  6. Let extends be options["extends"] if it exists; otherwise null.

  7. If extends is not null:

    1. If extends is a valid custom element name, then throw a "NotSupportedError" DOMException.

    2. If the element interface for extends and the HTML namespace is HTMLUnknownElement (e.g., if extends does not indicate an element definition in this specification), then throw a "NotSupportedError" DOMException.

    3. Set localName to extends.

  8. If this's element definition is running is true, then throw a "NotSupportedError" DOMException.

  9. Set this's element definition is running to true.

  10. Let formAssociated be false.

  11. Let disableInternals be false.

  12. Let disableShadow be false.

  13. Let observedAttributes be an empty sequence<DOMString>.

  14. Run the following steps while catching any exceptions:

    1. Let prototype be ? Get(constructor, "prototype").

    2. If prototype is not an Object, then throw a TypeError exception.

    3. Let lifecycleCallbacks be the ordered map «[ "connectedCallback" → null, "disconnectedCallback" → null, "adoptedCallback" → null, "connectedMoveCallback" → null, "attributeChangedCallback" → null ]».

    4. For each callbackName of the keys of lifecycleCallbacks:

      1. Let callbackValue be ? Get(prototype, callbackName).

      2. If callbackValue is not undefined, then set lifecycleCallbacks[callbackName] to the result of converting callbackValue to the Web IDL Function callback type.

    5. If lifecycleCallbacks["attributeChangedCallback"] is not null:

      1. Let observedAttributesIterable be ? Get(constructor, "observedAttributes").

      2. If observedAttributesIterable is not undefined, then set observedAttributes to the result of converting observedAttributesIterable to a sequence<DOMString>. Rethrow any exceptions from the conversion.

    6. Let disabledFeatures be an empty sequence<DOMString>.

    7. Let disabledFeaturesIterable be ? Get(constructor, "disabledFeatures").

    8. If disabledFeaturesIterable is not undefined, then set disabledFeatures to the result of converting disabledFeaturesIterable to a sequence<DOMString>. Rethrow any exceptions from the conversion.

    9. If disabledFeatures contains "internals", then set disableInternals to true.

    10. If disabledFeatures contains "shadow", then set disableShadow to true.

    11. Let formAssociatedValue be ? Get( constructor, "formAssociated").

    12. Set formAssociated to the result of converting formAssociatedValue to a boolean.

    13. If formAssociated is true, then for each callbackName of « "formAssociatedCallback", "formResetCallback", "formDisabledCallback", "formStateRestoreCallback" »:

      1. Let callbackValue be ? Get(prototype, callbackName).

      2. If callbackValue is not undefined, then set lifecycleCallbacks[callbackName] to the result of converting callbackValue to the Web IDL Function callback type.

    Then, regardless of whether the above steps threw an exception or not: set this's element definition is running to false.

    Finally, if the steps threw an exception, rethrow that exception.

  15. Let definition be a new custom element definition with name name, local name localName, constructor constructor, observed attributes observedAttributes, lifecycle callbacks lifecycleCallbacks, form-associated formAssociated, disable internals disableInternals, and disable shadow disableShadow.

  16. Append definition to this's custom element definition set.

  17. Let document be this's relevant global object's associated Document.

  18. Let upgradeCandidates be all elements that are shadow-including descendants of document, whose namespace is the HTML namespace and whose local name is localName, in shadow-including tree order. Additionally, if extends is non-null, only include elements whose is value is equal to name.

  19. For each element element of upgradeCandidates, enqueue a custom element upgrade reaction given element and definition.

  20. If this's when-defined promise map[name] exists:

    1. Resolve this's when-defined promise map[name] with constructor.

    2. Remove this's when-defined promise map[name].

The get(name) method steps are:

  1. If this's custom element definition set contains an item with name name, then return that item's constructor.

  2. Return undefined.


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The getName(constructor) method steps are:

  1. If this's custom element definition set contains an item with constructor constructor, then return that item's name.

  2. Return null.

The whenDefined(name) method steps are:

  1. If name is not a valid custom element name, then return a promise rejected with a "SyntaxError" DOMException.

  2. If this's custom element definition set contains an item with name name, then return a promise resolved with that item's constructor.

  3. If this's when-defined promise map[name] does not exist, then set this's when-defined promise map[name] to a new promise.

  4. Return this's when-defined promise map[name].


articleContainer.hidden = true;

  .then(response => response.text())
  .then(text => {
    articleContainer.innerHTML = text;

    return Promise.all(
        .map(el => customElements.whenDefined(el.localName))
  .then(() => {
    articleContainer.hidden = false;

When invoked, the upgrade(root) method must run these steps:

  1. Let candidates be a list of all of root's shadow-including inclusive descendant elements, in shadow-including tree order.

  2. For each candidate of candidates, try to upgrade candidate.

upgrade()メソッドは、自由に要素をアップグレード可能にする。 通常、要素は接続されたときに自動的にアップグレードされるが、この方法は、要素を接続する準備ができる前にアップグレードする必要がある場合に使用できる。

const el = document.createElement("spider-man");

class SpiderMan extends HTMLElement {}
customElements.define("spider-man", SpiderMan);

console.assert(!(el instanceof SpiderMan)); // not yet upgraded

console.assert(el instanceof SpiderMan);    // upgraded!

4.13.5 Upgrades

To upgrade an element, given as input a custom element definition definition and an element element, run the following steps:

  1. If element's custom element state is not "undefined" or "uncustomized", then return.

    One scenario where this can occur due to reentrant invocation of this algorithm, as in the following example:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <x-foo id="a"></x-foo>
    <x-foo id="b"></x-foo>
    // Defining enqueues upgrade reactions for both "a" and "b"
    customElements.define("x-foo", class extends HTMLElement {
      constructor() {
        const b = document.querySelector("#b");
        // While this constructor is running for "a", "b" is still
        // undefined, and so inserting it into the document will enqueue a
        // second upgrade reaction for "b" in addition to the one enqueued
        // by defining x-foo.

    This step will thus bail out the algorithm early when upgrade an element is invoked with "b" a second time.

  2. Set element's custom element definition to definition.

  3. Set element's custom element state to "failed".

    It will be set to "custom" after the upgrade succeeds. For now, we set it to "failed" so that any reentrant invocations will hit the above early-exit step.

  4. For each attribute in element's attribute list, in order, enqueue a custom element callback reaction with element, callback name "attributeChangedCallback", and « attribute's local name, null, attribute's value, attribute's namespace ».

  5. If element is connected, then enqueue a custom element callback reaction with element, callback name "connectedCallback", and « ».

  6. Add element to the end of definition's construction stack.

  7. Let C be definition's constructor.

  8. Run the following substeps while catching any exceptions:

    1. If definition's disable shadow is true and element's shadow root is non-null, then throw a "NotSupportedError" DOMException.

      This is needed as attachShadow() does not use look up a custom element definition while attachInternals() does.

    2. Set element's custom element state to "precustomized".

    3. Let constructResult be the result of constructing C, with no arguments.

      If C non-conformantly uses an API decorated with the [CEReactions] extended attribute, then the reactions enqueued at the beginning of this algorithm will execute during this step, before C finishes and control returns to this algorithm. Otherwise, they will execute after C and the rest of the upgrade process finishes.

    4. If SameValue(constructResult, element) is false, then throw a TypeError.

      This can occur if C constructs another instance of the same custom element before calling super(), or if C uses JavaScript's return-override feature to return an arbitrary HTMLElement object from the constructor.

    Then, perform the following substep, regardless of whether the above steps threw an exception or not:

    1. Remove the last entry from the end of definition's construction stack.

      Assuming C calls super() (as it will if it is conformant), and that the call succeeds, this will be the already constructed marker that replaced the element we pushed at the beginning of this algorithm. (The HTML element constructor carries out this replacement.)

      If C does not call super() (i.e. it is not conformant), or if any step in the HTML element constructor throws, then this entry will still be element.

    Finally, if the above steps threw an exception, then:

    1. Set element's custom element definition to null.

    2. Empty element's custom element reaction queue.

    3. Rethrow the exception (thus terminating this algorithm).

    If the above steps threw an exception, then element's custom element state will remain "failed" or "precustomized".

  9. If element is a form-associated custom element, then:

    1. Reset the form owner of element. If element is associated with a form element, then enqueue a custom element callback reaction with element, callback name "formAssociatedCallback", and « the associated form ».

    2. If element is disabled, then enqueue a custom element callback reaction with element, callback name "formDisabledCallback" and « true ».

  10. Set element's custom element state to "custom".

To try to upgrade an element, given as input an element element, run the following steps:

  1. Let definition be the result of looking up a custom element definition given element's node document, element's namespace, element's local name, and element's is value.

  2. If definition is not null, then enqueue a custom element upgrade reaction given element and definition.

4.13.6 カスタム要素応答




Additionally, the precise ordering of these reactions is managed via a somewhat-complicated stack-of-queues system, described below. このシステムの背後にある意図は、カスタム要素反応は常に、少なくとも1つのカスタム要素のローカルコンテキスト内で、トリガーアクションと同じ順序で常に呼び出されることを保証することである。(カスタム要素反応コードは独自の変更を実行できるため、複数の要素にまたがるグローバルな順序付けを保証することはできない。)

Each similar-origin window agent has a custom element reactions stack, which is initially empty. A similar-origin window agent's current element queue is the element queue at the top of its custom element reactions stack. Each item in the stack is an element queue, which is initially empty as well. Each item in an element queue is an element. (The elements are not necessarily custom yet, since this queue is used for upgrades as well.)

Each custom element reactions stack has an associated backup element queue, which is an initially-empty element queue. Elements are pushed onto the backup element queue during operations that affect the DOM without going through an API decorated with [CEReactions], or through the parser's create an element for the token algorithm. An example of this is a user-initiated editing operation which modifies the descendants or attributes of an editable element. To prevent reentrancy when processing the backup element queue, each custom element reactions stack also has a processing the backup element queue flag, initially unset.

All elements have an associated custom element reaction queue, initially empty. Each item in the custom element reaction queue is of one of two types:


A custom element reactions stack consists of a stack of element queues. Zooming in on a particular queue, we see that it contains a number of elements (in our example, <x-a>, then <x-b>, then <x-c>). Any particular element in the queue then has a custom element reaction queue. Zooming in on the custom element reaction queue, we see that it contains a variety of queued-up reactions (in our example, upgrade, then attribute changed, then another attribute changed, then connected).

To enqueue an element on the appropriate element queue, given an element element, run the following steps:

  1. Let reactionsStack be element's relevant agent's custom element reactions stack.

  2. If reactionsStack is empty, then:

    1. Add element to reactionsStack's backup element queue.

    2. If reactionsStack's processing the backup element queue flag is set, then return.

    3. Set reactionsStack's processing the backup element queue flag.

    4. Queue a microtask to perform the following steps:

      1. Invoke custom element reactions in reactionsStack's backup element queue.

      2. Unset reactionsStack's processing the backup element queue flag.

  3. Otherwise, add element to element's relevant agent's current element queue.

To enqueue a custom element callback reaction, given a custom element element, a callback name callbackName, and a list of arguments args, run the following steps:

  1. Let definition be element's custom element definition.

  2. Let callback be the value of the entry in definition's lifecycle callbacks with key callbackName.

  3. If callbackName is "connectedMoveCallback" and callback is null:

    1. Let disconnectedCallback be the value of the entry in definition's lifecycle callbacks with key "disconnectedCallback".

    2. Let connectedCallback be the value of the entry in definition's lifecycle callbacks with key "connectedCallback".

    3. If connectedCallback and disconnectedCallback are null, then return.

    4. Set callback to the following steps:

      1. If disconnectedCallback is not null, then call disconnectedCallback with no arguments.

      2. If connectedCallback is not null, then call connectedCallback with no arguments.

  4. If callback is null, then return.

  5. If callbackName is "attributeChangedCallback":

    1. Let attributeName be the first element of args.

    2. If definition's observed attributes does not contain attributeName, then return.

  6. Add a new callback reaction to element's custom element reaction queue, with callback function callback and arguments args.

  7. Enqueue an element on the appropriate element queue given element.

To enqueue a custom element upgrade reaction, given an element element and custom element definition definition, run the following steps:

  1. Add a new upgrade reaction to element's custom element reaction queue, with custom element definition definition.

  2. Enqueue an element on the appropriate element queue given element.

To invoke custom element reactions in an element queue queue, run the following steps:

  1. While queue is not empty:

    1. Let element be the result of dequeuing from queue.

    2. Let reactions be element's custom element reaction queue.

    3. Repeat until reactions is empty:

      1. Remove the first element of reactions, and let reaction be that element. Switch on reaction's type:

        upgrade reaction

        Upgrade element using reaction's custom element definition.

        If this throws an exception, catch it, and report it for reaction's custom element definition's constructor's corresponding JavaScript object's associated realm's global object.

        callback reaction

        Invoke reaction's callback function with reaction's arguments and "report", and callback this value set to element.

To ensure custom element reactions are triggered appropriately, we introduce the [CEReactions] IDL extended attribute. It indicates that the relevant algorithm is to be supplemented with additional steps in order to appropriately track and invoke custom element reactions.

The [CEReactions] extended attribute must take no arguments, and must not appear on anything other than an operation, attribute, setter, or deleter. Additionally, it must not appear on readonly attributes.

Operations, attributes, setters, or deleters annotated with the [CEReactions] extended attribute must run the following steps in place of the ones specified in their description:

  1. Push a new element queue onto this object's relevant agent's custom element reactions stack.

  2. Run the originally-specified steps for this construct, catching any exceptions. If the steps return a value, let value be the returned value. If they throw an exception, let exception be the thrown exception.

  3. Let queue be the result of popping from this object's relevant agent's custom element reactions stack.

  4. Invoke custom element reactions in queue.

  5. If an exception exception was thrown by the original steps, rethrow exception.

  6. If a value value was returned from the original steps, return value.

The intent behind this extended attribute is somewhat subtle. One way of accomplishing its goals would be to say that every operation, attribute, setter, and deleter on the platform must have these steps inserted, and to allow implementers to optimize away unnecessary cases (where no DOM mutation is possible that could cause custom element reactions to occur).

However, in practice this imprecision could lead to non-interoperable implementations of custom element reactions, as some implementations might forget to invoke these steps in some cases. Instead, we settled on the approach of explicitly annotating all relevant IDL constructs, as a way of ensuring interoperable behavior and helping implementations easily pinpoint all cases where these steps are necessary.

Any nonstandard APIs introduced by the user agent that could modify the DOM in such a way as to cause enqueuing a custom element callback reaction or enqueuing a custom element upgrade reaction, for example by modifying any attributes or child elements, must also be decorated with the [CEReactions] attribute.

As of the time of this writing, the following nonstandard or not-yet-standardized APIs are known to fall into this category:

4.13.7 要素内部




Each HTMLElement has an attached internals (null or an ElementInternals object), initially null.


Support in all current engines.

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The attachInternals() method steps are:

  1. If this's is value is not null, then throw a "NotSupportedError" DOMException.

  2. Let definition be the result of looking up a custom element definition given this's node document, its namespace, its local name, and null as the is value.

  3. If definition is null, then throw an "NotSupportedError" DOMException.

  4. If definition's disable internals is true, then throw a "NotSupportedError" DOMException.

  5. If this's attached internals is non-null, then throw an "NotSupportedError" DOMException.

  6. If this's custom element state is not "precustomized" or "custom", then throw a "NotSupportedError" DOMException.

  7. Set this's attached internals to a new ElementInternals instance whose target element is this.

  8. Return this's attached internals. ElementInternalsインターフェイス


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ElementInternals インターフェイスのIDLは下記のとおりであり、さまざまな操作および属性が次のセクションで定義されている:

interface ElementInternals {
  // Shadow root access
  readonly attribute ShadowRoot? shadowRoot;

  // Form-associated custom elements
  undefined setFormValue((File or USVString or FormData)? value,
                         optional (File or USVString or FormData)? state);

  readonly attribute HTMLFormElement? form;

  undefined setValidity(optional ValidityStateFlags flags = {},
                        optional DOMString message,
                        optional HTMLElement anchor);
  readonly attribute boolean willValidate;
  readonly attribute ValidityState validity;
  readonly attribute DOMString validationMessage;
  boolean checkValidity();
  boolean reportValidity();

  readonly attribute NodeList labels;

  // Custom state pseudo-class
  [SameObject] readonly attribute CustomStateSet states;

// Accessibility semantics
ElementInternals includes ARIAMixin;

dictionary ValidityStateFlags {
  boolean valueMissing = false;
  boolean typeMismatch = false;
  boolean patternMismatch = false;
  boolean tooLong = false;
  boolean tooShort = false;
  boolean rangeUnderflow = false;
  boolean rangeOverflow = false;
  boolean stepMismatch = false;
  boolean badInput = false;
  boolean customError = false;

ElementInternalsは、ターゲット要素を持ち、これはカスタム要素である。 シャドウルートアクセス

ターゲット要素シャドウホストである場合、 internalsターゲット要素ShadowRootを返し、そうでなければnullを返す。


Support in all current engines.

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The shadowRoot getter steps are:

  1. Let target be this's target element.

  2. If target is not a shadow host, then return null.

  3. Let shadow be target's shadow root.

  4. If shadow's available to element internals is false, then return null.

  5. Return shadow. フォームに関連付けられたカスタム要素



internals.setFormValue(value, state)





internals.setValidity(flags, message [, anchor ])










valid = internals.checkValidity()

internalsターゲット要素に妥当性の問題がない場合はtrueを返す。 そうでなければfalseを返す。 後者の場合要素でinvalidイベントを発火する。

valid = internals.reportValidity()



internalsターゲット要素が関連付けられているすべてのlabel 要素のNodeListを返す。






一般に、状態はユーザーによって指定された情報であり、送信値はサーバーへの送信に適した、正規化またはサニタイズ後の値である。 次の例は、これを具体的に示している:

ユーザーに日付の指定を求めるフォームに関連付けられたカスタム要素があるとする。 ユーザーは"3/15/2019"を指定するが、コントロールはサーバーに"2019-03-15"を送信しようとする。"3/15/2019"は要素の状態であり、"2019-03-15"送信値である。

既存のチェックボックスinputタイプの動作をエミュレートするカスタム要素を開発するとする。 その送信値は、そのvalueコンテンツ属性の値、または文字列"on"になる。その状態は、"checked""unchecked""checked/indeterminate"、または"unchecked/indeterminate"のいずれかになる。


Support in all current engines.

Edge (Legacy)?Internet ExplorerNo
Firefox Android?Safari iOS?Chrome Android?WebView Android?Samsung Internet?Opera Android?

The setFormValue(value, state) method steps are:

  1. Let element be this's target element.

  2. If element is not a form-associated custom element, then throw a "NotSupportedError" DOMException.

  3. Set target element's submission value to value if value is not a FormData object, or to a clone of value's entry list otherwise.

  4. If the state argument of the function is omitted, set element's state to its submission value.

  5. Otherwise, if state is a FormData object, set element's state to a clone of state's entry list.

  6. Otherwise, set element's state to state.

Each form-associated custom element has validity flags named valueMissing, typeMismatch, patternMismatch, tooLong, tooShort, rangeUnderflow, rangeOverflow, stepMismatch, and customError. They are false initially.

Each form-associated custom element has a validation message string. It is the empty string initially.

Each form-associated custom element has a validation anchor element. It is null initially.


Support in all current engines.

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Firefox Android?Safari iOS?Chrome Android?WebView Android?Samsung Internet?Opera Android?

The setValidity(flags, message, anchor) method steps are:

  1. Let element be this's target element.

  2. If element is not a form-associated custom element, then throw a "NotSupportedError" DOMException.

  3. If flags contains one or more true values and message is not given or is the empty string, then throw a TypeError.

  4. For each entry flagvalue of flags, set element's validity flag with the name flag to value.

  5. Set element's validation message to the empty string if message is not given or all of element's validity flags are false, or to message otherwise.

  6. If element's customError validity flag is true, then set element's custom validity error message to element's validation message. Otherwise, set element's custom validity error message to the empty string.

  7. Set element's validation anchor to null if anchor is not given. Otherwise, if anchor is not a shadow-including descendant of element, then throw a "NotFoundError" DOMException. Otherwise, set element's validation anchor to anchor.


Support in all current engines.

Edge (Legacy)?Internet ExplorerNo
Firefox Android?Safari iOS?Chrome Android?WebView Android?Samsung Internet?Opera Android?

The validationMessage getter steps are:

  1. Let element be this's target element.

  2. If element is not a form-associated custom element, then throw a "NotSupportedError" DOMException.

  3. Return element's validation message.

The entry construction algorithm for a form-associated custom element, given an element element and an entry list entry list, consists of the following steps:

  1. If element's submission value is a list of entries, then append each item of element's submission value to entry list, and return.

    In this case, user agent does not refer to the name content attribute value. An implementation of form-associated custom element is responsible to decide names of entries. They can be the name content attribute value, they can be strings based on the name content attribute value, or they can be unrelated to the name content attribute.

  2. If the element does not have a name attribute specified, or its name attribute's value is the empty string, then return.

  3. If the element's submission value is not null, create an entry with the name attribute value and the submission value, and append it to entry list. アクセシビリティセマンティックス
internals.role [ = value ]


internals.aria* [ = value ]


Each custom element has an internal content attribute map, which is a map, initially empty. See the Requirements related to ARIA and to platform accessibility APIs section for information on how this impacts platform accessibility APIs. カスタム状態疑似クラス



valueが要素の 状態セット内にある場合はtrue、そうでなければfalseを返す。





for (const stateName of internals.states)
for (const stateName of internals.states.entries())
for (const stateName of internals.states.keys())
for (const stateName of internals.states.values())






Each custom element has a states set, which is a CustomStateSet, initially empty.

interface CustomStateSet {

The states getter steps are to return this's target element's states set.


// Change the readyState from anything to "complete".
this._readyState = "complete";