訳注: この文書はHTML 5.1 Recommendationの日本語訳ではありません。代わりに最新のW3C HTML仕様を参照ください。

この日本語訳はメンテナンスされていません。この翻訳文書の代わりにWHATWG HTML日本語訳を参照することができます。

4.11 インタラクティブ要素

4.11.1 details要素

open - detailsが可視かどうか
グローバルaria-* 属性
interface HTMLDetailsElement : HTMLElement {
           attribute boolean open;



The first summary element child of the element, if any, represents the summary or legend of the details. If there is no child summary element, the user agent should provide its own legend (e.g. "Details").



When the element is created, if the attribute is absent, the additional information should be hidden; if the attribute is present, that information should be shown. Subsequently, if the attribute is removed, then the information should be hidden; if the attribute is added, the information should be shown.

The user agent should allow the user to request that the additional information be shown or hidden. To honor a request for the details to be shown, the user agent must set the open attribute on the element to the value open. To honor a request for the information to be hidden, the user agent must remove the open attribute from the element.

Whenever the open attribute is added to or removed from a details element, the user agent must queue a task that runs the following steps, which are known as the details notification task steps, for this details element:

  1. If another task has been queued to run the details notification task steps for this details element, then abort these steps.

    When the open attribute is toggled several times in succession, these steps essentially get coalesced so that only one event is fired.

  2. Fire a simple event named toggle at the details element.

The task source for this task must be the DOM manipulation task source.

The open IDL attribute must reflect the open content attribute.


<section class="progress window">
 <h1>Copying "Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams"</h1>
  <summary>Copying... <progress max="375505392" value="97543282"></progress> 25%</summary>
   <dt>Transfer rate:</dt> <dd>452KB/s</dd>
   <dt>Local filename:</dt> <dd>/home/rpausch/raycd.m4v</dd>
   <dt>Remote filename:</dt> <dd>/var/www/lectures/raycd.m4v</dd>
   <dt>Duration:</dt> <dd>01:16:27</dd>
   <dt>Color profile:</dt> <dd>SD (6-1-6)</dd>
   <dt>Dimensions:</dt> <dd>320×240</dd>


 <summary><label for=fn>Name & Extension:</label></summary>
 <p><input type=text id=fn name=fn value="Pillar Magazine.pdf">
 <p><label><input type=checkbox name=ext checked> Hide extension</label>




 details > summary { transition: color 1s; color: black; }
 details[open] > summary { color: red; }
 <summary>Automated Status: Operational</summary>
 <p>Velocity: 12m/s</p>
 <p>Direction: North</p>

4.11.2 summary要素

グローバルaria-* 属性

The summary element represents a summary, caption, or legend for the rest of the contents of the summary element's parent details element, if any.

4.11.3 menu要素

type - メニューの種類
label - ユーザー可視ラベル
menu(デフォルト - 設定しない)、directorylistlistboxmenubartablisttabpanelまたはtree
グローバルaria-* 属性
interface HTMLMenuElement : HTMLElement {
           attribute DOMString type;
           attribute DOMString label;






A menu is a currently relevant menu element if it is the child of a currently relevant menu element, or if it is the designated pop-up menu of a button element that is not inert, does not have a hidden attribute, and is not the descendant of an element with a hidden attribute.

A pop-up menu consists of a list of zero or more menu items, which can be any of:

To construct and show a menu for a particular menu element and with a particular element as a subject, the user agent must run the following steps:

  1. Let the menu be an empty list of the type described above.

  2. Run the menu builder steps for the menu element using the menu prepared in the previous list as the output.

    The menu builder steps for a menu element using a specific menu as output are as follows: For each child node of the menu in tree order, run the appropriate steps from the following list:

    If the child is a menuitem element that defines a command
    Append the command to the menu, respecting its facets If the menuitem element has a default attribute, mark the command as being a default command.
    If the child is an hr element
    Append a separator to the menu.
    If the child is a menu element with no label attribute
    Append a separator to the menu, then run the menu builder steps using this child menu element for the same menu, then append another separator to the menu.
    If the child is a menu element with a label attribute
    Create a new submenu as an empty list of the type described above, and construct it by running the menu builder steps for the child menu element using the new submenu as the output. Then, append the submenu to the menu, using the value of the child menu element's label attribute as the label of the submenu.
    Ignore the child node.
  3. Remove any submenu with no label, or whose label is the empty string, in the menu or any submenus.

  4. Remove any menu item with no label, or whose label is the empty string, in the menu or any submenus.

  5. Collapse all sequences of two or more adjacent separators in the menu or any submenus to a single separator.

  6. Remove all separators at the start or end of the menu and any submenus.

  7. Display the menu to the user, and let the algorithm that invoked this one continue.

    If the user selects a menu item that corresponds to an element that still represents a command when the user selects it, then the UA must invoke that command's Action. If the command's Action is defined as firing a click event, either directly or via the run synthetic click activation steps algorithm, then the relatedTarget attribute of that click event must be initialised to the subject passed to this construct and show a menu algorithm.

    Pop-up menus must not, while being shown, reflect changes in the DOM. The menu is constructed from the DOM before being shown, and is then immutable.


The label IDL attribute must reflect the content attribute of the same name.


  <button type=menu value="File" menu="filemenu">
  <menu id="filemenu" type="popup">
   <menuitem onclick="fnew()" label="New...">
   <menuitem onclick="fopen()" label="Open...">
   <menuitem onclick="fsave()" label="Save">
   <menuitem onclick="fsaveas()" label="Save as...">
  <button type=menu value="Edit" menu="editmenu">
  <menu id="editmenu" type="popup">
   <menuitem onclick="ecopy()" label="Copy">
   <menuitem onclick="ecut()" label="Cut">
   <menuitem onclick="epaste()" label="Paste">
  <button type=menu value="Help" menu="helpmenu">
  <menu id="helpmenu" type="popup">
   <menuitem onclick="location='help.html'" label="Help">
   <menuitem onclick="location='about.html'" label="About">



4.11.4 menuitem要素

type - コマンドの種類
label - ユーザー可視ラベル
icon - コマンドに対するアイコン
disabled - コマンドまたはコントロールがチェックされているかどうか
checked - コマンドまたはコントロールがチェックされているかどうか
radiogroup ラジオボタングループとして処理するコマンドクループ名
default - デフォルトコマンドであるとしてコマンドをマークする
command - コマンド定義
menuitem (デフォルト - 設定しない)。
グローバルaria-* 属性
interface HTMLMenuItemElement : HTMLElement {
           attribute DOMString type;
           attribute DOMString label;
           attribute DOMString icon;
           attribute boolean disabled;
           attribute boolean checked;
           attribute DOMString radiogroup;
           attribute boolean default;
  readonly attribute HTMLElement? command;














icon属性は、コマンドを表す画像を提供する。属性が指定される場合、属性値は潜在的にスペースで囲まれた妥当な空でないURLを含めなければならない。To obtain the absolute URL of the icon when the attribute's value is not the empty string, the attribute's value must be resolved relative to the element. When the attribute is absent, or its value is the empty string, or resolving its value fails, there is no icon.











<form action="dosearch.pl">
 <p><label>Enter search terms: <input type="text" name="terms"></label></p>
 <p><input type=submit contextmenu=formmenu id="submitbutton"></p>
 <p hidden><input type=reset id="resetbutton"></p>
 <menu type=popup id=formmenu>
  <menuitem command="submitbutton" default>
  <menuitem command="resetbutton">


The label, icon, disabled, checked, and radiogroup, and default IDL attributes must reflect the respective content attributes of the same name.

The command IDL attribute must return the master command, if any, or null otherwise.

If the element's Disabled State is false (enabled) then the element's activation behavior depends on the element's type and command attributes, as follows:

If the element has a master command set by its command attribute

The user agent must run synthetic click activation steps on the element's master command.

If the type attribute is in the Checkbox state

If the element has a checked attribute, the UA must remove that attribute. Otherwise, the UA must add a checked attribute, with the literal value checked.

If the type attribute is in the Radio state

If the element has a parent, then the UA must walk the list of child nodes of that parent element, and for each node that is a menuitem element, if that element has a radiogroup attribute whose value exactly matches the current element's (treating missing radiogroup attributes as if they were the empty string), and has a checked attribute, must remove that attribute.

Then, the element's checked attribute must be set to the literal value checked.


The element's activation behavior is to do nothing.

Firing a synthetic click event at the element does not cause any of the actions described above to happen.

If the element's Disabled State is true (disabled) then the element has no activation behavior.



<button type=menu menu=editmenu>Commands...</button>
<menu type="popup" id="editmenu">
 <menuitem type="radio" radiogroup="alignment" checked="checked"
          label="Left" icon="icons/alL.png" onclick="setAlign('left')">
 <menuitem type="radio" radiogroup="alignment"
          label="Center" icon="icons/alC.png" onclick="setAlign('center')">
 <menuitem type="radio" radiogroup="alignment"
          label="Right" icon="icons/alR.png" onclick="setAlign('right')">
 <menuitem type="command" disabled
          label="Publish" icon="icons/pub.png" onclick="publish()">

4.11.5 コンテキストメニュー コンテキストメニューを宣言する


(たとえば、要求を行うためのポインティングデバイスやキーボードキーを使用して)ユーザーが要素のコンテキストメニューを要求し、要素がcontextmenu属性を持つ場合、 ユーザーエージェントがその要素でcontextmenuイベントを最初に発火し、そのイベントがキャンセルされない場合、menu要素でshowイベントを発火する。


<form name="npc">
 <label>Character name: <input name=char type=text contextmenu=namemenu required></label>
 <menu type=popup id=namemenu>
  <menuitem label="Pick random name" onclick="document.forms.npc.elements.char.value = getRandomName()">
  <menuitem label="Prefill other fields based on name" onclick="prefillFields(document.forms.npc.elements.char.value)">

これは、コントロールのコンテキストメニューに2つの項目を追加し、1つは"Pick random name"と呼ばれ、1つは"Prefill other fields based on name"と呼ばれる。これらは、上の例に示されないスクリプトを呼び出す。 Processing model

Each element has an assigned context menu, which can be null. If an element A has a contextmenu attribute, and there is an element with the ID given by A's contextmenu attribute's value in A's home subtree, and the first such element in tree order is a menu element whose type attribute is in the popup menu state, then A's assigned context menu is that element. Otherwise, if A has a parent element, then A's assigned context menu is the assigned context menu of its parent element. Otherwise, A's assigned context menu is null.

When an element's context menu is requested (e.g. by the user right-clicking the element, or pressing a context menu key), the user agent must apply the appropriate rules from the following list:

If the user requested a context menu using a pointing device

The user agent must fire a trusted event with the name contextmenu, that bubbles and is cancelable, and that uses the MouseEvent interface, at the element for which the menu was requested. The context information of the event must be initialised to the same values as the last MouseEvent user interaction event that was fired as part of the gesture that was interpreted as a request for the context menu.


The user agent must fire a synthetic mouse event named contextmenu that bubbles and is cancelable at the element for which the menu was requested.

Typically, therefore, the firing of the contextmenu event will be the default action of a mouseup or keyup event. The exact sequence of events is UA-dependent, as it will vary based on platform conventions.

The default action of the contextmenu event depends on whether or not the element for which the menu was requested has a non-null assigned context menu when the event dispatch has completed, as follows.

If the assigned context menu of the element for which the menu was requested is null, the default action must be for the user agent to show its default context menu, if it has one.

Otherwise, let subject be the element for which the menu was requested, and let menu be the assigned context menu of target immediately after the contextmenu event's dispatch has completed. The user agent must fire a trusted event with the name show at menu, using the RelatedEvent interface, with the relatedTarget attribute initialised to subject. The event must be cancelable.

If this event (the show event) is not canceled, then the user agent must construct and show the menu for menu with subject as the subject.

The user agent may also provide access to its default context menu, if any, with the context menu shown. For example, it could merge the menu items from the two menus together, or provide the page's context menu as a submenu of the default menu. In general, user agents are encouraged to de-emphasise their own contextual menu items, so as to give the author's context menu the appearance of legitimacy — to allow documents to feel like "applications" rather than "mere Web pages".

User agents may provide means for bypassing the context menu processing model, ensuring that the user can always access the UA's default context menus. For example, the user agent could handle right-clicks that have the Shift key depressed in such a way that it does not fire the contextmenu event and instead always shows the default context menu.

The contextMenu IDL attribute must reflect the contextmenu content attribute.


<img src="cats.jpeg" alt="Cats" contextmenu=catsmenu>
<menu type="popup" id="catsmenu">
 <menuitem label="Pet the kittens" onclick="kittens.pet()">
 <menuitem label="Cuddle with the kittens" onclick="kittens.cuddle()">
 <menu label="Feed the kittens">
  <menuitem label="Fish" onclick="kittens.feed(fish)">
  <menuitem label="Chicken" onclick="kittens.feed(chicken)">


A context menu, shown over a picture of cats, with four lines: the first two offering the menu items described in the markup above ('Pet the kittens' and 'Cuddle with the kittens'), the third giving a submenu labeled 'Feed the kittens', and the fourth, after a horizontal splitter, consisting of only a downwards-pointing disclosure triangle.


This would result in the same basic interface, but with a longer menu; the disclosure triangle having been replaced by items such as 'View Image', 'Copy Image', 'Copy Image Location', and so forth. RelatedEventインターフェース
[Constructor(DOMString type, optional RelatedEventInit eventInitDict)]
interface RelatedEvent : Event {
  readonly attribute EventTarget? relatedTarget;

dictionary RelatedEventInit : EventInit {
  EventTarget? relatedTarget;
event . relatedTarget


The relatedTarget attribute must return the value it was initialised to. オブジェクトが作成される際、この属性はnullに初期化しなければならない。It represents the other event target that is related to the event.

4.11.6 コマンド ファセット





element . commandType


element . id


element . commandLabel


element . title


element . commandIcon


element . accessKeyLabel


element . commandHidden


element . commandDisabled


element . commandChecked


element . click()


The commandType attribute must return a string whose value is either "command", "radio", or "checkbox", depending on whether the Type of the command defined by the element is "command", "radio", or "checkbox" respectively. If the element does not define a command, it must return null.

The commandLabel attribute must return the command's Label, or null if the element does not define a command or does not specify a Label.

The commandIcon attribute must return the absolute URL of the command's Icon. If the element does not specify an icon, or if the element does not define a command, then the attribute must return null.

The commandHidden attribute must return true if the command's Hidden State is that the command is hidden, and false if the command is not hidden. If the element does not define a command, the attribute must return null.

The commandDisabled attribute must return true if the command's Disabled State is that the command is disabled, and false if the command is not disabled. This attribute is not affected by the command's Hidden State. If the element does not define a command, the attribute must return null.

The commandChecked attribute must return true if the command's Checked State is that the command is checked, and false if it is that the command is not checked. If the element does not define a command, the attribute must return null.

The ID facet is exposed by the id IDL attribute, the Hint facet is exposed by the title IDL attribute, and the AccessKey facet is exposed by the accessKeyLabel IDL attribute.

document . commands


The commands attribute of the document's Document interface must return an HTMLCollection rooted at the Document node, whose filter matches only elements that define commands and have IDs.



たとえば、そのようなコマンドは、ユーザーエージェントのメニューバーにリストされるかもしれない。 Using the a element to define a command

An a element with an href attribute defines a command.

The Type of the command is "command".

The ID of the command is the value of the id attribute of the element, if the attribute is present and not empty. Otherwise the command is an anonymous command.

The Label of the command is the string given by the element's textContent IDL attribute.

The Hint of the command is the value of the title attribute of the element. If the attribute is not present, the Hint is the empty string.

The Icon of the command is the absolute URL obtained from resolving the value of the src attribute of the first img element descendant of the element in tree order, relative to that element, if there is such an element and resolving its attribute is successful. Otherwise, there is no Icon for the command.

The AccessKey of the command is the element's assigned access key, if any.

The Hidden State of the command is true (hidden) if the element has a hidden attribute, and false otherwise.

The Disabled State facet of the command is true if the element or one of its ancestors is inert, and false otherwise.

The Checked State of the command is always false. (The command is never checked.)

The Action of the command, if the element has a defined activation behavior, is to run synthetic click activation steps on the element. Otherwise, it is just to fire a click event at the element. Using the button element to define a command

A button element always defines a command.

The Type, ID, Label, Hint, Icon, Access Key, Hidden State, Checked State, and Action facets of the command are determined as for a elements (see the previous section).

The Disabled State of the command is true if the element or one of its ancestors is inert, or if the element's disabled state is set, and false otherwise. Using the input element to define a command

An input element whose type attribute is in one of the Submit Button, Reset Button, Image Button, Button, Radio Button, or Checkbox states defines a command.

The Type of the command is "radio" if the type attribute is in the Radio Button state, "checkbox" if the type attribute is in the Checkbox state, and "command" otherwise.

The ID of the command is the value of the id attribute of the element, if the attribute is present and not empty. Otherwise the command is an anonymous command.

The Label of the command depends on the Type of the command:

If the Type is "command", then it is the string given by the value attribute, if any, and a UA-dependent, locale-dependent value that the UA uses to label the button itself if the attribute is absent.

Otherwise, the Type is "radio" or "checkbox". If the element is a labeled control, the textContent of the first label element in tree order whose labeled control is the element in question is the Label (in DOM terms, this is the string given by element.labels[0].textContent). Otherwise, the value of the value attribute, if present, is the Label. Otherwise, the Label is the empty string.

The Hint of the command is the value of the title attribute of the input element. If the attribute is not present, the Hint is the empty string.

If the element's type attribute is in the Image Button state, and the element has a src attribute, and that attribute's value can be successfully resolved relative to the element, then the Icon of the command is the absolute URL obtained from resolving that attribute that way. Otherwise, there is no Icon for the command.

The AccessKey of the command is the element's assigned access key, if any.

The Hidden State of the command is true (hidden) if the element has a hidden attribute, and false otherwise.

The Disabled State of the command is true if the element or one of its ancestors is inert, or if the element's disabled state is set, and false otherwise.

The Checked State of the command is true if the command is of Type "radio" or "checkbox" and the element is checked attribute, and false otherwise.

The Action of the command, if the element has a defined activation behavior, is to run synthetic click activation steps on the element. Otherwise, it is just to fire a click event at the element. Using the option element to define a command

An option element with an ancestor select element and either no value attribute or a value attribute that is not the empty string defines a command.

The Type of the command is "radio" if the option's nearest ancestor select element has no multiple attribute, and "checkbox" if it does.

The ID of the command is the value of the id attribute of the element, if the attribute is present and not empty. Otherwise the command is an anonymous command.

The Label of the command is the value of the option element's label attribute, if there is one, or else the value of option element's textContent IDL attribute, with leading and trailing whitespace stripped, and with any sequences of two or more space characters replaced by a single U+0020 SPACE character.

The Hint of the command is the string given by the element's title attribute, if any, and the empty string if the attribute is absent.

There is no Icon for the command.

The AccessKey of the command is the element's assigned access key, if any.

The Hidden State of the command is true (hidden) if the element has a hidden attribute, and false otherwise.

The Disabled State of the command is true if the element is disabled, or if its nearest ancestor select element is disabled, or if it or one of its ancestors is inert, and false otherwise.

The Checked State of the command is true (checked) if the element's selectedness is true, and false otherwise.

The Action of the command depends on its Type. If the command is of Type "radio" then it must pick the option element. Otherwise, it must toggle the option element. Using the menuitem element to define a command

A menuitem element that does not have a command attribute defines a command.

The Type of the command is "radio" if the menuitem's type attribute is "radio", "checkbox" if the attribute's value is "checkbox", and "command" otherwise.

The ID of the command is the value of the id attribute of the element, if the attribute is present and not empty. Otherwise the command is an anonymous command.

The Label of the command is the value of the element's label attribute, if there is one, or the empty string if it doesn't.

The Hint of the command is the string given by the element's title attribute, if any, and the empty string if the attribute is absent.

The Icon for the command is the absolute URL obtained from resolving the value of the element's icon attribute, relative to the element, if it has such an attribute and resolving it is successful. Otherwise, there is no Icon for the command.

The AccessKey of the command is the element's assigned access key, if any.

The Hidden State of the command is true (hidden) if the element has a hidden attribute, and false otherwise.

The Disabled State of the command is true if the element or one of its ancestors is inert, or if the element has a disabled attribute, and false otherwise.

The Checked State of the command is true (checked) if the element has a checked attribute, and false otherwise.

The Action of the command, if the element has a defined activation behavior, is to run synthetic click activation steps on the element. Otherwise, it is just to fire a click event at the element. Using the command attribute on menuitem elements to define a command indirectly

A menuitem element with a master command defines a command.

The Type of the command is the Type of the master command.

The ID of the command is the value of the id attribute of the element, if the attribute is present and not empty. Otherwise the command is an anonymous command.

The Label of the command is the Label of the master command.

If the element has a title attribute, then the Hint of the command is the value of that title attribute. Otherwise, the Hint of the command is the Hint of the master command.

The Icon of the command is the Icon of the master command.

The AccessKey of the command is the element's assigned access key, if any.

The Hidden State of the command is the Hidden State of the master command.

The Disabled State of the command is the Disabled State of the master command.

The Checked State of the command is the Checked State of the master command.

The Action of the command is to invoke the Action of the master command. Using the accesskey attribute on a label element to define a command

A label element that has an assigned access key and a labeled control and whose labeled control defines a command, itself defines a command.

The Type of the command is "command".

The ID of the command is the value of the id attribute of the element, if the attribute is present and not empty. Otherwise the command is an anonymous command.

The Label of the command is the string given by the element's textContent IDL attribute.

The Hint of the command is the value of the title attribute of the element.

There is no Icon for the command.

The AccessKey of the command is the element's assigned access key.

The Hidden State, Disabled State, and Action facets of the command are the same as the respective facets of the element's labeled control.

The Checked State of the command is always false. (The command is never checked.) Using the accesskey attribute on a legend element to define a command

A legend element that has an assigned access key and is a child of a fieldset element that has a descendant that is not a descendant of the legend element and is neither a label element nor a legend element but that defines a command, itself defines a command.

The Type of the command is "command".

The ID of the command is the value of the id attribute of the element, if the attribute is present and not empty. Otherwise the command is an anonymous command.

The Label of the command is the string given by the element's textContent IDL attribute.

The Hint of the command is the value of the title attribute of the element.

There is no Icon for the command.

The AccessKey of the command is the element's assigned access key.

The Hidden State, Disabled State, and Action facets of the command are the same as the respective facets of the first element in tree order that is a descendant of the parent of the legend element that defines a command but is not a descendant of the legend element and is neither a label nor a legend element.

The Checked State of the command is always false. (The command is never checked.) Using the accesskey attribute to define a command on other elements

An element that has an assigned access key defines a command.

If one of the earlier sections that define elements that define commands define that this element defines a command, then that section applies to this element, and this section does not. Otherwise, this section applies to that element.

The Type of the command is "command".

The ID of the command is the value of the id attribute of the element, if the attribute is present and not empty. Otherwise the command is an anonymous command.

The Label of the command depends on the element. If the element is a labeled control, the textContent of the first label element in tree order whose labeled control is the element in question is the Label (in DOM terms, this is the string given by element.labels[0].textContent). Otherwise, the Label is the textContent of the element itself.

The Hint of the command is the value of the title attribute of the element. If the attribute is not present, the Hint is the empty string.

There is no Icon for the command.

The AccessKey of the command is the element's assigned access key.

The Hidden State of the command is true (hidden) if the element has a hidden attribute, and false otherwise.

The Disabled State of the command is true if the element or one of its ancestors is inert, and false otherwise.

The Checked State of the command is always false. (The command is never checked.)

The Action of the command is to run the following steps:

  1. If the element is focusable, run the focusing steps for the element.
  2. If the element has a defined activation behavior, run synthetic click activation steps on the element.
  3. Otherwise, if the element does not have a defined activation behavior, fire a click event at the element.

4.11.7 dialog要素

open - ダイアログボックスが見えるかどうか
dialog(デフォルト - 設定しない)、alertalertdialogapplicationlogmarqueeまたはstatus
グローバルaria-* 属性
interface HTMLDialogElement : HTMLElement {
           attribute boolean open;
           attribute DOMString returnValue;
  void show(optional (MouseEvent or Element) anchor);
  void showModal(optional (MouseEvent or Element) anchor);
  void close(optional DOMString returnValue);



A dialog element without an open attribute specified should not be shown to the user. This requirement may be implemented indirectly through the style layer. For example, user agents that support the suggested default rendering implement this requirement using the CSS rules described in the rendering section.


dialog . show( [ anchor ] )



dialog . showModal( [ anchor ] )




dialog . close( [ result ] )



dialog . returnValue [ = result ]



When the show() method is invoked, the user agent must run the following steps:

  1. If the element already has an open attribute, then abort these steps.

  2. Add an open attribute to the dialog element, whose value is the empty string.

  3. If the show() method was invoked with an argument, set up the position of the dialog element, using that argument as the anchor. Otherwise, set the dialog to the normal alignment mode.

  4. Run the dialog focusing steps for the dialog element.

Each Document has a stack of dialog elements known as the pending dialog stack. When a Document is created, this stack must be initialised to be empty.

When an element is added to the pending dialog stack, it must also be added to the top layer layer. When an element is removed from the pending dialog stack, it must be removed from the top layer. [FULLSCREEN]

When the showModal() method is invoked, the user agent must run the following steps:

  1. Let subject be the dialog element on which the method was invoked.

  2. If subject already has an open attribute, then throw an InvalidStateError exception and abort these steps.

  3. If subject is not in a Document, then throw an InvalidStateError exception and abort these steps.

  4. Add an open attribute to subject, whose value is the empty string.

  5. If the showModal() method was invoked with an argument, set up the position of subject, using that argument as the anchor. Otherwise, set the dialog to the centered alignment mode.

  6. Let subject's Document be blocked by the modal dialog subject.

  7. Push subject onto subject's Document's pending dialog stack.

  8. Let control be the first element in tree order that has an autofocus attribute specified and whose nearest ancestor dialog element is subject, if any.

    If there isn't one, then let control be the first element in tree order that is focusable and whose nearest ancestor dialog element is subject, if any.

    If there isn't one of those either but subject itself is focusable, then let control be subject. (This is unusual.)

  9. If there is no control, then abort these steps.

  10. Run the focusing steps for control.

If at any time a dialog element is removed from a Document, then if that dialog is in that Document's pending dialog stack, the following steps must be run:

  1. Let subject be that dialog element and document be the Document from which it is being removed.

  2. Remove subject from document's pending dialog stack.

  3. If document's pending dialog stack is not empty, then let document be blocked by the modal dialog that is at the top of document's pending dialog stack. Otherwise, let document be no longer blocked by a modal dialog at all.

When the close() method is invoked, the user agent must close the dialog that the method was invoked on. If the method was invoked with an argument, that argument must be used as the return value; otherwise, there is no return value.

When a dialog element subject is to be closed, optionally with a return value result, the user agent must run the following steps:

  1. If subject does not have an open attribute, then abort these steps.

  2. Remove subject's open attribute.

  3. If the argument result was provided, then set the returnValue attribute to the value of result.

  4. If subject is in its Document's pending dialog stack, then run these substeps:

    1. Remove subject from that pending dialog stack.

    2. If that pending dialog stack is not empty, then let subject's Document be blocked by the modal dialog that is at the top of the pending dialog stack. Otherwise, let document be no longer blocked by a modal dialog at all.

  5. Queue a task to fire a simple event named close at subject.

The returnValue IDL attribute, on getting, must return the last value to which it was set. On setting, it must be set to the new value. When the element is created, it must be set to the empty string.

Canceling dialogs: When a Document's pending dialog stack is not empty, user agents may provide a user interface that, upon activation, queues a task to fire a simple event named cancel that is cancelable at the top dialog element on the Document's pending dialog stack. The default action of this event must be to check if that element has an open attribute, and if it does, close the dialog with no return value.

An example of such a UI mechanism would be the user pressing the "Escape" key.

All dialog elements are always in one of three modes: normal alignment, centered alignment, and magic alignment. When a dialog element is created, it must be placed in the normal alignment mode. In this mode, normal CSS requirements apply to the element. The centered alignment mode is only used for dialog elements that are in the top layer. [FULLSCREEN] [CSS]

When an element subject is placed in centered alignment mode, and when it is in that mode and has new rendering boxes created, the user agent must set up the element such that its top static position, for the purposes of calculating the used value of the 'top' property, is the value that would place the element's top margin edge as far from the top of the viewport as the element's bottom margin edge from the bottom of the viewport, if the element's height is less than the height of the viewport, and otherwise is the value that would place the element's top margin edge at the top of the viewport.

If there is a dialog element with centered alignment and that is being rendered when its browsing context changes viewport width (as measured in CSS pixels), then the user agent must recreate the element's boxes, recalculating its top static position as in the previous paragraph.

This top static position of a dialog element with centered alignment must remain the element's top static position until its boxes are recreated. (The element's static position is only used in calculating the used value of the 'top' property in certain situations; it's not used, for instance, to position the element if its 'position' property is set to 'static'.)

When a user agent is to set up the position of an element subject using an anchor anchor, it must run the following steps:

  1. If anchor is a MouseEvent object, then run these substeps:

    1. If anchor's target element does not have a rendered box, or is in a different document than subject, then let subject be in the centered alignment mode, and abort the set up the position steps.

    2. Let anchor element be an anonymous element rendered as a box with zero height and width (so its margin and border boxes both just form a point), positioned so that its top and left are at the coordinate identified by the event, and whose properties all compute to their initial values.

    Otherwise, let anchor element be anchor.

  2. Put subject in the magic alignment mode, aligned to anchor element.

While an element A has magic alignment, aligned to an element B, the following requirements apply:

The trivial example of an element that does not have a rendered box is one whose 'display' property computes to 'none'. However, there are many other cases; e.g. table columns do not have boxes (their properties merely affect other boxes).

If an element to which another element is anchored changes rendering, the anchored element will be be repositioned accordingly. (In other words, the requirements above are live, they are not just calculated once per anchored element.)

The 'absolute-anchored' keyword is not a keyword that can be specified in CSS; the 'position' property can only compute to this value if the dialog element is positioned via the APIs described above.

User agents in visual interactive media should allow the user to pan the viewport to access all parts of a dialog element's border box, even if the element is larger than the viewport and the viewport would otherwise not have a scroll mechanism (e.g. because the viewport's 'overflow' property is set to 'hidden').

The open IDL attribute must reflect the open content attribute. アンカーポイント


Value: none | <position>
Initial: なし
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: no
Percentages: ボックスの幅または高さを参照。文を参照のこと。
Media: visual
Computed value: 指定値、ただしそれらの対応する絶対長さによって置換される任意の長さを除く
Animatable: no
Canonical order: per grammar


値が<position>である場合、アンカーポイントは、要素の所有する最初のレンダリングボックスのマージンボックスに対して相対的に解釈されなければならない値で与えられるポイントである。パーセンテージは、要素の所有する最初のレンダリングボックスのマージンボックス(具体的には、水平位置に対するその高さ、および垂直位置に対するその幅)を基準にして計算しなければならない。[CSSVALUES] [CSS]
