1. 4.11 対話的な要素
      1. 4.11.1 details要素
      2. 4.11.2 summary要素
      3. 4.11.3 コマンド
        1. ファセット
        2. Using the a element to define a command
        3. Using the button element to define a command
        4. Using the input element to define a command
        5. Using the option element to define a command
        6. Using the accesskey attribute on a legend element to define a command
        7. Using the accesskey attribute to define a command on other elements
      4. 4.11.4 dialog要素
      5. 4.11.5 Dialog light dismiss

4.11 対話的な要素

4.11.1 details要素


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name — 相互に排他的なdetails要素のグループの名前
open — detailsが可視かどうか
interface HTMLDetailsElement : HTMLElement {
  [HTMLConstructor] constructor();

  [CEReactions] attribute DOMString name;
  [CEReactions] attribute boolean open;




要素の子である最初のsummary要素がもしあれば、detailsの要約または凡例を表す。If there is no child summary element, the user agent should provide its own legend (e.g. "Details").


nameコンテンツ属性は、要素がメンバーである関連する details要素のグループの名前を与える。このグループの1つのメンバーを開くと、グループの他のメンバーは閉じる。この属性が指定される場合、その値は空文字列であってはならない。


文書には、open属性が存在する同じdetails name group内に複数のdetails要素を含めてはならない。著者は、open属性をもつ複数のdetails要素をdetails name groupに持たせるような方法で、スクリプトを使用して details要素を文書に追加してはならない。


文書には、同じdetails name group内の別のdetails要素の子孫であるdetails要素を含めてはならない。




When the element is created, if the attribute is absent, the additional information should be hidden; if the attribute is present, that information should be shown. Subsequently, if the attribute is removed, then the information should be hidden; if the attribute is added, the information should be shown.

The user agent should allow the user to request that the additional information be shown or hidden. To honor a request for the details to be shown, the user agent must set the open attribute on the element to the empty string. To honor a request for the information to be hidden, the user agent must remove the open attribute from the element.

This ability to request that additional information be shown or hidden may simply be the activation behavior of the appropriate summary element, in the case such an element exists. However, if no such element exists, user agents can still provide this ability through some other user interface affordance.

The details name group that contains a details element a also contains all the other details elements b that fulfill all of the following conditions:

Every details element has a details toggle task tracker, which is a toggle task tracker or null, initially null.

The following attribute change steps, given element, localName, oldValue, value, and namespace, are used for all details elements:

  1. If namespace is not null, then return.

  2. If localName is name, then ensure details exclusivity by closing the given element if needed given element.

  3. If localName is open, then:

    1. If one of oldValue or value is null and the other is not null, run the following steps, which are known as the details notification task steps, for this details element:

      When the open attribute is toggled several times in succession, the resulting tasks essentially get coalesced so that only one event is fired.

      1. If oldValue is null, queue a details toggle event task given the details element, "closed", and "open".

      2. Otherwise, queue a details toggle event task given the details element, "open", and "closed".

    2. If oldValue is null and value is not null, then ensure details exclusivity by closing other elements if needed given element.

The details HTML element insertion steps, given insertedNode, are:

  1. Ensure details exclusivity by closing the given element if needed given insertedNode.

To be clear, these attribute change and insertion steps also run when an attribute or element is inserted via the parser.

To queue a details toggle event task given a details element element, a string oldState, and a string newState:

  1. If element's details toggle task tracker is not null, then:

    1. Set oldState to element's details toggle task tracker's old state.

    2. Remove element's details toggle task tracker's task from its task queue.

    3. Set element's details toggle task tracker to null.

  2. Queue an element task given the DOM manipulation task source and element to run the following steps:

    1. Fire an event named toggle at element, using ToggleEvent, with the oldState attribute initialized to oldState and the newState attribute initialized to newState.

    2. Set element's details toggle task tracker to null.

  3. Set element's details toggle task tracker to a struct with task set to the just-queued task and old state set to oldState.

To ensure details exclusivity by closing other elements if needed given a details element element:

  1. Assert: element has an open attribute.

  2. If element does not have a name attribute, or its name attribute is the empty string, then return.

  3. Let groupMembers be a list of elements, containing all elements in element's details name group except for element, in tree order.

  4. For each element otherElement of groupMembers:

    1. If the open attribute is set on otherElement, then:

      1. Assert: otherElement is the only element in groupMembers that has the open attribute set.

      2. Remove the open attribute on otherElement.

      3. Break.

To ensure details exclusivity by closing the given element if needed given a details element element:

  1. If element does not have an open attribute, then return.

  2. If element does not have a name attribute, or its name attribute is the empty string, then return.

  3. Let groupMembers be a list of elements, containing all elements in element's details name group except for element, in tree order.

  4. For each element otherElement of groupMembers:

    1. If the open attribute is set on otherElement, then:

      1. Remove the open attribute on element.

      2. Break.


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The name and open IDL attributes must reflect the respective content attributes of the same name.

The ancestor details revealing algorithm is to run the following steps on currentNode:

  1. While currentNode has a parent node within the flat tree:

    1. If currentNode is slotted into the second slot of a details element:

      1. Set currentNode to the details element which currentNode is slotted into.

      2. If the open attribute is not set on currentNode, then set the open attribute on currentNode to the empty string.

    2. Otherwise, set currentNode to the parent node of currentNode within the flat tree.


<section class="progress window">
 <h1>Copying "Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams"</h1>
  <summary>Copying... <progress max="375505392" value="97543282"></progress> 25%</summary>
   <dt>Transfer rate:</dt> <dd>452KB/s</dd>
   <dt>Local filename:</dt> <dd>/home/rpausch/raycd.m4v</dd>
   <dt>Remote filename:</dt> <dd>/var/www/lectures/raycd.m4v</dd>
   <dt>Duration:</dt> <dd>01:16:27</dd>
   <dt>Color profile:</dt> <dd>SD (6-1-6)</dd>
   <dt>Dimensions:</dt> <dd>320×240</dd>


 <summary><label for=fn>Name & Extension:</label></summary>
 <p><input type=text id=fn name=fn value="Pillar Magazine.pdf">
 <p><label><input type=checkbox name=ext checked> Hide extension</label>




<section class="characteristics">
 <details name="frame-characteristics">
  The picture frame is made of solid oak wood.
 <details name="frame-characteristics">
  The picture frame fits a photo 40cm tall and 30cm wide.
  The frame is 45cm tall, 35cm wide, and 2cm thick.
 <details name="frame-characteristics">
  The picture frame is available in its natural wood
  color, or with black stain.



<section class="characteristics">
 <details name="frame-characteristics" id="d1" open>...</details>
 <details name="frame-characteristics" id="d2">...</details>
 <details name="frame-characteristics" id="d3">...</details>


document.getElementById("d2").setAttribute("open", "");


<section class="characteristics">
 <details name="frame-characteristics" id="d1">...</details>
 <details name="frame-characteristics" id="d2" open>...</details>
 <details name="frame-characteristics" id="d3">...</details>




 details > summary { transition: color 1s; color: black; }
 details[open] > summary { color: red; }
 <summary>Automated Status: Operational</summary>
 <p>Velocity: 12m/s</p>
 <p>Direction: North</p>

4.11.2 summary要素


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A summary element is a summary for its parent details if the following algorithm returns true:

  1. If this summary element has no parent, then return false.

  2. Let parent be this summary element's parent.

  3. If parent is not a details element, then return false.

  4. If parent's first summary element child is not this summary element, then return false.

  5. Return true.

The activation behavior of summary elements is to run the following steps:

  1. If this summary element is not the summary for its parent details, then return.

  2. Let parent be this summary element's parent.

  3. If the open attribute is present on parent, then remove it. Otherwise, set parent's open attribute to the empty string.

    This will then run the details notification task steps.

4.11.3 コマンド ファセット






たとえば、そのようなコマンドは、ユーザーエージェントのメニューバーにリストされるかもしれない。 Using the a element to define a command

An a element with an href attribute defines a command.

The Label of the command is the element's descendant text content.

The Access Key of the command is the element's assigned access key, if any.

The Hidden State of the command is true (hidden) if the element has a hidden attribute, and false otherwise.

The Disabled State facet of the command is true if the element or one of its ancestors is inert, and false otherwise.

The Action of the command is to fire a click event at the element. Using the button element to define a command

A button element always defines a command.

The Label, Access Key, Hidden State, and Action facets of the command are determined as for a elements (see the previous section).

The Disabled State of the command is true if the element or one of its ancestors is inert, or if the element's disabled state is set, and false otherwise. Using the input element to define a command

An input element whose type attribute is in one of the Submit Button, Reset Button, Image Button, Button, Radio Button, or Checkbox states defines a command.

The Label of the command is determined as follows:

Even though the value attribute on input elements in the Image Button state is non-conformant, the attribute can still contribute to the Label determination, if it is present and the Image Button's alt attribute is missing.

The Access Key of the command is the element's assigned access key, if any.

The Hidden State of the command is true (hidden) if the element has a hidden attribute, and false otherwise.

The Disabled State of the command is true if the element or one of its ancestors is inert, or if the element's disabled state is set, and false otherwise.

The Action of the command is to fire a click event at the element. Using the option element to define a command

An option element with an ancestor select element and either no value attribute or a value attribute that is not the empty string defines a command.

The Label of the command is the value of the option element's label attribute, if there is one, or else the option element's descendant text content, with ASCII whitespace stripped and collapsed.

The Access Key of the command is the element's assigned access key, if any.

The Hidden State of the command is true (hidden) if the element has a hidden attribute, and false otherwise.

The Disabled State of the command is true if the element is disabled, or if its nearest ancestor select element is disabled, or if it or one of its ancestors is inert, and false otherwise.

If the option's nearest ancestor select element has a multiple attribute, the Action of the command is to toggle the option element. Otherwise, the Action is to pick the option element. Using the accesskey attribute on a legend element to define a command

A legend element defines a command if all of the following are true:

The Label of the command is the element's descendant text content.

The Access Key of the command is the element's assigned access key.

The Hidden State, Disabled State, and Action facets of the command are the same as the respective facets of the legend element's accesskey delegatee.

In this example, the legend element specifies an accesskey, which, when activated, will delegate to the input element inside the legend element.

 <legend accesskey=p>
  <label>I want <input name=pizza type=number step=1 value=1 min=0>
   pizza(s) with these toppings</label>
 <label><input name=pizza-cheese type=checkbox checked> Cheese</label>
 <label><input name=pizza-ham type=checkbox checked> Ham</label>
 <label><input name=pizza-pineapple type=checkbox> Pineapple</label>
</fieldset> Using the accesskey attribute to define a command on other elements

An element that has an assigned access key defines a command.

If one of the earlier sections that define elements that define commands define that this element defines a command, then that section applies to this element, and this section does not. Otherwise, this section applies to that element.

The Label of the command depends on the element. If the element is a labeled control, the descendant text content of the first label element in tree order whose labeled control is the element in question is the Label (in JavaScript terms, this is given by element.labels[0].textContent). Otherwise, the Label is the element's descendant text content.

The Access Key of the command is the element's assigned access key.

The Hidden State of the command is true (hidden) if the element has a hidden attribute, and false otherwise.

The Disabled State of the command is true if the element or one of its ancestors is inert, and false otherwise.

The Action of the command is to run the following steps:

  1. Run the focusing steps for the element.
  2. Fire a click event at the element.

4.11.4 dialog要素


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closedby — Which user actions will close the dialog
open — ダイアログボックスが見えるかどうか
interface HTMLDialogElement : HTMLElement {
  [HTMLConstructor] constructor();

  [CEReactions] attribute boolean open;
  attribute DOMString returnValue;
  [CEReactions] attribute DOMString closedBy;
  [CEReactions] undefined show();
  [CEReactions] undefined showModal();
  [CEReactions] undefined close(optional DOMString returnValue);
  [CEReactions] undefined requestClose(optional DOMString returnValue);






  <label>Product Number <input type="text" readonly></label>
  <label>Product Name <input type="text" autofocus></label>

autofocus属性が存在しない場合、Product Numberフィールドはダイアログフォーカスステップによってフォーカスされる。これは合理的な動作であるが、Product Numberフィールドは読み取り専用であり、ユーザー入力を想定していないため、Product Nameフィールドにフォーカスを当てる方が適切であると著者は判断した。そこで、著者はデフォルトを上書きするためにオートフォーカスを使用した。

たとえ著者がデフォルトでProduct Numberフィールドにフォーカスしたいとしても、input要素にオートフォーカスを使用して明示的に指定するのが最良である。これは、コードの将来の読者に対して意図を明確にし、将来の更新に対してコードが堅牢であり続けることを保証する。(たとえば、別の開発者が閉じるボタンを追加し、ノードツリーのProduct Numberフィールドの前に配置した場合)。



<dialog style="height: 80vh;">
  <div style="overflow: auto; height: 60vh;" autofocus>
    <p>By placing an order via this Web site on the first day of the fourth month of the year
    2010 Anno Domini, you agree to grant Us a non-transferable option to claim, for now and for
    ever more, your immortal soul.</p>
    <p>Should We wish to exercise this option, you agree to surrender your immortal soul,
    and any claim you may have on it, within 5 (five) working days of receiving written
    notification from  this site or one of its duly authorized minions.</p>
    <!-- ... etc., with many more <p> elements ... -->
  <form method="dialog">
    <button type="submit" value="agree">Agree</button>
    <button type="submit" value="disagree">Disagree</button>


対照的に、利用規約を表すp要素にそのようなラッパーdiv要素がない場合、dialog自身がスクロール可能になり、上記のアドバイスに違反する。さらに、autofocus属性が存在しない場合、そのようなマークアップパターンは上記のアドバイスに違反し、ダイアログフォーカスステップのデフォルト動作を中断させ、フォーカスがAgree buttonにジャンプする原因となる。これは、悪いユーザー体験となる。


 <h1>Add to Wallet</h1>
 <p><strong><label for=amt>How many gold coins do you want to add to your wallet?</label></strong></p>
 <p><input id=amt name=amt type=number min=0 step=0.01 value=100></p>
 <p><small>You add coins at your own risk.</small></p>
 <p><label><input name=round type=checkbox> Only add perfectly round coins</label></p>
 <p><input type=button onclick="submit()" value="Add Coins"></p>


The closedby content attribute is an enumerated attribute with the following keywords and states:

anyAnyClose requests or clicks outside close the dialog.
closerequestClose RequestClose requests close the dialog.
noneNoneNo user actions automatically close the dialog.

The closedby attribute's invalid value default and missing value default are both the Auto state.

The Auto state behaves as Close Request state when the dialog was shown using its showModal() method; otherwise the None state.



これらの理由から、open属性を手動で削除しない方が一般的には良い方法である。Instead, use the requestClose() or close() methods to close the dialog, or the hidden attribute to hide it.




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dialog.close([ result ])


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dialog.requestClose([ result ])

Acts as if a close request was sent targeting dialog, by first firing a cancel event, and if that event is not canceled with preventDefault(), proceeding to close the dialog in the same way as the close() method (including firing a close event).

これは、キャンセルおよびクローズロジックをcancelおよびcloseイベントハンドラーに統合するために使用できるヘルパーユーティリティであり、非close requestのすべてのクローズアフォーダンスでこのメソッドを呼び出すことができる。

Note that this method ignores the closedby attribute: that is, even if closedby is set to "none", the same behavior will apply.


dialog.returnValue [ = result ]


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The show() method steps are:

  1. If this has an open attribute and is modal of this is false, then return.

  2. If this has an open attribute, then throw an "InvalidStateError" DOMException.

  3. If the result of firing an event named beforetoggle, using ToggleEvent, with the cancelable attribute initialized to true, the oldState attribute initialized to "closed", and the newState attribute initialized to "open" at this is false, then return.

  4. If this has an open attribute, then return.

  5. Queue a dialog toggle event task given this, "closed", and "open".

  6. Add an open attribute to this, whose value is the empty string.

  7. Assert: this's node document's open dialogs list does not contain this.

  8. Add this to this's node document's open dialogs list.

  9. Set the dialog close watcher with this.

  10. Set this's previously focused element to the focused element.

  11. Let document be this's node document.

  12. Let hideUntil be the result of running topmost popover ancestor given this, document's showing hint popover list, null, and false.

  13. If hideUntil is null, then set hideUntil to the result of running topmost popover ancestor given this, document's showing auto popover list, null, and false.

  14. If hideUntil is null, then set hideUntil to document.

  15. Run hide all popovers until given hideUntil, false, and true.

  16. Run the dialog focusing steps given this.

The showModal() method steps are to show a modal dialog given this.

The close(returnValue) method steps are:

  1. If returnValue is not given, then set it to null.

  2. Close the dialog this with returnValue.

The requestClose(returnValue) method steps are:

  1. If this does not have an open attribute, then return.

  2. Assert: this's close watcher is not null.

  3. Set dialog's enable close watcher for requestClose() to true.

  4. If returnValue is not given, then set it to null.

  5. Set this's request close return value to returnValue.

  6. Request to close dialog's close watcher with false.

  7. Set dialog's enable close watcher for requestClose() to false.




The returnValue IDL attribute, on getting, must return the last value to which it was set. On setting, it must be set to the new value. When the element is created, it must be set to the empty string.

The closedBy getter steps are to return the keyword corresponding to the computed closed-by state given this.

The closedBy setter steps are to set the closedby content attribute to the given value.


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open IDL属性は、openコンテンツ属性を反映しなければならない。

Each Document has a dialog pointerdown target, which is an HTML dialog element or null, initially null.

Each HTML element has a previously focused element which is null or an element, and it is initially null. When showModal() and show() are called, this element is set to the currently focused element before running the dialog focusing steps. Elements with the popover attribute set this element to the currently focused element during the show popover algorithm.

Each dialog element has a dialog toggle task tracker, which is a toggle task tracker or null, initially null.

Each dialog element has a close watcher, which is a close watcher or null, initially null.

Each dialog element has a request close return value, which is a string, initially null.

Each dialog element has an enable close watcher for requestClose() boolean, initially false.

Each dialog element has an is modal boolean, initially false.

The dialog HTML element removing steps, given removedNode and oldParent, are:

  1. If removedNode's close watcher is not null, then:

    1. Destroy removedNode's close watcher.

    2. Set removedNode's close watcher to null.

  2. If removedNode's node document's top layer contains removedNode, then remove an element from the top layer immediately given removedNode.

  3. Set is modal of removedNode to false.

  4. Remove removedNode from removedNode's node document's open dialogs list.

To show a modal dialog given a dialog element subject:

  1. If subject has an open attribute and is modal of subject is true, then return.

  2. If subject has an open attribute, then throw an "InvalidStateError" DOMException.

  3. If subject's node document is not fully active, then throw an "InvalidStateError" DOMException.

  4. If subject is not connected, then throw an "InvalidStateError" DOMException.

  5. If subject is in the popover showing state, then throw an "InvalidStateError" DOMException.

  6. If the result of firing an event named beforetoggle, using ToggleEvent, with the cancelable attribute initialized to true, the oldState attribute initialized to "closed", and the newState attribute initialized to "open" at subject is false, then return.

  7. If subject has an open attribute, then return.

  8. If subject is not connected, then return.

  9. If subject is in the popover showing state, then return.

  10. Queue a dialog toggle event task given subject, "closed", and "open".

  11. Add an open attribute to subject, whose value is the empty string.

  12. Set is modal of subject to true.

  13. Assert: subject's node document's open dialogs list does not contain subject.

  14. Add subject to subject's node document's open dialogs list.

  15. Let subject's node document be blocked by the modal dialog subject.

    This will cause the focused area of the document to become inert (unless that currently focused area is a shadow-including descendant of subject). In such cases, the focused area of the document will soon be reset to the viewport. In a couple steps we will attempt to find a better candidate to focus.

  16. If subject's node document's top layer does not already contain subject, then add an element to the top layer given subject.

  17. Set the dialog close watcher with subject.

  18. Set subject's previously focused element to the focused element.

  19. Let document be subject's node document.

  20. Let hideUntil be the result of running topmost popover ancestor given subject, document's showing hint popover list, null, and false.

  21. If hideUntil is null, then set hideUntil to the result of running topmost popover ancestor given subject, document's showing auto popover list, null, and false.

  22. If hideUntil is null, then set hideUntil to document.

  23. Run hide all popovers until given hideUntil, false, and true.

  24. Run the dialog focusing steps given subject.

To set the dialog close watcher, given a dialog element dialog:

  1. Set dialog's close watcher to the result of establishing a close watcher given dialog's relevant global object, with:

The is valid invoker command steps for dialog elements, given a command attribute command, are:

  1. If command is in the Close state or in the Show Modal state, then return true.

  2. falseを返す。

The invoker command steps for dialog elements, given an element element, an element invoker, and a command attribute command, are:

  1. If element is in the popover showing state, then return.

  2. If command is in the Close state and element has an open attribute:

    1. Let value be invoker's value.

    2. Close the dialog element with value.

  3. If command is the Show Modal state and element does not have an open attribute, then show a modal dialog given element.

The following buttons use commandfor to open and close a "confirm" dialog as modal when activated:

<button type=button
<dialog id="the-dialog">
 <form action="/delete" method="POST">
  <button type="submit">
  <button commandfor="the-dialog"

When a dialog element subject is to be closed, with null or a string result, run these steps:

  1. If subject does not have an open attribute, then return.

  2. Fire an event named beforetoggle, using ToggleEvent, with the oldState attribute initialized to "open" and the newState attribute initialized to "closed" at subject.

  3. If subject does not have an open attribute, then return.

  4. Queue a dialog toggle event task given subject, "open", and "closed".

  5. Remove subject's open attribute.

  6. If is modal of subject is true, then request an element to be removed from the top layer given subject.

  7. Let wasModal be the value of subject's is modal flag.

  8. Set is modal of subject to false.

  9. Remove subject from subject's node document's open dialogs list.

  10. If result is not null, then set the returnValue attribute to result.

  11. Set the request close return value to null.

  12. If subject's previously focused element is not null, then:

    1. Let element be subject's previously focused element.

    2. Set subject's previously focused element to null.

    3. If subject's node document's focused area of the document's DOM anchor is a shadow-including inclusive descendant of subject, or wasModal is true, then run the focusing steps for element; the viewport should not be scrolled by doing this step.

  13. Queue an element task on the user interaction task source given the subject element to fire an event named close at subject.

  14. If subject's close watcher is not null, then:

    1. Destroy subject's close watcher.

    2. Set subject's close watcher to null.

To queue a dialog toggle event task given a dialog element element, a string oldState, and a string newState:

  1. If element's dialog toggle task tracker is not null, then:

    1. Set oldState to element's dialog toggle task tracker's old state.

    2. Remove element's dialog toggle task tracker's task from its task queue.

    3. Set element's dialog toggle task tracker to null.

  2. Queue an element task given the DOM manipulation task source and element to run the following steps:

    1. Fire an event named toggle at element, using ToggleEvent, with the oldState attribute initialized to oldState and the newState attribute initialized to newState.

    2. Set element's dialog toggle task tracker to null.

  3. Set element's dialog toggle task tracker to a struct with task set to the just-queued task and old state set to oldState.

To retrieve a dialog's computed closed-by state, given a dialog dialog:

  1. If the state of dialog's closedby attribute is Auto:

    1. If dialog's is modal is true, then return Close Request.

    2. Return None.

  2. Return the state of dialog's closedby attribute.

The dialog focusing steps, given a dialog element subject, are as follows:

  1. If the allow focus steps given subject's node document return false, then return.

  2. Let control be null.

  3. If subject has the autofocus attribute, then set control to subject.

  4. If control is null, then set control to the focus delegate of subject.

  5. If control is null, then set control to subject.

  6. Run the focusing steps for control.

    If control is not focusable, this will do nothing. This would only happen if subject had no focus delegate, and the user agent decided that dialog elements were not generally focusable. In that case, any earlier modifications to the focused area of the document will apply.

  7. Let topDocument be control's node navigable's top-level traversable's active document.

  8. If control's node document's origin is not the same as the origin of topDocument, then return.

  9. Empty topDocument's autofocus candidates.

  10. Set topDocument's autofocus processed flag to true.

4.11.5 Dialog light dismiss

"Light dismiss" means that clicking outside of a dialog element whose closedby attribute is in the Any state will close the dialog element. This is in addition to how such dialogs respond to close requests.

To light dismiss open dialogs, given a PointerEvent event:

  1. Assert: event's isTrusted attribute is true.

  2. Let document be event's target's node document.

  3. If document's open dialogs list is empty, then return.

  4. Let ancestor be the result of running nearest clicked dialog given event.

  5. If event's type is "pointerdown", then set document's dialog pointerdown target to ancestor.

  6. If event's type is "pointerup", then:

    1. Let sameTarget be true if ancestor is document's dialog pointerdown target.

    2. Set document's dialog pointerdown target to null.

    3. If sameTarget is false, then return.

    4. Let topmostDialog be the last element of document's open dialogs list.

    5. If ancestor is topmostDialog, then return.

    6. If topmostDialog's computed closed-by state is not Any, then return.

    7. Assert: topmostDialog's close watcher is not null.

    8. Request to close topmostDialog's close watcher with false.

To run light dismiss activities, given a PointerEvent event:

  1. Run light dismiss open popovers with event.

  2. Run light dismiss open dialogs with event.

Run light dismiss activities will be called by the Pointer Events spec when the user clicks or touches anywhere on the page.

To find the nearest clicked dialog, given a PointerEvent event:

  1. Let target be event's target.

  2. If target is a dialog element, target has an open attribute, target's is modal is true, and event's clientX and clientY are outside the bounds of target, then return null.

    The check for clientX and clientY is because a pointer event that hits the ::backdrop pseudo element of a dialog will result in event having a target of the dialog element itself.

  3. Let currentNode be target.

  4. While currentNode is not null:

    1. If currentNode is a dialog element and currentNode has an open attribute, then return currentNode.

    2. Set currentNode to currentNode's parent in the flat tree.

  5. Return null.