Living Standard — Last Updated 14 March 2025
要素Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
— リソースのアドレスcrossorigin
— 要素が生成元をまたいだ要求を処理する方法poster
— 先にビデオプレイバックを見せるポスターフレームpreload
— メディアリソースがどの程度バッファーリングに必要になるかのヒントautoplay
— ページが読み込まれるときにメディアリソースが自動的に開始可能というヒントplaysinline
— 要素の再生領域内のビデオコンテンツを表示することをユーザーエージェントに勧めるloop
— メディアリソースをループするかどうかmuted
— デフォルトでメディアリソースをミュートするかどうかcontrols
— ユーザーエージェントのコントロールを表示するwidth
— 横の次元height
— 縦の次元[Exposed =Window ]
interface HTMLVideoElement : HTMLMediaElement {
[HTMLConstructor ] constructor ();
[CEReactions ] attribute unsigned long width ;
[CEReactions ] attribute unsigned long height ;
readonly attribute unsigned long videoWidth ;
readonly attribute unsigned long videoHeight ;
[CEReactions ] attribute USVString poster ;
[CEReactions ] attribute boolean playsInline ;
要素の内部に提供されてもよい。User agents should not show this content to the user; it is intended for older web browsers which do not support video
, so that text can be shown to the users of these older browsers informing them of how to access the video contents.
If the specified resource is to be used, then, when the element is created or when the poster
attribute is set, changed, or removed, the user agent must run the following steps to determine the element's poster frame (regardless of the value of the element's show poster flag):
If there is an existing instance of this algorithm running for this video
element, abort that instance of this algorithm without changing the poster frame.
If the poster
attribute's value is the empty string or if the attribute is absent, then there is no poster frame; return.
Let url be the result of encoding-parsing a URL given the poster
attribute's value, relative to the element's node document.
If url is failure, then return. There is no poster frame.
Let request be a new request whose URL is url, client is the element's node document's relevant settings object, destination is "image
", initiator type is "video
", credentials mode is "include
", and whose use-URL-credentials flag is set.
Fetch request. This must delay the load event of the element's node document.
If an image is thus obtained, the poster frame is that image. Otherwise, there is no poster frame.
属性によって与えられた画像、poster frameは、ユーザーに映像がどのようなものであるかのテーマを与える映像の代表フレーム(通常は最初の空白でないフレームの1つ)であることを意図する。
A video
element represents what is given for the first matching condition in the list below:
attribute is either HAVE_NOTHING
but no video data has yet been obtained at all, or the element's readyState
attribute is any subsequent value but the media resource does not have a video channel)video
element represents its poster frame, if any, or else transparent black with no natural
element is paused, the current playback position is the first frame of video, and the element's show poster flag is setvideo
element represents its poster frame, if any, or else the first frame of the
element is paused, and the frame of video corresponding to the current playback position is not available (e.g. because the video is seeking or buffering)video
element is neither potentially playing nor paused (e.g. when seeking or stalled)video
element represents the last frame of the video to have been
element is pausedvideo
element represents the frame of video corresponding to the current playback
element has a video channel and is potentially playing)video
element represents the frame of video at the continuously increasing "current" position. When the current playback position changes such that the last frame rendered is no longer the frame corresponding to the current playback position in the video, the new frame must be rendered.Frames of video must be obtained from the video track that was selected when the event loop last reached step 1.
Which frame in a video stream corresponds to a particular playback position is defined by the video stream's format.
The video
element also represents any text track cues whose text track cue active flag is set and whose text track is in the showing mode, and any audio from the media resource, at the current playback position.
Any audio associated with the media resource must, if played, be played synchronized with the current playback position, at the element's effective media volume. The user agent must play the audio from audio tracks that were enabled when the event loop last reached step 1.
In addition to the above, the user agent may provide messages to the user (such as "buffering", "no video loaded", "error", or more detailed information) by overlaying text or icons on the video or other areas of the element's playback area, or in another appropriate manner.
User agents that cannot render the video may instead make the element represent a link to an external video playback utility or to the video data itself.
When a video
element's media resource has a video channel, the element provides a paint source whose width is the media resource's natural width, whose height is the media resource's natural height, and whose appearance is the frame of video corresponding to the current playback position, if that is available, or else (e.g. when the video is seeking or buffering) its previous appearance, if any, or else (e.g. because the video is still loading the first frame) blackness.
Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
The natural width and natural height of the media resource are the dimensions of the resource in CSS pixels after taking into account the resource's dimensions, aspect ratio, clean aperture, resolution, and so forth, as defined for the format used by the resource. If an anamorphic format does not define how to apply the aspect ratio to the video data's dimensions to obtain the "correct" dimensions, then the user agent must apply the ratio by increasing one dimension and leaving the other unchanged.
The videoWidth
IDL attribute must return the natural width of the video in CSS pixels. The videoHeight
IDL attribute must return the natural height of the video in CSS pixels. If the element's readyState
attribute is HAVE_NOTHING
, then the attributes must return 0.
Whenever the natural width or natural height of the video changes (including, for example, because the selected video track was changed), if the element's readyState
attribute is not HAVE_NOTHING
, the user agent must queue a media element task given the media element to fire an event named resize
at the media element.
In the absence of style rules to the contrary, video content should be rendered inside the element's playback area such that the video content is shown centered in the playback area at the largest possible size that fits completely within it, with the video content's aspect ratio being preserved. Thus, if the aspect ratio of the playback area does not match the aspect ratio of the video, the video will be shown letterboxed or pillarboxed. Areas of the element's playback area that do not contain the video represent nothing.
In user agents that implement CSS, the above requirement can be implemented by using the style rule suggested in the Rendering section.
The natural width of a video
element's playback area is the natural width of the poster frame, if that is available and the element currently represents its poster frame; otherwise, it is the natural width of the video resource, if that is available; otherwise the natural width is missing.
The natural height of a video
element's playback area is the natural height of the poster frame, if that is available and the element currently represents its poster frame; otherwise it is the natural height of the video resource, if that is available; otherwise the natural height is missing.
The default object size is a width of 300 CSS pixels and a height of 150 CSS pixels. [CSSIMAGES]
User agents should provide controls to enable or disable the display of closed captions, audio description tracks, and other additional data associated with the video stream, though such features should, again, not interfere with the page's normal rendering.
User agents may allow users to view the video content in manners more suitable to the user, such as fullscreen or in an independent resizable window. User agents may even trigger such a viewing mode by default upon playing a video, although they should not do so when the playsinline
attribute is specified. As with the other user interface features, controls to enable this should not interfere with the page's normal rendering unless the user agent is exposing a user interface. In such an independent viewing mode, however, user agents may make full user interfaces visible, even if the controls
attribute is absent.
User agents may allow video playback to affect system features that could interfere with the user's experience; for example, user agents could disable screensavers while video playback is in progress.
The poster
IDL attribute must reflect the poster
content attribute.
The playsInline
IDL attribute must reflect the playsinline
content attribute.
< script >
function failed( e) {
// video playback failed - show a message saying why
switch ( e. target. error. code) {
case e. target. error. MEDIA_ERR_ABORTED:
alert( 'You aborted the video playback.' );
break ;
case e. target. error. MEDIA_ERR_NETWORK:
alert( 'A network error caused the video download to fail part-way.' );
break ;
case e. target. error. MEDIA_ERR_DECODE:
alert( 'The video playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the video used features your browser did not support.' );
break ;
case e. target. error. MEDIA_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPORTED:
alert( 'The video could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported.' );
break ;
default :
alert( 'An unknown error occurred.' );
break ;
</ script >
< p >< video src = "tgif.vid" autoplay controls onerror = "failed(event)" ></ video ></ p >
< p >< a href = "tgif.vid" > Download the video file</ a > .</ p >
要素Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
— リソースのアドレスcrossorigin
— 要素が生成元をまたいだ要求を処理する方法preload
— メディアリソースがどの程度バッファーリングに必要になるかのヒントautoplay
— ページが読み込まれるときにメディアリソースが自動的に開始可能というヒントloop
— メディアリソースをループするかどうかmuted
— デフォルトでメディアリソースをミュートするかどうかcontrols
— ユーザーエージェントのコントロールを表示する[Exposed =Window ,
LegacyFactoryFunction =Audio (optional DOMString src )]
interface HTMLAudioElement : HTMLMediaElement {
[HTMLConstructor ] constructor ();
要素の内部に提供されてもよい。User agents should not show this content to the user; it is intended for older web browsers which do not support audio
, so that text can be shown to the users of these older browsers informing them of how to access the audio contents.
audio = new Audio([ url ])
Support in all current engines.
A legacy factory function is provided for creating HTMLAudioElement
objects (in addition to the factory methods from DOM such as createElement()
): Audio(src)
. When invoked, the legacy factory function must perform the following steps:
Let document be the current global object's associated Document
Let audio be the result of creating an element given document, "audio
", and the HTML namespace.
Set an attribute value for audio using "preload
" and "auto
If src is given, then set an attribute value for audio using "src
" and src. (This will cause the user agent to invoke the object's resource selection algorithm before returning.)
Return audio.
要素Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
— テキストトラックの種類src
— リソースのアドレスsrclang
— テキストトラックの言語label
— ユーザー可視ラベルdefault
— 他のテキストトラックがより適切でない場合にトラックを作動させる[Exposed =Window ]
interface HTMLTrackElement : HTMLElement {
[HTMLConstructor ] constructor ();
[CEReactions ] attribute DOMString kind ;
[CEReactions ] attribute USVString src ;
[CEReactions ] attribute DOMString srclang ;
[CEReactions ] attribute DOMString label ;
[CEReactions ] attribute boolean default ;
const unsigned short NONE = 0;
const unsigned short LOADING = 1;
const unsigned short LOADED = 2;
const unsigned short ERROR = 3;
readonly attribute unsigned short readyState ;
readonly attribute TextTrack track ;
キーワード | 状態 | 概要 |
subtitles | Subtitles | 音声が利用可能な場合に適するが、理解できない(ユーザーがメディアリソースのオーディオトラックの言語を理解していないためなど)対話の翻字または翻訳。ビデオにオーバーレイする。 |
captions | Captions | 音声が利用できないか、はっきりと聞こえない場合適した(たとえば、無言である、周囲の騒音によってかき消される、またはユーザーが聴覚障害者であるので)、対話の翻字または翻訳、音響効果、関連する音楽の合図、およびその他の関連オーディオ情報。ビデオにオーバーレイし、難聴者に対して適切に表示される。 |
descriptions | Descriptions | 映像コンポーネントが不明瞭、利用できない、または使用可能でない(たとえばユーザーが運転中に画面なしでアプリケーションと情報をやりとりするため、またはユーザーが盲目であるため)ときの音声合成に対して意図される、メディアリソースのビデオコンポーネントのテキスト記述。オーディオとして合成される。 |
chapters | Chapters metadata | トラックは、スクリプトから使用するためのものである。ユーザーエージェントによって表示されない。 |
metadata | Metadata |
The element has an associated track URL (a string), initially the empty string.
When the element's src
attribute is set, run these steps:
Let trackURL be failure.
Let value be the element's src
attribute value.
If value is not the empty string, then set trackURL to the result of encoding-parsing-and-serializing a URL given value, relative to the element's node document.
Set the element's track URL to trackURL if it is not failure; otherwise to the empty string.
属性は、テキストトラックデータの言語を提供する。値は、妥当なBCP 47言語タグでなければならない。要素のkind
If the element has a srclang
attribute whose value is not the empty string, then the element's track language is the value of the attribute. Otherwise, the element has no track language.
If the element has a label
attribute whose value is not the empty string, then the element's track label is the value of the attribute. Otherwise, the element's track label is an empty string.
track.NONE (0)
track.LOADING (1)
track.LOADED (2)
track.ERROR (3)
The readyState
attribute must return the numeric value corresponding to the text track readiness state of the track
element's text track, as defined by the following list:
(numeric value 0)LOADING
(numeric value 1)LOADED
(numeric value 2)ERROR
(numeric value 3)The track
IDL attribute must, on getting, return the track
element's text track's corresponding TextTrack
Support in all current engines.
The src
, srclang
, label
, and default
IDL attributes must reflect the respective content attributes of the same name. The kind
IDL attribute must reflect the content attribute of the same name, limited to only known values.
< video src = "brave.webm" >
< track kind = subtitles src = brave.en.vtt srclang = en label = "English" >
< track kind = captions src = brave.en.hoh.vtt srclang = en label = "English for the Hard of Hearing" >
< track kind = subtitles src = srclang = fr lang = fr label = "Français" >
< track kind = subtitles src = srclang = de lang = de label = "Deutsch" >
</ video >
Support in all current engines.
enum CanPlayTypeResult { "" /* empty string */, " maybe " , " probably " };
typedef (MediaStream or MediaSource or Blob ) MediaProvider ;
[Exposed =Window ]
interface HTMLMediaElement : HTMLElement {
// error state
readonly attribute MediaError ? error ;
// network state
[CEReactions ] attribute USVString src ;
attribute MediaProvider ? srcObject ;
readonly attribute USVString currentSrc ;
[CEReactions ] attribute DOMString ? crossOrigin ;
const unsigned short NETWORK_EMPTY = 0;
const unsigned short NETWORK_IDLE = 1;
const unsigned short NETWORK_LOADING = 2;
const unsigned short NETWORK_NO_SOURCE = 3;
readonly attribute unsigned short networkState ;
[CEReactions ] attribute DOMString preload ;
readonly attribute TimeRanges buffered ;
undefined load ();
CanPlayTypeResult canPlayType (DOMString type );
// ready state
const unsigned short HAVE_NOTHING = 0;
const unsigned short HAVE_METADATA = 1;
const unsigned short HAVE_CURRENT_DATA = 2;
const unsigned short HAVE_FUTURE_DATA = 3;
const unsigned short HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA = 4;
readonly attribute unsigned short readyState ;
readonly attribute boolean seeking ;
// playback state
attribute double currentTime ;
undefined fastSeek (double time );
readonly attribute unrestricted double duration ;
object getStartDate ();
readonly attribute boolean paused ;
attribute double defaultPlaybackRate ;
attribute double playbackRate ;
attribute boolean preservesPitch ;
readonly attribute TimeRanges played ;
readonly attribute TimeRanges seekable ;
readonly attribute boolean ended ;
[CEReactions ] attribute boolean autoplay ;
[CEReactions ] attribute boolean loop ;
Promise <undefined > play ();
undefined pause ();
// controls
[CEReactions ] attribute boolean controls ;
attribute double volume ;
attribute boolean muted ;
[CEReactions ] attribute boolean defaultMuted ;
// tracks
[SameObject ] readonly attribute AudioTrackList audioTracks ;
[SameObject ] readonly attribute VideoTrackList videoTracks ;
[SameObject ] readonly attribute TextTrackList textTracks ;
TextTrack addTextTrack (TextTrackKind kind , optional DOMString label = "", optional DOMString language = "");
メディアリソースは、originに関連付けられており、これは "none
Each media element has a unique media element event task source.
To queue a media element task with a media element element and a series of steps steps, queue an element task on the media element's media element event task source given element and steps.
Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
All media elements have an associated error status, which records the last error the element encountered since its resource selection algorithm was last invoked. The error
attribute, on getting, must return the MediaError
object created for this last error, or null if there has not been an error.
[Exposed =Window ]
interface MediaError {
const unsigned short MEDIA_ERR_ABORTED = 1;
const unsigned short MEDIA_ERR_NETWORK = 2;
const unsigned short MEDIA_ERR_DECODE = 3;
const unsigned short MEDIA_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPORTED = 4;
readonly attribute unsigned short code ;
readonly attribute DOMString message ;
Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
Every MediaError
object has a message, which is a string, and a code, which is one of the following:
属性またはassigned media provider objectで示されるメディアリソースは適さなかった。To create a MediaError
, given an error code which is one of the above values, return a new MediaError
object whose code is the given error code and whose message is a string containing any details the user agent is able to supply about the cause of the error condition, or the empty string if the user agent is unable to supply such details. This message string must not contain only the information already available via the supplied error code; for example, it must not simply be a translation of the code into a string format. If no additional information is available beyond that provided by the error code, the message must be set to the empty string.
The code
getter steps are to return this's code.
The message
getter steps are to return this's message.
If a media element is created with a src
attribute, the user agent must immediately invoke the media element's resource selection algorithm.
If a src
attribute of a media element is set or changed, the user agent must invoke the media element's media element load algorithm. (Removing the src
attribute does not do this, even if there are source
elements present.)
Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
The crossOrigin
IDL attribute must reflect the crossorigin
content attribute, limited to only known values.
Each media element can have an assigned media provider object, which is a media provider object. When a media element is created, it has no assigned media provider object.
media.srcObject [ = source ]
Support in one engine only.
Support in all current engines.
The currentSrc
IDL attribute must initially be set to the empty string. Its value is changed by the resource selection algorithm defined below.
The srcObject
IDL attribute, on getting, must return the element's assigned media provider object, if any, or null otherwise. On setting, it must set the element's assigned media provider object to the new value, and then invoke the element's media element load algorithm.
"は、コンテナータイプが何であるかを除いて何でもいわず、"video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"
" MIMEタイプは、ユーザーエージェントがレンダリングできないことを認識するタイプにならない。潜在的なメディアリソースにラベルを付けるために使用されるとき、ユーザーエージェントは、明示的なContent-Typeメタデータの欠如と同等としてそのタイプを扱わなければならない。
ここでパラメーターなしのMIMEタイプ "application/octet-stream
Support in all current engines.
The canPlayType(type)
method must return the empty string if type is a type that the user agent knows it cannot render or is the type "application/octet-stream
"; it must return "probably
" if the user agent is confident that the type represents a media resource that it can render if used in with this audio
or video
element; and it must return "maybe
" otherwise. Implementers are encouraged to return "maybe
" unless the type can be confidently established as being supported or not. Generally, a user agent should never return "probably
" for a type that allows the codecs
parameter if that parameter is not present.
< section id = "video" >
< p >< a href = "playing-cats.nfv" > Download video</ a ></ p >
</ section >
< script >
const videoSection = document. getElementById( 'video' );
const videoElement = document. createElement( 'video' );
const support = videoElement. canPlayType( 'video/x-new-fictional-format;codecs="kittens,bunnies"' );
if ( support === "probably" ) {
videoElement. setAttribute( "src" , "playing-cats.nfv" );
videoSection. replaceChildren( videoElement);
</ script >
Support in all current engines.
As media elements interact with the network, their current network activity is represented by the networkState
attribute. On getting, it must return the current network state of the element, which must be one of the following values:
(数値3)The resource selection algorithm defined below describes exactly when the networkState
attribute changes value and what events fire to indicate changes in this state.
Support in all current engines.
All media elements have a can autoplay flag, which must begin in the true state, and a delaying-the-load-event flag, which must begin in the false state. While the delaying-the-load-event flag is true, the element must delay the load event of its document.
When the load()
method on a media element is invoked, the user agent must run the media element load algorithm.
A media element has an associated boolean is currently stalled, which is initially false.
The media element load algorithm consists of the following steps.
Set this element's is currently stalled to false.
Abort any already-running instance of the resource selection algorithm for this element.
Let pending tasks be a list of all tasks from the media element's media element event task source in one of the task queues.
For each task in pending tasks that would resolve pending play promises or reject pending play promises, immediately resolve or reject those promises in the order the corresponding tasks were queued.
Remove each task in pending tasks from its task queue.
Basically, pending events and callbacks are discarded and promises in-flight to be resolved/rejected are resolved/rejected immediately when the media element starts loading a new resource.
If the media element's networkState
, queue a media element task given the media element to fire an event named abort
at the media element.
If the media element's networkState
is not set to NETWORK_EMPTY
, then:
Queue a media element task given the media element to fire an event named emptied
at the media element.
If a fetching process is in progress for the media element, the user agent should stop it.
If the media element's assigned media provider object is a MediaSource
object, then detach it.
If readyState
is not set to HAVE_NOTHING
, then set it to that state.
If the paused
attribute is false, then:
Set the paused
attribute to true.
Take pending play promises and reject pending play promises with the result and an "AbortError
" DOMException
If seeking
is true, set it to false.
Set the current playback position to 0.
Set the official playback position to 0.
If this changed the official playback position, then queue a media element task given the media element to fire an event named timeupdate
at the media element.
Set the timeline offset to Not-a-Number (NaN).
Update the duration
attribute to Not-a-Number (NaN).
The user agent will not fire a durationchange
event for this particular change of the duration.
Set the playbackRate
attribute to the value of the defaultPlaybackRate
Set the error
attribute to null and the can autoplay flag to true.
Invoke the media element's resource selection algorithm.
Playback of any previously playing media resource for this element stops.
The resource selection algorithm for a media element is as follows. This algorithm is always invoked as part of a task, but one of the first steps in the algorithm is to return and continue running the remaining steps in parallel. In addition, this algorithm interacts closely with the event loop mechanism; in particular, it has synchronous sections (which are triggered as part of the event loop algorithm). Steps in such sections are marked with ⌛.
Set the element's networkState
attribute to the NETWORK_NO_SOURCE
Set the element's show poster flag to true.
Set the media element's delaying-the-load-event flag to true (this delays the load event).
Await a stable state, allowing the task that invoked this algorithm to continue. The synchronous section consists of all the remaining steps of this algorithm until the algorithm says the synchronous section has ended. (Steps in synchronous sections are marked with ⌛.)
⌛ If the media element's blocked-on-parser flag is false, then populate the list of pending text tracks.
⌛ If the media element has an assigned media provider object, then let mode be object.
⌛ Otherwise, if the media element has no assigned media provider object but has a src
attribute, then let mode be attribute.
⌛ Otherwise, if the media element does not have an assigned media provider object and does not have a src
attribute, but does have a source
element child, then let mode be children and let candidate be the first such source
element child in tree order.
⌛ Otherwise, the media element has no assigned media provider object and has neither a src
attribute nor a source
element child:
⌛ Set the networkState
⌛ Set the element's delaying-the-load-event flag to false. This stops delaying the load event.
End the synchronous section and return.
⌛ Set the media element's networkState
⌛ Queue a media element task given the media element to fire an event named loadstart
at the media element.
Run the appropriate steps from the following list:
⌛ Set the currentSrc
attribute to the empty string.
End the synchronous section, continuing the remaining steps in parallel.
Run the resource fetch algorithm with the assigned media provider object. If that algorithm returns without aborting this one, then the load failed.
Failed with media provider: Reaching this step indicates that the media resource failed to load. Take pending play promises and queue a media element task given the media element to run the dedicated media source failure steps with the result.
Wait for the task queued by the previous step to have executed.
Return. The element won't attempt to load another resource until this algorithm is triggered again.
⌛ If the src
attribute's value is the empty string, then end the synchronous section, and jump down to the failed with attribute step below.
⌛ Let urlRecord be the result of encoding-parsing a URL given the src
attribute's value, relative to the media element's node document when the src
attribute was last changed.
⌛ If urlRecord is not failure, then set the currentSrc
attribute to the result of applying the URL serializer to urlRecord.
End the synchronous section, continuing the remaining steps in parallel.
If urlRecord is not failure, then run the resource fetch algorithm with urlRecord. If that algorithm returns without aborting this one, then the load failed.
Failed with attribute: Reaching this step indicates that the media resource failed to load or that urlRecord is failure. Take pending play promises and queue a media element task given the media element to run the dedicated media source failure steps with the result.
Wait for the task queued by the previous step to have executed.
Return. The element won't attempt to load another resource until this algorithm is triggered again.
⌛ Let pointer be a position defined by two adjacent nodes in the media element's child list, treating the start of the list (before the first child in the list, if any) and end of the list (after the last child in the list, if any) as nodes in their own right. One node is the node before pointer, and the other node is the node after pointer. Initially, let pointer be the position between the candidate node and the next node, if there are any, or the end of the list, if it is the last node.
As nodes are inserted, removed, and moved into the media element, pointer must be updated as follows:
Other changes don't affect pointer.
⌛ Process candidate: If candidate does not have a src
attribute, or if its src
attribute's value is the empty string, then end the synchronous section, and jump down to the failed with elements step below.
⌛ If candidate has a media
attribute whose value does not match the environment, then end the synchronous section, and jump down to the failed with elements step below.
⌛ Let urlRecord be the result of encoding-parsing a URL given candidate's src
attribute's value, relative to candidate's node document when the src
attribute was last changed.
⌛ If urlRecord is failure, then end the synchronous section, and jump down to the failed with elements step below.
⌛ If candidate has a type
attribute whose value, when parsed as a MIME type (including any codecs described by the codecs
parameter, for types that define that parameter), represents a type that the user agent knows it cannot render, then end the synchronous section, and jump down to the failed with elements step below.
⌛ Set the currentSrc
attribute to the result of applying the URL serializer to urlRecord.
End the synchronous section, continuing the remaining steps in parallel.
Run the resource fetch algorithm with urlRecord. If that algorithm returns without aborting this one, then the load failed.
Failed with elements: Queue a media element task given the media element to fire an event named error
at candidate.
Await a stable state. The synchronous section consists of all the remaining steps of this algorithm until the algorithm says the synchronous section has ended. (Steps in synchronous sections are marked with ⌛.)
⌛ Forget the media element's media-resource-specific tracks.
⌛ Find next candidate: Let candidate be null.
⌛ Search loop: If the node after pointer is the end of the list, then jump to the waiting step below.
⌛ If the node after pointer is a source
element, let candidate be that element.
⌛ Advance pointer so that the node before pointer is now the node that was after pointer, and the node after pointer is the node after the node that used to be after pointer, if any.
⌛ If candidate is null, jump back to the search loop step. Otherwise, jump back to the process candidate step.
⌛ Waiting: Set the element's networkState
attribute to the NETWORK_NO_SOURCE
⌛ Set the element's show poster flag to true.
⌛ Queue a media element task given the media element to set the element's delaying-the-load-event flag to false. This stops delaying the load event.
End the synchronous section, continuing the remaining steps in parallel.
Wait until the node after pointer is a node other than the end of the list. (This step might wait forever.)
Await a stable state. The synchronous section consists of all the remaining steps of this algorithm until the algorithm says the synchronous section has ended. (Steps in synchronous sections are marked with ⌛.)
⌛ Set the element's delaying-the-load-event flag back to true (this delays the load event again, in case it hasn't been fired yet).
⌛ Set the networkState
⌛ Jump back to the find next candidate step above.
The dedicated media source failure steps with a list of promises promises are the following steps:
Set the error
attribute to the result of creating a MediaError
Set the element's networkState
attribute to the NETWORK_NO_SOURCE
Set the element's show poster flag to true.
Fire an event named error
at the media element.
Reject pending play promises with promises and a "NotSupportedError
" DOMException
Set the element's delaying-the-load-event flag to false. This stops delaying the load event.
To verify a media response given a response response, a media resource resource, and "entire resource
" or a (number, number or "until end
") tuple byteRange:
If response is a network error, then return false.
If byteRange is "entire resource
", then return true.
Let internalResponse be response's unsafe response.
If internalResponse's status is 200, then return true.
If internalResponse's status is not 206, then return false.
If the result of extracting content-range values from internalResponse is failure, then return false.
Note that the extracted values are not used, and in particular are not compared to byteRange. So this step serves as syntactic validation of the `Content-Range
` header, but if the `Content-Range
` values on the response mismatch the `Range
` values on the request, that is not considered a failure.
Let origin be "rewritten
" if internalResponse's URL is null; otherwise internalResponse's URL's origin.
Let previousOrigin be resource's origin.
If any of the following are true:
previousOrigin is "none
origin and previousOrigin are "rewritten
"; or
origin and previousOrigin are origins, and origin is same origin with previousOrigin,
then set resource's origin to origin.
Otherwise, if response is CORS-cross-origin, then return false.
Otherwise, set resource's origin to "multiple
This ensures that opaque responses with range headers do not leak information by being patched together with other responses from different origins.
Return true.
The resource fetch algorithm for a media element and a given URL record or media provider object is as follows:
Let mode be remote.
If the algorithm was invoked with media provider object, then set mode to local.
Let object be the result of obtaining a blob object using the URL record's blob URL entry and the media element's node document's relevant settings object.
If object is a media provider object, then set mode to local.
If mode is remote, then let the current media resource be the resource given by the URL record passed to this algorithm; otherwise, let the current media resource be the resource given by the media provider object. Either way, the current media resource is now the element's media resource.
Remove all media-resource-specific text tracks from the media element's list of pending text tracks, if any.
Run the appropriate steps from the following list:
Optionally, run the following substeps. This is the expected behavior if the user agent intends to not attempt to fetch the resource until the user requests it explicitly (e.g. as a way to implement the preload
attribute's none
Set the networkState
Queue a media element task given the media element to fire an event named suspend
at the element.
Queue a media element task given the media element to set the element's delaying-the-load-event flag to false. This stops delaying the load event.
Wait for the task to be run.
Wait for an implementation-defined event (e.g., the user requesting that the media element begin playback).
Set the element's delaying-the-load-event flag back to true (this delays the load event again, in case it hasn't been fired yet).
Set the networkState
Let destination be "audio
" if the media element is an audio
element, or "video
" otherwise.
Let request be the result of creating a potential-CORS request given current media resource's URL record, destination, and the current state of media element's crossorigin
content attribute.
Set request's client to the media element's node document's relevant settings object.
Set request's initiator type to destination.
Let byteRange, which is "entire resource
" or a (number, number or "until end
") tuple, be the byte range required to satisfy missing data in media data. This value is implementation-defined and may rely on codec, network conditions or other heuristics. The user-agent may determine to fetch the resource in full, in which case byteRange would be "entire resource
", to fetch from a byte offset until the end, in which case byteRange would be (number, "until end
"), or to fetch a range between two byte offsets, im which case byteRange would be a (number, number) tuple representing the two offsets.
If byteRange is not "entire resource
", then:
If byteRange[1] is "until end
" then add a range header to request given byteRange[0].
Otherwise, add a range header to request given byteRange[0] and byteRange[1].
Fetch request, with processResponse set to the following steps given response response:
Let global be the media element's node document's relevant global object.
Let updateMedia be to queue a media element task given the media element to run the first appropriate steps from the media data processing steps list below. (A new task is used for this so that the work described below occurs relative to the appropriate media element event task source rather than using the networking task source.)
Let processEndOfMedia be the following step: If the fetching process has completed without errors, including decoding the media data, and if all of the data is available to the user agent without network access, then, the user agent must move on to the final step below. This might never happen, e.g. when streaming an infinite resource such as web radio, or if the resource is longer than the user agent's ability to cache data.
If the result of verifying response given the current media resource and byteRange is false, then abort these steps.
Otherwise, incrementally read response's body given updateMedia, processEndOfMedia, an empty algorithm, and global.
Update the media data with the contents of response's unsafe response obtained in this fashion. response can be CORS-same-origin or CORS-cross-origin; this affects whether subtitles referenced in the media data are exposed in the API and, for video
elements, whether acanvas
gets tainted when the video is drawn on it.
The media element stall timeout is an implementation-defined length of time, which should be about three seconds. When a media element that is actively attempting to obtain media data has failed to receive any data for a duration equal to the media element stall timeout, the user agent must queue a media element task given the media element to:
Fire an event named stalled
at the element.
Set the element's is currently stalled to true.
User agents may allow users to selectively block or slow media data downloads. When a media element's download has been blocked altogether, the user agent must act as if it was stalled (as opposed to acting as if the connection was closed). The rate of the download may also be throttled automatically by the user agent, e.g. to balance the download with other connections sharing the same bandwidth.
User agents may decide to not download more content at any time, e.g. after buffering five minutes of a one hour media resource, while waiting for the user to decide whether to play the resource or not, while waiting for user input in an interactive resource, or when the user navigates away from the page. When a media element's download has been suspended, the user agent must queue a media element task given the media element to set the networkState
and fire an event named suspend
at the element. If and when downloading of the resource resumes, the user agent must queue a media element task given the media element to set the networkState
. Between the queuing of these tasks, the load is suspended (so progress
events don't fire, as described above).
The preload
attribute provides a hint regarding how much buffering the author thinks is advisable, even in the absence of the autoplay
When a user agent decides to completely suspend a download, e.g., if it is waiting until the user starts playback before downloading any further content, the user agent must queue a media element task given the media element to set the element's delaying-the-load-event flag to false. This stops delaying the load event.
Although the above steps give an algorithm for issuing requests, the user agent may use other means besides those exact ones, especially in the face of error conditions. For example, the user agent may reconnect to the server or switch to a streaming protocol. The user agent must only consider the resource erroneous, and proceed into the error branches of the above steps, if the user agent has given up trying to fetch the resource.
To determine the format of the media resource, the user agent must use the rules for sniffing audio and video specifically.
While the load is not suspended (see below), every 350ms (±200ms) or for every byte received, whichever is least frequent, queue a media element task given the media element to:
Fire an event named progress
at the element.
Set the element's is currently stalled to false.
While the user agent might still need network access to obtain parts of the media resource, the user agent must remain on this step.
For example, if the user agent has discarded the first half of a video, the user agent will remain at this step even once the playback has ended, because there is always the chance the user will seek back to the start. In fact, in this situation, once playback has ended, the user agent will end up firing a suspend
event, as described earlier.
The resource described by the current media resource, if any, contains the media data. It is CORS-same-origin.
If the current media resource is a raw data stream (e.g. from a File
object), then to determine the format of the media resource, the user agent must use the rules for sniffing audio and video specifically. Otherwise, if the data stream is pre-decoded, then the format is the format given by the relevant specification.
Whenever new data for the current media resource becomes available, queue a media element task given the media element to run the first appropriate steps from the media data processing steps list below.
When the current media resource is permanently exhausted (e.g. all the bytes of a Blob
have been processed), if there were no decoding errors, then the user agent must move on to the final step below. This might never happen, e.g. if the current media resource is a MediaStream
The media data processing steps list is as follows:
DNS errors, HTTP 4xx and 5xx errors (and equivalents in other protocols), and other fatal network errors that occur before the user agent has established whether the current media resource is usable, as well as the file using an unsupported container format, or using unsupported codecs for all the data, must cause the user agent to execute the following steps:
The user agent should cancel the fetching process.
Abort this subalgorithm, returning to the resource selection algorithm.
Create an AudioTrack
object to represent the audio track.
Update the media element's audioTracks
attribute's AudioTrackList
object with the new AudioTrack
Let enable be unknown.
If either the media resource or the URL of the current media resource indicate a particular set of audio tracks to enable, or if the user agent has information that would facilitate the selection of specific audio tracks to improve the user's experience, then: if this audio track is one of the ones to enable, then set enable to true, otherwise, set enable to false.
This could be triggered by media fragment syntax, but it could also be triggered e.g. by the user agent selecting a 5.1 surround sound audio track over a stereo audio track.
If enable is still unknown, then, if the media element does not yet have an enabled audio track, then set enable to true, otherwise, set enable to false.
If enable is true, then enable this audio track, otherwise, do not enable this audio track.
Fire an event named addtrack
at this AudioTrackList
object, using TrackEvent
, with the track
attribute initialized to the new AudioTrack
Create a VideoTrack
object to represent the video track.
Update the media element's videoTracks
attribute's VideoTrackList
object with the new VideoTrack
Let enable be unknown.
If either the media resource or the URL of the current media resource indicate a particular set of video tracks to enable, or if the user agent has information that would facilitate the selection of specific video tracks to improve the user's experience, then: if this video track is the first such video track, then set enable to true, otherwise, set enable to false.
This could again be triggered by media fragment syntax.
If enable is still unknown, then, if the media element does not yet have a selected video track, then set enable to true, otherwise, set enable to false.
If enable is true, then select this track and unselect any previously selected video tracks, otherwise, do not select this video track. If other tracks are unselected, then a change
event will be fired.
Fire an event named addtrack
at this VideoTrackList
object, using TrackEvent
, with the track
attribute initialized to the new VideoTrack
This indicates that the resource is usable. The user agent must follow these substeps:
Establish the media timeline for the purposes of the current playback position and the earliest possible position, based on the media data.
Update the timeline offset to the date and time that corresponds to the zero time in the media timeline established in the previous step, if any. If no explicit time and date is given by the media resource, the timeline offset must be set to Not-a-Number (NaN).
Set the current playback position and the official playback position to the earliest possible position.
Update the duration
attribute with the time of the last frame of the resource, if known, on the media timeline established above. If it is not known (e.g. a stream that is in principle infinite), update the duration
attribute to the value positive Infinity.
The user agent will queue a media element task given the media element to fire an event named durationchange
at the element at this point.
For video
elements, set the videoWidth
and videoHeight
attributes, and queue a media element task given the media element to fire an event named resize
at the media element.
Further resize
events will be fired if the dimensions subsequently change.
Set the readyState
attribute to HAVE_METADATA
A loadedmetadata
DOM event will be fired as part of setting the readyState
attribute to a new value.
Let jumped be false.
If the media element's default playback start position is greater than zero, then seek to that time, and let jumped be true.
Let the media element's default playback start position be zero.
Let the initial playback position be zero.
If either the media resource or the URL of the current media resource indicate a particular start time, then set the initial playback position to that time and, if jumped is still false, seek to that time.
For example, with media formats that support media fragment syntax, the fragment can be used to indicate a start position.
If there is no enabled audio track, then enable an audio track. This will cause a change
event to be fired.
If there is no selected video track, then select a video track. This will cause a change
event to be fired.
Once the readyState
attribute reaches HAVE_CURRENT_DATA
, after the loadeddata
event has been fired, set the element's delaying-the-load-event flag to false. This stops delaying the load event.
A user agent that is attempting to reduce network usage while still fetching the metadata for each media resource would also stop buffering at this point, following the rules described previously, which involve the networkState
attribute switching to the NETWORK_IDLE
value and a suspend
event firing.
The user agent is required to determine the duration of the media resource and go through this step before playing.
Fire an event named progress
at the media element.
Set the networkState
and fire an event named suspend
at the media element.
If the user agent ever discards any media data and then needs to resume the network activity to obtain it again, then it must queue a media element task given the media element to set the networkState
If the user agent can keep the media resource loaded, then the algorithm will continue to its final step below, which aborts the algorithm.
Fatal network errors that occur after the user agent has established whether the current media resource is usable (i.e. once the media element's readyState
attribute is no longer HAVE_NOTHING
) must cause the user agent to execute the following steps:
The user agent should cancel the fetching process.
Set the error
attribute to the result of creating a MediaError
Set the element's networkState
attribute to the NETWORK_IDLE
Set the element's delaying-the-load-event flag to false. This stops delaying the load event.
Fire an event named error
at the media element.
Abort the overall resource selection algorithm.
Fatal errors in decoding the media data that occur after the user agent has established whether the current media resource is usable (i.e. once the media element's readyState
attribute is no longer HAVE_NOTHING
) must cause the user agent to execute the following steps:
The user agent should cancel the fetching process.
Set the error
attribute to the result of creating a MediaError
Set the element's networkState
attribute to the NETWORK_IDLE
Set the element's delaying-the-load-event flag to false. This stops delaying the load event.
Fire an event named error
at the media element.
Abort the overall resource selection algorithm.
The fetching process is aborted by the user, e.g. because the user pressed a "stop" button, the user agent must execute the following steps. These steps are not followed if the load()
method itself is invoked while these steps are running, as the steps above handle that particular kind of abort.
The user agent should cancel the fetching process.
Set the error
attribute to the result of creating a MediaError
Fire an event named abort
at the media element.
If the media element's readyState
attribute has a value equal to HAVE_NOTHING
, set the element's networkState
attribute to the NETWORK_EMPTY
value, set the element's show poster flag to true, and fire an event named emptied
at the element.
Otherwise, set the element's networkState
attribute to the NETWORK_IDLE
Set the element's delaying-the-load-event flag to false. This stops delaying the load event.
Abort the overall resource selection algorithm.
The server returning data that is partially usable but cannot be optimally rendered must cause the user agent to render just the bits it can handle, and ignore the rest.
If the media data is CORS-same-origin, run the steps to expose a media-resource-specific text track with the relevant data.
Cross-origin videos do not expose their subtitles, since that would allow attacks such as hostile sites reading subtitles from confidential videos on a user's intranet.
Final step: If the user agent ever reaches this step (which can only happen if the entire resource gets loaded and kept available): abort the overall resource selection algorithm.
When a media element is to forget the media element's media-resource-specific tracks, the user agent must remove from the media element's list of text tracks all the media-resource-specific text tracks, then empty the media element's audioTracks
attribute's AudioTrackList
object, then empty the media element's videoTracks
attribute's VideoTrackList
object. No events (in particular, no removetrack
events) are fired as part of this; the error
and emptied
events, fired by the algorithms that invoke this one, can be used instead.
キーワード | 状態 | 概要 |
auto | Automatic | ユーザーエージェントが、楽観的に全体のリソースのダウンロードを含め、サーバーへのリスクなしに、最初のユーザーのニーズを置くことができるというユーザーエージェントへのヒント。 |
(空文字列) | ||
none | None | 著者がメディアリソースを必要とすることをユーザーに期待しない、またはサーバーが不要なトラフィックを最小限にしたいのいずれかのユーザーエージェントへのヒント。バッファーリングはとにかく開始する(たとえばユーザーが"play"に当たる)場合、この状態は、メディアリソースを実際にダウンロードする方法に関して積極的にヒントを提供しない。 |
metadata | Metadata | 著者がメディアリソースを必要とするとユーザーに期待しないが、リソースのメタデータ(寸法、トラックリスト、期間など)フェッチし、そしておそらく最初の数フレームが合理的であるユーザーエージェントへのヒント。ユーザーエージェントが正確にメタデータ以上のものをフェッチしない場合、典型的には、一部のフレームも同様に得られ、おそらくHAVE_CURRENT_DATA またはHAVE_FUTURE_DATA になるにもかかわらず、メディア要素はHAVE_METADATA に設定されるreadyState 属性に終わる。メディアリソースが再生するとき、たとえばメディアデータが依然として一貫した再生を維持し最も遅い可能性のレートで得られるようにダウンロードを絞ることが示唆するような、帯域幅の不足を考慮すべきであるというユーザーエージェントへのヒント。 |
The preload
attribute is intended to provide a hint to the user agent about what the author thinks will lead to the best user experience. The attribute may be ignored altogether, for example based on explicit user preferences or based on the available connectivity.
Support in all current engines.
The buffered
attribute must return a new static normalized TimeRanges
object that represents the ranges of the media resource, if any, that the user agent has buffered, at the time the attribute is evaluated. Users agents must accurately determine the ranges available, even for media streams where this can only be determined by tedious inspection.
Typically this will be a single range anchored at the zero point, but if, e.g. the user agent uses HTTP range requests in response to seeking, then there could be multiple ranges.
User agents may discard previously buffered data.
Thus, a time position included within a range of the objects return by the buffered
attribute at one time can end up being not included in the range(s) of objects returned by the same attribute at later times.
Returning a new object each time is a bad pattern for attribute getters and is only enshrined here as it would be costly to change it. It is not to be copied to new APIs.
Support in all current engines.
media.currentTime [ = value ]
Support in all current engines.
A media resource has a media timeline that maps times (in seconds) to positions in the media resource. The origin of a timeline is its earliest defined position. The duration of a timeline is its last defined position.
Establishing the media timeline: if the media resource somehow specifies an explicit timeline whose origin is not negative (i.e. gives each frame a specific time offset and gives the first frame a zero or positive offset), then the media timeline should be that timeline. (Whether the media resource can specify a timeline or not depends on the media resource's format.) If the media resource specifies an explicit start time and date, then that time and date should be considered the zero point in the media timeline; the timeline offset will be the time and date, exposed using the getStartDate()
If the media resource has a discontinuous timeline, the user agent must extend the timeline used at the start of the resource across the entire resource, so that the media timeline of the media resource increases linearly starting from the earliest possible position (as defined below), even if the underlying media data has out-of-order or even overlapping time codes.
For example, if two clips have been concatenated into one video file, but the video format exposes the original times for the two clips, the video data might expose a timeline that goes, say, 00:15..00:29 and then 00:05..00:38. However, the user agent would not expose those times; it would instead expose the times as 00:15..00:29 and 00:29..01:02, as a single video.
In the rare case of a media resource that does not have an explicit timeline, the zero time on the media timeline should correspond to the first frame of the media resource. In the even rarer case of a media resource with no explicit timings of any kind, not even frame durations, the user agent must itself determine the time for each frame in an implementation-defined manner.
An example of a file format with no explicit timeline but with explicit frame durations is the Animated GIF format. An example of a file format with no explicit timings at all is the JPEG-push format (multipart/x-mixed-replace
with JPEG frames, often used as the format for MJPEG streams).
If, in the case of a resource with no timing information, the user agent will nonetheless be able to seek to an earlier point than the first frame originally provided by the server, then the zero time should correspond to the earliest seekable time of the media resource; otherwise, it should correspond to the first frame received from the server (the point in the media resource at which the user agent began receiving the stream).
At the time of writing, there is no known format that lacks explicit frame time offsets yet still supports seeking to a frame before the first frame sent by the server.
Consider a stream from a TV broadcaster, which begins streaming on a sunny Friday afternoon in October, and always sends connecting user agents the media data on the same media timeline, with its zero time set to the start of this stream. Months later, user agents connecting to this stream will find that the first frame they receive has a time with millions of seconds. The getStartDate()
method would always return the date that the broadcast started; this would allow controllers to display real times in their scrubber (e.g. "2:30pm") rather than a time relative to when the broadcast began ("8 months, 4 hours, 12 minutes, and 23 seconds").
Consider a stream that carries a video with several concatenated fragments, broadcast by a server that does not allow user agents to request specific times but instead just streams the video data in a predetermined order, with the first frame delivered always being identified as the frame with time zero. If a user agent connects to this stream and receives fragments defined as covering timestamps 2010-03-20 23:15:00 UTC to 2010-03-21 00:05:00 UTC and 2010-02-12 14:25:00 UTC to 2010-02-12 14:35:00 UTC, it would expose this with a media timeline starting at 0s and extending to 3,600s (one hour). Assuming the streaming server disconnected at the end of the second clip, the duration
attribute would then return 3,600. The getStartDate()
method would return a Date
object with a time corresponding to 2010-03-20 23:15:00 UTC. However, if a different user agent connected five minutes later, it would (presumably) receive fragments covering timestamps 2010-03-20 23:20:00 UTC to 2010-03-21 00:05:00 UTC and 2010-02-12 14:25:00 UTC to 2010-02-12 14:35:00 UTC, and would expose this with a media timeline starting at 0s and extending to 3,300s (fifty five minutes). In this case, the getStartDate()
method would return a Date
object with a time corresponding to 2010-03-20 23:20:00 UTC.
In both of these examples, the seekable
attribute would give the ranges that the controller would want to actually display in its UI; typically, if the servers don't support seeking to arbitrary times, this would be the range of time from the moment the user agent connected to the stream up to the latest frame that the user agent has obtained; however, if the user agent starts discarding earlier information, the actual range might be shorter.
In any case, the user agent must ensure that the earliest possible position (as defined below) using the established media timeline, is greater than or equal to zero.
The media timeline also has an associated clock. Which clock is used is user-agent defined, and may be media resource-dependent, but it should approximate the user's wall clock.
Media elements have a current playback position, which must initially (i.e. in the absence of media data) be zero seconds. The current playback position is a time on the media timeline.
Media elements also have an official playback position, which must initially be set to zero seconds. The official playback position is an approximation of the current playback position that is kept stable while scripts are running.
Media elements also have a default playback start position, which must initially be set to zero seconds. This time is used to allow the element to be seeked even before the media is loaded.
Each media element has a show poster flag. When a media element is created, this flag must be set to true. This flag is used to control when the user agent is to show a poster frame for a video
element instead of showing the video contents.
The currentTime
attribute must, on getting, return the media element's default playback start position, unless that is zero, in which case it must return the element's official playback position. The returned value must be expressed in seconds. On setting, if the media element's readyState
, then it must set the media element's default playback start position to the new value; otherwise, it must set the official playback position to the new value and then seek to the new value. The new value must be interpreted as being in seconds.
If the media resource is a streaming resource, then the user agent might be unable to obtain certain parts of the resource after it has expired from its buffer. Similarly, some media resources might have a media timeline that doesn't start at zero. The earliest possible position is the earliest position in the stream or resource that the user agent can ever obtain again. It is also a time on the media timeline.
The earliest possible position is not explicitly exposed in the API; it corresponds to the start time of the first range in the seekable
attribute's TimeRanges
object, if any, or the current playback position otherwise.
When the earliest possible position changes, then: if the current playback position is before the earliest possible position, the user agent must seek to the earliest possible position; otherwise, if the user agent has not fired a timeupdate
event at the element in the past 15 to 250ms and is not still running event handlers for such an event, then the user agent must queue a media element task given the media element to fire an event named timeupdate
at the element.
Because of the above requirement and the requirement in the resource fetch algorithm that kicks in when the metadata of the clip becomes known, the current playback position can never be less than the earliest possible position.
If at any time the user agent learns that an audio or video track has ended and all media data relating to that track corresponds to parts of the media timeline that are before the earliest possible position, the user agent may queue a media element task given the media element to run these steps:
Remove the track from the audioTracks
attribute's AudioTrackList
object or the videoTracks
attribute's VideoTrackList
object as appropriate.
Fire an event named removetrack
at the media element's aforementioned AudioTrackList
or VideoTrackList
object, using TrackEvent
, with the track
attribute initialized to the AudioTrack
or VideoTrack
object representing the track.
The duration
attribute must return the time of the end of the media resource, in seconds, on the media timeline. If no media data is available, then the attributes must return the Not-a-Number (NaN) value. If the media resource is not known to be bounded (e.g. streaming radio, or a live event with no announced end time), then the attribute must return the positive Infinity value.
The user agent must determine the duration of the media resource before playing any part of the media data and before setting readyState
to a value greater than or equal to HAVE_METADATA
, even if doing so requires fetching multiple parts of the resource.
When the length of the media resource changes to a known value (e.g. from being unknown to known, or from a previously established length to a new length) the user agent must queue a media element task given the media element to fire an event named durationchange
at the media element. (The event is not fired when the duration is reset as part of loading a new media resource.) If the duration is changed such that the current playback position ends up being greater than the time of the end of the media resource, then the user agent must also seek to the time of the end of the media resource.
If an "infinite" stream ends for some reason, then the duration would change from positive Infinity to the time of the last frame or sample in the stream, and the durationchange
event would be fired. Similarly, if the user agent initially estimated the media resource's duration instead of determining it precisely, and later revises the estimate based on new information, then the duration would change and the durationchange
event would be fired.
Some video files also have an explicit date and time corresponding to the zero time in the media timeline, known as the timeline offset. Initially, the timeline offset must be set to Not-a-Number (NaN).
The getStartDate()
method must return a new Date
object representing the current timeline offset.
Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
Media elements have a ready state, which describes to what degree they are ready to be rendered at the current playback position. The possible values are as follows; the ready state of a media element at any particular time is the greatest value describing the state of the element:
When the ready state of a media element whose networkState
changes, the user agent must follow the steps given below:
Apply the first applicable set of substeps from the following list:
, and the new ready state is HAVE_METADATA
Queue a media element task given the media element to fire an event named loadedmetadata
at the element.
Before this task is run, as part of the event loop mechanism, the rendering will have been updated to resize the video
element if appropriate.
and the new ready state is HAVE_CURRENT_DATA
or greaterIf this is the first time this occurs for this media element since the load()
algorithm was last invoked, the user agent must queue a media element task given the media element to fire an event named loadeddata
at the element.
If the new ready state is HAVE_FUTURE_DATA
, then the relevant steps below must then be run also.
or more, and the new ready state is HAVE_CURRENT_DATA
or lessIf the media element was potentially playing before its readyState
attribute changed to a value lower than HAVE_FUTURE_DATA
, and the element has not ended playback, and playback has not stopped due to errors, paused for user interaction, or paused for in-band content, the user agent must queue a media element task given the media element to fire an event named timeupdate
at the element, and queue a media element task given the media element to fire an event named waiting
at the element.
or less, and the new ready state is HAVE_FUTURE_DATA
The user agent must queue a media element task given the media element to fire an event named canplay
at the element.
If the element's paused
attribute is false, the user agent must notify about playing for the element.
If the previous ready state was HAVE_CURRENT_DATA
or less, the user agent must queue a media element task given the media element to fire an event named canplay
at the element, and, if the element's paused
attribute is false, notify about playing for the element.
The user agent must queue a media element task given the media element to fire an event named canplaythrough
at the element.
If the element is not eligible for autoplay, then the user agent must abort these substeps.
The user agent may run the following substeps:
attribute to
at the element.Alternatively, if the element is a video
element, the user agent may start observing whether the element intersects the viewport. When the element starts intersecting the viewport, if the element is still eligible for autoplay, run the substeps above. Optionally, when the element stops intersecting the viewport, if the can autoplay flag is still true and the autoplay
attribute is still specified, run the following substeps:
at the element.The substeps for playing and pausing can run multiple times as the element starts or stops intersecting the viewport, as long as the can autoplay flag is true.
User agents do not need to support autoplay, and it is suggested that user agents honor user preferences on the matter. Authors are urged to use the autoplay
attribute rather than using script to force the video to play, so as to allow the user to override the behavior if so desired.
The readyState
IDL attribute must, on getting, return the value described above that describes the current ready state of the media element.
Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
media.defaultPlaybackRate [ = value ]
Support in all current engines.
media.playbackRate [ = value ]
Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
The paused
attribute represents whether the media element is paused or not. The attribute must initially be true.
A media element is a blocked media element if its readyState
attribute is in the HAVE_NOTHING
state, the HAVE_METADATA
state, or the HAVE_CURRENT_DATA
state, or if the element has paused for user interaction or paused for in-band content.
A media element is said to be potentially playing when its paused
attribute is false, the element has not ended playback, playback has not stopped due to errors, and the element is not a blocked media element.
A waiting
DOM event can be fired as a result of an element that is potentially playing stopping playback due to its readyState
attribute changing to a value lower than HAVE_FUTURE_DATA
A media element is said to be eligible for autoplay when all of the following are true:
its can autoplay flag is true;
its paused
attribute is true;
it has an autoplay
attribute specified;
its node document's active sandboxing flag set does not have the sandboxed automatic features browsing context flag set; and
its node document is allowed to use the "autoplay
" feature.
A media element is said to be allowed to play if the user agent and the system allow media playback in the current context.
For example, a user agent could allow playback only when the media element's Window
object has transient activation, but an exception could be made to allow playback while muted.
A media element is said to have ended playback when:
The element's readyState
attribute is HAVE_METADATA
or greater, and
The current playback position is the end of the media resource, and
The direction of playback is forwards, and
The media element does not have a loop
attribute specified.
The current playback position is the earliest possible position, and
The direction of playback is backwards.
The ended
attribute must return true if, the last time the event loop reached step 1, the media element had ended playback and the direction of playback was forwards, and false otherwise.
A media element is said to have stopped due to errors when the element's readyState
attribute is HAVE_METADATA
or greater, and the user agent encounters a non-fatal error during the processing of the media data, and due to that error, is not able to play the content at the current playback position.
A media element is said to have paused for user interaction when its paused
attribute is false, the readyState
attribute is either HAVE_FUTURE_DATA
and the user agent has reached a point in the media resource where the user has to make a selection for the resource to continue.
It is possible for a media element to have both ended playback and paused for user interaction at the same time.
When a media element that is potentially playing stops playing because it has paused for user interaction, the user agent must queue a media element task given the media element to fire an event named timeupdate
at the element.
A media element is said to have paused for in-band content when its paused
attribute is false, the readyState
attribute is either HAVE_FUTURE_DATA
and the user agent has suspended playback of the media resource in order to play content that is temporally anchored to the media resource and has a nonzero length, or to play content that is temporally anchored to a segment of the media resource but has a length longer than that segment.
One example of when a media element would be paused for in-band content is when the user agent is playing audio descriptions from an external WebVTT file, and the synthesized speech generated for a cue is longer than the time between the text track cue start time and the text track cue end time.
When the current playback position reaches the end of the media resource when the direction of playback is forwards, then the user agent must follow these steps:
If the media element has a loop
attribute specified, then seek to the earliest possible position of the media resource and return.
As defined above, the ended
IDL attribute starts returning true once the event loop returns to step 1.
Queue a media element task given the media element and the following steps:
Fire an event named timeupdate
at the media element.
If the media element has ended playback, the direction of playback is forwards, and paused is false, then:
Set the paused
attribute to true.
Fire an event named pause
at the media element.
Take pending play promises and reject pending play promises with the result and an "AbortError
" DOMException
Fire an event named ended
at the media element.
When the current playback position reaches the earliest possible position of the media resource when the direction of playback is backwards, then the user agent must only queue a media element task given the media element to fire an event named timeupdate
at the element.
The word "reaches" here does not imply that the current playback position needs to have changed during normal playback; it could be via seeking, for instance.
The defaultPlaybackRate
attribute gives the desired speed at which the media resource is to play, as a multiple of its intrinsic speed. The attribute is mutable: on getting it must return the last value it was set to, or 1.0 if it hasn't yet been set; on setting the attribute must be set to the new value.
The defaultPlaybackRate
is used by the user agent when it exposes a user interface to the user.
The playbackRate
attribute gives the effective playback rate, which is the speed at which the media resource plays, as a multiple of its intrinsic speed. If it is not equal to the defaultPlaybackRate
, then the implication is that the user is using a feature such as fast forward or slow motion playback. The attribute is mutable: on getting it must return the last value it was set to, or 1.0 if it hasn't yet been set; on setting, the user agent must follow these steps:
If the given value is not supported by the user agent, then throw a "NotSupportedError
" DOMException
Set playbackRate
to the new value, and if the element is potentially playing, change the playback speed.
When the defaultPlaybackRate
or playbackRate
attributes change value (either by being set by script or by being changed directly by the user agent, e.g. in response to user control) the user agent must queue a media element task given the media element to fire an event named ratechange
at the media element. The user agent must process attribute changes smoothly and must not introduce any perceivable gaps or muting of playback in response.
The preservesPitch
getter steps are to return true if a pitch-preserving algorithm is in effect during playback. The setter steps are to correspondingly switch the pitch-preserving algorithm on or off, without any perceivable gaps or muting of playback. By default, such a pitch-preserving algorithm must be in effect (i.e., the getter will initially return true).
The played
attribute must return a new static normalized TimeRanges
object that represents the ranges of points on the media timeline of the media resource reached through the usual monotonic increase of the current playback position during normal playback, if any, at the time the attribute is evaluated.
Returning a new object each time is a bad pattern for attribute getters and is only enshrined here as it would be costly to change it. It is not to be copied to new APIs.
Each media element has a list of pending play promises, which must initially be empty.
To take pending play promises for a media element, the user agent must run the following steps:
Let promises be an empty list of promises.
Copy the media element's list of pending play promises to promises.
Clear the media element's list of pending play promises.
To resolve pending play promises for a media element with a list of promises promises, the user agent must resolve each promise in promises with undefined.
To reject pending play promises for a media element with a list of promises promises and an exception name error, the user agent must reject each promise in promises with error.
To notify about playing for a media element, the user agent must run the following steps:
Take pending play promises and let promises be the result.
Queue a media element task given the element and the following steps:
Fire an event named playing
at the element.
Resolve pending play promises with promises.
When the play()
method on a media element is invoked, the user agent must run the following steps.
If the media element is not allowed to play, then return a promise rejected with a "NotAllowedError
" DOMException
If the media element's error
attribute is not null and its code is MEDIA_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPORTED
, then return a promise rejected with a "NotSupportedError
" DOMException
This means that the dedicated media source failure steps have run. Playback is not possible until the media element load algorithm clears the error
Let promise be a new promise and append promise to the list of pending play promises.
Run the internal play steps for the media element.
Return promise.
The internal play steps for a media element are as follows:
If the media element's networkState
attribute has the value NETWORK_EMPTY
, invoke the media element's resource selection algorithm.
If the playback has ended and the direction of playback is forwards, seek to the earliest possible position of the media resource.
This will cause the user agent to queue a media element task given the media element to fire an event named timeupdate
at the media element.
If the media element's paused
attribute is true, then:
Change the value of paused
to false.
If the show poster flag is true, set the element's show poster flag to false and run the time marches on steps.
Queue a media element task given the media element to fire an event named play
at the element.
If the media element's readyState
attribute has the value HAVE_NOTHING
, queue a media element task given the media element to fire an event named waiting
at the element.
Otherwise, the media element's readyState
attribute has the value HAVE_FUTURE_DATA
: notify about playing for the element.
Otherwise, if the media element's readyState
attribute has the value HAVE_FUTURE_DATA
, take pending play promises and queue a media element task given the media element to resolve pending play promises with the result.
The media element is already playing. However, it's possible that promise will be rejected before the queued task is run.
Set the media element's can autoplay flag to false.
When the pause()
method is invoked, and when the user agent is required to pause the media element, the user agent must run the following steps:
If the media element's networkState
attribute has the value NETWORK_EMPTY
, invoke the media element's resource selection algorithm.
Run the internal pause steps for the media element.
The internal pause steps for a media element are as follows:
Set the media element's can autoplay flag to false.
If the media element's paused
attribute is false, run the following steps:
Change the value of paused
to true.
Take pending play promises and let promises be the result.
Queue a media element task given the media element and the following steps:
Fire an event named timeupdate
at the element.
Fire an event named pause
at the element.
Reject pending play promises with promises and an "AbortError
" DOMException
Set the official playback position to the current playback position.
If the element's playbackRate
is positive or zero, then the direction of playback is forwards. Otherwise, it is backwards.
When a media element is potentially playing and its Document
is a fully active Document
, its current playback position must increase monotonically at the element's playbackRate
units of media time per unit time of the media timeline's clock. (This specification always refers to this as an increase, but that increase could actually be a decrease if the element's playbackRate
is negative.)
The element's playbackRate
can be 0.0, in which case the current playback position doesn't move, despite playback not being paused (paused
doesn't become true, and the pause
event doesn't fire).
This specification doesn't define how the user agent achieves the appropriate playback rate — depending on the protocol and media available, it is plausible that the user agent could negotiate with the server to have the server provide the media data at the appropriate rate, so that (except for the period between when the rate is changed and when the server updates the stream's playback rate) the client doesn't actually have to drop or interpolate any frames.
Any time the user agent provides a stable state, the official playback position must be set to the current playback position.
While the direction of playback is backwards, any corresponding audio must be muted. While the element's playbackRate
is so low or so high that the user agent cannot play audio usefully, the corresponding audio must also be muted. If the element's playbackRate
is not 1.0 and preservesPitch
is true, the user agent must apply pitch adjustment to preserve the original pitch of the audio. Otherwise, the user agent must speed up or slow down the audio without any pitch adjustment.
When a media element is potentially playing, its audio data played must be synchronized with the current playback position, at the element's effective media volume. The user agent must play the audio from audio tracks that were enabled when the event loop last reached step 1.
When a media element is not potentially playing, audio must not play for the element.
Media elements that are potentially playing while not in a document must not play any video, but should play any audio component. Media elements must not stop playing just because all references to them have been removed; only once a media element is in a state where no further audio could ever be played by that element may the element be garbage collected.
It is possible for an element to which no explicit references exist to play audio, even if such an element is not still actively playing: for instance, it could be unpaused but stalled waiting for content to buffer, or it could be still buffering, but with a suspend
event listener that begins playback. Even a media element whose media resource has no audio tracks could eventually play audio again if it had an event listener that changes the media resource.
Each media element has a list of newly introduced cues, which must be initially empty. Whenever a text track cue is added to the list of cues of a text track that is in the list of text tracks for a media element, that cue must be added to the media element's list of newly introduced cues. Whenever a text track is added to the list of text tracks for a media element, all of the cues in that text track's list of cues must be added to the media element's list of newly introduced cues. When a media element's list of newly introduced cues has new cues added while the media element's show poster flag is not set, then the user agent must run the time marches on steps.
When a text track cue is removed from the list of cues of a text track that is in the list of text tracks for a media element, and whenever a text track is removed from the list of text tracks of a media element, if the media element's show poster flag is not set, then the user agent must run the time marches on steps.
When the current playback position of a media element changes (e.g. due to playback or seeking), the user agent must run the time marches on steps. To support use cases that depend on the timing accuracy of cue event firing, such as synchronizing captions with shot changes in a video, user agents should fire cue events as close as possible to their position on the media timeline, and ideally within 20 milliseconds. If the current playback position changes while the steps are running, then the user agent must wait for the steps to complete, and then must immediately rerun the steps. These steps are thus run as often as possible or needed.
If one iteration takes a long time, this can cause short duration cues to be skipped over as the user agent rushes ahead to "catch up", so these cues will not appear in the activeCues
The time marches on steps are as follows:
Let current cues be a list of cues, initialized to contain all the cues of all the or showing text tracks of the media element (not the disabled ones) whose start times are less than or equal to the current playback position and whose end times are greater than the current playback position.
Let other cues be a list of cues, initialized to contain all the cues of and showing text tracks of the media element that are not present in current cues.
Let last time be the current playback position at the time this algorithm was last run for this media element, if this is not the first time it has run.
If the current playback position has, since the last time this algorithm was run, only changed through its usual monotonic increase during normal playback, then let missed cues be the list of cues in other cues whose start times are greater than or equal to last time and whose end times are less than or equal to the current playback position. Otherwise, let missed cues be an empty list.
Remove all the cues in missed cues that are also in the media element's list of newly introduced cues, and then empty the element's list of newly introduced cues.
If the time was reached through the usual monotonic increase of the current playback position during normal playback, and if the user agent has not fired a timeupdate
event at the element in the past 15 to 250ms and is not still running event handlers for such an event, then the user agent must queue a media element task given the media element to fire an event named timeupdate
at the element. (In the other cases, such as explicit seeks, relevant events get fired as part of the overall process of changing the current playback position.)
The event thus is not to be fired faster than about 66Hz or slower than 4Hz (assuming the event handlers don't take longer than 250ms to run). User agents are encouraged to vary the frequency of the event based on the system load and the average cost of processing the event each time, so that the UI updates are not any more frequent than the user agent can comfortably handle while decoding the video.
If all of the cues in current cues have their text track cue active flag set, none of the cues in other cues have their text track cue active flag set, and missed cues is empty, then return.
If the time was reached through the usual monotonic increase of the current playback position during normal playback, and there are cues in other cues that have their text track cue pause-on-exit flag set and that either have their text track cue active flag set or are also in missed cues, then immediately pause the media element.
In the other cases, such as explicit seeks, playback is not paused by going past the end time of a cue, even if that cue has its text track cue pause-on-exit flag set.
Let events be a list of tasks, initially empty. Each task in this list will be associated with a text track, a text track cue, and a time, which are used to sort the list before the tasks are queued.
Let affected tracks be a list of text tracks, initially empty.
When the steps below say to prepare an event named event for a text track cue target with a time time, the user agent must run these steps:
Let track be the text track with which the text track cue target is associated.
Create a task to fire an event named event at target.
Add the newly created task to events, associated with the time time, the text track track, and the text track cue target.
Add track to affected tracks.
For each text track cue in missed cues, prepare an event named enter
for the TextTrackCue
object with the text track cue start time.
For each text track cue in other cues that either has its text track cue active flag set or is in missed cues, prepare an event named exit
for the TextTrackCue
object with the later of the text track cue end time and the text track cue start time.
For each text track cue in current cues that does not have its text track cue active flag set, prepare an event named enter
for the TextTrackCue
object with the text track cue start time.
Sort the tasks in events in ascending time order (tasks with earlier times first).
Further sort tasks in events that have the same time by the relative text track cue order of the text track cues associated with these tasks.
Finally, sort tasks in events that have the same time and same text track cue order by placing tasks that fire enter
events before those that fire exit
Queue a media element task given the media element for each task in events, in list order.
Sort affected tracks in the same order as the text tracks appear in the media element's list of text tracks, and remove duplicates.
For each text track in affected tracks, in the list order, queue a media element task given the media element to fire an event named cuechange
at the TextTrack
object, and, if the text track has a corresponding track
element, to then fire an event named cuechange
at the track
element as well.
Set the text track cue active flag of all the cues in the current cues, and unset the text track cue active flag of all the cues in the other cues.
Run the rules for updating the text track rendering of each of the text tracks in affected tracks that are showing, providing the text track's text track language as the fallback language if it is not the empty string. For example, for text tracks based on WebVTT, the rules for updating the display of WebVTT text tracks. [WEBVTT]
For the purposes of the algorithm above, a text track cue is considered to be part of a text track only if it is listed in the text track list of cues, not merely if it is associated with the text track.
If the media element's node document stops being a fully active document, then the playback will stop until the document is active again.
When a media element is removed from a Document
, the user agent must run the following steps:
Await a stable state, allowing the task that removed the media element from the Document
to continue. The synchronous section consists of all the remaining steps of this algorithm. (Steps in the synchronous section are marked with ⌛.)
⌛ If the media element is in a document, return.
⌛ Run the internal pause steps for the media element.
Support in all current engines.
The seeking
attribute must initially have the value false.
The fastSeek(time)
method must seek to the time given by time, with the approximate-for-speed flag set.
When the user agent is required to seek to a particular new playback position in the media resource, optionally with the approximate-for-speed flag set, it means that the user agent must run the following steps. This algorithm interacts closely with the event loop mechanism; in particular, it has a synchronous section (which is triggered as part of the event loop algorithm). Steps in that section are marked with ⌛.
Set the media element's show poster flag to false.
If the media element's readyState
, return.
If the element's seeking
IDL attribute is true, then another instance of this algorithm is already running. Abort that other instance of the algorithm without waiting for the step that it is running to complete.
Set the seeking
IDL attribute to true.
If the seek was in response to a DOM method call or setting of an IDL attribute, then continue the script. The remainder of these steps must be run in parallel. With the exception of the steps marked with ⌛, they could be aborted at any time by another instance of this algorithm being invoked.
If the new playback position is later than the end of the media resource, then let it be the end of the media resource instead.
If the new playback position is less than the earliest possible position, let it be that position instead.
If the (possibly now changed) new playback position is not in one of the ranges given in the seekable
attribute, then let it be the position in one of the ranges given in the seekable
attribute that is the nearest to the new playback position. If two positions both satisfy that constraint (i.e. the new playback position is exactly in the middle between two ranges in the seekable
attribute) then use the position that is closest to the current playback position. If there are no ranges given in the seekable
attribute then set the seeking
IDL attribute to false and return.
If the approximate-for-speed flag is set, adjust the new playback position to a value that will allow for playback to resume promptly. If new playback position before this step is before current playback position, then the adjusted new playback position must also be before the current playback position. Similarly, if the new playback position before this step is after current playback position, then the adjusted new playback position must also be after the current playback position.
For example, the user agent could snap to a nearby key frame, so that it doesn't have to spend time decoding then discarding intermediate frames before resuming playback.
Queue a media element task given the media element to fire an event named seeking
at the element.
Set the current playback position to the new playback position.
If the media element was potentially playing immediately before it started seeking, but seeking caused its readyState
attribute to change to a value lower than HAVE_FUTURE_DATA
, then a waiting
event will be fired at the element.
This step sets the current playback position, and thus can immediately trigger other conditions, such as the rules regarding when playback "reaches the end of the media resource" (part of the logic that handles looping), even before the user agent is actually able to render the media data for that position (as determined in the next step).
The currentTime
attribute returns the official playback position, not the current playback position, and therefore gets updated before script execution, separate from this algorithm.
Wait until the user agent has established whether or not the media data for the new playback position is available, and, if it is, until it has decoded enough data to play back that position.
Await a stable state. The synchronous section consists of all the remaining steps of this algorithm. (Steps in the synchronous section are marked with ⌛.)
⌛ Set the seeking
IDL attribute to false.
⌛ Run the time marches on steps.
⌛ Queue a media element task given the media element to fire an event named timeupdate
at the element.
⌛ Queue a media element task given the media element to fire an event named seeked
at the element.
The seekable
attribute must return a new static normalized TimeRanges
object that represents the ranges of the media resource, if any, that the user agent is able to seek to, at the time the attribute is evaluated.
If the user agent can seek to anywhere in the media resource, e.g. because it is a simple movie file and the user agent and the server support HTTP Range requests, then the attribute would return an object with one range, whose start is the time of the first frame (the earliest possible position, typically zero), and whose end is the same as the time of the first frame plus the duration
attribute's value (which would equal the time of the last frame, and might be positive Infinity).
The range might be continuously changing, e.g. if the user agent is buffering a sliding window on an infinite stream. This is the behavior seen with DVRs viewing live TV, for instance.
Returning a new object each time is a bad pattern for attribute getters and is only enshrined here as it would be costly to change it. It is not to be copied to new APIs.
User agents should adopt a very liberal and optimistic view of what is seekable. User agents should also buffer recent content where possible to enable seeking to be fast.
For instance, consider a large video file served on an HTTP server without support for HTTP Range requests. A browser could implement this by only buffering the current frame and data obtained for subsequent frames, never allow seeking, except for seeking to the very start by restarting the playback. However, this would be a poor implementation. A high quality implementation would buffer the last few minutes of content (or more, if sufficient storage space is available), allowing the user to jump back and rewatch something surprising without any latency, and would in addition allow arbitrary seeking by reloading the file from the start if necessary, which would be slower but still more convenient than having to literally restart the video and watch it all the way through just to get to an earlier unbuffered spot.
Media resources might be internally scripted or interactive. Thus, a media element could play in a non-linear fashion. If this happens, the user agent must act as if the algorithm for seeking was used whenever the current playback position changes in a discontinuous fashion (so that the relevant events fire).
メディアリソース は、複数の埋め込みオーディオおよびビデオトラックを持つことができる。たとえば、主ビデオトラックとオーディオトラックに加えて、メディアリソースは、外国語吹き替えのやりとり、監督の解説、音声による説明、代替アングル、または手話のオーバーレイを持つかもしれない。
Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
The audioTracks
attribute of a media element must return a live AudioTrackList
object representing the audio tracks available in the media element's media resource.
The videoTracks
attribute of a media element must return a live VideoTrackList
object representing the video tracks available in the media element's media resource.
There are only ever one AudioTrackList
object and one VideoTrackList
object per media element, even if another media resource is loaded into the element: the objects are reused. (The AudioTrack
and VideoTrack
objects are not, though.)
オブジェクトSupport in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
[Exposed =Window ]
interface AudioTrackList : EventTarget {
readonly attribute unsigned long length ;
getter AudioTrack (unsigned long index );
AudioTrack ? getTrackById (DOMString id );
attribute EventHandler onchange ;
attribute EventHandler onaddtrack ;
attribute EventHandler onremovetrack ;
[Exposed =Window ]
interface AudioTrack {
readonly attribute DOMString id ;
readonly attribute DOMString kind ;
readonly attribute DOMString label ;
readonly attribute DOMString language ;
attribute boolean enabled ;
[Exposed =Window ]
interface VideoTrackList : EventTarget {
readonly attribute unsigned long length ;
getter VideoTrack (unsigned long index );
VideoTrack ? getTrackById (DOMString id );
readonly attribute long selectedIndex ;
attribute EventHandler onchange ;
attribute EventHandler onaddtrack ;
attribute EventHandler onremovetrack ;
[Exposed =Window ]
interface VideoTrack {
readonly attribute DOMString id ;
readonly attribute DOMString kind ;
readonly attribute DOMString label ;
readonly attribute DOMString language ;
attribute boolean selected ;
Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
audioTrack = media.audioTracks[index]
videoTrack = media.videoTracks[index]
audioTrack = media.audioTracks.getTrackById(id)
Support in all current engines.
videoTrack = media.videoTracks.getTrackById(id)
Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
audioTrack.enabled [ = value ]
Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
videoTrack.selected [ = value ]
Support in all current engines.
An AudioTrackList
object represents a dynamic list of zero or more audio tracks, of which zero or more can be enabled at a time. Each audio track is represented by an AudioTrack
A VideoTrackList
object represents a dynamic list of zero or more video tracks, of which zero or one can be selected at a time. Each video track is represented by a VideoTrack
Tracks in AudioTrackList
and VideoTrackList
objects must be consistently ordered. If the media resource is in a format that defines an order, then that order must be used; otherwise, the order must be the relative order in which the tracks are declared in the media resource. The order used is called the natural order of the list.
Each track in one of these objects thus has an index; the first has the index 0, and each subsequent track is numbered one higher than the previous one. If a media resource dynamically adds or removes audio or video tracks, then the indices of the tracks will change dynamically. If the media resource changes entirely, then all the previous tracks will be removed and replaced with new tracks.
The AudioTrackList
and VideoTrackList
attribute getters must return the number of tracks represented by their objects at the time of getting.
The supported property indices of AudioTrackList
and VideoTrackList
objects at any instant are the numbers from zero to the number of tracks represented by the respective object minus one, if any tracks are represented. If an AudioTrackList
or VideoTrackList
object represents no tracks, it has no supported property indices.
To determine the value of an indexed property for a given index index in an AudioTrackList
or VideoTrackList
object list, the user agent must return the AudioTrack
or VideoTrack
object that represents the indexth track in list.
The AudioTrackList
and VideoTrackList
methods must return the first AudioTrack
or VideoTrack
object (respectively) in the AudioTrackList
or VideoTrackList
object (respectively) whose identifier is equal to the value of the id argument (in the natural order of the list, as defined above). When no tracks match the given argument, the methods must return null.
The AudioTrack
and VideoTrack
objects represent specific tracks of a media resource. Each track can have an identifier, category, label, and language. These aspects of a track are permanent for the lifetime of the track; even if a track is removed from a media resource's AudioTrackList
or VideoTrackList
objects, those aspects do not change.
In addition, AudioTrack
objects can each be enabled or disabled; this is the audio track's enabled state. When an AudioTrack
is created, its enabled state must be set to false (disabled). The resource fetch algorithm can override this.
Similarly, a single VideoTrack
object per VideoTrackList
object can be selected, this is the video track's selection state. When a VideoTrack
is created, its selection state must be set to false (not selected). The resource fetch algorithm can override this.
The AudioTrack
and VideoTrack
attributes must return the identifier of the track, if it has one, or the empty string otherwise. If the media resource is in a format that supports media fragment syntax, the identifier returned for a particular track must be the same identifier that would enable the track if used as the name of a track in the track dimension of such a fragment. [INBAND]
For example, in Ogg files, this would be the Name header field of the track. [OGGSKELETONHEADERS]
The AudioTrack
and VideoTrack
attributes must return the category of the track, if it has one, or the empty string otherwise.
The category of a track is the string given in the first column of the table below that is the most appropriate for the track based on the definitions in the table's second and third columns, as determined by the metadata included in the track in the media resource. The cell in the third column of a row says what the category given in the cell in the first column of that row applies to; a category is only appropriate for an audio track if it applies to audio tracks, and a category is only appropriate for video tracks if it applies to video tracks. Categories must only be returned for AudioTrack
objects if they are appropriate for audio, and must only be returned for VideoTrack
objects if they are appropriate for video.
For Ogg files, the Role header field of the track gives the relevant metadata. For DASH media resources, the Role
element conveys the information. For WebM, only the FlagDefault
element currently maps to a value. Sourcing In-band Media Resource Tracks from Media Containers into HTML has further details. [OGGSKELETONHEADERS] [DASH] [WEBMCG] [INBAND]
カテゴリー | 定義 | 適用対象 | 例 |
"alternative " | メイントラックへの可能な代替、たとえば、曲の別テイク(オーディオ)、または別アングル(ビデオ)。 | Audioとvideo。 | Ogg:"audio/alternate"または"video/alternate"、DASH:"main"なしの"alternate"および"commentary"ロール、またaudioに対して"dub"ロールなし(他のロールは無視)。 |
"captions " | 焼き付き字幕をもつ主ビデオトラックのバージョン。(レガシーコンテンツ用。新しいコンテンツはテキストトラックを使用する。) | Videoのみ。 | DASH:"caption"および"main"ロールを同時に(他のロールは無視)。 |
"descriptions " | ビデオトラックの音声解説。 | Audioのみ。 | Ogg:"audio/audiodesc"。 |
"main " | 主オーディオまたはビデオトラック。 | Audioとvideo。 | Ogg:"audio/main"または"video/main"、WebM:"FlagDefault"要素が設定される、DASH:"caption"、"subtitle"、および"dub"なしの"main"ロール(他のロールは無視)。 |
"main-desc " | 音声解説と混合された、主オーディオトラック。 | Audioのみ。 | MPEG-2 TSでのAC3 audio:bsmod=2とfull_svc=1。 |
"sign " | オーディオトラックの手話通訳。 | Videoのみ。 | Ogg:"video/sign"。 |
"subtitles " | 焼き付き字幕をもつ主ビデオトラックのバージョン。(レガシーコンテンツ用。新しいコンテンツはテキストトラックを使用する。) | Videoのみ。 | DASH:"subtitle"および"main"ロールを同時(他のロールは無視)。 |
"translation " | 主オーディオトラックの翻訳バージョン。 | Audioのみ。 | Ogg:"audio/dub"。DASH:"dub"および"main"ロールを同時(他のロールは無視)。 |
"commentary " | 主オーディオまたはビデオトラックのコメンタリ。たとえばディレクターのコメント。 | Audioとvideo。 | DASH:"main"ロールなしの"commentary"ロール(他のロールは無視)。 |
" "(空文字列) | 明示的な種類がないか、トラックのメタデータで指定された種類は、ユーザーエージェントによって認識されない。 | Audioとvideo。 |
The AudioTrack
and VideoTrack
attributes must return the label of the track, if it has one, or the empty string otherwise. [INBAND]
The AudioTrack
and VideoTrack
attributes must return the BCP 47 language tag of the language of the track, if it has one, or the empty string otherwise. If the user agent is not able to express that language as a BCP 47 language tag (for example because the language information in the media resource's format is a free-form string without a defined interpretation), then the method must return the empty string, as if the track had no language. [INBAND]
The AudioTrack
attribute, on getting, must return true if the track is currently enabled, and false otherwise. On setting, it must enable the track if the new value is true, and disable it otherwise. (If the track is no longer in an AudioTrackList
object, then the track being enabled or disabled has no effect beyond changing the value of the attribute on the AudioTrack
Whenever an audio track in an AudioTrackList
that was disabled is enabled, and whenever one that was enabled is disabled, the user agent must queue a media element task given the media element to fire an event named change
at the AudioTrackList
An audio track that has no data for a particular position on the media timeline, or that does not exist at that position, must be interpreted as being silent at that point on the timeline.
The VideoTrackList
attribute must return the index of the currently selected track, if any. If the VideoTrackList
object does not currently represent any tracks, or if none of the tracks are selected, it must instead return −1.
The VideoTrack
attribute, on getting, must return true if the track is currently selected, and false otherwise. On setting, it must select the track if the new value is true, and unselect it otherwise. If the track is in a VideoTrackList
, then all the other VideoTrack
objects in that list must be unselected. (If the track is no longer in a VideoTrackList
object, then the track being selected or unselected has no effect beyond changing the value of the attribute on the VideoTrack
Whenever a track in a VideoTrackList
that was previously not selected is selected, and whenever the selected track in a VideoTrackList
is unselected without a new track being selected in its stead, the user agent must queue a media element task given the media element to fire an event named change
at the VideoTrackList
object. This task must be queued before the task that fires the resize
event, if any.
A video track that has no data for a particular position on the media timeline must be interpreted as being transparent black at that point on the timeline, with the same dimensions as the last frame before that position, or, if the position is before all the data for that track, the same dimensions as the first frame for that track. A track that does not exist at all at the current position must be treated as if it existed but had no data.
For instance, if a video has a track that is only introduced after one hour of playback, and the user selects that track then goes back to the start, then the user agent will act as if that track started at the start of the media resource but was simply transparent until one hour in.
The following are the event handlers (and their corresponding event handler event types) that must be supported, as event handler IDL attributes, by all objects implementing the AudioTrackList
and VideoTrackList
イベントハンドラー | イベントハンドラーイベント型 |
onchange Support in all current engines. Firefox🔰 33+Safari7+Chrome🔰 37+ Opera?Edge🔰 79+ Edge (Legacy)NoInternet Explorer10+ Firefox Android?Safari iOS?Chrome Android?WebView Android?Samsung Internet?Opera Android? Support in all current engines. Firefox31+Safari7+Chrome33+ Opera?Edge79+ Edge (Legacy)18Internet ExplorerNo Firefox Android?Safari iOS?Chrome Android?WebView Android4.4+Samsung Internet?Opera Android? Support in all current engines. Firefox🔰 33+Safari7+Chrome🔰 37+ Opera?Edge🔰 79+ Edge (Legacy)NoInternet Explorer10+ Firefox Android?Safari iOS?Chrome Android?WebView Android?Samsung Internet?Opera Android? | change |
onaddtrack Support in all current engines. Firefox🔰 33+Safari7+Chrome🔰 37+ Opera?Edge🔰 79+ Edge (Legacy)NoInternet Explorer10+ Firefox Android?Safari iOS?Chrome Android?WebView Android?Samsung Internet?Opera Android? Support in all current engines. Firefox31+Safari6+Chrome23+ Opera12.1+Edge79+ Edge (Legacy)12+Internet Explorer11 Firefox Android?Safari iOS7+Chrome Android?WebView Android?Samsung Internet?Opera Android12.1+ Support in all current engines. Firefox🔰 33+Safari7+Chrome🔰 37+ Opera?Edge🔰 79+ Edge (Legacy)NoInternet Explorer10+ Firefox Android?Safari iOS?Chrome Android?WebView Android?Samsung Internet?Opera Android? | addtrack |
onremovetrack AudioTrackList/removetrack_event Support in all current engines. Firefox🔰 33+Safari7+Chrome🔰 37+ Opera?Edge🔰 79+ Edge (Legacy)NoInternet Explorer10+ Firefox Android?Safari iOS?Chrome Android?WebView Android?Samsung Internet?Opera Android? TextTrackList/removetrack_event Support in all current engines. Firefox31+Safari7+Chrome33+ Opera20+Edge79+ Edge (Legacy)18Internet ExplorerNo Firefox Android?Safari iOS?Chrome Android?WebView Android4.4+Samsung Internet?Opera Android20+ VideoTrackList/removetrack_event Support in all current engines. Firefox🔰 33+Safari7+Chrome🔰 37+ Opera?Edge🔰 79+ Edge (Legacy)NoInternet Explorer10+ Firefox Android?Safari iOS?Chrome Android?WebView Android?Samsung Internet?Opera Android? | removetrack |
属性はスクリプトを再生すべきそのトラックを選択できるが、メディアリソースのURLのフラグメントで特定のトラックを指定することにより、宣言的に特定のトラックを選択することも可能である。フラグメントの形式は、メディアリソースのMIMEタイプに依存する。[RFC2046] [URL]
< video src = "myvideo#track=Alternative" ></ video >
これは、テキストトラックのキューの言語を表す文字列(BCP 47言語タグ)である。[BCP47]
Rules for processing and rendering such data are defined by the relevant specifications, e.g. the specification of the video format if the media resource is a video. Details for some legacy formats can be found in Sourcing In-band Media Resource Tracks from Media Containers into HTML. [INBAND]
When a media resource contains data that the user agent recognizes and supports as being equivalent to a text track, the user agent runs the steps to expose a media-resource-specific text track with the relevant data, as follows.
Associate the relevant data with a new text track and its corresponding new TextTrack
object. The text track is a media-resource-specific text track.
Set the new text track's kind, label, and language based on the semantics of the relevant data, as defined by the relevant specification. If there is no label in that data, then the label must be set to the empty string.
Associate the text track list of cues with the rules for updating the text track rendering appropriate for the format in question.
If the new text track's kind is chapters
or metadata
, then set the text track in-band metadata track dispatch type as follows, based on the type of the media resource:
element. [WEBMCG]stsd
box of the first stbl
box of the first minf
box of the first mdia
box of the text track's trak
box in the first moov
box of the file be the stsd box, if any. If the file has no stsd box, or if the stsd box has neither a mett
box nor a metx
box, then the text track in-band metadata track dispatch type must be set to the empty string. Otherwise, if the stsd box has a mett
box then the text track in-band metadata track dispatch type must be set to the concatenation of the string "mett
", a U+0020 SPACE character, and the value of the first mime_format
field of the first mett
box of the stsd box, or the empty string if that field is absent in that box. Otherwise, if the stsd box has no mett
box but has a metx
box then the text track in-band metadata track dispatch type must be set to the concatenation of the string "metx
", a U+0020 SPACE character, and the value of the first namespace
field of the first metx
box of the stsd box, or the empty string if that field is absent in that box. [MPEG4]Populate the new text track's list of cues with the cues parsed so far, following the guidelines for exposing cues, and begin updating it dynamically as necessary.
Set the new text track's readiness state to loaded.
Set the new text track's mode to the mode consistent with the user's preferences and the requirements of the relevant specification for the data.
For instance, if there are no other active subtitles, and this is a forced subtitle track (a subtitle track giving subtitles in the audio track's primary language, but only for audio that is actually in another language), then those subtitles might be activated here.
Add the new text track to the media element's list of text tracks.
Fire an event named addtrack
at the media element's textTracks
attribute's TextTrackList
object, using TrackEvent
, with the track
attribute initialized to the text track's TextTrack
When a track
element is created, it must be associated with a new text track (with its value set as defined below) and its corresponding new TextTrack
The text track kind is determined from the state of the element's kind
attribute according to the following table; for a state given in a cell of the first column, the kind is the string given in the second column:
状態 | String |
Subtitles | subtitles |
Captions | captions |
Descriptions | descriptions |
Chapters metadata | chapters |
Metadata | metadata |
The text track label is the element's track label.
The text track language is the element's track language, if any, or the empty string otherwise.
As the kind
, label
, and srclang
attributes are set, changed, or removed, the text track must update accordingly, as per the definitions above.
Changes to the track URL are handled in the algorithm below.
The text track readiness state is initially not loaded, and the text track mode is initially disabled.
The text track list of cues is initially empty. It is dynamically modified when the referenced file is parsed. Associated with the list are the rules for updating the text track rendering appropriate for the format in question; for WebVTT, this is the rules for updating the display of WebVTT text tracks. [WEBVTT]
When a track
element's parent element changes and the new parent is a media element, then the user agent must add the track
element's corresponding text track to the media element's list of text tracks, and then queue a media element task given the media element to fire an event named addtrack
at the media element's textTracks
attribute's TextTrackList
object, using TrackEvent
, with the track
attribute initialized to the text track's TextTrack
When a track
element's parent element changes and the old parent was a media element, then the user agent must remove the track
element's corresponding text track from the media element's list of text tracks, and then queue a media element task given the media element to fire an event named removetrack
at the media element's textTracks
attribute's TextTrackList
object, using TrackEvent
, with the track
attribute initialized to the text track's TextTrack
When a text track corresponding to a track
element is added to a media element's list of text tracks, the user agent must queue a media element task given the media element to run the following steps for the media element:
If the element's blocked-on-parser flag is true, then return.
If the element's did-perform-automatic-track-selection flag is true, then return.
Honor user preferences for automatic text track selection for this element.
When the user agent is required to honor user preferences for automatic text track selection for a media element, the user agent must run the following steps:
Perform automatic text track selection for subtitles
and captions
If there are any text tracks in the media element's list of text tracks whose text track kind is chapters
or metadata
that correspond to track
elements with a default
attribute set whose text track mode is set to disabled, then set the text track mode of all such tracks to .
Set the element's did-perform-automatic-track-selection flag to true.
When the steps above say to perform automatic text track selection for one or more text track kinds, it means to run the following steps:
Let candidates be a list consisting of the text tracks in the media element's list of text tracks whose text track kind is one of the kinds that were passed to the algorithm, if any, in the order given in the list of text tracks.
If candidates is empty, then return.
If any of the text tracks in candidates have a text track mode set to showing, return.
If the user has expressed an interest in having a track from candidates enabled based on its text track kind, text track language, and text track label, then set its text track mode to showing.
For example, the user could have set a browser preference to the effect of "I want French captions whenever possible", or "If there is a subtitle track with 'Commentary' in the title, enable it", or "If there are audio description tracks available, enable one, ideally in Swiss German, but failing that in Standard Swiss German or Standard German".
Otherwise, if there are any text tracks in candidates that correspond to track
elements with a default
attribute set whose text track mode is set to disabled, then set the text track mode of the first such track to showing.
When a text track corresponding to a track
element experiences any of the following circumstances, the user agent must start the track
processing model for that text track and its track
element is created.track
element's parent element changes and the new parent is a media element.When a user agent is to start the track
processing model for a text track and its track
element, it must run the following algorithm. This algorithm interacts closely with the event loop mechanism; in particular, it has a synchronous section (which is triggered as part of the event loop algorithm). The steps in that section are marked with ⌛.
If another occurrence of this algorithm is already running for this text track and its track
element, return, letting that other algorithm take care of this element.
If the text track's text track mode is not set to one of or showing, then return.
If the text track's track
element does not have a media element as a parent, return.
Run the remainder of these steps in parallel, allowing whatever caused these steps to run to continue.
Top: Await a stable state. The synchronous section consists of the following steps. (The steps in the synchronous section are marked with ⌛.)
⌛ Set the text track readiness state to loading.
⌛ If the track
element's parent is a media element then let corsAttributeState be the state of the parent media element's crossorigin
content attribute. Otherwise, let corsAttributeState be No CORS.
End the synchronous section, continuing the remaining steps in parallel.
If URL is not the empty string, then:
Let request be the result of creating a potential-CORS request given URL, "track
", and corsAttributeState, and with the same-origin fallback flag set.
Set request's client to the track
element's node document's relevant settings object.
Set request's initiator type to "track
Fetch request.
The tasks queued by the fetching algorithm on the networking task source to process the data as it is being fetched must determine the type of the resource. If the type of the resource is not a supported text track format, the load will fail, as described below. Otherwise, the resource's data must be passed to the appropriate parser (e.g., the WebVTT parser) as it is received, with the text track list of cues being used for that parser's output. [WEBVTT]
The appropriate parser will incrementally update the text track list of cues during these networking task source tasks, as each such task is run with whatever data has been received from the network).
This specification does not currently say whether or how to check the MIME types of text tracks, or whether or how to perform file type sniffing using the actual file data. Implementers differ in their intentions on this matter and it is therefore unclear what the right solution is. In the absence of any requirement here, the HTTP specifications' strict requirement to follow the Content-Type header prevails ("Content-Type specifies the media type of the underlying data." ... "If and only if the media type is not given by a Content-Type field, the recipient MAY attempt to guess the media type via inspection of its content and/or the name extension(s) of the URI used to identify the resource.").
If fetching fails for any reason (network error, the server returns an error code, CORS fails, etc.), or if URL is the empty string, then queue an element task on the DOM manipulation task source given the media element to first change the text track readiness state to failed to load and then fire an event named error
at the track
If fetching does not fail, but the type of the resource is not a supported text track format, or the file was not successfully processed (e.g., the format in question is an XML format and the file contained a well-formedness error that XML requires be detected and reported to the application), then the task that is queued on the networking task source in which the aforementioned problem is found must change the text track readiness state to failed to load and fire an event named error
at the track
If fetching does not fail, and the file was successfully processed, then the final task that is queued by the networking task source, after it has finished parsing the data, must change the text track readiness state to loaded, and fire an event named load
at the track
If, while fetching is ongoing, either:
...then the user agent must abort fetching, discarding any pending tasks generated by that algorithm (and in particular, not adding any cues to the text track list of cues after the moment the URL changed), and then queue an element task on the DOM manipulation task source given the track
element that first changes the text track readiness state to failed to load and then fires an event named error
at the track
Wait until the text track readiness state is no longer set to loading.
Wait until the track URL is no longer equal to URL, at the same time as the text track mode is set to or showing.
Jump to the step labeled top.
Whenever a track
element has its src
attribute set, changed, or removed, the user agent must immediately empty the element's text track's text track list of cues. (This also causes the algorithm above to stop adding cues from the resource being obtained using the previously given URL, if any.)
How a specific format's text track cues are to be interpreted for the purposes of processing by an HTML user agent is defined by that format. In the absence of such a specification, this section provides some constraints within which implementations can attempt to consistently expose such formats.
To support the text track model of HTML, each unit of timed data is converted to a text track cue. Where the mapping of the format's features to the aspects of a text track cue as defined in this specification are not defined, implementations must ensure that the mapping is consistent with the definitions of the aspects of a text track cue as defined above, as well as with the following constraints:
Should be set to the empty string if the format has no obvious analogue to a per-cue identifier.
Should be set to false.
Support in all current engines.
[Exposed =Window ]
interface TextTrackList : EventTarget {
readonly attribute unsigned long length ;
getter TextTrack (unsigned long index );
TextTrack ? getTrackById (DOMString id );
attribute EventHandler onchange ;
attribute EventHandler onaddtrack ;
attribute EventHandler onremovetrack ;
Support in all current engines.
media.textTracks[ n ]
textTrack = media.textTracks.getTrackById(id)
Support in all current engines.
A TextTrackList
object represents a dynamically updating list of text tracks in a given order.
The textTracks
attribute of media elements must return a TextTrackList
object representing the TextTrack
objects of the text tracks in the media element's list of text tracks, in the same order as in the list of text tracks.
Support in all current engines.
The length
attribute of a TextTrackList
object must return the number of text tracks in the list represented by the TextTrackList
The supported property indices of a TextTrackList
object at any instant are the numbers from zero to the number of text tracks in the list represented by the TextTrackList
object minus one, if any. If there are no text tracks in the list, there are no supported property indices.
To determine the value of an indexed property of a TextTrackList
object for a given index index, the user agent must return the indexth text track in the list represented by the TextTrackList
The getTrackById(id)
method must return the first TextTrack
in the TextTrackList
object whose id
IDL attribute would return a value equal to the value of the id argument. When no tracks match the given argument, the method must return null.
Support in all current engines.
enum TextTrackMode { " disabled " , " hidden " , " showing " };
enum TextTrackKind { " subtitles " , " captions " , " descriptions " , " chapters " , " metadata " };
[Exposed =Window ]
interface TextTrack : EventTarget {
readonly attribute TextTrackKind kind ;
readonly attribute DOMString label ;
readonly attribute DOMString language ;
readonly attribute DOMString id ;
readonly attribute DOMString inBandMetadataTrackDispatchType ;
attribute TextTrackMode mode ;
readonly attribute TextTrackCueList ? cues ;
readonly attribute TextTrackCueList ? activeCues ;
undefined addCue (TextTrackCue cue );
undefined removeCue (TextTrackCue cue );
attribute EventHandler oncuechange ;
textTrack = media.addTextTrack(kind [, label [, language ] ])
Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
textTrack.mode [ = value ]
Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
Support in all current engines.
The addTextTrack(kind, label, language)
method of media elements, when invoked, must run the following steps:
Create a new TextTrack
Create a new text track corresponding to the new object, and set its text track kind to kind, its text track label to label, its text track language to language, its text track readiness state to the text track loaded state, its text track mode to the mode, and its text track list of cues to an empty list.
Initially, the text track list of cues is not associated with any rules for updating the text track rendering. When a text track cue is added to it, the text track list of cues has its rules permanently set accordingly.
Add the new text track to the media element's list of text tracks.
Queue a media element task given the media element to fire an event named addtrack
at the media element's textTracks
attribute's TextTrackList
object, using TrackEvent
, with the track
attribute initialized to the new text track's TextTrack
Return the new TextTrack
The kind
attribute must return the text track kind of the text track that the TextTrack
object represents.
The label
attribute must return the text track label of the text track that the TextTrack
object represents.
The language
attribute must return the text track language of the text track that the TextTrack
object represents.
The id
attribute returns the track's identifier, if it has one, or the empty string otherwise. For tracks that correspond to track
elements, the track's identifier is the value of the element's id
attribute, if any. For in-band tracks, the track's identifier is specified by the media resource. If the media resource is in a format that supports media fragment syntax, the identifier returned for a particular track must be the same identifier that would enable the track if used as the name of a track in the track dimension of such a fragment.
The inBandMetadataTrackDispatchType
attribute must return the text track in-band metadata track dispatch type of the text track that the TextTrack
object represents.
The mode
attribute, on getting, must return the string corresponding to the text track mode of the text track that the TextTrack
object represents, as defined by the following list:
"On setting, if the new value isn't equal to what the attribute would currently return, the new value must be processed as follows:
"Set the text track mode of the text track that the TextTrack
object represents to the text track disabled mode.
Set the text track mode of the text track that the TextTrack
object represents to the mode.
"Set the text track mode of the text track that the TextTrack
object represents to the text track showing mode.
If the text track mode of the text track that the TextTrack
object represents is not the text track disabled mode, then the cues
attribute must return a live TextTrackCueList
object that represents the subset of the text track list of cues of the text track that the TextTrack
object represents whose end times occur at or after the earliest possible position when the script started, in text track cue order. そうでなければ、nullを返す。For each TextTrack
object, when an object is returned, the same TextTrackCueList
object must be returned each time.
The earliest possible position when the script started is whatever the earliest possible position was the last time the event loop reached step 1.
If the text track mode of the text track that the TextTrack
object represents is not the text track disabled mode, then the activeCues
attribute must return a live TextTrackCueList
object that represents the subset of the text track list of cues of the text track that the TextTrack
object represents whose active flag was set when the script started, in text track cue order. そうでなければ、nullを返す。For each TextTrack
object, when an object is returned, the same TextTrackCueList
object must be returned each time.
A text track cue's active flag was set when the script started if its text track cue active flag was set the last time the event loop reached step 1.
The addCue(cue)
method of TextTrack
objects, when invoked, must run the following steps:
If the text track list of cues does not yet have any associated rules for updating the text track rendering, then associate the text track list of cues with the rules for updating the text track rendering appropriate to cue.
If text track list of cues' associated rules for updating the text track rendering are not the same rules for updating the text track rendering as appropriate for cue, then throw an "InvalidStateError
" DOMException
If the given cue is in a text track list of cues, then remove cue from that text track list of cues.
Add cue to the TextTrack
object's text track's text track list of cues.
The removeCue(cue)
method of TextTrack
objects, when invoked, must run the following steps:
If the given cue is not in the TextTrack
object's text track's text track list of cues, then throw a "NotFoundError
" DOMException
Remove cue from the TextTrack
object's text track's text track list of cues.
var sfx = new Audio( 'sfx.wav' );
var sounds = sfx. addTextTrack( 'metadata' );
// add sounds we care about
function addFX( start, end, name) {
var cue = new VTTCue( start, end, '' );
cue. id = name;
cue. pauseOnExit = true ;
sounds. addCue( cue);
addFX( 12.783 , 13.612 , 'dog bark' );
addFX( 13.612 , 15.091 , 'kitten mew' );
function playSound( id) {
sfx. currentTime = sounds. getCueById( id). startTime;
sfx. play();
// play a bark as soon as we can
sfx. oncanplaythrough = function () {
playSound( 'dog bark' );
// meow when the user tries to leave,
// and have the browser ask them to stay
window. onbeforeunload = function ( e) {
playSound( 'kitten mew' );
e. preventDefault();
Support in all current engines.
[Exposed =Window ]
interface TextTrackCueList {
readonly attribute unsigned long length ;
getter TextTrackCue (unsigned long index );
TextTrackCue ? getCueById (DOMString id );
A TextTrackCueList
object represents a dynamically updating list of text track cues in a given order.
Support in all current engines.
The length
attribute must return the number of cues in the list represented by the TextTrackCueList
The supported property indices of a TextTrackCueList
object at any instant are the numbers from zero to the number of cues in the list represented by the TextTrackCueList
object minus one, if any. If there are no cues in the list, there are no supported property indices.
To determine the value of an indexed property for a given index index, the user agent must return the indexth text track cue in the list represented by the TextTrackCueList
Support in all current engines.
The getCueById(id)
method, when called with an argument other than the empty string, must return the first text track cue in the list represented by the TextTrackCueList
object whose text track cue identifier is id, if any, or null otherwise. If the argument is the empty string, then the method must return null.
Support in all current engines.
[Exposed =Window ]
interface TextTrackCue : EventTarget {
readonly attribute TextTrack ? track ;
attribute DOMString id ;
attribute double startTime ;
attribute unrestricted double endTime ;
attribute boolean pauseOnExit ;
attribute EventHandler onenter ;
attribute EventHandler onexit ;
オブジェクトを返し、そうでなければnullを返す。 [ = value ]
cue.startTime [ = value ]
cue.endTime [ = value ]
cue.pauseOnExit [ = value ]
Support in all current engines.
The track
attribute, on getting, must return the TextTrack
object of the text track in whose list of cues the text track cue that the TextTrackCue
object represents finds itself, if any; or null otherwise.
Support in all current engines.
The id
attribute, on getting, must return the text track cue identifier of the text track cue that the TextTrackCue
object represents. On setting, the text track cue identifier must be set to the new value.
Support in all current engines.
The startTime
attribute, on getting, must return the text track cue start time of the text track cue that the TextTrackCue
object represents, in seconds. On setting, the text track cue start time must be set to the new value, interpreted in seconds; then, if the TextTrackCue
object's text track cue is in a text track's list of cues, and that text track is in a media element's list of text tracks, and the media element's show poster flag is not set, then run the time marches on steps for that media element.
Support in all current engines.
The endTime
attribute, on getting, must return the text track cue end time of the text track cue that the TextTrackCue
object represents, in seconds or positive Infinity. On setting, if the new value is negative Infinity or a Not-a-Number (NaN) value, then throw a TypeError exception. Otherwise, the text track cue end time must be set to the new value. Then, if the TextTrackCue
object's text track cue is in a text track's list of cues, and that text track is in a media element's list of text tracks, and the media element's show poster flag is not set, then run the time marches on steps for that media element.
Support in all current engines.
The pauseOnExit
attribute, on getting, must return true if the text track cue pause-on-exit flag of the text track cue that the TextTrackCue
object represents is set; or false otherwise. On setting, the text track cue pause-on-exit flag must be set if the new value is true, and must be unset otherwise.
The following are the event handlers that (and their corresponding event handler event types) that must be supported, as event handler IDL attributes, by all objects implementing the TextTrackList
イベントハンドラー | イベントハンドラーイベント型 |
onchange | change |
onaddtrack | addtrack |
onremovetrack | removetrack |
The following are the event handlers that (and their corresponding event handler event types) that must be supported, as event handler IDL attributes, by all objects implementing the TextTrack
イベントハンドラー | イベントハンドラーイベント型 |
oncuechange Support in all current engines. Firefox31+Safari6+Chrome23+ Opera12.1+Edge79+ Edge (Legacy)12+Internet Explorer10+ Firefox Android?Safari iOS7+Chrome Android?WebView Android?Samsung Internet?Opera Android12.1+ | cuechange |
The following are the event handlers (and their corresponding event handler event types) that must be supported, as event handler IDL attributes, by all objects implementing the TextTrackCue
イベントハンドラー | イベントハンドラーイベント型 |
onenter Support in all current engines. Firefox31+Safari6+Chrome23+ Opera12.1+Edge79+ Edge (Legacy)12+Internet Explorer10+ Firefox Android?Safari iOS7+Chrome Android?WebView Android?Samsung Internet?Opera Android12.1+ | enter |
onexit Support in all current engines. Firefox31+Safari6+Chrome23+ Opera12.1+Edge79+ Edge (Legacy)12+Internet Explorer10+ Firefox Android?Safari iOS7+Chrome Android?WebView Android?Samsung Internet?Opera Android12.1+ | exit |
WEBVTT ... 05:10:00.000 --> 05:12:15.000 matchtype:qual matchnumber:37 ... 05:11:02.251 --> 05:11:17.198 red:78 05:11:03.672 --> 05:11:54.198 blue:66 05:11:17.198 --> 05:11:25.912 red:80 05:11:25.912 --> 05:11:26.522 red:83 05:11:26.522 --> 05:11:26.982 red:86 05:11:26.982 --> 05:11:27.499 red:89 ...
ここで重要なことは、該当するイベントが適用する時間の長さに及ぶキューに情報が与えられることに注目することである。代わりに、スコアが変化するときに、スコアが0長さ(または非常に短い、ほぼ0長さ)のキューとして指定された場合、 たとえば05:11:17.198で"red+2"、05:11:25.912で"red+3"などといったときに、問題は発生する。主に、スクリプトが一切の通知を見逃されていないことを確認するためにキューのリスト全体を渡り歩く必要があるため、シークは実装がはるかに困難である。キューが短い場合、スクリプトが明確にキューをリッスンしない限り、スクリプトはキューがアクティブであることを見ることはない。
If the attribute is present, or if scripting is disabled for the media element, then the user agent should expose a user interface to the user. This user interface should include features to begin playback, pause playback, seek to an arbitrary position in the content (if the content supports arbitrary seeking), change the volume, change the display of closed captions or embedded sign-language tracks, select different audio tracks or turn on audio descriptions, and show the media content in manners more suitable to the user (e.g. fullscreen video or in an independent resizable window). Other controls may also be made available.
Even when the attribute is absent, however, user agents may provide controls to affect playback of the media resource (e.g. play, pause, seeking, track selection, and volume controls), but such features should not interfere with the page's normal rendering. For example, such features could be exposed in the media element's context menu, platform media keys, or a remote control. The user agent may implement this simply by exposing a user interface to the user as described above (as if the controls
attribute was present).
If the user agent exposes a user interface to the user by displaying controls over the media element, then the user agent should suppress any user interaction events while the user agent is interacting with this interface. (For example, if the user clicks on a video's playback control, mousedown
events and so forth would not simultaneously be fired at elements on the page.)
Where possible (specifically, for starting, stopping, pausing, and unpausing playback, for seeking, for changing the rate of playback, for fast-forwarding or rewinding, for listing, enabling, and disabling text tracks, and for muting or changing the volume of the audio), user interface features exposed by the user agent must be implemented in terms of the DOM API described above, so that, e.g., all the same events fire.
Features such as fast-forward or rewind must be implemented by only changing the playbackRate
attribute (and not the defaultPlaybackRate
Seeking must be implemented in terms of seeking to the requested position in the media element's media timeline. For media resources where seeking to an arbitrary position would be slow, user agents are encouraged to use the approximate-for-speed flag when seeking in response to the user manipulating an approximate position interface such as a seek bar.
Support in all current engines.
The controls
IDL attribute must reflect the content attribute of the same name.
media.volume [ = value ]
Support in all current engines.
" DOMException
media.muted [ = value ]
Support in all current engines.
A media element has a playback volume, which is a fraction in the range 0.0 (silent) to 1.0 (loudest). Initially, the volume should be 1.0, but user agents may remember the last set value across sessions, on a per-site basis or otherwise, so the volume may start at other values.
The volume
IDL attribute must return the playback volume of any audio portions of the media element. On setting, if the new value is in the range 0.0 to 1.0 inclusive, the media element's playback volume must be set to the new value. If the new value is outside the range 0.0 to 1.0 inclusive, then, on setting, an "IndexSizeError
" DOMException
must be thrown instead.
A media element can also be muted. If anything is muting the element, then it is muted. (For example, when the direction of playback is backwards, the element is muted.)
The muted
IDL attribute must return the value to which it was last set. When a media element is created, if the element has a muted
content attribute specified, then the muted
IDL attribute should be set to true; otherwise, the user agents may set the value to the user's preferred value (e.g. remembering the last set value across sessions, on a per-site basis or otherwise). While the muted
IDL attribute is set to true, the media element must be muted.
Whenever either of the values that would be returned by the volume
and muted
IDL attributes change, the user agent must queue a media element task given the media element to fire an event named volumechange
at the media element. Then, if the media element is not allowed to play, the user agent must run the internal pause steps for the media element.
A user agent has an associated volume locked (a boolean). Its value is implementation-defined and determines whether the playback volume takes effect.
An element's effective media volume is determined as follows:
If the user has indicated that the user agent is to override the volume of the element, then return the volume desired by the user.
If the user agent's volume locked is true, then return the system volume.
If the element's audio output is muted, then return zero.
Let volume be the playback volume of the audio portions of the media element, in range 0.0 (silent) to 1.0 (loudest).
Return volume, interpreted relative to the range 0.0 to 1.0, with 0.0 being silent, and 1.0 being the loudest setting, values in between increasing in loudness. The range need not be linear. The loudest setting may be lower than the system's loudest possible setting; for example the user could have set a maximum volume.
Support in all current engines.
The defaultMuted
IDL attribute must reflect the muted
content attribute.
< video src = "adverts.cgi?kind=video" controls autoplay loop muted ></ video >
Support in all current engines.
[Exposed =Window ]
interface TimeRanges {
readonly attribute unsigned long length ;
double start (unsigned long index );
double end (unsigned long index );
Support in all current engines.
time = media.start(index)
Support in all current engines.
" DOMException
time = media.end(index)
Support in all current engines.
" DOMException
The length
IDL attribute must return the number of ranges represented by the object.
The start(index)
method must return the position of the start of the indexth range represented by the object, in seconds measured from the start of the timeline that the object covers.
The end(index)
method must return the position of the end of the indexth range represented by the object, in seconds measured from the start of the timeline that the object covers.
These methods must throw "IndexSizeError
" DOMException
s if called with an index argument greater than or equal to the number of ranges represented by the object.
When a TimeRanges
object is said to be a normalized TimeRanges
object, the ranges it represents must obey the following criteria:
In other words, the ranges in such an object are ordered, don't overlap, and don't touch (adjacent ranges are folded into one bigger range). A range can be empty (referencing just a single moment in time), e.g. to indicate that only one frame is currently buffered in the case that the user agent has discarded the entire media resource except for the current frame, when a media element is paused.
Ranges in a TimeRanges
object must be inclusive.
Thus, the end of a range would be equal to the start of a following adjacent (touching but not overlapping) range. Similarly, a range covering a whole timeline anchored at zero would have a start equal to zero and an end equal to the duration of the timeline.
The timelines used by the objects returned by the buffered
, seekable
, and played
IDL attributes of media elements must be that element's media timeline.
インターフェイスSupport in all current engines.
[Exposed =Window ]
interface TrackEvent : Event {
constructor (DOMString type , optional TrackEventInit eventInitDict = {});
readonly attribute (VideoTrack or AudioTrack or TextTrack )? track ;
dictionary TrackEventInit : EventInit {
(VideoTrack or AudioTrack or TextTrack )? track = null ;
Support in all current engines.
The track
attribute must return the value it was initialized to. It represents the context information for the event.
イベント名 | インターフェイス | 発火条件 | 前提条件 |
loadstart HTMLMediaElement/loadstart_event Support in all current engines. Firefox6+Safari4+Chrome3+ Opera12.1+Edge79+ Edge (Legacy)12+Internet Explorer9+ Firefox Android?Safari iOS3+Chrome Android?WebView Android?Samsung Internet?Opera Android12.1+ | Event | ユーザーエージェントは、リソース選択アルゴリズムの一部として、メディアデータを探し始める。 | networkState がNETWORK_LOADING と等しい |
progress HTMLMediaElement/progress_event Support in all current engines. Firefox6+Safari3.1+Chrome3+ Opera12.1+Edge79+ Edge (Legacy)12+Internet Explorer9+ Firefox Android?Safari iOS3+Chrome Android?WebView Android?Samsung Internet?Opera Android12.1+ | Event | ユーザーエージェントは、メディアデータをフェッチしている。 | networkState がNETWORK_LOADING と等しい |
suspend HTMLMediaElement/suspend_event Support in all current engines. Firefox3.5+Safari3.1+Chrome3+ Opera10.5+Edge79+ Edge (Legacy)12+Internet Explorer9+ Firefox Android?Safari iOS3+Chrome Android?WebView Android37+Samsung Internet?Opera Android11+ | Event | ユーザーエージェントは、意図的に現在のメディアデータをフェッチしていない。 | networkState はNETWORK_IDLE と等しい |
abort Support in all current engines. Firefox9+Safari3.1+Chrome3+ Opera12.1+Edge79+ Edge (Legacy)12+Internet Explorer9+ Firefox Android?Safari iOS3+Chrome Android?WebView Android?Samsung Internet?Opera Android12.1+ | Event | ユーザーエージェントは、完全にダウンロードされる前にメディアデータのフェッチを停止するが、エラーによるものではない。 | error は、コードMEDIA_ERR_ABORTED をもつオブジェクトである。 networkState は、ダウンロードが中止された時期に応じて、NETWORK_EMPTY またはNETWORK_IDLE のいずれかに等しい。 |
error Support in all current engines. Firefox6+Safari3.1+Chrome3+ Opera11.6+Edge79+ Edge (Legacy)12+Internet Explorer9+ Firefox Android?Safari iOS3+Chrome Android?WebView Android?Samsung Internet?Opera Android12+ | Event | メディアデータのフェッチ中にエラーが発生する、またはリソースの種類がサポートされていないメディアフォーマットである。 | error は、コードMEDIA_ERR_NETWORK 以上をもつオブジェクトである。 networkState は、ダウンロードが中止された時期に応じて、NETWORK_EMPTY またはNETWORK_IDLE のいずれかに等しい。 |
emptied HTMLMediaElement/emptied_event Support in all current engines. Firefox3.5+Safari3.1+Chrome3+ Opera10.5+Edge79+ Edge (Legacy)12+Internet Explorer9+ Firefox Android?Safari iOS3+Chrome Android?WebView Android37+Samsung Internet?Opera Android11+ | Event | 以前NETWORK_EMPTY 状態でなかったnetworkState であるメディア要素が、その状態にちょうど切り替わった(ロード中に致命的なエラーが発生したため、リソース選択アルゴリズムがすでに実行している間にload() メソッドが呼び出されたためのいずれか)。 | networkState はNETWORK_EMPTY であり、すべてのIDL属性は、初期状態である。 |
stalled HTMLMediaElement/stalled_event Support in all current engines. Firefox3.5+Safari3.1+Chrome3+ Opera10.5+Edge79+ Edge (Legacy)12+Internet Explorer9+ Firefox Android?Safari iOS3+Chrome Android?WebView Android37+Samsung Internet?Opera Android11+ | Event | ユーザーエージェントは、メディアデータをフェッチしようとしているが、データが突発的に用意されない。 | networkState はNETWORK_LOADING である。 |
loadedmetadata HTMLMediaElement/loadedmetadata_event Support in all current engines. Firefox3.5+Safari3.1+Chrome3+ Opera10.5+Edge79+ Edge (Legacy)12+Internet Explorer9+ Firefox Android?Safari iOS3+Chrome Android?WebView Android37+Samsung Internet?Opera Android11+ | Event | ユーザーエージェントは、ちょうどメディアリソースとテキストトラックの準備の期間と寸法を決定した。 | readyState は初期時間に対して新たにHAVE_METADATA に等しいかそれ以上である。 |
loadeddata HTMLMediaElement/loadeddata_event Support in all current engines. Firefox3.5+Safari3.1+Chrome3+ Opera10.5+Edge79+ Edge (Legacy)12+Internet Explorer9+ Firefox Android?Safari iOS3+Chrome Android?WebView Android37+Samsung Internet?Opera Android11+ | Event | ユーザーエージェントは、初期時間に対して現在の再生位置でメディアデータをレンダリングできる。 | readyState は、初期時間に対して新たにHAVE_CURRENT_DATA 以上に増加した。 |
canplay HTMLMediaElement/canplay_event Support in all current engines. Firefox3.5+Safari3.1+Chrome3+ Opera10.5+Edge79+ Edge (Legacy)12+Internet Explorer9+ Firefox Android?Safari iOS3+Chrome Android?WebView Android37+Samsung Internet?Opera Android11+ | Event | ユーザーエージェントは、メディアデータの再生を再開できるが、再生を今すぐ開始されることになったかどうかを推定し、メディアリソースは、コンテンツの追加のバッファーリングに対して停止させることなく、終わりに現在の再生レートでレンダリングできなかった。 | readyState は、新たにHAVE_FUTURE_DATA 以上に増加した。 |
canplaythrough HTMLMediaElement/canplaythrough_event Support in all current engines. Firefox3.5+Safari3.1+Chrome3+ Opera10.5+Edge79+ Edge (Legacy)12+Internet Explorer9+ Firefox Android?Safari iOS3+Chrome Android?WebView Android37+Samsung Internet?Opera Android11+ | Event | ユーザーエージェントは、再生が今すぐ開始されることになったかどうかを推定し、メディアリソースは追加のバッファーリングに対して停止することなく、現在の再生レートの最後までのすべての方法でレンダリングできる。 | readyState は最近のHAVE_ENOUGH_DATA に等しい。 |
playing HTMLMediaElement/playing_event Support in all current engines. Firefox3.5+Safari3.1+Chrome3+ Opera10.5+Edge79+ Edge (Legacy)12+Internet Explorer9+ Firefox Android?Safari iOS3+Chrome Android?WebView Android37+Samsung Internet?Opera Android11+ | Event | 再生は、メディアデータの不足のために、一時停止または遅延された後に開始する準備ができている。 | readyState is newly greater than or equal to HAVE_FUTURE_DATA and paused is false, or paused is newly false and readyState is greater than or equal to HAVE_FUTURE_DATA . たとえこのイベントが発火したとしても、要素は依然として潜在的に再生されないかもしれない。たとえば、要素がユーザーとの対話のために一時停止または帯域内のコンテンツを一時停止される場合。 |
waiting HTMLMediaElement/waiting_event Support in all current engines. Firefox6+Safari3.1+Chrome3+ Opera12.1+Edge79+ Edge (Legacy)12+Internet Explorer9+ Firefox Android?Safari iOS3+Chrome Android?WebView Android37+Samsung Internet?Opera Android12.1+ | Event | 次のフレームが利用できないため、再生が停止したが、ユーザーエージェントは、そのフレームがやがて利用できるようになると予想する。 | readyState is less than or equal to HAVE_CURRENT_DATA , and paused is false. seeking はtrueである、または現在の再生位置はbuffered 内の領域のいずれかに含まれていないかのいずれか。再生がpaused がfalseでなしにその他の理由で停止することは可能であるが、それらの理由はこのイベントは発火しない(そしてそのような状況が解決するときに、別々のplaying イベントがどちらか発火しない):たとえば、再生が終了する、または再生がエラーにより停止される、または要素がユーザーとの対話のために一時停止または帯域内コンテンツのために一時停止している。 |
seeking HTMLMediaElement/seeking_event Support in all current engines. Firefox3.5+Safari3.1+Chrome3+ Opera10.5+Edge79+ Edge (Legacy)12+Internet Explorer9+ Firefox Android?Safari iOS3+Chrome Android?WebView Android37+Samsung Internet?Opera Android11+ | Event | seeking IDL属性がtrueに変更され、かつユーザーエージェントが新しい位置を探し始めている。 | |
seeked Support in all current engines. Firefox3.5+Safari3.1+Chrome3+ Opera10.5+Edge79+ Edge (Legacy)12+Internet Explorer9+ Firefox Android?Safari iOS3+Chrome Android?WebView Android37+Samsung Internet?Opera Android11+ | Event | current playback positionが変更された後に、seeking IDL属性がfalseに変更された。 | |
ended Support in all current engines. Firefox3.5+Safari3.1+Chrome3+ Opera10.5+Edge79+ Edge (Legacy)12+Internet Explorer9+ Firefox Android?Safari iOS3+Chrome Android?WebView Android37+Samsung Internet?Opera Android11+ | Event | メディアリソースの終わりに達したため、再生が停止した。 | currentTime は、メディアリソースの最後に等しく、ended はtrueである。 |
durationchange HTMLMediaElement/durationchange_event Support in all current engines. Firefox3.5+Safari3.1+Chrome3+ Opera10.5+Edge79+ Edge (Legacy)12+Internet Explorer9+ Firefox Android?Safari iOS3+Chrome Android?WebView Android37+Samsung Internet?Opera Android11+ | Event | duration 属性はちょうど更新された。 | |
timeupdate HTMLMediaElement/timeupdate_event Support in all current engines. Firefox3.5+Safari3.1+Chrome3+ Opera10.5+Edge79+ Edge (Legacy)12+Internet Explorer9+ Firefox Android?Safari iOS3+Chrome Android?WebView Android37+Samsung Internet?Opera Android11+ | Event | 現在の再生位置が、通常の再生の一部として、または、たとえば不連続的に、特に興味深い方法で変更された。 | |
play Support in all current engines. Firefox3.5+Safari3.1+Chrome3+ Opera10.5+Edge79+ Edge (Legacy)12+Internet Explorer9+ Firefox Android?Safari iOS3+Chrome Android?WebView Android37+Samsung Internet?Opera Android11+ | Event | 要素はもはや一時停止でない。play() メソッドが返された後、またはautoplay 属性を開始する再生を起こすときに発火した。 | paused は、新たにfalseである。 |
pause Support in all current engines. Firefox3.5+Safari3.1+Chrome3+ Opera10.5+Edge79+ Edge (Legacy)12+Internet Explorer9+ Firefox Android?Safari iOS3+Chrome Android?WebView Android37+Samsung Internet?Opera Android11+ | Event | 要素が一時停止された。pause() メソッドが返された後に発火した。 | paused は、新たにtrueである。 |
ratechange HTMLMediaElement/ratechange_event Support in all current engines. Firefox3.5+Safari3.1+Chrome3+ Opera10.5+Edge79+ Edge (Legacy)12+Internet Explorer9+ Firefox Android?Safari iOS3+Chrome Android?WebView Android37+Samsung Internet?Opera Android11+ | Event | defaultPlaybackRate または playbackRate 属性が更新されたばかりのいずれか。 | |
resize | Event | videoWidth とvideoHeight 属性のいずれかまたは両方がちょうど更新されている。 | メディア要素はvideo 要素である。readyState はHAVE_NOTHING でない。 |
volumechange HTMLMediaElement/volumechange_event Support in all current engines. Firefox6+Safari3.1+Chrome3+ Opera12.1+Edge79+ Edge (Legacy)12+Internet Explorer9+ Firefox Android?Safari iOS3+Chrome Android?WebView Android37+Samsung Internet?Opera Android12.1+ | Event | volume 属性またはmuted 属性のいずれかが変更された。関連する属性のセッターが返された後に発火した。 |
イベント名 | インターフェイス | 発火条件 |
error | Event | メディアデータのフェッチ中にエラーが発生する、またはリソースの種類がサポートされていないメディアフォーマットである。 |
イベント名 | インターフェイス | 発火条件 |
change Support in all current engines. Firefox🔰 33+Safari7+Chrome🔰 37+ Opera?Edge🔰 79+ Edge (Legacy)NoInternet Explorer10+ Firefox Android?Safari iOS?Chrome Android?WebView Android?Samsung Internet?Opera Android? Support in all current engines. Firefox31+Safari7+Chrome33+ Opera?Edge79+ Edge (Legacy)18Internet ExplorerNo Firefox Android?Safari iOS?Chrome Android?WebView Android4.4+Samsung Internet?Opera Android? Support in all current engines. Firefox🔰 33+Safari7+Chrome🔰 37+ Opera?Edge🔰 79+ Edge (Legacy)NoInternet Explorer10+ Firefox Android?Safari iOS?Chrome Android?WebView Android?Samsung Internet?Opera Android? | Event | トラックリストの1つ以上のトラックが有効か無効である。 |
addtrack Support in all current engines. Firefox🔰 33+Safari7+Chrome🔰 37+ Opera?Edge🔰 79+ Edge (Legacy)NoInternet Explorer10+ Firefox Android?Safari iOS?Chrome Android?WebView Android?Samsung Internet?Opera Android? Support in all current engines. Firefox31+Safari6+Chrome23+ Opera12.1+Edge79+ Edge (Legacy)12+Internet Explorer11 Firefox Android?Safari iOS7+Chrome Android?WebView Android?Samsung Internet?Opera Android12.1+ Support in all current engines. Firefox🔰 33+Safari7+Chrome🔰 37+ Opera?Edge🔰 79+ Edge (Legacy)NoInternet Explorer10+ Firefox Android?Safari iOS?Chrome Android?WebView Android?Samsung Internet?Opera Android? | TrackEvent | トラックはトラックリストに加えられている。 |
removetrack AudioTrackList/removetrack_event Support in all current engines. Firefox🔰 33+Safari7+Chrome🔰 37+ Opera?Edge🔰 79+ Edge (Legacy)NoInternet Explorer10+ Firefox Android?Safari iOS?Chrome Android?WebView Android?Samsung Internet?Opera Android? TextTrackList/removetrack_event Support in all current engines. Firefox31+Safari7+Chrome33+ Opera20+Edge79+ Edge (Legacy)18Internet ExplorerNo Firefox Android?Safari iOS?Chrome Android?WebView Android4.4+Samsung Internet?Opera Android20+ VideoTrackList/removetrack_event Support in all current engines. Firefox🔰 33+Safari7+Chrome🔰 37+ Opera?Edge🔰 79+ Edge (Legacy)NoInternet Explorer10+ Firefox Android?Safari iOS?Chrome Android?WebView Android?Samsung Internet?Opera Android? | TrackEvent | トラックはトラックリストから削除されている。 |
イベント名 | インターフェイス | 発火条件 |
cuechange HTMLTrackElement/cuechange_event Support in all current engines. Firefox68+Safari10+Chrome32+ Opera19+Edge79+ Edge (Legacy)14+Internet ExplorerNo Firefox Android?Safari iOS?Chrome Android?WebView Android4.4.3+Samsung Internet?Opera Android19+ Support in all current engines. Firefox31+Safari6+Chrome23+ Opera12.1+Edge79+ Edge (Legacy)12+Internet Explorer10+ Firefox Android?Safari iOS7+Chrome Android?WebView Android?Samsung Internet?Opera Android12.1+ | Event | トラック内の1つ以上のキューがアクティブになるか、アクティブで停止している。 |
イベント名 | インターフェイス | 発火条件 |
error | Event | テキストトラックフォーマットがサポートされないトラックデータまたはリソースの種類のフェッチ中にエラーが発生する。 |
load | Event | トラックデータがフェッチされ、正常に処理される。 |
イベント名 | インターフェイス | 発火条件 |
enter Support in all current engines. Firefox31+Safari6+Chrome23+ Opera12.1+Edge79+ Edge (Legacy)12+Internet Explorer10+ Firefox Android?Safari iOS7+Chrome Android?WebView Android?Samsung Internet?Opera Android12.1+ | Event | キューはアクティブになっている。 |
exit Support in all current engines. Firefox31+Safari6+Chrome23+ Opera12.1+Edge79+ Edge (Legacy)12+Internet Explorer10+ Firefox Android?Safari iOS7+Chrome Android?WebView Android?Samsung Internet?Opera Android12.1+ | Event | キューはアクティブになるのを停止している。 |
The main security and privacy implications of the video
and audio
elements come from the ability to embed media cross-origin. There are two directions that threats can flow: from hostile content to a victim page, and from a hostile page to victim content.
If a victim page embeds hostile content, the threat is that the content might contain scripted code that attempts to interact with the Document
that embeds the content. To avoid this, user agents must ensure that there is no access from the content to the embedding page. In the case of media content that uses DOM concepts, the embedded content must be treated as if it was in its own unrelated top-level traversable.
For instance, if an SVG animation was embedded in a video
element, the user agent would not give it access to the DOM of the outer page. From the perspective of scripts in the SVG resource, the SVG file would appear to be in a lone top-level traversable with no parent.
If a hostile page embeds victim content, the threat is that the embedding page could obtain information from the content that it would not otherwise have access to. The API does expose some information: the existence of the media, its type, its duration, its size, and the performance characteristics of its host. Such information is already potentially problematic, but in practice the same information can more or less be obtained using the img
element, and so it has been deemed acceptable.
However, significantly more sensitive information could be obtained if the user agent further exposes metadata within the content, such as subtitles. That information is therefore only exposed if the video resource uses CORS. The crossorigin
attribute allows authors to enable CORS. [FETCH]
Without this restriction, an attacker could trick a user running within a corporate network into visiting a site that attempts to load a video from a previously leaked location on the corporation's intranet. If such a video included confidential plans for a new product, then being able to read the subtitles would present a serious confidentiality breach.
How accurately various aspects of the media element API are implemented is considered a quality-of-implementation issue.
For example, when implementing the buffered
attribute, how precise an implementation reports the ranges that have been buffered depends on how carefully the user agent inspects the data. Since the API reports ranges as times, but the data is obtained in byte streams, a user agent receiving a variable-bitrate stream might only be able to determine precise times by actually decoding all of the data. User agents aren't required to do this, however; they can instead return estimates (e.g. based on the average bitrate seen so far) which get revised as more information becomes available.
As a general rule, user agents are urged to be conservative rather than optimistic. For example, it would be bad to report that everything had been buffered when it had not.
Another quality-of-implementation issue would be playing a video backwards when the codec is designed only for forward playback (e.g. there aren't many key frames, and they are far apart, and the intervening frames only have deltas from the previous frame). User agents could do a poor job, e.g. only showing key frames; however, better implementations would do more work and thus do a better job, e.g. actually decoding parts of the video forwards, storing the complete frames, and then playing the frames backwards.
Similarly, while implementations are allowed to drop buffered data at any time (there is no requirement that a user agent keep all the media data obtained for the lifetime of the media element), it is again a quality of implementation issue: user agents with sufficient resources to keep all the data around are encouraged to do so, as this allows for a better user experience. For example, if the user is watching a live stream, a user agent could allow the user only to view the live video; however, a better user agent would buffer everything and allow the user to seek through the earlier material, pause it, play it forwards and backwards, etc.
When a media element that is paused is removed from a document and not reinserted before the next time the event loop reaches step 1, implementations that are resource constrained are encouraged to take that opportunity to release all hardware resources (like video planes, networking resources, and data buffers) used by the media element. (User agents still have to keep track of the playback position and so forth, though, in case playback is later restarted.)