1. 4 The elements of HTML
    1. 4.1 The document element
      1. 4.1.1 The html element
    2. 4.2 Document metadata
      1. 4.2.1 The head element
      2. 4.2.2 The title element
      3. 4.2.3 The base element
      4. 4.2.4 The link element
        1. Processing the media attribute
        2. Processing the type attribute
        3. Fetching and processing a resource from a link element
        4. Processing `Link` headers
        5. Early hints
        6. Providing users with a means to follow hyperlinks created using the link element
      5. 4.2.5 The meta element
        1. Standard metadata names
        2. Other metadata names
        3. Pragma directives
        4. Specifying the document's character encoding
      6. 4.2.6 The style element
      7. 4.2.7 Interactions of styling and scripting

4 The elements of HTML

4.1 The document element

4.1.1 The html element


Support in all current engines.

Edge (Legacy)12+Internet ExplorerYes
Firefox Android?Safari iOS?Chrome Android?WebView Android?Samsung Internet?Opera Android12.1+


Support in all current engines.

Edge (Legacy)12+Internet Explorer5.5+
Firefox Android?Safari iOS?Chrome Android?WebView Android?Samsung Internet?Opera Android12.1+
Global attributes
Accessibility considerations:
For authors.
For implementers.
interface HTMLHtmlElement : HTMLElement {
  [HTMLConstructor] constructor();

  // also has obsolete members




<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>Swapping Songs</title>
<h1>Swapping Songs</h1>
<p>Tonight I swapped some of the songs I wrote with some friends, who
gave me some of the songs they wrote. I love sharing my music.</p>

4.2 Document metadata

4.2.1 The head element


Support in all current engines.

Edge (Legacy)12+Internet ExplorerYes
Firefox Android?Safari iOS?Chrome Android?WebView Android?Samsung Internet?Opera Android?


Support in all current engines.

Edge (Legacy)12+Internet Explorer5.5+
Firefox Android?Safari iOS?Chrome Android?WebView Android?Samsung Internet?Opera Android12.1+
文書がiframe srcdoc文書であるか、タイトル情報がより上位プロトコルから利用可能な場合、1つより多くないtitle要素および1つより多くないbase要素である、0個以上のメタデータコンテンツ
Global attributes
Accessibility considerations:
For authors.
For implementers.
interface HTMLHeadElement : HTMLElement {
  [HTMLConstructor] constructor();



<!doctype html>
<html lang=en>
  <title>A document with a short head</title>


  <BASE HREF="https://www.example.com/">
  <TITLE>An application with a long head</TITLE>
  <LINK REL="STYLESHEET" HREF="default.css">
  <SCRIPT SRC="support.js"></SCRIPT>
  <META NAME="APPLICATION-NAME" CONTENT="Long headed application">

The title element is a required child in most situations, but when a higher-level protocol provides title information, e.g., in the subject line of an email when HTML is used as an email authoring format, the title element can be omitted.

4.2.2 The title element


Support in all current engines.

Edge (Legacy)12+Internet Explorer1+
Firefox Android?Safari iOS?Chrome Android?WebView Android?Samsung Internet?Opera Android?


Support in all current engines.

Edge (Legacy)12+Internet Explorer5.5+
Firefox Android?Safari iOS1+Chrome Android?WebView Android?Samsung Internet?Opera Android12.1+
Global attributes
Accessibility considerations:
For authors.
For implementers.
interface HTMLTitleElement : HTMLElement {
  [HTMLConstructor] constructor();

  [CEReactions] attribute DOMString text;




title.text [ = value ]



The text attribute's getter must return this title element's child text content.

The text attribute's setter must string replace all with the given value within this title element.


  <title>Introduction to The Mating Rituals of Bees</title>
  <p>This companion guide to the highly successful
  <cite>Introduction to Medieval Bee-Keeping</cite> book is...


  <title>Dances used during bee mating rituals</title>
  <h1>The Dances</h1>

文書のタイトルとして使用する文字列は、document.title IDL属性によって与えられる。


4.2.3 The base element


Support in all current engines.

Edge (Legacy)12+Internet ExplorerYes
Firefox Android?Safari iOS?Chrome Android?WebView Android?Samsung Internet?Opera Android?


Support in all current engines.

Edge (Legacy)12+Internet Explorer5.5+
Firefox Android?Safari iOS1+Chrome Android?WebView Android?Samsung Internet?Opera Android12.1+
Global attributes
target — Default navigable for hyperlink navigation and form submission
Accessibility considerations:
For authors.
For implementers.
interface HTMLBaseElement : HTMLElement {
  [HTMLConstructor] constructor();

  [CEReactions] attribute USVString href;
  [CEReactions] attribute DOMString target;

The base element allows authors to specify the document base URL for the purposes of parsing URLs, and the name of the default navigable for the purposes of following hyperlinks. この要素は、この情報を超えた任意のコンテンツを表すものでない。






The target attribute, if specified, must contain a valid navigable target name or keyword, which specifies which navigable is to be used as the default when hyperlinks and forms in the Document cause navigation.



To get an element's target, given an a, area, or form element element, and an optional string-or-null target (default null), run these steps:

  1. If target is null, then:

    1. If element has a target attribute, then set target to that attribute's value.

    2. Otherwise, if element's node document contains a base element with a target attribute, set target to the value of the target attribute of the first such base element.

  2. If target is not null, and contains an ASCII tab or newline and a U+003C (<), then set target to "_blank".

  3. Return target.

A base element that is the first base element with an href content attribute in a document tree has a frozen base URL. The frozen base URL must be immediately set for an element whenever any of the following situations occur:

To set the frozen base URL for an element element:

  1. Let document be element's node document.

  2. Let urlRecord be the result of parsing the value of element's href content attribute with document's fallback base URL, and document's character encoding. (Thus, the base element isn't affected by itself.)

  3. If any of the following are true:

    then set element's frozen base URL to document's fallback base URL and return.

  4. Set element's frozen base URL to urlRecord.

The href IDL attribute, on getting, must return the result of running the following algorithm:

  1. Let document be element's node document.

  2. Let url be the value of the href attribute of this element, if it has one, and the empty string otherwise.

  3. Let urlRecord be the result of parsing url with document's fallback base URL, and document's character encoding. (Thus, the base element isn't affected by other base elements or itself.)

  4. If urlRecord is failure, return url.

  5. Return the serialization of urlRecord.

The href IDL attribute, on setting, must set the href content attribute to the given new value.

The target IDL attribute must reflect the content attribute of the same name.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
        <title>This is an example for the &lt;base&gt; element</title>
        <base href="https://www.example.com/news/index.html">
        <p>Visit the <a href="archives.html">archives</a>.</p>



Support in all current engines.

Edge (Legacy)12+Internet ExplorerYes
Firefox Android?Safari iOS?Chrome Android?WebView Android?Samsung Internet?Opera Android12.1+


Support in all current engines.

Edge (Legacy)12+Internet Explorer5.5+
Firefox Android?Safari iOS?Chrome Android?WebView Android37+Samsung Internet?Opera Android12.1+
Global attributes
crossorigin — 要素がcrossorigin要求を処理する方法
media — 受け入れ可能なメディア
integritySubresource Integrityチェックで使用される整合性メタデータ[SRI]
hreflang — リンクされたリソースの言語
type — 参照されるリソースタイプのヒント
referrerpolicy — 要素によって開始されたフェッチのためのリファラポリシー
sizes — アイコンのサイズ(rel="icon"に対する)
imagesrcset — Images to use in different situations, e.g., high-resolution displays, small monitors, etc. (for rel="preload")
imagesizes — Image sizes for different page layouts (for rel="preload")
as — プリロードリクエストの潜在的な宛先rel="preload"およびrel="modulepreload"に対して)
blocking — Whether the element is potentially render-blocking
color — サイトのアイコンをカスタマイズする際に使用する色(rel="mask-icon"に対して)
disabled — Whether the link is disabled
fetchpriority — Sets the priority for fetches initiated by the element
Also, the title attribute has special semantics on this element: Title of the link; CSS style sheet set name
Accessibility considerations:
For authors.
For implementers.
interface HTMLLinkElement : HTMLElement {
  [HTMLConstructor] constructor();

  [CEReactions] attribute USVString href;
  [CEReactions] attribute DOMString? crossOrigin;
  [CEReactions] attribute DOMString rel;
  [CEReactions] attribute DOMString as;
  [SameObject, PutForwards=value] readonly attribute DOMTokenList relList;
  [CEReactions] attribute DOMString media;
  [CEReactions] attribute DOMString integrity;
  [CEReactions] attribute DOMString hreflang;
  [CEReactions] attribute DOMString type;
  [SameObject, PutForwards=value] readonly attribute DOMTokenList sizes;
  [CEReactions] attribute USVString imageSrcset;
  [CEReactions] attribute DOMString imageSizes;
  [CEReactions] attribute DOMString referrerPolicy;
  [SameObject, PutForwards=value] readonly attribute DOMTokenList blocking;
  [CEReactions] attribute boolean disabled;
  [CEReactions] attribute DOMString fetchPriority;

  // also has obsolete members
HTMLLinkElement includes LinkStyle;


The address of the link(s) is given by the href attribute. If the href attribute is present, then its value must be a valid non-empty URL potentially surrounded by spaces. One or both of the href or imagesrcset attributes must be present.

If both the href and imagesrcset attributes are absent, then the element does not define a link.


relサポートされるトークンは、link要素で許可されるHTMLリンクタイプで定義されるキーワードであり、処理モデルに影響を与え、ユーザーエージェントによってサポートされる。The possible supported tokens are alternate, dns-prefetch, expect, icon, manifest, modulepreload, next, pingback, preconnect, prefetch, preload, search, and stylesheet. rel's supported tokens must only include the tokens from this list that the user agent implements the processing model for.

Theoretically a user agent could support the processing model for the canonical keyword — if it were a search engine that executed JavaScript. But in practice that's quite unlikely. So in most cases, canonical ought not be included in rel's supported tokens.




Two categories of links can be created using the link element: links to external resources and hyperlinks. リンクタイプの節では、あるリンクタイプが外部リソースまたはハイパーリンクであるかどうかを定義する。1つのlink要素は、複数のリンク(一部は外部リソースリンクかもしれず、一部はハイパーリンクであるかもしれない)を作成できる。正確には、どのリンクがどれだけ作成されるかは、rel属性で与えられるキーワードに応じて異なる。ユーザーエージェントは、要素あたりの基準ではなく、リンクあたりの基準でリンクを処理しなければならない。

link要素に対して作成された各リンクは別々に処理される。たとえば、rel="stylesheet"をもつ2つのlink要素が存在する場合、これらは個別の外部リソースとして数え、およびそれぞれが独立に独自の属性によって影響される。同様に、単一のlink要素が値next stylesheetを伴うrel属性を持つ場合、それはハイパーリンクnextキーワードへの)および外部リソースリンクstylesheetキーワードへの)の両方を作成し、それらはそれぞれに(mediaまたはtitleのような)他の属性の影響を受ける。


<link rel="author license" href="/about">



Unlike those created by a and area elements, hyperlinks created by link elements are not displayed as part of the document by default, in user agents that support the suggested default rendering. And even if they are force-displayed using CSS, they have no activation behavior. Instead, they primarily provide semantic information which might be used by the page or by other software that consumes the page's contents. Additionally, the user agent can provide its own UI for following such hyperlinks.





Support in all current engines.

Edge (Legacy)17+Internet ExplorerNo
Firefox Android?Safari iOS?Chrome Android?WebView Android?Samsung Internet?Opera Android?

integrity属性は、この要素が責任を負うリクエストに対する完全性メタデータを表す。値はテキストである。The attribute must only be specified on link elements that have a rel attribute that contains the stylesheet, preload, or modulepreload keyword. [SRI]







The imagesrcset attribute may be present, and is a srcset attribute.

The imagesrcset and href attributes (if width descriptors are not used) together contribute the image sources to the source set.

If the imagesrcset attribute is present and has any image candidate strings using a width descriptor, the imagesizes attribute must also be present, and is a sizes attribute. The imagesizes attribute contributes the source size to the source set.

The imagesrcset and imagesizes attributes must only be specified on link elements that have both a rel attribute that specifies the preload keyword, as well as an as attribute in the "image" state.

These attributes allow preloading the appropriate resource that is later used by an img element that has the corresponding values for its srcset and sizes attributes:

<link rel="preload" as="image"
      imagesrcset="wolf_400px.jpg 400w, wolf_800px.jpg 800w, wolf_1600px.jpg 1600w"

<!-- ... later, or perhaps inserted dynamically ... -->
<img src="wolf.jpg" alt="A rad wolf"
     srcset="wolf_400px.jpg 400w, wolf_800px.jpg 800w, wolf_1600px.jpg 1600w"

Note how we omit the href attribute, as it would only be relevant for browsers that do not support imagesrcset, and in those cases it would likely cause the incorrect image to be preloaded.

The imagesrcset attribute can be combined with the media attribute to preload the appropriate resource selected from a picture element's sources, for art direction:

<link rel="preload" as="image"
      imagesrcset="dog-cropped-1x.jpg, dog-cropped-2x.jpg 2x"
      media="(max-width: 800px)">
<link rel="preload" as="image"
      imagesrcset="dog-wide-1x.jpg, dog-wide-2x.jpg 2x"
      media="(min-width: 801px)">

<!-- ... later, or perhaps inserted dynamically ... -->
  <source srcset="dog-cropped-1x.jpg, dog-cropped-2x.jpg 2x"
          media="(max-width: 800px)">
  <img src="dog-wide-1x.jpg" srcset="dog-wide-2x.jpg 2x"
       alt="An awesome dog">

sizes属性は、視覚形式のアイコンのサイズを与える。存在する場合、この値は単に助言を与えるだけである。複数のアイコンが利用可能な場合、ユーザーエージェントは、どのアイコンを使用するかを決定するためにこの値を使用してもよい。存在する場合、この属性は、ASCII大文字・小文字不区別である一意なスペース区切りトークンの順不同の組である値を持たなければならない。値はそれぞれ、"any"に一致するASCII大文字・小文字不区別である文字列か、2つの妥当な非負整数からなる値のいずれかでなければならない。この数値は、先行するU+0030 DIGIT ZERO(0)文字を持たず、かつ1つのU+0078 LATIN SMALL LETTER XまたはU+0058 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER X文字により分離される。The attribute must only be specified on link elements that have a rel attribute that specifies the icon keyword or the apple-touch-icon keyword.


as属性は、href属性によって与えられるリソースに対するプリロードリクエストの潜在的な宛先を指定する。この属性は列挙属性である。各潜在的な宛先は、同じ名前の状態にマッピングする、この属性のキーワードである。属性は、preloadキーワードを含むrel属性を持つlink要素で指定されなければならない。これは、modulepreloadキーワードを含むrel属性を持つlink要素で指定されてもよい。そのような場合には、script-like destinationである値を持たなければならない。他のlink要素については、それを指定してはならない。

The processing model for how the as attribute is used is given in an individual link type's fetch and process the linked resource algorithm.


The blocking attribute is a blocking attribute. It is used by link types stylesheet and expect, and it must only be specified on link elements that have a rel attribute containing those keywords.

color属性は、mask-iconリンクタイプとともに使用される。The attribute must only be specified on link elements that have a rel attribute that contains the mask-icon keyword. この値は、ユーザーエージェントがサイトをピン留めするときに目に付くアイコンの表示をカスタマイズするために使用することができる推奨色を定義する、CSS <color>生成物と一致する文字列でなければならない。



link elements have an associated explicitly enabled boolean. 最初はfalseである。

The disabled attribute is a boolean attribute that is used with the stylesheet link type. The attribute must only be specified on link elements that have a rel attribute that contains the stylesheet keyword.

Whenever the disabled attribute is removed, set the link element's explicitly enabled attribute to true.

Removing the disabled attribute dynamically, e.g., using document.querySelector("link").removeAttribute("disabled"), will fetch and apply the style sheet:

<link disabled rel="alternate stylesheet" href="css/pooh">


FirefoxNoSafari🔰 preview+Chrome102+
Edge (Legacy)?Internet ExplorerNo
Firefox Android?Safari iOS?Chrome Android?WebView Android?Samsung Internet?Opera Android?

The fetchpriority attribute is a fetch priority attribute that is intended for use with external resource links, where it is used to set the priority used when fetching and processing the linked resource.


Support in all current engines.

Edge (Legacy)12+Internet Explorer5.5+
Firefox Android?Safari iOS?Chrome Android?WebView Android?Samsung Internet?Opera Android12.1+

The IDL attributes href, hreflang, integrity, media, rel, sizes, type, blocking, and disabled each must reflect the respective content attributes of the same name.

There is no reflecting IDL attribute for the color attribute, but this might be added later.


Support in all current engines.

Edge (Legacy)17+Internet ExplorerNo
Firefox Android?Safari iOS?Chrome Android?WebView Android?Samsung Internet?Opera Android?

The as IDL attribute must reflect the as content attribute, limited to only known values.

The crossOrigin IDL attribute must reflect the crossorigin content attribute, limited to only known values.


Support in all current engines.

Edge (Legacy)?Internet ExplorerNo
Firefox Android?Safari iOS?Chrome Android?WebView Android?Samsung Internet?Opera Android?

The referrerPolicy IDL attribute must reflect the referrerpolicy content attribute, limited to only known values.

The fetchPriority IDL attribute must reflect the fetchpriority content attribute, limited to only known values.

The imageSrcset IDL attribute must reflect the imagesrcset content attribute.

The imageSizes IDL attribute must reflect the imagesizes content attribute.


Support in all current engines.

Edge (Legacy)17+Internet ExplorerNo
Firefox Android?Safari iOS?Chrome Android?WebView Android?Samsung Internet?Opera Android?

The relList IDL attribute must reflect the rel content attribute.

The relList attribute can be used for feature detection, by calling its supports() method to check which types of links are supported. Processing the media attribute




外部リソースは、外部リソースの制限の適用内で定義される追加の制限があるかもしれない。たとえば、CSSスタイルシートは、いくつかの@mediaブロックを持っているかもしれない。この仕様は、そのような追加の制限や要件を上書きしない。 Processing the type attribute

If the type attribute is present, then the user agent must assume that the resource is of the given type (even if that is not a valid MIME type string, e.g. the empty string). If the attribute is omitted, but the external resource link type has a default type defined, then the user agent must assume that the resource is of that type. If the UA does not support the given MIME type for the given link relationship, then the UA should not fetch and process the linked resource; if the UA does support the given MIME type for the given link relationship, then the UA should fetch and process the linked resource at the appropriate time as specified for the external resource link's particular type. If the attribute is omitted, and the external resource link type does not have a default type defined, but the user agent would fetch and process the linked resource if the type was known and supported, then the user agent should fetch and process the linked resource under the assumption that it will be supported.





<link rel="stylesheet" href="A" type="text/plain">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="B" type="text/css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="C">



2つのファイルのいずれかがContent-Typeメタデータなしで、またはContent-Type: "null"のような構文的に誤ったタイプとともに返された場合、stylesheetのリンクに対するデフォルトタイプは蹴られる。Since that default type is text/css, the style sheet would nonetheless be applied.

The default fetch and process the linked resource, given a link element el, is as follows:

  1. Let options be the result of creating link options from el.

  2. Let request be the result of creating a link request given options.

  3. If request is null, then return.

  4. Set request's synchronous flag.

  5. Run the linked resource fetch setup steps, given el and request. If the result is false, then return.

  6. Set request's initiator type to "css" if el's rel attribute contains the keyword stylesheet; "link" otherwise.

  7. Fetch request with processResponseConsumeBody set to the following steps given response response and null, failure, or a byte sequence bodyBytes:

    1. Let success be true.

    2. If any of the following are true:

      then set success to false.

      Note that content-specific errors, e.g., CSS parse errors or PNG decoding errors, do not affect success.

    3. Otherwise, wait for the link resource's critical subresources to finish loading.

      The specification that defines a link type's critical subresources (e.g., CSS) is expected to describe how these subresources are fetched and processed. However, since this is not currently explicit, this specification describes waiting for a link resource's critical subresources to be fetched and processed, with the expectation that this will be done correctly.

    4. Process the linked resource given el, success, response, and bodyBytes.

To create a link request given a link processing options options:

  1. Assert: options's href is not the empty string.

  2. If options's destination is null, then return null.

  3. Let url be the result of encoding-parsing a URL given options's href, relative to options's base URL.

    Passing the base URL instead of a document or environment is tracked by issue #9715.

  4. If url is failure, then return null.

  5. Let request be the result of creating a potential-CORS request given url, options's destination, and options's crossorigin.

  6. Set request's policy container to options's policy container.

  7. Set request's integrity metadata to options's integrity.

  8. Set request's cryptographic nonce metadata to options's cryptographic nonce metadata.

  9. Set request's referrer policy to options's referrer policy.

  10. Set request's client to options's environment.

  11. Set request's priority to options's fetch priority.

  12. Return request.

User agents may opt to only try to fetch and process such resources when they are needed, instead of pro-actively fetching all the external resources that are not applied.

Similar to the fetch and process the linked resource algorithm, all external resource links have a process the linked resource algorithm which takes a link element el, boolean success, a response response, and a byte sequence bodyBytes. Individual link types may provide their own process the linked resource algorithm, but unless explicitly stated, that algorithm does nothing.

Unless otherwise specified for a given rel keyword, the element must delay the load event of the element's node document until all the attempts to fetch and process the linked resource and its critical subresources are complete. (Resources that the user agent has not yet attempted to fetch and process, e.g., because it is waiting for the resource to be needed, do not delay the load event.)

All link types that can be external resource links define a process a link header algorithm, which takes a link processing options. This algorithm defines whether and how they react to appearing in an HTTP `Link` response header.

For most link types, this algorithm does nothing. The summary table is a good reference to quickly know whether a link type has defined process a link header steps.

A link processing options is a struct. It has the following items:

href (default the empty string)
destination (default the empty string)
initiator (default "link")
integrity (default the empty string)
type (default the empty string)
cryptographic nonce metadata (default the empty string)
A string
crossorigin (default No CORS)
A CORS settings attribute state
referrer policy (default the empty string)
A referrer policy
source set (default null)
Null or a source set
base URL
An origin
An environment
policy container
A policy container
document (default null)
Null or a Document
on document ready (default null)
Null or an algorithm accepting a Document
fetch priority (default auto)
A fetch priority attribute state

A link processing options has a base URL and an href rather than a parsed URL because the URL could be a result of the options's source set.

To create link options from element given a link element el:

  1. Let document be el's node document.

  2. Let options be a new link processing options with

    the result of translating the state of el's as attribute.
    the state of el's crossorigin content attribute
    referrer policy
    the state of el's referrerpolicy content attribute
    source set
    el's source set
    base URL
    document's document base URL
    document's origin
    document's relevant settings object
    policy container
    document's policy container
    cryptographic nonce metadata
    The current value of el's [[CryptographicNonce]] internal slot
    fetch priority
    the state of el's fetchpriority content attribute
  3. If el has an href attribute, then set options's href to the value of el's href attribute.

  4. If el has an integrity attribute, then set options's integrity to the value of el's integrity content attribute.

  5. If el has a type attribute, then set options's type to the value of el's type attribute.

  6. Assert: options's href is not the empty string, or options's source set is not null.

    A link element with neither an href or an imagesrcset does not represent a link.

  7. Return options.

To extract links from headers given a header list headers:

  1. Let links be a new list.

  2. Let rawLinkHeaders be the result of getting, decoding, and splitting `Link` from response's header list.

  3. For each linkHeader of rawLinkHeaders:

    1. Let linkObject be the result of parsing linkHeader. [WEBLINK]

    2. If linkObject["target_uri"] does not exist, then continue.

    3. Append linkObject to links.

  4. Return links.

To process link headers given a Document doc, a response response, and a "pre-media" or "media" phase:

  1. Let links be the result of extracting links from response's header list.

  2. For each linkObject in links:

    1. Let rel be linkObject["relation_type"].

    2. Let attribs be linkObject["target_attributes"].

    3. Let expectedPhase be "media" if either "srcset", "imagesrcset", or "media" exist in attribs; otherwise "pre-media".

    4. If expectedPhase is not phase, then continue.

    5. If attribs["media"] exists and attribs["media"] does not match the environment, then continue.

    6. Let options be a new link processing options with

      base URL
      doc's document base URL
      doc's origin
      doc's relevant settings object
      policy container
      doc's policy container
    7. Apply link options from parsed header attributes to options given attribs.

    8. If attribs["imagesrcset"] exists and attribs["imagesizes"] exists, then set options's source set to the result of creating a source set given linkObject["target_uri"], attribs["imagesrcset"], attribs["imagesizes"], and null.

    9. Run the process a link header steps for rel given options.

To apply link options from parsed header attributes to a link processing options options given attribs:

  1. If attribs["as"] exists, then set options's destination to the result of translating attribs["as"].

  2. If attribs["crossorigin"] exists and is an ASCII case-insensitive match for one of the CORS settings attribute keywords, then set options's crossorigin to the CORS settings attribute state corresponding to that keyword.

  3. If attribs["integrity"] exists, then set options's integrity to attribs["integrity"].

  4. If attribs["referrerpolicy"] exists and is an ASCII case-insensitive match for some referrer policy, then set options's referrer policy to that referrer policy.

  5. If attribs["nonce"] exists, then set options's nonce to attribs["nonce"].

  6. If attribs["type"] exists, then set options's type to attribs["type"].

  7. If attribs["fetchpriority"] exists and is an ASCII case-insensitive match for a fetch priority attribute keyword, then set options's fetch priority to that fetch priority attribute keyword. Early hints


Edge (Legacy)?Internet ExplorerNo
Firefox Android?Safari iOS?Chrome Android?WebView Android?Samsung Internet?Opera Android?

Early hints allow user-agents to perform some operations, such as to speculatively load resources that are likely to be used by the document, before the navigation request is fully handled by the server and a response code is served. Servers can indicate early hints by serving a response with a 103 status code before serving the final response.[RFC8297]

For compatibility reasons early hints are typically delivered over HTTP/2 or above, but for readability we use HTTP/1.1-style notation below.

For example, given the following sequence of responses:

103 Early Hint
Link: </image.png>; rel=preload; as=image
200 OK
Content-Type: text/html

<!DOCTYPE html>
<img src="/image.png">

the image will start loading before the HTML content arrives.

Only the first early hint response served during the navigation is handled, and it is discarded if it is succeeded by a cross-origin redirect.

In addition to the `Link` headers, it is possible that the 103 response contains a Content Security Policy header, which is enforced when processing the early hint.

For example, given the following sequence of responses:

103 Early Hint
Content-Security-Policy: style-src: self;
Link: </style.css>; rel=preload; as=style
103 Early Hint
Link: </image.png>; rel=preload; as=image
302 Redirect
Location: /alternate.html
200 OK
Content-Security-Policy: style-src: none;
Link: </font.ttf>; rel=preload; as=font

The font and style would be loaded, and the image will be discarded, as only the first early hint response in the final redirect chain is respected. The late Content Security Policy header comes after the request to fetch the style has already been performed, but the style will not be accessible to the document.

To process early hint headers given a response response and an environment reservedEnvironment:

Early-hint `Link` headers are always processed before `Link` headers from the final response, followed by link elements. This is equivalent to prepending the contents of the early and final `Link` headers to the Document's head element, in respective order.

  1. Let earlyPolicyContainer be the result of creating a policy container from a fetch response given response and reservedEnvironment.

    This allows the early hint response to include a Content Security Policy which would be enforced when fetching the early hint request.

  2. Let links be the result of extracting links from response's header list.

  3. Let earlyHints be an empty list.

  4. For each linkObject in links:

    The moment we receive the early hint link header, we begin fetching earlyRequest. If it comes back before the Document is created, we set earlyResponse to the response of that fetch and once the Document is created we commit it (by making it available in the map of preloaded resources as if it was a link element). If the Document is created first, the response is committed as soon as it becomes available.

    1. Let rel be linkObject["relation_type"].

    2. Let options be a new link processing options with

      base URL
      response's URL
      response's URL's origin
      policy container
    3. Let attribs be linkObject["target_attributes"].

      Only the as, crossorigin, integrity, and type attributes are handled as part of early hint processing. The other ones, in particular blocking, imagesrcset, imagesizes, and media are only applicable once a Document is created.

    4. Apply link options from parsed header attributes to options given attribs.

    5. Run the process a link header steps for rel given options.

    6. Append options to earlyHints.

  5. Return the following substeps given Document doc: for each options in earlyHints:

    1. If options's on document ready is null, then set options's document to doc.

    2. Otherwise, call options's on document ready with doc.

インタラクティブなユーザーエージェントは、ユーザーインターフェイス内のどこかで、link要素を使用して作成されるハイパーリンクを追跡する手段をユーザーに提供してもよい。Such invocations of the follow the hyperlink algorithm must set the userInvolvement argument to "browser UI". The exact interface is not defined by this specification, but it could include the following information (obtained from the element's attributes, again as defined below), in some form or another (possibly simplified), for each hyperlink created with each link element in the document:


4.2.5 The meta element


Support in all current engines.

Edge (Legacy)12+Internet ExplorerYes
Firefox Android?Safari iOS?Chrome Android?WebView Android?Samsung Internet?Opera Android12.1+


Support in all current engines.

Edge (Legacy)12+Internet Explorer5.5+
Firefox Android?Safari iOS?Chrome Android?WebView Android?Samsung Internet?Opera Android12.1+
Global attributes
name — メタデータ名
http-equiv — プラグマディレクティブ
content — 要素の値
media — 受け入れ可能なメディア
Accessibility considerations:
For authors.
For implementers.
interface HTMLMetaElement : HTMLElement {
  [HTMLConstructor] constructor();

  [CEReactions] attribute DOMString name;
  [CEReactions] attribute DOMString httpEquiv;
  [CEReactions] attribute DOMString content;
  [CEReactions] attribute DOMString media;

  // also has obsolete members










The media attribute says which media the metadata applies to. 値は妥当なメディアクエリーリストでなければならない。Unless the name is theme-color, the media attribute has no effect on the processing model and must not be used by authors.

The name, content, and media IDL attributes must reflect the respective content attributes of the same name. The IDL attribute httpEquiv must reflect the content attribute http-equiv. Standard metadata names


Support in all current engines.

Edge (Legacy)12+Internet Explorer6+
Firefox Android?Safari iOS?Chrome Android?WebView Android?Samsung Internet?Opera Android12.1+




The value must be a short free-form string giving the name of the web application that the page represents. If the page is not a web application, the application-name metadata name must not be used. Translations of the web application's name may be given, using the lang attribute to specify the language of each name.




  1. languagesを言語のリストにする。

  2. もしあれば、かつその言語が不明ではない場合、default languageDocument文書要素言語とする。

  3. default languageが存在する場合、かつそれがlanguagesにおける言語のいずれかと同じ言語でない場合、languagesに追加する。

  4. Let winning language be the first language in languages for which there is a meta element in the Document where the name attribute value is an ASCII case-insensitive match for application-name and whose language is the language in question.

    If none of the languages have such a meta element, then return; there's no given application name.

  5. Return the value of the content attribute of the first meta element in the Document in tree order where the name attribute value is an ASCII case-insensitive match for application-name and whose language is winning language.









<meta name=generator content="Frontweaver 8.2">



<html lang="en-GB">
  <title>Typefaces on UK motorways</title>
  <meta name="keywords" content="british,type face,font,fonts,highway,highways">



  1. keywordsを空のリストにする。

  2. For each meta element with a name attribute and a content attribute and where the name attribute value is an ASCII case-insensitive match for keywords:

    1. カンマで要素のcontent属性の値を分割する

    2. もしあれば、keywordsに得られたトークンを追加する。

  3. keywordsから重複を削除する。

  4. keywordsを返す。これは、著者がページに適用可能として指定したキーワードのリストである。





If any meta element element is inserted into the document, or has its name or content attributes changed, user agents must run the following algorithm:

  1. If element is not in a document tree, then return.

  2. If element does not have a name attribute whose value is an ASCII case-insensitive match for "referrer", then return.

  3. If element does not have a content attribute, or that attribute's value is the empty string, then return.

  4. Let value be the value of element's content attribute, converted to ASCII lowercase.

  5. If value is one of the values given in the first column of the following table, then set value to the value given in the second column:

    Legacy valueReferrer policy
    defaultthe default referrer policy
  6. If value is a referrer policy, then set element's node document's policy container's referrer policy to policy.

For historical reasons, unlike other standard metadata names, the processing model for referrer is not responsive to element removals, and does not use tree order. Only the most-recently-inserted or most-recently-modified meta element in this state has an effect.



FirefoxNoSafari15+Chrome🔰 73+
OperaNoEdge🔰 79+
Edge (Legacy)?Internet ExplorerNo
Firefox Android?Safari iOS?Chrome Android80+WebView AndroidNoSamsung Internet6.2+Opera AndroidNo

値は、ユーザーエージェントがページや周囲のユーザーインターフェイスのの表示をカスタマイズするために使用すべき提案される色を定義する、CSS <color>生成物とマッチする文字列でなければならない。たとえば、ブラウザーは、指定された値でページのタイトルバーに色をつけるかもしれず、またはタブバーやタスクスイッチャーでカラーハイライトとして使用するかもしれない。

Within an HTML document, the media attribute value must be unique amongst all the meta elements with their name attribute value set to an ASCII case-insensitive match for theme-color.

この標準自身は、テーマカラーとして"WHATWG green"を使用している:

<title>HTML Standard</title>
<meta name="theme-color" content="#3c790a">

The media attribute may be used to describe the context in which the provided color should be used.

If we only wanted to use "WHATWG green" as this standard's theme color in dark mode, we could use the prefers-color-scheme media feature:

<title>HTML Standard</title>
<meta name="theme-color" content="#3c790a" media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)">

To obtain a page's theme color, user agents must run the following steps:

  1. Let candidate elements be the list of all meta elements that meet the following criteria, in tree order:

  2. For each element in candidate elements:

    1. If element has a media attribute and the value of element's media attribute does not match the environment, then continue.

    2. Let value be the result of stripping leading and trailing ASCII whitespace from the value of element's content attribute.

    3. Let color be the result of parsing value.

    4. If color is not failure, then return color.

  3. Return nothing (the page has no theme color).

If any meta elements are inserted into the document or removed from the document, or existing meta elements have their name, content, or media attributes changed, or if the environment changes such that any meta element's media attribute's value may now or may no longer match the environment, user agents must re-run the above algorithm and apply the result to any affected UI.



To aid user agents in rendering the page background with the desired color scheme immediately (rather than waiting for all CSS in the page to load), a 'color-scheme' value can be provided in a meta element.

The value must be a string that matches the syntax for the CSS 'color-scheme' property value. It determines the page's supported color-schemes.

There must not be more than one meta element with its name attribute value set to an ASCII case-insensitive match for color-scheme per document.

The following declaration indicates that the page is aware of and can handle a color scheme with dark background colors and light foreground colors:

<meta name="color-scheme" content="dark">

To obtain a page's supported color-schemes, user agents must run the following steps:

  1. Let candidate elements be the list of all meta elements that meet the following criteria, in tree order:

  2. For each element in candidate elements:

    1. Let parsed be the result of parsing a list of component values given the value of element's content attribute.
    2. If parsed is a valid CSS 'color-scheme' property value, then return parsed.
  3. Return null.

If any meta elements are inserted into the document or removed from the document, or existing meta elements have their name or content attributes changed, user agents must re-run the above algorithm.

Because these rules check successive elements until they find a match, an author can provide multiple such values to handle fallback for legacy user agents. Opposite to how CSS fallback works for properties, the multiple meta elements needs to be arranged with the legacy values after the newer values. Other metadata names



また、新しいメタデータ名を作成して使用する前に、すでに使用されているメタデータ名の選択を避け、すでに使用されているメタデータ名の複製を避け、かつ新しい標準化された名前があなたの選んだ名前と衝突することを避けるために、WHATWG Wiki MetaExtensions pageを参照することを勧める。[WHATWGWIKI]

誰でも自由にWHATWG Wiki MetaExtensions pageを編集して、いつでもメタデータ名を追加できる。新しいメタデータ名は、次の情報とともに指定することができる:





メタデータ名のセマンティックスおよび要求のより詳細な説明へのリンク。It could be another page on the wiki, or a link to an external page.




広いレビューを受けており、欠陥が発見されたメタデータ名。既存のページはこのメタデータ名を使用しているが、新しいページでは避けるべきである。"brief description"(簡単な説明)と"specification"(仕様書)のエントリは、どちらかといえば著者が代わりに使用すべきものの詳細を提供するだろう。


メタデータ名が、使用するまたは指定することなく一月以上の期間"proposed"(提案)状態で追加される場合、WHATWG Wiki MetaExtensions pageから削除されることがある。


誰もがいつでも状態を変更できるが、上記の定義にしたがってのみ行うべきである。 Pragma directives


The http-equiv attribute is an enumerated attribute with the following keywords and states:

content-languageNoContent languageSets the pragma-set default language.
content-typeEncoding declarationAn alternative form of setting the charset.
default-styleDefault styleSets the name of the default CSS style sheet set.
refreshRefreshActs as a timed redirect.
set-cookieNoSet-CookieHas no effect.
x-ua-compatibleX-UA-CompatibleIn practice, encourages Internet Explorer to more closely follow the specifications.
content-security-policyContent security policyEnforces a Content Security Policy on a Document.





  1. If the meta element has no content attribute, then return.

  2. If the element's content attribute contains a U+002C COMMA character (,) then return.

  3. Let input be the value of the element's content attribute.

  4. Let position point at the first character of input.

  5. Skip ASCII whitespace within input given position.

  6. Collect a sequence of code points that are not ASCII whitespace from input given position.

  7. Let candidate be the string that resulted from the previous step.

  8. If candidate is the empty string, return.

  9. Set the pragma-set default language to candidate.

    If the value consists of multiple space-separated tokens, tokens after the first are ignored.

このプラグマは、同じ名前のHTTP `Content-Language`ヘッダーと完全ではないが、ほぼ大部分で異なる。[HTTP]



For meta elements with an http-equiv attribute in the Encoding declaration state, the content attribute must have a value that is an ASCII case-insensitive match for a string that consists of: "text/html;", optionally followed by any number of ASCII whitespace, followed by "charset=utf-8".





Support in one engine only.

Edge (Legacy)?Internet Explorer8+
Firefox Android?Safari iOS?Chrome Android?WebView Android?Samsung Internet?Opera Android?


  1. If the meta element has no content attribute, or if that attribute's value is the empty string, then return.

  2. Change the preferred CSS style sheet set name with the name being the value of the element's content attribute. [CSSOM]


This pragma acts as a timed redirect.


  1. If the meta element has no content attribute, or if that attribute's value is the empty string, then return.

  2. Let input be the value of the element's content attribute.

  3. Run the shared declarative refresh steps with the meta element's node document, input, and the meta element.

The shared declarative refresh steps, given a Document object document, string input, and optionally a meta element meta, are as follows:

  1. If document's will declaratively refresh is true, then return.

  2. Let position point at the first code point of input.

  3. Skip ASCII whitespace within input given position.

  4. Let time be 0.

  5. Collect a sequence of code points that are ASCII digits from input given position, and let the result be timeString.

  6. If timeString is the empty string, then:

    1. If the code point in input pointed to by position is not U+002E (.), then return.

  7. Otherwise, set time to the result of parsing timeString using the rules for parsing non-negative integers.

  8. Collect a sequence of code points that are ASCII digits and U+002E FULL STOP characters (.) from input given position. Ignore any collected characters.

  9. Let urlRecord be document's URL.

  10. If position is not past the end of input, then:

    1. If the code point in input pointed to by position is not U+003B (;), U+002C (,), or ASCII whitespace, then return.

    2. Skip ASCII whitespace within input given position.

    3. If the code point in input pointed to by position is U+003B (;) or U+002C (,), then advance position to the next code point.

    4. Skip ASCII whitespace within input given position.

  11. If position is not past the end of input, then:

    1. Let urlString be the substring of input from the code point at position to the end of the string.

    2. If the code point in input pointed to by position is U+0055 (U) or U+0075 (u), then advance position to the next code point. Otherwise, jump to the step labeled skip quotes.

    3. If the code point in input pointed to by position is U+0052 (R) or U+0072 (r), then advance position to the next code point. Otherwise, jump to the step labeled parse.

    4. If the code point in input pointed to by position is U+004C (L) or U+006C (l), then advance position to the next code point. Otherwise, jump to the step labeled parse.

    5. Skip ASCII whitespace within input given position.

    6. If the code point in input pointed to by position is U+003D (=), then advance position to the next code point. Otherwise, jump to the step labeled parse.

    7. Skip ASCII whitespace within input given position.

    8. Skip quotes: If the code point in input pointed to by position is U+0027 (') or U+0022 ("), then let quote be that code point, and advance position to the next code point. Otherwise, let quote be the empty string.

    9. Set urlString to the substring of input from the code point at position to the end of the string.

    10. If quote is not the empty string, and there is a code point in urlString equal to quote, then truncate urlString at that code point, so that it and all subsequent code points are removed.

    11. Parse: Set urlRecord to the result of encoding-parsing a URL given urlString, relative to document.

    12. If urlRecord is failure, then return.

  12. Set document's will declaratively refresh to true.

  13. 次の手順のうちの1つ以上を実行する:

    • After the refresh has come due (as defined below), if the user has not canceled the redirect and, if meta is given, document's active sandboxing flag set does not have the sandboxed automatic features browsing context flag set, then navigate document's node navigable to urlRecord using document, with historyHandling set to "replace".

      For the purposes of the previous paragraph, a refresh is said to have come due as soon as the later of the following two conditions occurs:

      • At least time seconds have elapsed since document's completely loaded time, adjusted to take into account user or user agent preferences.
      • If meta is given, at least time seconds have elapsed since meta was inserted into the document document, adjusted to take into account user or user agent preferences.

      It is important to use document here, and not meta's node document, as that might have changed between the initial set of steps and the refresh coming due and meta is not always given (in case of the HTTP `Refresh` header).

    • Provide the user with an interface that, when selected, navigates document's node navigable to urlRecord using document.

    • Do nothing.

    In addition, the user agent may, as with anything, inform the user of any and all aspects of its operation, including the state of any timers, the destinations of any timed redirects, and so forth.




<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="300">


<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="20; URL=page4.html">
Set-Cookie state (http-equiv="set-cookie")

This pragma is non-conforming and has no effect.



実際問題として、このプラグマは、仕様により密接に従うようにInternet Explorerに勧める。

X-UA-Compatible状態におけるhttp-equiv属性をもつmeta要素の場合、content属性は、文字列"IE=edge"に ASCII大文字・小文字不区別である値を持たなければならない。


Content security policy state (http-equiv="content-security-policy")

このプラグマはDocumentContent Security Policy実施する[CSP]

  1. If the meta element is not a child of a head element, return.

  2. If the meta element has no content attribute, or if that attribute's value is the empty string, then return.

  3. Let policy be the result of executing Content Security Policy's parse a serialized Content Security Policy algorithm on the meta element's content attribute's value, with a source of "meta", and a disposition of "enforce".

  4. Remove all occurrences of the report-uri, frame-ancestors, and sandbox directives from policy.

  5. Enforce the policy policy.


At the time of inserting the meta element to the document, it is possible that some resources have already been fetched. For example, images might be stored in the list of available images prior to dynamically inserting a meta element with an http-equiv attribute in the Content security policy state. Resources that have already been fetched are not guaranteed to be blocked by a Content Security Policy that's enforced late.


<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="script-src 'self'; object-src 'none'">

一度に文書で特定の状態をもつ複数のmeta要素が存在してはならない。 Specifying the document's character encoding






HTML文書がBOMで開始せず、かつそのエンコーディングContent-Typeメタデータによって明示的に指定されず、かつ文書がiframe srcdoc文書でない場合、エンコーディングはcharset属性をもつmeta要素、またはエンコーディング宣言状態http-equiv属性をもつmeta要素を使用して指定されなければならない。



文書がiframe srcdoc文書である場合、文書は文字エンコーディング宣言を持ってはならない。(この場合、文書の一部はiframeを含んでいるので、ソースはすでにデコードされている。)



<meta charset="utf-8">


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

4.2.6 The style element


Support in all current engines.

Edge (Legacy)12+Internet Explorer3+
Firefox Android?Safari iOS?Chrome Android?WebView Android?Samsung Internet?Opera Android10.1+


Support in all current engines.

Edge (Legacy)12+Internet Explorer5.5+
Firefox Android?Safari iOS?Chrome Android?WebView Android?Samsung Internet?Opera Android12.1+
Global attributes
media — 受け入れ可能なメディア
blocking — Whether the element is potentially render-blocking
Also, the title attribute has special semantics on this element: CSS style sheet set name
Accessibility considerations:
For authors.
For implementers.
interface HTMLStyleElement : HTMLElement {
  [HTMLConstructor] constructor();

  attribute boolean disabled;
  [CEReactions] attribute DOMString media;
  [SameObject, PutForwards=value] readonly attribute DOMTokenList blocking;

  // also has obsolete members
HTMLStyleElement includes LinkStyle;



Support in all current engines.

Edge (Legacy)13+Internet Explorer5.5+
Firefox Android?Safari iOS?Chrome Android?WebView Android?Samsung Internet?Opera Android12.1+

The disabled getter steps are:

  1. If this does not have an associated CSS style sheet, return false.

  2. If this's associated CSS style sheet's disabled flag is set, return true.

  3. Return false.

The disabled setter steps are:

  1. If this does not have an associated CSS style sheet, return.

  2. If the given value is true, set this's associated CSS style sheet's disabled flag. Otherwise, unset this's associated CSS style sheet's disabled flag.

Importantly, disabled attribute assignments only take effect when the style element has an associated CSS style sheet:

const style = document.createElement('style');
style.disabled = true;
style.textContent = 'body { background-color: red; }';
console.log(style.disabled); // false




The blocking attribute is a blocking attribute.


Support in one engine only.

Edge (Legacy)?Internet Explorer8+
Firefox Android?Safari iOS?Chrome Android?WebView Android?Samsung Internet?Opera Android?




A style element is implicitly potentially render-blocking if the element was created by its node document's parser.

The user agent must run the update a style block algorithm whenever any of the following conditions occur:

The update a style block algorithm is as follows:

  1. Let element be the style element.

  2. If element has an associated CSS style sheet, remove the CSS style sheet in question.

  3. If element is not connected, then return.

  4. If element's type attribute is present and its value is neither the empty string nor an ASCII case-insensitive match for "text/css", then return.

    In particular, a type value with parameters, such as "text/css; charset=utf-8", will cause this algorithm to return early.

  5. If the Should element's inline behavior be blocked by Content Security Policy? algorithm returns "Blocked" when executed upon the style element, "style", and the style element's child text content, then return. [CSP]

  6. Create a CSS style sheet with the following properties:



    owner node



    The media attribute of element.

    This is a reference to the (possibly absent at this time) attribute, rather than a copy of the attribute's current value. CSSOM defines what happens when the attribute is dynamically set, changed, or removed.


    The title attribute of element, if element is in a document tree, or the empty string otherwise.

    Again, this is a reference to the attribute.

    alternate flag


    origin-clean flag


    parent CSS style sheet
    owner CSS rule


    disabled flag

    Left at its default value.

    CSS rules

    Left uninitialized.

    This doesn't seem right. Presumably we should be using the element's child text content? Tracked as issue #2997.

  7. If element contributes a script-blocking style sheet, append element to its node document's script-blocking style sheet set.

  8. If element's media attribute's value matches the environment and element is potentially render-blocking, then block rendering on element.

Once the attempts to obtain the style sheet's critical subresources, if any, are complete, or, if the style sheet has no critical subresources, once the style sheet has been parsed and processed, the user agent must run these steps:

Fetching the critical subresources is not well-defined; probably issue #968 is the best resolution for that. In the meantime, any critical subresource request should have its render-blocking set to whether or not the style element is currently render-blocking.

  1. Let element be the style element associated with the style sheet in question.

  2. Let success be true.

  3. If the attempts to obtain any of the style sheet's critical subresources failed for any reason (e.g., DNS error, HTTP 404 response, a connection being prematurely closed, unsupported Content-Type), set success to false.

    Note that content-specific errors, e.g., CSS parse errors or PNG decoding errors, do not affect success.

  4. Queue an element task on the networking task source given element and the following steps:

    1. If success is true, fire an event named load at element.

    2. Otherwise, fire an event named error at element.

    3. If element contributes a script-blocking style sheet:

      1. Assert: element's node document's script-blocking style sheet set contains element.

      2. Remove element from its node document's script-blocking style sheet set.

    4. Unblock rendering on element.

The element must delay the load event of the element's node document until all the attempts to obtain the style sheet's critical subresources, if any, are complete.

This specification does not specify a style system, but CSS is expected to be supported by most web browsers. [CSS]


Support in all current engines.

Edge (Legacy)12+Internet Explorer5.5+
Firefox Android?Safari iOS?Chrome Android?WebView Android?Samsung Internet?Opera Android12.1+

The media and blocking IDL attributes must each reflect the respective content attributes of the same name.



<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en-US">
  <title>My favorite book</title>
   body { color: black; background: white; }
   em { font-style: normal; color: red; }
  <p>My <em>favorite</em> book of all time has <em>got</em> to be
  <cite>A Cat's Life</cite>. It is a book by P. Rahmel that talks
  about the <i lang="la">Felis catus</i> in modern human society.</p>

4.2.7 Interactions of styling and scripting

If the style sheet referenced no other resources (e.g., it was an internal style sheet given by a style element with no @import rules), then the style rules must be immediately made available to script; otherwise, the style rules must only be made available to script once the event loop reaches its update the rendering step.

An element el in the context of a Document of an HTML parser or XML parser contributes a script-blocking style sheet if all of the following are true:

It is expected that counterparts to the above rules also apply to <?xml-stylesheet?> PIs. However, this has not yet been thoroughly investigated.

A Document has a script-blocking style sheet set, which is an ordered set, initially empty.

A Document document has a style sheet that is blocking scripts if the following steps return true:

  1. If document's script-blocking style sheet set is not empty, then return true.

  2. If document's node navigable is null, then return false.

  3. Let containerDocument be document's node navigable's container document.

  4. If containerDocument is non-null and containerDocument's script-blocking style sheet set is not empty, then return true.

  5. Return false.

A Document has no style sheet that is blocking scripts if it does not have a style sheet that is blocking scripts.